His Ex wife is a billionaire (Evadne and Thaddeus) Novel Full Episode

His Ex wife is a billionaire Chapter 671

Chapter 671 

Elsie’s silver stilettos clicked sharply against the opulent corridor of the Velvet Haven, her pace brisk as she made a beeline for the VIP Room 001. 

“Ms. Archer! Thank heavens you’ve arrived!” 

At the entrance, the anxious manager and a handful of hostesses stood trembling, unsure of what to do next. Two of the girls were particularly battered–one with a gash on her forehead, trickling blood like scattered stars down her cheek, the other with a blackened eye, both clearly in severe pain. 

“How could they be so brutal!” 

Elsie’s heart ached at the sight, and she scolded the manager fiercely, “Are you here to loaf around? They’re seriously hurt and you haven’t taken them to the hospital yet? What are you waiting for?” 

“Ms. Archer, the hospital is the least of our worries. We need to handle the big trouble inside immediately!” 

The manager was sweating bullets, “Mr. Matthew is a VIP, and on top of that, he’s Mr. Avery‘ own brother. How are we supposed to clean up this mess?” 


Elsie’s eyes were cold and sharp, her teeth clenched in anger, “What kind of VIP? He’s nothing but a pampered pooch that can’t control its own urges! And let me make this clear, no matter what happens, nothing is more important than the safety of our people. Take them to the hospital right now. I’ll take care of things here.” 

The girls were tearfully grateful, thanking her profusely. 

Inside the Velvet Haven, the only one with a shred of humanity was Ms. Archer herself. 

More sounds of smashing bottles erupted from within, like a barrage of artillery fire. 

With a forceful kick, Elsie burst through the door, unflinching and determined. 

Matthew, drunk on power and booze, was wrecking the place like a bulldozer through a china shop, while his cronies cheered him on, clapping and laughing. 

But with Elsie’s entrance, the air froze. 

The eyes of these hyenas were immediately drawn to her stunning beauty and graceful figure, leering at her with voracious desire. 

“Holy smokes, she’s a spitting image of Evadne!” 

To keep such a knockout hidden away is a crime! She should be the star attraction of the Velvet Haven!” 

Matthew turned, panting with exertion. 

Seeing Elsie was like a cold slap – Evadne was a beauty, but a thorny one! 

After all, that cunning woman had played Byron and Bertha like a fiddle, nearly causing him to take a serious fall. The sight of her face struck fear into his heart

“Mr. Matthew, had your fun yet?” 

Elsie calmly surveyed the wreckage, then sauntered over and picked up the lone surviving crystal vase from a shelf. 

In the next second, with wide eyes, she hoisted the vase and smashed it towards Matthew’s feet


The vase shattered, and the fragments exploded, startling him into a comical leap. The dignified heir was undone, his facade of grace dissolving into ridicule. 

This room’s most expensive piece, and you didn’t smash it? I didn’t want you to overexert yourself, so I took the liberty.” 

Elsie crossed her arms, a mocking smile playing on her l*ps, “No need to thank me.” 

Matthew glared at her, his temples throbbing with fury


“Oh, and Mr. Matthew, you do understand the concept of compensating for damaged property, right? Not to mention the staff you’ve injured Medical expenses need to be covered.” 

Elsie blinked innocently, her slender fingers delicately tallying the chaos around her, “Let’s see your damages come to about four hundred thousand. Add the vase I just helped you with, plus the medical fees, and I’ll give you a discount–six hundred thousand 


Be sure to settle up on your way out, Mr. Matthew Tonight’s service fee? [ll waive it.” 

Six hundred thousand, are you out of your mind?” Matthew’s teeth were practically grinding to dust. 

“You’re the heir to the Chambers Group, the former CEO. Six hundred thousand is pocket change to you, surely you can afford it?” Elsie’s los curved in a taunting smile. 

The room fell silent, stunned. 

This woman not only bore a striking resemblance to Evadne but seemed to have channeled her fiery spirit as well. 

The manager gaped at Elsie, his heart pounding like a drum in his chest. 

This wasn’t the Ms. Archer he knew. 

  • Whenever the Velvet Haven’s patrons got rowdy in the past, she had always resolved things peacefully, without direct confrontation. 

Yet facing Matthew, she was like a lioness provoked, clearly baiting him. 

The words “former CEO seemed to pierce Matthew like a knife. 

He lunged at Elsie, veins bulging as he grasped her throat and slammed her against the wall! 

The room gasped in horror! 

And yet, no one dared to intervene! 

“You damn b*tch, are you asking for it?” 

Elsie’s face turned a deep shade of red, tears welling but not falling. 

Just as Matthew thought she would succumb, she slowly curled her l*ps into a smile. 

Her pain–laced grin was a clear mockery of him! 

“How dare you smile!” 

As Matthew’s rage reached its peak, a chill sliced through the air behind him. 

