Her Forever

Chapter 76


After talking to Seth, Gaia and I had calmed down considerably. Ariande said it would have been best to have me in a calm state before the ritual. I wasn’t sure what I was to do, but she said she would invoke the powers of Hecate and the spirits of the East. The East spirits represent birth, or a new beginning, such as the sun rises in the East. It was all very complicated, and I didn’t understand half of what she said, so I continued nodding at the right times.

“…and so, this should help us strengthen your inner wolf’s ability to heal not only itself but others as well.” Ariande let out a large breath. I gave one giant nod and a smile to show my approval. She looked at me and shook her head. She knew exactly what I just did. I had no idea what she was talking about.

After several trips by the guards we were given all the supplies needed for the ritual. A large pentagram was placed with a chalk and salt-like mixture in a large circle. Several candles at various heights and a newborn fawn lay at the East side of the star. It was to be the sacrifice to the East spirits. I was having a hard time letting the poor thing down, but the warriors came near the circle and took her from me. Marcellus would be joining in a few minutes, and I guess me crying over the sacrifice of a fawn would piss him off.

Ariande patted me on the shoulder, and told me everything would work out in time. All I could do was pray that the fawn would feel no pain and if there was some way to save it, then keep the poor thing alive. Gaia whimpered at the poor baby. “Not fair,” she whimpered.

Marcellus and his illegitimate daughter Nakita walked in along with several warriors to watch the ritual. Ariande told me that while doing the spell, the glamour spell would be taken down, and no one would notice inside the camp because of the magnitude of the spell we were casting in the cave. My fingers continued to be crossed that Seth and our friends would come through. Everyone became silent as Ariande began to speak the spell.

“Magna maga Hecates deae ariolandi summi beneficii spirituum Oriente exaudi preces nostras. Nos volo et alios advocare possunt arcessentes claudit Sabrinam secundum a lunam principis regnum scriptor facultatem ad sanandum. Et suscipe benedictionem hanc dioecesanam spiritibus orientis.” (Our great sorceress Hecate, goddess of witchcraft, our greatest blessings of the spirits of the East, please hear our plea. We wish to invoke both powers to summon Sabrina, Princess of the Moon Kingdom’s healing ability. Please take this offering Spirits of the East.)

“Non erit tibi testamentum tuum: O dea Hecate triformis, haec dona placere orationis. Crescere eius potestate. Meretur salvare.” (May it be your will, oh Goddess Hecate, please grant this prayer. Grow her power. To save those who are deserving.)

The wind came through the cave and rushed past Marcelus and Nakita and the rest of the warriors. The wind surrounded us and began to pick up the dirt and debris with it. The leaves and dust engulfed us as well as the fawn was scooted closer into my arms while it nuzzled me underneath my armpit. I held it close while Ariande cut her palm and spread it over the fawn as well as my forehead. She mumbled a few things until we saw a bright light come from the star beneath us. We both scooted away to see a face. She smiled up at Ariande and then looked at me. Her eyes held warmth, and I felt warm tears fall from my eyes. This was going to work. Her hand rose from the pentagram and placed her hand on my cheek. Closing my eyes, I could feel the warmth of her hand and her thumb wiping away a tear.

“You must learn, Little One.” I heard her speak in my mind. “This gift is yours. We only needed to unlock it when it was time. It is now that time to use it to create a new world in Bergarian. Use it for good, and fortune will surround everyone you hold dear.” I opened my eyes again to see her fading back into darkness as the wind started to slow. The fawn was still very much alive in my arms and began to lick my cheek in gratefulness.

“Hmm, guess I didn’t need the fawn,” Ariande snorted. The warriors looked in confusion as the dust settled. Not everyone must have seen the powerful goddess in their midsts.

“Well, see if it works,” the Rogue Alpha yelled. “Have her heal the omegas, women, and children so they can go hunt and make our meals to help us prep for the war. Then bring her to me.” I was shoved to the ground before I could even stand up and then picked up viciously by two warriors. Ariande was taken in another direction, hopefully to her small family.

