His Ex wife is a billionaire (Evadne and Thaddeus) Novel Full Episode

His Ex wife is a billionaire Chapter 670

Chapter 670 

In a flash, Elsie felt as if her throat had closed up, her breathing hitting a sudden pause button! 

Elvis furrowed his brows, scrutinizing the woman’s flushed face with a disdainful sneer silently forming in his heart. 

He thought, “Will I be killed by Avery or by you? I haven’t forgotten that night, your cunning attempt to get close to me, along with that seemingly decorative hairpin concealing a deadly poison in your hair. Oh, the intrigue. You and your boss Avery are quite the duo, one playing the good cop, the other the bad cop, all in cahoots, right? 

Tonight’s just another act in your little play, isn’t it? Snaky Avery using you to play damsel in distress, hoping to bait the hero in me? Do you think I’m the fool, or just haven’t been around the block enough to see through a woman? Even if I was a lech driven by lust, the sight of your face would turn the devil inside me into a saint.” 

The smirk hovering on Elvis‘ l*ps sent a shiver down Elsie’s spine. She bit her red l*p, her back pressed against the cold metal 


“Oh? I’m curious, Ms. Archer, who do you reckon will be my end?” 

“You need to leave, now.” 

“And risk running into snake, who’s as deceitful as he come?” 

Elvis was on the verge of bursting out Avery’s name, his expression dripping with scorn, “Then let him come at me, I’d like to see what he’s got. 

Elsie’s glossy eyes were stretched wide with tension, the internal strings of her mind on the verge of snapping, her voice trembling, “When did you know?” 

“The moment we first crossed paths at the bar. I saw you get into Avery’s car with my own eyes.” 

A playful smile played on Elvis‘ l*ps as his cold fingers pinched her chin, “But don’t be scared. Even though I know you’re one of Avery’s, I wouldn’t lay a finger on you. You are different from Avery” 

A ripple stirred in Elsie’s otherwise still heart, warmth trickling through her. 

But the man’s next words made her heart plummet. 

“Besides, with your face, I could never bring myself to harm you,” Elvis whispered huskily, leaning close to her ear. 

A sting of pain in her heart, Elsie pushed against his chest, “I know I look like your sister, but Evadne is Evadne, and I am me.” 

Elvis could feel the shift in her emotions and scoffed coldly. 

He thought, “You thrive in the night life with Evadne’s face, winning Avery’s favor. You’re the ultimate beneficiary of that face. I haven’t made a fuss, and yet, here you are, getting all worked up about it. Isn’t that a bit hypocritica!?” 

Elsie suppressed her emotions; her l*ps parting softly, “Mr. Chambers won’t let anyone off easily who trespasses in the Velvet Haven. I don’t care about your purpose, but I’m telling you, you can make your move anywhere else, but not here! Once you step in, no matter your skills, you won’t be leaving!” 

Elvis chuckled, It’s that formidable, huh? Then I simply must stay to see for myself.” 

“Elvis, don’t you care about yourself, or Ms. Evadne?” 

As time ticked away, Elsie, in a panic, clutched at his shirt, “I may not have a family, but even I understand that feeling! If something happens to you, won’t your family grieve? Won’t Ms. Evadne be heartbroken? Isn’t your sudden demise unfair to everyone? Chairman Emeric was just hospitalized; don’t you care about him at all?” 

In an instant, their noses were nearly touching

Elsie’s warm breath, laced with the sweet scent of red wine, wafted around Elvis‘ chiseled jaw, his eyes reflecting the tiny sparkles of emotion in hers, his brow shadowed with complexity. 

Was this concern part of her act too? 

He thought, “If you’re going to play the game, might as well play it to the hilt, right?” 

“Is this where Matthew is? he murmured

With that single phrase, realization dawned on Elsie, “You’re here for President Ashbourne’s affair, to seek revenge?” 

“Ah, Ms. Archer, you truly have the sharpest wit. Staying here to tend the bar is truly beneath your talents.” 

Elvis smirked. “Just a mention of Matthew, and you’ve deduced I’m here for revenge. Not only that, you even know it’s about my 

older brother” 


A flush of heat crept up Elsie’s cheeks. 

Clever as she was, in front of this man, her mind seemed to short–circuit, ensnaring herself in her own trap. 

“I’ve been by Mr. Avery’s side; I know about the Chambers Group’s affairs.” 

Suddenly, Elsie’s breath hitched as Elvis covered her mouth. 

At the same time, the footsteps of two black–suited b*dyguards grew closer. 

“Huh? Did I hear voices?” 

The footsteps paused near the storage rack. 

Elsie’s forehead beaded with sweat, her breaths quick with anxiety, her heart pounding against her ribcage. 

But Elvis remained calm, his gaze steady. He lifted his strong hand to the back of her head, his fingers weaving into her hair, gently pulling her head into his chest. 

In that moment, Elsie’s entire being relaxed slightly, her eyelids drooping. 

As if the intruder caught in the trap was herself. 

“You’re hearing things. Must be the exhaustion talking. Let’s head to the foyer; Mr. Avery will be back any minute.” 

The footsteps hurried away. 

Yet Elvis kept his embrace, their breaths intertwining, neither of them moving. 

