Gaming Sword Magician

Chapter 41: A Creepy ride.

The driver introduced himself as Uncle Barum to the two boys after they sat down inside the carriages. His Silver hairs almost fully cover each side of his lean, menacing face. With beady hazel eyes, a face full of moles, and a kind smile, he seemed to be the perfect model of a bard. Surprisingly enough, his main profession was a "Bard", a tale-teller, but to make extra money to eat luxurious food, he had to drive some days a month.

Along the way, they chatted about many stuff, ranging from personal life to the matter of the World. The driver of the carriage, Uncle Barum was the most talkative among the three as he was a jolly type of person and a Bard. Due to these two traits, it was certain that he couldn't remain quiet. Almost entirely of the ride he was smiling and talking boisterously, and Whittaker got to understand how big the Water Kingdom really is.

The Water Kingdom was divided into five Great regions. Each region had many towns and cities, one Great City, one ruling family entitled as "Duke", and one "Guardian" at the King level (S-rank). The first one is the central region which is ruled by the Imperial family, and the Mage King is the guardian of the Central region. Then there's the Water dragon Southern Region which is ruled by Duke Williams, and Sword Saint Louis.contemporary romance

The other three are the Northern, Eastern, and Western regions, each region had different neighbors and all of them held distinct importance's to the Water Kingdom.

Uncle Barum's cheerful nature certainly helped to brighten up the gloomy atmosphere. The carriage seems totally different in contrast to the outside world. Outside the carriage, snow was falling. What was once a busy roadway that led to Swadehash City was now a gray screen of silence, grasses, trees, grounds, and roots had been taken hold of by the cold nerve catching snow.

The ride continued with cracking laughter and loud chatters. Fifteen minutes later, Uncle Barum, almost suddenly, said something terrifying while whipping the carriage steeds harshly, "The neighbors of our Northern Region are hostile races. They are none other than different types of magical beasts and... corrupted beings called Abaddon Shamans and Savage." At this moment, an eerie smile formed on his face, and a baleful red light flashed by his clear brown eyes. He continued with a laugh, something no sane will do while talking about a subject like this, "According to the reports, they are said to be baleful humans with four arms and steel legs, some don't believe in their existence but many adventures who step out of the boundaries of the kingdom have proclaimed to encounter them. It is said that they love to eat humans, especially young children as it is easy to tear them apart limb by limb and their flesh is softer and purer than adults."

As he said the last sentence, Uncle Barum's gentle face has started to change shape. Two desolate eyes burning with infernal madness stared at the road ahead, and bizarre bulges crawled on beneath his pale skin hidden from sight by the heavy winter clothing.

Whittaker and Shadow were sitting inside the carriage, separated from Demon Barum by a wooden wall with a small window, so they weren't able to witness it at all... his face that seemed horrifying like that of a demon belonging to long-forgotten tales.

For some reason, Uncle Barum suddenly started talking about creepy stuff, but Whittaker and Shadow stayed calm. Whittaker noticed that his tone didn't match his words, usually, a human tone will be tinged with disgust while talking about such things but Uncle Barum tone seemed to be tinged with happiness. 'Maybe Mister Barum lack common sense or his goal is to scare us and get a good laugh!' he thought innocently unaware of the thing called Arakazan.

A disturbing emotion was shown on Whittaker's face, seeing which Shadow said, "Mister Barum, I know you are a bard and you would love to talk about such things but it's making us feel uncomfortable so stop!"

Demon Barum wasn't gonna listen to the words of a shitty boy and he continued with laughter, "The ride is longer than you may think," He whispered between breaths–almost endless it might be!–, and continued loudly while his demonic face started to rotate towards the boys, "Talking will shorten the time and coincidentally, I have a lot of tales to tell! Let me tell you about the story of two little boys–"

"Barum!" Shadow exclaimed, he hurriedly stood up from the seat and went nearer to the open window to block the view of his face from Whittaker.

Shadow successfully blocked the small window before the Demon Barum neck turned a total of 180 degrees. He and Shadow stood face to face.

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