Her Forever

Chapter 75


I rubbed my hands together and clapped my hands as Ariadne stood in front of me. “Alright, how do we do this?” I started stretching my arms, doing a few toe touches, and sat up straight staring at her.

“What are you doing, Sadie?” Ariadne asked. “I’m prepping myself for what you are about to do, trying to get myself psyched up here. I’m running low on any optimism, I need to do something.” I continued to stretch while she slapped her hand on the cave walls. A smelly warrior wolf came in and glared at her.

“The Princess has decided to participate in the ritual. I will need my spell book if you want this to happen. Go tell that brute of an Alpha of yours.” The warrior let out a loud gruff before turning his back to head back to the front of the cave.

“Listen, Sadie.” I continued to stretch and run in place. “Sadie, stop!” I finally stopped, and Ariadne held both of my hands. “What we are about to do, is very dangerous. This is like trying to grow your magic in your wolf in a matter of hours instead of decades or centuries. People who practice this or try this end up getting hurt. I don’t even know if I am strong enough to elicit the power of Hecate. Usually, we would have several witches and-” I wouldn’t let her finish.

“You just do the best you can. I’m here for a reason. I know that now. I’ve lived my life up to this moment to take care of those who can’t take care of themselves. If this is meant to be, it will happen. If not, then my mate will come in here, claws blazing along with the faes that have promised an alliance with us. Everything will work out. We have to get the weak ones strong enough to leave in case there aren’t enough people to carry them out.” I put my hand on her cheek. “Now, let’s get this going, alright?

Third Person POV

Seth was still in his half-human and wolf form. The warrior werewolves as well as the faes trembled in fear, except for King Orion himself. He knew that Sadie was all that was on the beast’s mind and as long as they didn’t show the beast any disrespect they should be safe. Keyword being should.

The King and Queen of the Moon Kingdom ordered half their armies at the darkened forest border, ready to take on any type of surprise attack, giving the Royal Pack Warriors time to rest before the large battle. Make-shift tents were created, large bonfires and medical tents erupted in a matter of hours. Many wolves were sparing in the distance, reading themselves, trying to spike their adrenaline to save the once lost princess now kidnapped by the ancient rogue alpha who started the massive war only centuries ago.

King Emelio looked out over his army, the one that would help save his only daughter. Emilio was distraught, he would never let his men or nation know how truly upset he was. His feelings for his daughter were great, the first time he saw her after so many years, it was all he could do to not cry and have his strong wolf whimper in her arms. Werewolves were very protective of their pups and letting Sabrina go all those years ago killed him. He lived in solitude with his wife, Estar. They hardly touched each other for the fear always held them back of having another child. They wouldn’t do anything to make Sabrina feel as if she was replaced and forgotten. Now that they had her back, their love and bond rekindled and gave the hope of having another child together.

Queen Estar joined Emelio at the top of the high tower that was erected to oversee the encampment. They had not seen Sadie’s mate, Seth in well over 36 hours as he traveled to the mountains in his half beast form to beg the shifter dragons to help. Of course they would help, they were all but smitten by the small princess. Seth and his beast were everything they were before they met Sadie; however, darkness and pessimism flooded their minds.

“We will find our daughter. I know it,” Estar said soothingly to Emelio. “The gods wouldn’t give us such a gift to take her away. We just must all do our part and show them we are strong enough to beat this demon’s curse.” Estar rubbed Emelio’s back lovingly, and he pulled her to him. His nose went right to her neck as he nuzzled her close. “I know, my love, my emotions are getting the best of me. I’ve missed her so and then she already had her mate with her. I’ve missed her growing up, finding her mate, not being able to give Seth a hard time trying to woo our daughter…” he laughed boisterously.

“And she grew up just fine, to be the beautiful and fearful leader she was always meant to be. She has a lot of you in her, my dear mate.” Estar gave Emelio a chaste k**s on his lips. “And your seductiveness, unfortunately,” he rolled his eyes as she giggled into his neck.

“I swear I could almost hear them after the mating ceremony, and the room was supposed to be soundproof,” he grimaced. The thought of his sweet innocent daughter begging for more from the most fearsome warrior gave him a haunting chill on his body. “She calmed the wolf we were so worried about. Seth was under watch by the werewolf council. They were afraid he would lose his mind. As long as she is around, she will keep him grounded. They love each other so much.” Emelio nodded as he looked over the encampment.

There was some rustling in the woods to the West of their encampment, and that was when he saw Diana, or should they say Queen Diana and Prince Nathan of the Vampires. Diana had been queened just two days prior to the disappearance, and it didn’t take long for her to take back control of the corrupted vampire parliament. Just a wave of her hand, and she was able to scout out the true intentions of those who were wanted harm on the innocent.

Diana and Nathan bowed their heads slightly at the King and Queen of the shifters as Emelio mind linked several Omegas to prepare a royal tent for the two.

