Chapter 10
Adani's POV.
"Destiny! Don't you dare!" Adonna exclaimed right before snatching the cellphone out Destiny's hand.
"What the hell! Okay, what is going on here, why are you hiding her?" she asked.
"You'll need to sit down for this so we can explain what's going on," Adonna responded.
"Fine. I just need to pee first."
We watched as she walked away to the restroom. I stood up with shaking legs.
"Adonna, I should leave," I said.
"Hold on."
"For what, don't you understand that she's friends with them. Wayan and Collin both and I know she's going to rat me out. You saw her behavior."
"Adani, calm down."
"How can I calm down?!" I asked with a shout. I began pacing back and forth until Destiny appeared again.
"What's going on?" she asked.
Adonna offered her a seat.
"Look, I'm now aware that you're friends with Wayan but you cannot tell him where to find her," Adonna said. Both pairs of eyes looked in my direction.
"Why do you look like that, Adani, what happened to your face?" Destiny asked.
"Wayan did this to me," I answered.
"What, that's bullshit."
"It's true," Adonna vouched.
"Hold on, you two are telling me that the Wayan I've known almost half my life is abusive?" she questioned.
"Look at his fiancée's face, do you think she did that to herself, and it's only what we're witnessing. Do you know what happens behind closed doors, huh?" Adonna said.
Destiny looked at me with attention.
"What is your plan then, Adani, like I said, he's looking for you and he knows Adonna assisted with you leaving. And it's only a matter of time until he finds out your address."
"We need your help, Destiny. I recall you have knowledge and connections to people. Can you please help her into hiding?"
"How exactly?"
"A job. A live-in nanny, or a maid, or to assist in the kitchen?"
"Adonna, sweetie, those jobs sound basic but it's not as easy as you may think. That's like getting into the White House. To get Adani into such an atmosphere, she will have to get recommended by a celebrity or governor or somebody along that level."
"What about your mom?"
"Nobody wants to mingle with a has been much less accept her recommendation. Can she just leave the state?"
"With what, she doesn't have anything."
We all sighed loudly.
"I'll try. May have a few calls to make. What's your full name again?"
"Adani Prime."
"My phone, please," Destiny said to Adonna and reached out her hand to accept it.
"Please don't call Wayan," I begged.
"I know I don't know you that well and Wayan is my friend, but I'm not going to be loyal to him
in such a situation. I'm going to help you get away from him."
"Thank you," I responded. We watched as she dialed and put the phone up to her ear.
"Sir, this is Destiny," she said. She put the phone on speaker.
"Hi Destiny, how can I help you, sweetheart?" we heard him ask.
"I have a friend who needs a job."
"You of all people should know there's no vacancy at the moment."
"Not at the office. As a maid or a nanny. Should be live-in."
"She's in need."
We heard him sigh before speaking again.
"Umm, Parriston had a position open a few days ago for a maid, not sure if it's live in. I can find
out if it's still available and recommend your friend for the interview. It's up to her to land it."
"Thank you, please do that for me and get back to me Asap."
"And what are you going to do..."
Destiny ended the call and Adonna started to giggle.
"Don't even start," Destiny directed.
"I had a feeling but I thought I was just reading too much into it," Adonna said, "You're sleeping around."
"Hey, Justin's attention is elsewhere too."
"Why not just get a divorce then?"
"It's a process I'm not going to bring to the table unless he does."
Adonna looked at the wall clock. "Shit. It's almost time for work."
"You just came from work."
"I'm working two jobs, Adani, administrative assistant at night."
As Adonna excused herself to get ready, Destiny and I started a light conversation on the abuse.
As I felt comfortable somewhat, her phone rang.
"Hi, Wayan," she answered and put the phone on speaker once again.
"Destiny," he answered. My heart leaped with fright and pounded in my chest, "Have you heard anything about Adani?"
"No, I haven't," she answered.
"I'm going crazy here. I miss her."
"Why did she leave, you didn't say."
"We had an altercation about what went down at the restaurant. She walked out on me, called a cab and left."
"Well, I'm sure she'll turn up eventually when she cools off. Just give her some time. Coral did make a scene."
"Yeah. This is all her fault and yours."
"Yeah. I told you not to invite her!"
"This isn't about who's at fault, Wayan, but if you want to play that game, we can. I wasn't the one cheating on Adani, it was you."
