Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Storm Chapter 79

{Lacie’s P.O.V.}

The drive back to my parents’ house actually went pretty quickly. The entire drive there, I sat on Aries’ lap and he just stroked my hair. There were no words needed. My sister was finally caught, and she was on her way to our packhouse where she would be judged and more than likely, executed. At this point, Dorian said that she wouldn’t even have to stand trial. Since we had Maya’s confession on record and the fact that we also had their faces on the CCTV footage from that night at the club, in addition to Chris the bartender’s confession, this was a slam dunk.

When we pulled up to Snell Island packhouse, Amber, Ronnie, Lucian, and Cianna were outside waiting for us.

“Hi guys,” I said getting out of the car.

“You little b***h, get your a*s over here!” Amber said and pulled me into a sisterly hug.

“Kiddo, do you realize how torn your parents are? How could you lie to them like this?” Ronnie asked.

“I’m sorry, Ronnie, but this had to be done. But we caught Heather in Orlando, and some of the bounty hunters that came with us are taking her back home now,” I answered. “Where are my parents?”

“They’re in your dad’s office,” Amber replied. “They don’t know anything, so be ready to receive some backlash,” I nodded.

“No time like the present,” I said and took Aries’ hand. We all walked into the house, and sure enough, Cam, Carl, and Amber’s other pups were in the living room. When they all saw me, their faces were priceless. Carl was about to say my name really loud, but Cianna shushed him. They were warned to stay quiet for now. After we settled them, we went to my dad’s office. The door was slightly ajar, and I gently knocked on it,

“Come in,” I heard my dad’s voice. I took a deep breath, and opened the door,

“Dad?” my mom’s and his faces went extremely pale, and they both of their jaws dropped to the floor. “Hi, mommy,” they were both dead silent.

“La…Lac…Lacie? LACIE?!” My dad shouted at the top of his lungs. My mom’s eyes filled with tears, and they immediately fell from her eyes. I don’t think I’d ever seen her run so fast in my entire life, as she engulfed me in a huge hug. I could feel her tears on my shoulder and my neck, and she was hitting my back while making sounds of anger, frustration, hurt, and betrayal.

“I’m sorry, mommy,” I sobbed. She hit my back a few more times before pulling her head back and cupping my face. I couldn’t help but cry with her. I loved my mom so much, and I felt so guilty about having hurt her with our lies. She put her forehead to mine we both just sobbed together. I could hear sniffling behind me, and I knew that Allie, Amber, and Cianna were also crying.

“I don’t understand,” I heard my dad say. “How? How are…Lacie, we thought you were dead!!”

“I know, dad, and I’m sorry we lied to you and mom and everyone else, but we had to,” I tell him.

“Why!?” he shouted.

“Because we needed to catch Heather!!” I shouted back. My mom pulled away from me, and my dad was shocked.

“What are you talking about?” he asked.

“Dad, Heather was hiding out in a foreign country, one that has no extradition treaty with the U.S., so we had to fake my death in an attempt to lure her here. She’s a narcissistic b***h who needs to pay for her crimes!”

“Lacie, you betrayed your sister!?”

“HEATHER BETRAYED ME!!!” I screamed making my mom jump back. “She tried to kill me! She almost succeeded!” I just looked at him and gawked. “Dad, how can you stand there and still try to defend her after everything she has done!?”

“Because she is my daughter!”

“AND I’M NOT!?!” I scream at him. “Dad I can’t believe you! It’s almost as if you love her more than me!” when I said that, the looked of admittance flashed across his face. “Oh my god, you do don’t you?” I said softly. “You love Heather more than me. Enough to defend her when she tried to kill me,” he just stood there silent not meeting my gaze. He didn’t even deny it. The amount of heartache I felt at the instant was more than I could bear.

“How did you even find here in the UAE?” he asked.

“What? Dad, how did you know where she was?”

“You said so yourself,”

“No, I didn’t. I said she went a country with no extradition treaty, I never said which country,” the look on his face realizing he made a terrible mistake. “Oh my god, you helped her!?! You helped her leave the country!?!”

“Bernie! Is this true!?” Amber shouted. I had almost forgotten everyone else was also in the office.

“Bernie! Have you lost your mind!?” Ronnie shouted.

“What was I supposed to do! Let Dorian kill her!?” my dad shouted. My mouth hung as the tears fell from my eyes.

“Bernie! Do you realize what you have done!? You interfered with an official investigation set by another Alpha and one that was authorized by an Elder! Our Elder!” Amber exclaimed. I couldn’t take it anymore. I threw myself at Aries and started to bawl. My own father favored Heather over me, enough to where he helped her leave the country to avoid punishment for her crimes. I couldn’t believe that my own father would betray me this way.

“Daddy, how could you?” I sobbed while burying my face into Aries’ chest.

“AMBER! SUMMON YOUR ELDER!” Dorian roared.

“There is no need for that,” I heard a familiar elderly voice. I look up and saw Archie in the doorway. “Miss. Lacie, I’m glad to see you are not actually dead,” I smiled through my tears. Archie was like a grandfather to me and was always so kind.

“Archie, why are you here?” my father asked.