Things were finally coming together, the vampires, the rest of the shifters were on their way as well as the Light Kingdom of faes were assembling. They were gathering as much light energy as they could before the battle that would most likely end up in the dark forest. King Orion led in all the training of his fearsome warriors.

The faes were dressed in light-coated armor that covered their appendages such as legs and arms, yet their chests were exposed to the sun. It was where the light could have them re-energized; however it was a soft spot in battle. King Orion stood taller and stronger than the rest of his men. His large sword was drawn as he continued to spar with some of his best men. All Orion could think about was saving Princess, his princess. He had grown quite attached in just the 24 hours he spent with her. She was kind, loving, understanding. He only hoped his mate would one day capture those qualities. Sadie saw the best in him, and now he wasn’t afraid for those to see the real him. The once womanizer, trickster, and manipulator would be gone, and the fearsome leader would remain.

Only time would have to heal his terrible reputation.

It would take time, but with Sadie’s help, he knew he could lead his kingdom to greatness without the acceptance of his own parents. To rule with his heart and not with his carelessness and foolishness. His aura was dark and brooding during his fighting. He wasn’t in the mood to be toyed with. When his counsel came to greet him in the morning meeting and asked why the King of the Faes would take on affairs dealing with the shifters, he stared them down, not a hint of amusement in his face. For the first time, the council was speechless and said no more. They wouldn’t deal with the angry king, for they were just counselors and aids to the king, not the final say.

“Princess Sabrina is the future of this kingdom to finally bring the Faes and shifters into harmony. I will not let that bastard Marcellus come to ruin that with his crazy dreams of destruction and slavery. Once again, Bergarian could be a place of Utopia, and we cannot do that without the Princess.” Orion threw the dagger onto the table in the middle of the map to make a point. Several members smiled, knowing that finally, a king worth ruling had come to the surface.

Seth’s mighty beast could be heard for miles. Every fae, vampire, and werewolf looked in the direction of the mountains. Several beasts were flying overhead. A thunder of dragons were close behind the monstrous call as they flew over the vast meadows of the Moon Kingdom. Seth wasn’t far behind, running as fast as lightning, still in his half-beast form.

The dragons landed on the training field, quickly the smoke enveloped them as they turned back into a human-like form. They all nodded and headed to the tents with the rest of the wolves. Caspian and Seth, who have been in their beastly form for well over 40 hours, the longest they have ever stayed in this form came forward to speak with the 3 sets of royalty and King Orion.

“My majesties. We have acquired as many that wish to accompany us. I feel we will be ready at dawn.” the beastly human voice called out through the long snout. The morning air caused his voice to come out like smoke and his eyes black as ebony. All of the royalty and head generals gathered in the tent to discuss the plan of action.

“The wisps have been able to infiltrate the forest with ease, tricking the bit of magic hiding the area. The witch they are using isn’t strong or is in a weakened state. It may be on purpose, however. I don’t think the witch wants harm to come to us because the wisps say the magic played with them in delight and excitement,” King Orion spoke with authority.

King Emelio nodded, “Our best way to attack is at all sides. We can have the fae armies and dragons attack at the east and north while the vampires from the west. All werewolves should attack head on, that way they won’t understand the magnitude.” All the royalty understood they had the manpower to attack and to even crush their army, but they weren’t sure if they would handle it if the rogue alpha finally gained his full power from the demon curse.

“I pray to the goddess we get there in time before Sabrina is forced to heal him,” Estar said sorrowfully. Emelio grabbed Estar and held her tightly. “Sabrina will not give up, she is strong and the most stubborn girl I know,” Nathan laughed. Seth gave out a growl at the comment. He still wasn’t over Nathan’s betrayal all those months ago.

“I will fight head on,” snarled Seth and Caspian. My goal is my mate and mate only. Others will need to concentrate on casualties. Marcellus is mine.” The entire tent shook while some glasses were knocked over. Seth left the royals to their devices while he went to the tower to overlook the dark forest one last time before he saved his love.

“Seth?” He heard a small voice that sounded like his mate.

“Now I am hearing things,” he thought.

“You are not Seth. It is me! Can you hear?” Seth and Caspian took a deep breath that they held for days.

“Baby, are you OK? It has been days. How can you link me?” The desperation in his voice was apparent, he wanted his mate.

“I’m alright, Anana’s twin sister is here, and she is helping. She thinks she can lift the glamour spell!”

“That’s wonderful. We attack at dawn, my love. Can it be open by then?”

“She said yes! Seth, I miss you. Everything will be OK, I promise! I love you so much. I will fight my way back to you.”

“I love you, Sadie. You can never give your life to save mine. I’ve been half-turned for days, and Caspian is annoying as f**k.” Sadie laughed, which caused Caspian to feel warm again, not as violent or on edge.

“Promise me something, babe,” Sadie begged.

“Anything for you, my love.”

“Vacation, let’s go on a vacation to a beach—just us. I need a break from this mess. We can’t seem to catch a break,” she laughed childishly.

“I will take you anywhere you want. Just please stay strong until I get there.” He pleaded with her.

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