“Matthew brought quite the entourage today, and with the Velvet Haven’s goons, even with your skills, you might be at a disadvantage.” 

Elsie, blushing at the ear, inhaled his crisp tobacco scent, “If your goal is to get back at Matthew, I have a more reliable way.” 

Elvis looked down at her, “What’s that?” 

“Follow me.” 

Elsie deftly avoided all the cameras, leading Elvis into her own room. 

For now, this was the safest place in the Velvet Haven. 

After locking the door, Elsie rushed into her study. 

Elvis followed, his professional caution scanning every corner of the room. 

In the corner of the king–sized bed, a menagerie of plush toys held court: a pink bunny, a tender yellow lab, and a clumsy black–and–white penguin that seemed almost comically out of place. 

Elvis couldn’t hide his surprise. 

He would’ve pegged her as the type to be drowning in a sea of luxury brands, not cuddly stuffed animals. It was a stark contrast to his little sister, who had always preferred play–fighting with swords and toy guns, 

Quickly, Elsie retrieved a manila envelope from the bottom drawer of her desk and handed it to Elvis. 

He took it with a puzzled look, “What’s this?” 

“This, Elsie said with urgency, is what Mr. Avery asked me to dig up. It’s evidence of Matthew using the Chambers Group’s scholarship fund to coerce girls into unspeakable acts.” 

She spoke rapidly, worried about the time, Many of these victims are underage. He didn’t just strongarm them into submission to the powerful–he’s personally responsible for their torment. I don’t have time to explain. Just read this, and you’ll understand!” 

Elvis was instantly livid, his eyes blazing with fury, “Another monster! The Chambers Group is breeding vermin!” 

That bastard Matthew, he’s gonna wish I hadn’t caught him. I’ll neuter the dog and feed his pride to the hounds!” 

The Chambers brothers are all cut from the same cloth. Byron is a beast in plain sight, but Matthew is even more revolting. He’s the devil in disguise, hiding behind charity and public service, paving his road to hell with the blood and tears of those girls. Go through that folder, and you’ll see what I mean. Every single file is enough to make your blood boil!” 

Elsie stamped her foot in frustration, forgetting she was in heels, and almost toppled to the side

Elvis‘ quick reflexes saved her from a fall as he caught her around the waist, steadying her. 

Ththank you,” she stammered, her cheeks aflame. 

“Does this ‘monster‘ description include Avery?” Elvis asked, the question hanging heavy in the air. 


17 04 

Chapter 670 

Elsie’s lashes trembled as she looked down, “Every hostess at the Velvet Haven is there by choice.” 

“And you? You chose to be with him?” Elvis‘ eyes narrowed suspiciously as he withdrew his support. 

Elsie felt as if her heart was being crushed, the pain almost palpable, “Yes, it was my 


Elvis tilted his head, a sardonic half–smile on his l*ps. Whatever her reasons were, he needed to remember–she belonged to Avery. 

“Take this evidence back to Ms. Evadne and Mr. Thaddeus.” 

Her eyes blazed with determination, “This is Matthew’s Achilles‘ heel. They’ll use it to bring him down, much better than any direct confrontation.” 

Aren’t you scared of getting caught by Avery? Of being punished or worse?” Elvis asked before concealing the envelope in his 


“I’m scared,” Elsie admitted, then her l*ps curved into a smile, “But I owe you one.” 

“A favor?” 

“The night my stomach was acting up, thank you for leaving me those antacids.” 

Even though she never got to take them–Avery had crushed them to powder. 

Elvis had forgotten, but with her reminder, he recalled, “Oh, no big deal.” 

Her phone rang. It was one of her subordinates. 

“Ms. Archer, Mr. Avery has returned. He’s in the parking garage.” 

“Got it.” 

After hanging up, Elsie pulled Elvis urgently, “We need to leave, Mr. Avery is back!” 

“Don’t panic, I’ll get out just fine.” 

“And how do you plan to do that? Every exit has cameras. You can’t just vanish into thin air!” Panic was evident in Elsie’s voice, knowing Avery could be monitoring them at any moment. 

“Who needs doors? Real men don’t need them,” Elvis said cockily. 

The tension was palpable, but Elsie couldn’t help but chuckle at his bravado. 

Then came the knock at the door, followed by a woman’s voice, “Ms, Archer, are you in there?” 

“What’s the issue?” Elsie’s voice was cold, hiding her panic. 

“Room 001 has a situation. Mr. Matthew insists on your attendance. When the manager explained you’re not seeing clients, Mr. Matthew flew into a rage. He’s trashed the room and injured two girls. How should we handle this?” 

A plan formed in Elsie’s mind, “I’ll go see him.” 

Once the woman left, Elsie took a deep breath, facing Elvis with fierce determination, “Matthew and Mr. Avery are arch–enemies. I’ll create a distraction, and he’ll be drawn away. You need to leave, now.” 

With that, she turned to go. 

Elvis‘ brow furrowed, he suddenly caught her delicate arm, “Do you really have to see him?” 

Their eyes locked, and Elsie felt a jolt to her heart. 

Yes, it’s the only way you’ll get out of here safely,” 

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