"Whatever. Just let me know if you hear anything or see anything. I know she's somewhere with someone named Adonna. She works for you. Find something out! An address even."
"Sure. Bye." She hung up.
Adonna came back into the room, dressed in a black and white attire.
"You haven't eaten," I remembered.
"Thanks for cooking but I'll eat at work. I don't want to be late."
"Okay. What time you'll be home?"
"At eleven."
"I'll stay until my connect calls me back," Destiny said.
"Okay. I'm out. Stay safe and remember the rules."
Adonna walked out the door and Destiny made certain the door was secured and locked.
"Not that I don't appreciate the help, but you didn't hesitate, nor did it take much convincing," I told her.
"Yeah, well, I watched my mother go through it. Everyone thought she and my dad were the perfect couple, but things weren't as it seemed, and it took a turn for the worst when my mom's grandfather died, and he left her some fortune. Dad became a bully. Wanted the money for himself. At first, he started calling her names and then it became physical. Mom was so afraid of him. She would give him anything he asked for and it was he who made the bad investment and squandered the money, leaving her to take the shame and laughers. When we went broke, he left us and never looked back."
"Oh my, I'm sorry."
"I made a vow to myself to never let any man do such a thing to me. And my heart is breaking
now, looking at you, Adani. It's like my mother all over again."
The tears rolled down. Destiny left her seat and pulled me into a hug.
Shortly after, her phone started ringing.
"It'shim," she said. She answered the phone and put it on speaker.
"I've got good news.... and bad news."
"What's the good news?"
"The job is still available."
"Okay, what's the bad news?"
"Parriston wouldn't be interviewing anyone after 10:00."
"No. Tonight. 10:00 pm. That means that friend of yours has only a few hours to get there and capture the job or she can kiss it goodbye."
"That's very rash. Can't you ask him to see this person tomorrow morning at least?" "Sweetie, we're talking about Ricardo Parriston. A billionaire with a very busy schedule. She's lucky I begged, which I never do, so he can stay back a few hours at the office." "Okay, umm, thank you. I'll make sure she's there."
"Tick tock... And when am I going to see yo..."
Destiny hung up and ushered me into the bedroom. She rampaged through Adonna's closet, cussing every bad outfit she owned.
"Here. This is the best thing I've seen. Adonna NEEDS a wardrobe update," she said and tossed an outfit on the bed.
I stripped and her mouth hanged open as she took in the bruises and marks on my body.
"I'll... I'll be outside," she said, her voice breaking as she left.
Within a few more rushing minutes, I was ready and we were heading out the door. Destiny and I got into her car and we were driving to Parriston's company. I looked at the time. Two hours remained.
"Shit!" Destiny yelled as she slammed on the brakes. Ahead of us was an accident and a long line of traffic. "Great," I said.
Destiny honked her horn endlessly and used her hazard lights until a police officer walked in our direction.
"Officer, we need to get by," she said. He took one look at her and his expression softened.
She was pretty and that had an effect on most people. Just like that, a path was cleared and we
went through and around the accident with ease.
An hour an a half remained and there were five more miles to go.
At 9:40 pm, we pulled into the parking lot of a skyscraper with its neon so bright, you couldn't miss the 'Parriston' name.
"Hold on. You have to look presentable at least," Destiny said. She retrieved a small bag and inside were makeup items. Quickly but neatly, she applied foundation and powder and lip-gloss to my face.
"Go. Take the elevator to the top floor and land this. Good luck."
"Thanks," I said back and exited the car.
I went into the building and security immediately stopped me at the entrance. I explained my
business and I was given a badge and escorted to the elevator.
"Top floor," the security guard said and I pushed the button to that floor.
The elevator dinged at its arrival to the top and I exited. The hallway was quiet and empty as I
walked along, gazing in search of the offices.
At last, I saw the double doors only a boss would have.
I knocked and entered.
"Good evening, sir, I'm..."
"Adani Prime," he cut me off. He stopped his writing on a piece of paper and looked up at me
from his commanding desk.
His blue eyes appeared to outshine the lights around him. His face was captivating and beautiful
to look at. Handsome, powerful and successful described him best.
I've heard about him before. The short clips on the television and pictures and titles in the
magazines, but seeing him in person was a whole different feeling.
"When you're through with staring, you may have a seat. You have only ten minutes remaining to
tell me why I should hire you as one of my maids, Miss. Prime."