Filthy Crown: A Single Dad Age Gap Romance (Crown Brothers Book 1)

Filthy Crown: Chapter 31

It’s been over a month and with every passing day, my hope for rescue or escape fades along with the setting sun.

I’m getting ready to get out of bed when a wave of nausea hits me. Rushing to the toilet, I make it just in time to empty last night’s dinner into the bowl.

My stomach is used to the water here in Mexico, so I know it’s not that. And the food we get is nothing but the best. My father wouldn’t allow subpar anything, let alone food for his precious little heir.

Another wave of nausea hits me and I brush my hair aside, making sure to avoid it getting covered in puke. As I’m heaving into the toilet, one word keeps blaring loud and in neon letters.


That has to be it. Jack and I didn’t use any protection, and despite my captivity, I’ve been keeping track of my cycle. I’m over a week late and now this.

Getting up from the floor, I walk over to the sink, turning the tap on and splashing my face.

Looking into the mirror, I wonder how different things would be if I were back home with Jack. Would he still be trying to ship me off to college? Our last time in the shower plays in my head and my stomach churns.

The way we left things was horrible. He lied. He promised he would always be there, but then he pushed me away on some bullshit claim that it’s what was best for me.

Anger makes my skin flush, but I push it aside. No matter now. The life inside me is more important than my feelings. I may never let him in my bed again, but my child deserves to know what it’s like to have a father. I could never let it grow up the way I did.

It’s okay. Everything will be okay. We will get through this.

Staring into the mirror, I see my father’s eyes staring back in my own.

It’s time he and I had a talk. Daniel Cardenas may be a cruel cartel leader, but there’s no way he’d deny his own grandchild this.

Getting a hold of my resolve, I straighten my nightgown and pull on a robe, determined to have him hear me out.

I open the bathroom door, stepping into my bedroom and freeze. A ghost. That’s the only explanation.

“Austin?” I whisper as I walk toward the male figure before me.

“Shhh. Pen. I’ll get you out of here.” He’s pressing a finger to his lips, trying to get me to stay quiet.

“But you’re dead.” The last word comes out with a squeak, the sound enough to alert the guard outside my door.

It flings open and two men rush in, training a gun on Austin. On instinct, I fling myself toward him. “No, you can’t!”

“Miss Cardenas, step away from the intruder.” One of the men pleads in a calm voice, but I don’t move.

“No! He’s my stepdad. You can’t shoot him. I won’t let you.”

Both men look at each other, the one in the back speaking into his earpiece.

The room is stock-still, waiting for someone to move when the guy in the back speaks. “The boss wants to see him.”

“Not without me.” I hold on to Austin as if my life depended on it. I’ve just got him back and there’s no way I’m letting go.

He strokes the back of my hair, his lips landing on the top of my head. “It’s okay, Pen. Everything will be okay.”

I choke back a sob, the mixture of hormones and the emotional high of seeing a man I thought dead becoming too much. “No. It won’t. Not unless I come with you”

Austin nods, but looks toward the guards for confirmation. The larger one nods in agreement. Thank god, because I was ready to put up a fight and considering my current state, I’d probably just end up puking all over everyone.

Grabbing onto Austin’s arm, I walk us out into the hall and down toward my dad’s office. “This is fine. Everything’s going to be fine.” I absently pat my stepdad’s hand, wondering if it really will be okay.

Maybe now is when I should drop the news. Use the surprise of a new life to our advantage. A hand goes to my abdomen. Ready or not, peanut. Here we go.

The double doors open into the study and for the second time today, I’m frozen in place.

The Crown brothers along with Titus and Hudson are all seated around the conference table, my father at the head, holding up a rocks glass as if in mid toast. “Ah, Princessa. You’ve made it just in time.”

My mouth is hanging open, my eyes wide with wonder. “What’s going on here?”

Jack’s eyes find mine, full of so much emotion. I’m about to run straight to him when one of the guards places their hand on my shoulder, keeping me in place.