Suddenly, he felt a grip on his collar, his hand releasing Elsie’s n*eck. 

Immediately after, a powerful punch hit him square in the face, sending a spray of blood from his nose! 


Matthew clutched his bleeding nose, stumbling back, finally seeing the icy, handsome face of his assailant, Avery. 

Elsie slumped to the floor, gasping for breath. 

At that moment, one thought consumed her. Had Elvis made it out of the Velvet Haven safely? 

“Son of a b*tch, it’s you, ugh!” 

Before Matthew could finish, Avery stepped forward, hoisting him by his collar for another devastating punch. 

As several black–suited bouncers appeared, silently escorting the other patrons out and shutting the door, the opulent VIP room became an arena for settling scores with Matthew

Avery straddled him, his expression numb as he rained down punch after punch. 

Matthew’s eyes were swollen shut, and his front tooth was missing. He was a pitiful sight, a mess of bruises and bloodied 


“Mr. Avery, that’s enough, please. If you keep this up, he’s going to get killed.” 

It wasn’t until Harvey, the voice of reason, spoke up that Avery reluctantly unclenched his fists and slowly stood up from the beaten figure sprawled on the floor. 

From his pocket, Avery produced a pristine white handkerchief and meticulously wiped the blood from his knuckles, then with touch of disdain, he tossed the now soiled fabric onto Matthew’s battered face

“You hit me?” Matthew stammered, stars dancing in his vision, his words slurred by the blood filling his mouth. 

“You come into my establishment, start trouble, and lay hands on my people. Matthew, have I been too lenient with you? Avery loomed over him, a cold smile playing on his l*ps

“Your establishment?” Matthew’s eyes widened in disbelief. 

“The Velvet Haven is Mr. Avery’s property, every brick in this place belongs to him,” Harvey interjected with a hint of pride. 



Matthew was dumbstruck, speechless! 

The country’s top–tier club, a den of luxury and exclusivity where membership was a coveted badge of status, and Avery was the enigmatic owner behind it all? 

A mere castoff who had only just found his footing in the Chambers Group, how could he have amassed such an empire? It had to be some kind of cruel joke! 

“If you had behaved yourself while patronizing my club, there would have been no issue. But, it seems asking for basic decency is too much for you.” 

Avery turned and approached Elsie, extending a hand to her with the same grace and nobility as he did when they first met. But now, the meaning was worlds apart. 

Once, Avery’s hand was one of salvation, lifting her from the depths of despair to a new hope. But now, that same hand seemed to push her further into the abyss, time and again delivering her to the mercy of devils. 

She saw through it all now, her heart chilled to the core. 

His pity, his charity–she wanted none of it anymore. 

“No trouble, Mr. Avery. I can manage on my own,” Elsie said, steadying her breath and rising shakily to her feet. 

Avery’s gaze was impassive as he simply turned to Harvey. 

Quick to act, Harvey draped Avery‘ coat over Elsie’s shoulders. “Ms. Archer, Mr. Avery rushed here as soon as he heard you were in trouble, to take care of the situation for you. He’s been so good to you.” 

Elsie said nothing, her eyes downturned. 

“Avery, all this time, you’ve been playing us for fools. You’ve always been in disguise!” Matthew’s voice trembled with realization as he pointed at Avery’s face, as if truly seeing him for the first time. 

“Have I been pretending? Or have you simply been blind?” Avery scoffed coldly. “You’ve never really looked at me. You’ve always seen me as that weak kid from fifteen years ago, the one you could push around at will. Not only are you blind, Matthew, but you’re also stupid and arrogant. But I do thank you for underestimating me. It’s because of your arrogance that my victory is so sweet and your defeat so complete.” 

“Victory? You speak too soon!” Matthew spat out, dizzy and unable to rise off the floor. “I’ve already taken down Cassius and my father trusts me again, ready to promote me. Do you think you can play CEO much longer? Opening a joint like this suits you better!” 

“Do you really think you were the one who took down Cassius?” Avery looked down on him with contempt. 

Matthew felt a sudden tightness in his chest. “What do you mean?” 

“Never mind, let’s not wake you from your dream just yet.” 

Avery wrapped an arm around Elsie’s trembling shoulders and headed for the door. “Don’t worry about the damages; save your money for a doctor to look at that face of yours.” 

As they stepped out, Matthew let out a spiteful, piercing laugh. 

Ha! Avery! You’re a pathetic freak! You couldn’t have Evadne, so you keep a woman who looks like her by your side! How miserable you are, a fake because the real thing is out of reach. But as a bastard, you can only win Dad’s attention through scheming. You are only fit for such counterfeit goods! You’ll never beat Thaddeus and you’ll never have Evadne, never!” 

Avery’s eyes blazed with fury, but he walked on, his grip on Elsie’s shoulder tightening just enough to convey his unspoken 



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