Chapter 9
"Just say the word and I swear I'll run that son of a bitch over," Adonna said and started the engine. She stepped on the accelerator while the car was still in park, revving the engine with eyes locked on her target.
"Get out of the car, Adani!" Wayan yelled.
"Get out of the way, dude!" Adonna shouted back.
Wayan stalked towards the car. Adonna locked all the doors and put the car in 'drive'.
We watched with horror eyes as Wayan withdrew an object from behind his back and pointed it at the car.
"A gun?" I questioned unbelievably.
"I wouldn't tell you to get your ass out of the car, Adani!" he shouted.
"Enough of this! You're not going back into that house!" Adonna said. She stepped on the gas and quickly swerved passed Wayan who began opening fire on the car.
"Duck!" We yelled at the same time as she drove on. Tires squeaking on the asphalt, hearts racing and eyes glancing in the rearview mirrors, we managed our escape without a trace. After half an hour, Adonna pulled into her garage. She helped me out of the car and ushered me into her apartment.
She turned the lights on and looked at my condition.
"You look terrible, what did he do to you?" she asked while heading into the kitchen. I followed behind and tears rolled down my face as I watched her make an icepack. She handed it to me afterwards.
"He used an ice pack as a weapon," I answered her.
"Shit," she mumbled, "Adani, I'm so sorry."
"I hate him. I wish I've never ever met him. How wicked can one man be?"
"You're safe now."
"No. I'm not. And I'm afraid I've put you in harm's way as well. Wayan wouldn't rest until I'm under his roof. You heard what he said and saw what he did."
"He wouldn't be able to find you here. That reminds me, do you have any device that's traceable, phone, tablet, computer?"
"No. He hid my phone before he left or maybe he took it with him. I don't know. And I left my computer behind. I've left everything behind."
"Trust me, it's not worth your life. This means you get a fresh start."
"At life?"
"How, Wayan is going to look for me!"
"I'm aware of that, but you're safe here, as long as you listen to my advice and stay out of sight. You're not alone anymore."
She prepared some mint tea, and we sat down on her couch.
"What caused it?" she asked as she took her last sip.
"He took me to dinner and I met some of his friends. There was a girl there and her whole vibe
was off since I met her. Turned out, she was wearing one of my necklaces he got me, and she announced she was pregnant to him."
"So he's cheating on you with her?"
"I believe so."
Adonna shook her head in disgust.
"Oh, speaking of friends. Wayan has a friend by the name of Collin."
"What?" Adonna was stunned.
"Yep. Fair in complexion, curly hair and a scar just above his..."
"His right eyebrow," she finished.
I nodded yes. She sighed deeply and stood up, taking hers and my cup to the kitchen sink.
"That's indeed Collin?" I asked her, coming into the kitchen.
"Yeah. I gave him that scar in one of our many physical fights. He pushed me into a mirror and it
shattered. He was chocking me, so I used one of its pieces and cut him to the face."
Images flashed in my mind to the times Wayan would do such an awful act towards me.
"No wonder they're friends. They're just alike," I said.
"Let me show you to the guest bedroom. You must be exhausted."
The next morning, I woke early but Adonna was already up, dressed for work.
"Good morning," I said as I dragged myself to the couch.
"Good morning. I'll be at work today so that means you'll be by yourself. Help yourself to whatever you like once you can manage. I don't have any visitors so don't answer the door if there's a knock. Stay away from the windows, don't answer the phone if it rings, just pretend you're not even here. Do you understand me, Adani?" she asked.
"I understand," I answered.
"Do you believe you'll need any medical attention, last night was so chaotic, I forgot to ask."
"I'll be fine. Icepacks should do the trick. I've had worse."
"That asshole would have his karma. I have to leave now, see you later."
"Please be careful. I know he'll be looking."
"Don't worry 'bout me. You stay safe."
She walked out the door and I walked around her apartment, admiring her taste for flowers. Something else we had in common, except hers were artificial plants. Perhaps there wasn't a space where she could make a real flower garden.
My eyes fell upon her photo album. I flipped through it, admiring pictures from her high school graduation, her first day at her job and her birthday.
To the very back of the album, were images of her showing her beaten and battered areas. Her face was almost unrecognizable in one of the pictures. She dated them all, with a small summary.
January 12th, Collin punched me in the face and called me a slut because I was being too friendly with the neighbor.'
'January 15th, Collin had too much to drink and threw a bottle at me. He proceeded to hit me continuously until I passed out.'
'February 1st, Collin forced me into bed with him and got extremely rough with me. He said he wanted to spice up our sex life.'
It went right up to December and the following January.
I sighed and looked at the clock. It was now 9:00 am and I was beginning to feel hungry.
I prepared a bowl of cereal and turned on the TV. I put the volume to the lowest so that I alone can hear.
I leaped as the phone started ringing.
"Nobody's here," I said to myself and ignored it.
As the day went on, I napped, used Adonna's computer and cooked.
Late evening, Adonna came home.
"Hey, how was work?"
"Same old, same old. Boss is being a dick and everyone gets on my damn nerves. What did you
do the whole day?"
"Moped around. Napped, watched TV and I cooked."
"Aww. How sweet. I should hire you a live-in maid."
I gasped.
"Sorry.. I didn't mean anything..," Adonna apologized.
"No. That gave me an idea. What if I apply for a job as a live-in maid to someone?"
"You would enjoy that?"
"Mmm, there is someone on work, I consider her a friend, with mad connections to some very privileged people. Her mom used to be in the circle until she made bad decisions and
investments and came crumbling down to my level. I can have her look into it for you."
"I would really appreciate that. Don't let her know it's for me though."
"Come on. I know how to handle Destiny."
"What, Destiny, please tell me it's not the same Destiny," I questioned, eyes popping. "Huh...."
"Is her husband named Justin?"
"Adonna, no! She's friends with Wayan and with Collin too. They were all there at the table together."
"When Wayan took me to dinner. I met her. She's friends with Coral. The girl Wayan was cheating on me with."
"Adonna! You need to cut all ties with her. If you're working together as you said, then you need
to leave that job. It's only a matter of time until your name is mentioned, and Collin finds out.
Worst yet, Wayan finds out too."
"Destiny and Collin are friends?"
"Destiny, Justin, Wayan, Collin and Coral. All friends."
"Damn it!"
"Just how much does she know exactly, since you consider her a friend?" I questioned, dreading
the response.
"She's not really a friend, she's my boss and she knows my..."
A loud knock came to the door, startling us both.
"Landlord?" I whispered.
"I doubt it. There's no walk-through schedule and his payment is sent via banking."
Adonna walked slowly towards the door.
"Who is it?" she asked.
"It's me, Destiny. You left this at work," I heard her answer. Adonna peered through the peep-
She slowly opened the door, not fully.
"Hey, thanks for dropping this off. I can't believe I left it behind."
"Thought you would be needing it."
"Yeah.. Well, umm, thanks again."
"Hey, can I use your bathroom?"
"It's not functional at the moment."
"Quit playing with me. I really have to pee." Destiny pushed the door in and saw me cowering
behind one of the counters.
"Wait a minute... aren't you Wayan's fiancée, what are you doing here when your man is going crazy looking for you? Amma call him right now!"