They led me outside for the first time in days. The sun was bright, but the air was crisp and cool. Taking a deep breath felt so good until I was tossed into a circle of sickly weres. “She will heal you one by one, then you are to do your chores you will be given by that man over there,” he pointed to the far corner of the encampment, and the warrior gruffed. Gaia was getting pissed being the whole damsel in distress, but we would have our time. I was sure of it.

A few small children came to me as I sat on my knees in the middle of the circle. I wasn’t even sure if I was truly given, or well, have my gift enhanced. I never felt a surge of energy flowing through my veins, no bright light that flashed through my eyes saying, “Hey there, you got this now. Just wave your hands around, and people will be healed.” There was no instruction manual for this, and I’m going on gut instinct.

“Um, hello everyone.” The sickly omegas, women, and children looked at me in question. “I’m not sure if you know me,-”

“We do…” one of the men approached me. I was still sitting on my bloodied, covered knees that were slowly healing. “Marcellus has been talking about you for centuries. Once you heal him, he’ll take over everything. The curse weakened his wolf, but once his wolf is healed, we are all in a heap of trouble.” The older wolf looked down. “Don’t save us. Act like the ritual didn’t work. We can’t let others in Bergarian suffer.” I gave him a slight smile as I got up.

“Once I figure out how to heal you all, we will get out of this,” I whispered. “All of us. Help is coming.” I whispered so low only a few of the wolves heard me as they repeated to the more sickly ones. Some smiled and tried to calm their excitement to not give any hints away to the guards that stood at a distance.

“I’ll need a volunteer. I don’t want to start with a child; I don’t know what I’m doing,” I looked around, and several men came forward. Their skin is almost hanging on their bones. It wasn’t just healing of scrapes and cuts but their muscles. They were small and weak, mainly because their wolves had been suppressed for so long, not being able to shift or the proper nutrition.

“Gaia, I’m going to need your help,” I whispered to her. “What do we do?” Gaia sniffed around my mind and nudged me to hold one of their hands. A new feeling came over me as I took both my hands and engulfed one of his. “What is your name?” I asked.

“Lazerus,” he sighed. I gave a small giggle while he arched his brow.

“How befitting.” I chuckled as I squeezed his hand. “A man named Lazerus was healed and raised from the dead by a man named Jesus.” Lazerus laughed in amusement.

I cleared my mind and thought of healing the man in front of me, giving him strength where he needed it, and making him strong to fight for others around him. After a few moments, I felt myself release my hands all on my own to look up at him. The color to his face had returned. His former glory of a muscular werewolf was restored. He looked at both of his hands, his body, his clothes no longer hung on his wilting body. He smiled. “I never had this type of build before everything happened,” he gleamed.

Several rogue warriors ran out of the area, probably to tell the Rogue Alpha of the success. I quickly got to work and learned how to channel my power to each man, woman, and child. They were all stronger than before. Many of the newly created, healthy warriors that would fight when it was time were trying to gather a plan with me.

“We don’t have much time. There are several armies that are going to be helping us at dawn. We must lay low until then.” I spoke hurriedly. “Do their chores, and once the camp is infiltrated, then we attack. Not before then, we don’t have enough of us.”

“What about you, Princess? They are going to take you to Marcellus and make you heal him, then it will be all for naught?” Lazarus spoke up in front of the group while several wolves continued to get their chores.

“Lazarus, I’ll be fine, and please call me Sadie.” I smiled at him. I’ll hold him off as long as I can. I’ll never give in, never.” Everything was going to work out. It just had to. “Just keep them safe. Don’t worry about me, my mate will be here.”

“Who is your mate?” One of the little girls asked, pulling at my tattered dress. “Alpha Seth from the Warrior Pack.” Her eyes grew wide. “Don’t worry. He’s nice now.” I pet her head.

Several rogues came through the circle, “Have all been healed?” one asked. “Yes, they have.” I stood up, crossing my arms. I was actually a bit tired, I wasn’t sure if I really could heal one more soul, but I wasn’t about to show weakness. Both grabbed me by the upper arms again and dragged me back into the cave’s main entrance where Marcellus stood waiting.