My father speaks up, “Austin, why don’t you join us at the table. Princessa, you come here, stand by my side where you belong.”

Seeing as he’s the one with all the power and possibly all the guns right now, I do as he says. My feet swiftly carry me to his side, my eyes going back to Jack and seeing that his jaw is clenched and fist balled up over the mahogany table.

My hand goes to my abdomen and I find the courage needed to confront my father. “What’s going on, Dad?” I turn to him and give him a placid smile, not wanting him tipped off that I’m truly rattled. If he’s taught me anything, it’s how to handle a room full of powerful men.

“I was just having a chat here with the Crown brothers and their security. I’m really impressed with how far they got onto my property. So much so that I’ve removed some of my men and have asked them to step in and plug any holes in our coverage here at the Villa.” He looks at the men, a genuine smile on his lips.

Jack speaks up, and hearing his voice for the first time in months shakes me to my core. “And like I said, we came here for Pen. Our men will gladly help you with whatever you need as long as she comes home with us.”

All of the men seem unfazed by Austin’s presence, and I can only assume that he came here with them. I’ll definitely need the details of that later.

I’m staring at my stepfather when my father speaks. “And like I said, she’s the heir to the Cardenas’ throne. She will marry one of my men soon, and she and her partner will take over my business. Surely, you all are family men. You can see why letting her go is not an option.”

“I can’t marry one of your men, Father.” A lump rises in my throat, the courage I had once is now ebbing away. As all eyes land on mine, I lay it all on the line. “I’m with child, and the baby’s father is at this table.”

My father’s eyes go wide as Jack releases a choked sound, earning him Daniel’s ire. “Is this true? Is it yours?”

Jack’s face blanches, but it’s quickly replaced with a massive grin. “Holy fucking shit. I’m going to be a father.”

My dad smacks his hand on the table. “Marco, break out the Cardenas’ Reserve. Looks like we have a celebration on our hands.”

Marco makes haste, heading off somewhere before quickly returning with a bottle of my father’s own tequila.

Jack is now walking toward me, his arms pulling me into an embrace as his lips reach the top of my head.

A sob is pulled from my lips and despite my best efforts to remain stoic in front of my father, I crumble in my man’s arms.

“God, Princess. I’ve missed you so fucking much,” Jack murmurs into my hair, only being cut off by my father clearing his throat.

“We will celebrate but then will discuss the new heir born into this family.”

Jack bristles at my father’s words. “With all due respect Don Cardenas, this child will be a Crown and he will carry our name.”

My father stands, not one to be in any position of inferiority, and that includes stature as Jack and I stand next to him. “I am fully aware that this is your offspring, but this is my daughter, and I require an heir to my empire. This pairing is not one of my choosing, but I will not deny my grandchild a father. He will not suffer like my daughter did.”

Daniel’s eyes fall on mine and I do my best to convey my gratitude for this understanding.

“That said, I will leave the ball in your court. Penelope may go home with you and have her child, with my added protection, of course. She will have a family with you, but in turn, you will train with me and my men. Jack, I’m offering you the keys to my kingdom.”

Jack’s about to respond, but my father holds up a hand, making him hold his tongue. “Before you give me your answer, you have to understand that the only other option I will agree to is for my princessa to stay here. One of my men will gladly step up to the plate and be the child’s father. She’ll marry him and he’ll never know the meaning of being a bastard. Of that you have my word.”

Jack tenses beside me, save for his jaw, which is ticking. I pull his hand into mine, squeezing his fingers and silently begging him to accept. My eyes find his, and they well up with tears. I couldn’t survive without him and as his eyes search mine, I know he sees my truth.

“I agree to take over your businesses, but I have terms of my own.” Jack pulls me to him, his hand stroking my back in soothing circles as I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding.

My father nods. “Of course. I’d expect as much from a man like you. Any less and I wouldn’t deem you worthy of my daughter.” He raises his fresh glass, full of Cardenas tequila, handing Jack one of his very own. “To family.”

Everyone around the table raises their glass and cheers in unison, “To family.”

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