Filthy Crown: A Single Dad Age Gap Romance (Crown Brothers Book 1)

Filthy Crown: Chapter 32

Stepping into the foyer, I let out a breath of relief. We’re back at the ranch. Never in a million years did I think I’d be coming back here, pregnant with Jack’s baby.

Heck, there was a time where I wasn’t sure I’d be setting foot here ever again.

Now that I’ve had time to process everything we’ve been through, I stand firm on my decision. I’ll let Jack be the father of this baby, he can even run my father’s businesses, but I will not let him in my heart again.

I still don’t know the details of what was discussed between Daniel and Jack, and frankly, I don’t want to know. What I do want to know is how Austin survived.

I’m about to go in search of answers when two small figures almost topple me to the ground.

“Careful,” Jack’s voice booms from behind me. His hands steady me, my treacherous body lighting up at the contact. “Your sister is carrying precious cargo.”

I turn back to him and glare. I wanted to be the one to tell them, on my own time.

Alex looks between Jack and me. “Cargo?”

Lowering myself down to them, I whisper. “It’s a secret I’ll tell you about later. For now, how about you give me a great big hug? I’ve missed you two so much.”

They do as asked, letting me pull them into an embrace that can only be described as home. “We missed you too, Pen.”

Pulling away, I see Alex’s eyes are wet and Amanda is outright crying. “Shh. Dry those eyes. Everything is going to be okay.” My eyes look out the window to see that the SUV carrying Austin and the other Crown brothers has just pulled up. “Look who’s here?”

I jerk my head outside and the kids’ eyes go wide. “Daddy!” They beeline it to the door as a beautiful blonde steps out from the hallway.

I tilt my head, waiting to place her, or at the very least get an introduction.

Jack speaks up first. “This is Mary’s granddaughter, Anaya. She’s been helping with the kids while we handled things in Mexico.”

I owe this woman a great deal if she’s managed to keep the little nuggets content all this time. They just got their dad back and then he up and left again on a rescue mission for me. I can’t imagine what their little hearts have been through.

Rising to my feet, I extend a hand. “So nice to meet you, Anaya. Thank you so much for all that you’ve done. I honestly couldn’t thank you enough.”

Her already rosy complexion turns a deeper shade of pink. “No worries, miss. It’s been a pleasure. Those two have the biggest heart.”

“I’m glad you like your job, because I’ll be asking you to stay on,” Jack speaks beside me and an irrational spark of jealousy hits me straight in the gut, only settled by his next words. “Austin will stay here at the ranch while he undergoes therapy and once finished, he’ll be helping take over the business.”

He glances at me and that’s when I realize this must’ve been part of his agreement with my dad.

Just then Austin walks in with the kids, his eyes landing on the young blonde, his face paling and his eyes blinking several times before he actually speaks. “Anaya. Hello.”

Okay. That’s interesting.

Turning to look at the girl, I see that deep shade of pink has returned. “Sir, welcome home.”

Austin clears his throat, dismissing the nanny without a response before turning to the kids and giving her his back. “Kids, why don’t you show me what you’ve been up to while Daddy was away?”

Amanda hops up and down while Alex’s face splits into a wide grin. “Yes, dad. You have to see the model airplane I’ve been working on.”

“And my dolly. I cut her hair and made her all pretty.” Amanda squeals, not wanting to be left out.

With both kids in hand, Austin gives us all a wide smile. “I’ll see y’all for dinner. I’m off to spend some time with my kids.”

Jack nods, his hand dropping to my lower back and making me still.

As soon as everyone’s cleared the foyer, I whirl on Jack. “Don’t touch me.”

He rears his head back in surprise. “What are you talking about? I touched you in Mexico, in front of a freaking cartel boss, risking my life by showing his only heir affection. And now? Now you deny me a simple touch?”

I let out a shaky breath, knowing I have a fight ahead of me. “It seems we have some things to discuss. Some ground rules to set.”

“Ground rules,” Jack repeats, his eyes narrowing before motioning down the hall. “By all means, let’s go to my study and discuss these ground rules.”

I lead the way, walking back through the familiar walls. God, how I missed this place. It’s crazy to see how much of a home it became in just a few weeks.

“Talk.” Jack closes the door behind us, his steps carrying him to his bar where he pours himself some Tortured Crown whiskey.

I sit down in one of the wingback chairs, not wanting to give him the option to sit next to me. “I’m still mad at you. You lied to me. Said you wouldn’t leave me and then, after fucking me, you went back on your word. You abandoned me just like you did four years ago.” My teeth clench and my breathing picks up. I will not cry. I will not let him see how much he hurt me. “I won’t deny you your child, and given the circumstances surrounding who I really am, I’m okay with marrying you and pretending to be a family for the sake of our kid and for my father. But that’s it.”

“That’s it?” Jack scoffs, slamming down the tumbler on his desk, spilling whiskey all over the sleek wood. He rushes toward me, grabbing me by the arms and pulling me to standing.

In one fell swoop, he’s raised me off the floor, his arms dropping to cradle my ass, holding me up so that his face is a breath away from mine. “Listen here, . I’m not happy with how things went down. I’m not perfect, far from it. But I didn’t abandon you. I didn’t leave you. I said I would always be here for you and I fucking meant it.”

My hands push at his shoulders, trying to shove him away so he’ll put me down, but it’s futile. He’s stronger, and he’s not putting me down until we’re through with this conversation. Fine.

I drop my hands, resting them on my chest, refusing to touch him. “You said, and I quote ‘Daddy’s got you and he’s never letting you go.’ But you abandoned me when you told me we could no longer be… no longer claim me as yours. I could never forget your actions. Not when I was a broken little girl waiting by the window, and definitely not now, as a grown woman.”

His forehead drops onto mine, his exhale warming my lips and making me shiver. “Princess. Sometimes daddies fuck up. They think they know what’s best for their little girls, but they’re only human. I’m only human.” He lifts his forehead from mine, pressing a soft kiss to my lips. “Baby, I promise I thought I was doing what was best for you. There isn’t any part of me that wanted to let you go. I was doing it for you. Everything I’ve done since you first set foot on this ranch has been for you.”

Jack’s arms shift so his hands are directly on my ass, urging my legs to wrap around him. My eyes find his, trying to find the truth in them, wondering if I should expose myself again to this man who has held my heart for longer than I’d care to admit, and deep down inside, I know he still does.

His nose rubs against mine, our breath mingling and setting my soul on fire.

“Jack, I can’t. My heart. It won’t survive it again.”

“Time, .” He presses a soft peck to my lips. “I ask for time. Let me show you you’re my everything. That you mean the world to me. I was wrong, Pen. I now know that your place has always been by my side. It was stupid of me to think I knew what was best for you based on what an ordinary teenager needs. You’re the farthest thing from it. You’re extraordinary. A woman who’s lived the life of three, one who, despite life’s dealings, still holds an amazing capacity for love, loyalty, and I know for me—understanding.”

What he’s saying makes sense. I know he’s right. He’s human, and I can see and feel the love he says he has. It’s like a live current between us, obvious to anyone within our orbit.

“Time.” I repeat. “I can do time.”

Jack presses a hard kiss to my lips, whispering as he lets me slide off his body. “Thank you, . I promise to make you the happiest woman alive.”

I quirk a brow. “That’s quite the promise, Daddy.”

His lips turn up into a full grin and I can’t help but giggle as I walk out of his study. Teasing him all over again is going to be all sorts of delicious fun.

Now, priorities. I need to find Mary and see if she’ll make me some of those cinnamon rolls. I’ve been craving those for weeks and this baby isn’t taking no for an answer.

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