Marcellus had his arms crossed on his wide upper torso. He looked like he had washed his body to prepare for his healing. No longer crusted on mud on his face, his muscles were there but not as strong as they could be. His weakness was causing the warrior’s sickness, and the spells that Ariande had put on them only could help the warriors so much. He was ready to release the power the demon gave him all those centuries ago.

“I saw what you did and how you did it, so no tricks now. You will heal me and rid me of the sickness, so I can take my proper place in battle and finally kill your parents. Then I’ll keep you locked up and use you when I see fit.” He let out a laugh.

“Thanks for telling me your whole plan, definitely like a Disney monologue for a villain,” I chuckled to myself. Nikita shrugged her shoulders at her father while he looked just as confused.

“Get over here. Let’s do this.” The rogues pulled me closer, and they forcefully placed my hands on his dirty one. “Now do it.” I stared straight into his eyes, my defiance was going to get me killed, but I didn’t care. Too many lives were at stake. “No.”

The Rogue Alpha backhanded me across the face, and I flew across the cave with a loud smack against the wall. I let out a short cry and rubbed my head which was now bleeding. Spitting out a bit of b***d on the corner of my mouth, I stood back up. I’m not going down without a fight. “Get over here, and heal me, you b***h!”

“Make me,” Gaia rung out, and I finally let her loose. She was small, so of course, everyone was taken aback. Several men started laughing and cooing at Gaia, but she snapped her jaws in annoyance. Several rogues came close, but Gaia was swift and bounced from back to back, ripping out jugglers in her wake. B***d was spilling on the cave floor, and Marcellus started laughing. “What a show, shift now, or your friends will get the brunt of the action.” He waved his hand and brought in Ariande, her mate and daughter. This turd was going to play the hard way. Gaia growled when she saw them handling the little girl ruffly.

I shifted back into my human form and grabbed a large shirt off one of the warriors covered in b***d. He walked up to me, punched me hard into my stomach, and kicked me in the back. B***d was oozing out of my mouth, and I didn’t have the strength to get up. He really wants me to heal him when I am all bloodied up?

Nakita came to me and lifted my head off the cave floor by my hair. Marcelus was not amused and pulled me up roughly. “Do this now, or the girl dies.” Marcelus’ anger radiated on my face. The heat alone could melt metal as I gazed back into his eyes. I darted my eyes to Ariande, and she shook her head. “Don’t,” she whispered. “Don’t give in. She will be remembered.” Tears traveled down the parent’s eyes. Ariande would give her own daughter’s life to save millions of others. I wouldn’t allow it. Not with me right here.

I extended my claws behind my back, and with all the strength and speed I could muster, I swiped Nakita’s arm clean off. Her shrilled scream startled the other warrior rogues as I shifted into my wolf and darted to the girl. The speed was clean, my paws were soft, and I felt the air through every single hair of my fur. Swiping one neck with my claws and ripping the other with my teeth, I took down the two rogues holding the family hostage. Five other wolves stood in front of the entrance, already transforming.

In the heat of the moment, I charged at them. Two were killed effortlessly since their strength was depleted. The other three started attacking my legs and hindquarters. Snapping but unable to hold their jaws in place. I was too fast, and the attacks soon became dance-like. I whipped my head quickly and took my razor-sharp teeth to one of their necks, cracking it in the process. The other two saw my swiftness and started to back off and yip for the others. I let out a loud warning growl. They have a choice, surrender now or face the consequences further. Ariande threw out a few defensive-like orbs that knocked them unconscious. Several other wolves approached but quickly whimpered and laid on their sides, exposing their necks and stomachs. The sign of surrender

Gaia huffed in accomplishment and turned to look at Nakita. Her arm was disconnected from her body and bleeding profusely. Whimpering, she scooted back into the corner of the cave, holding what was left of her mangled arm. “We will take care of the wolves, Sabrina, you concentrate on the big guy.” Ariande and her husband stood defensive against Nakita and the wolves.

Marcellus was furious. He couldn’t shift, he hadn’t shifted in ages from the weakened state, and now he was faced with me, a small little fox-looking wolf that just killed several of his own men. He was done playing around with me now. He was ready for b***d.

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