“I was coming to inform you of the results of our internal investigation. Though it has taken some time to gather the evidence needed, the Elders of Florida have determined your fate,”


“Yes, we all agree that you are no longer fit to be Alpha. Not only have you allowed your daughter to live her life as an impure wolf, but you allowed the pack doctor to embezzle funds because of your failure at auditing the clinic; in addition, multiple pack members have come forth indicating that you have robbed them financially by charging them almost double what their condos are actually worth, you have stolen from the pack’s account, and top of that, you just admitted to interfering with an official investigation of another pack,” while Archie was listing off my father’s crimes as an Alpha, I looked at my mother who was in tears, and her eyes showed nothing but disappointment and shock. She had no idea my dad was doing any of this. He did everything behind her back. He didn’t just betray me, he betrayed her as well.

“BERNIE! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO OUR PACK!?!” Ronnie roared. Ronnie and my dad went way back. Although my dad was several years older, they basically grew up together. My grandfather and Ronnie’s dad were the best of friends, and they worked so hard to make this pack strong. My dad turned this pack in shambles because of his irresponsibility.

Archie confidently walked up to my dad and shook his head,

“Bernard Hamilton! I, Archibald Bane, Elder werewolf of the state of Florida, hereby rescind your title as Alpha of the Snell Island pack!” my dad slumped back into this chair as his Alpha aura disintegrated. Which in turn, my mother lost her Luna status. My dad and Heather were one and the same. I guess the saying ‘the apple doesn’t fall from the tree’ is true. I looked over Cianna, who was also in tears just covered her face with her hands and leaned into Lucian. By helping Heather, my dad also betrayed her.

“What is going on!?” I heard Hank yell as he came through the door. “Why did I feel as if Bernie…What!? Lacie!?”

“Lacie!?” Melanie shouted.

“What happened!? What did we miss!?” Hank asked. I guessed that they felt the emptiness of not having an Alpha or Luna anymore.

“Hank, Bernie betrayed all of us,” Ronnie said with a heavy heart.

“What do you mean?”

“He helped Heather leave the country! He interfered with an official investigation, he stole from us, and has been stealing money from pack members!” Amber shouted as her eyes turned black with rage.

“Given that there is no heir that can rightfully take the place as Alpha, I, Archibald Bane, Elder werewolf, hereby declare you, Ronald and Amber Dearing as the new Alpha and Luna of Snell Island,”

“WHAT?!” they both shouted.

“It is the law that we must follow. If an Alpha dies or is stripped of their title with no heir, the Betas will be promoted,”

“Wait, Archie, you didn’t even give us a chance to discuss this,” Ronnie said.

“You were both already aware of what would happen if the Elders all agreed to strip Bernard of his title; therefore, I did give you a chance,” Archie with a smile. “Alpha Dearing, I will leave it up to you to decide what to do with Bernard,” with that final statement, Archie walked out of the office. I was in complete in an utter shock. What just happened? I came here to tell my parents I wasn’t really dead, but in the span of about thirty minutes, not only did I tell my parents why I lied to them, my dad admitted to caring about Heather more and helping her leave the country, he was found to have embezzled from the pack, stole money from pack members, he and my mom lost their titles, and now Ronnie and Amber were the new Alpha and Luna.

Everyone just stood there not knowing what to do. I looked over at Cianna who also no longer crying but also in a state of shock. Her parents were mortified at everything that just happened. I looked up at Aries, and he just shrugged his shoulders while shaking his head and disbelief.

“Well, Alpha Dearing,” Dorian said breaking the awkward silence. “What do you plan on doing with Bernie? Are you going banish him? Or will you allow him to live as an Omega?” Ronnie looked at him, then at Amber, and then at me. Why he looked at me, I had no idea, but he did. Then he turned back to Amber, and both of their eyes clouded over. They appeared to have been discussing the matter in private. I looked over at my dad who was completely defeated and my mom was now looking at him with utter disgust.

“Dorian,” Ronnie addressed him. “What would you do if this was your pack?”

“I can’t tell you that, Ronnie. This isn’t my pack, this your pack now, it’s whatever you decide would be best for your pack. You know what crimes he has committed,” Dorian replied.

“Allie?” Ronnie looked at her.

“Nah uh, don’t look at me. I’m behind Dorian on this one. This is your pack, along with Amber’s now, you two make the decision,” Allie replied without hesitation. Amber and Ronnie looked at one another, and Amber nodded. Ronnie took in a deep breath.

“Corinne, Lacie, I’m sorry, but, after careful consideration, Amber and I have decided that Bernie will be banished,” my mom broke down in tears, and so did I. “Bernard Hamilton, I, Ronald Dearing, Alpha of the Snell Island Pack, hereby banish you. Henceforth, you will now be considered a rogue,” my dad didn’t even say anything. He just hung his head and nodded. “Corinne, I will you give you the choice to either stay with the pack or be released to leave with Bernie,” Ronnie told her. I could tell that she was torn between the two choices.

“Mom,” she looked at me. “Follow your heart,” she closed her eyes and hugged her body trying to make a decision. After a few heart-pounding minutes, my mother nodded her head indicating she made a decision. She walked over to me and hugged me tightly. Then she mind linked me,

Lacie, my baby girl. I love you so much, but I can’t leave your father. As much as I despise what he has done, I still love him very much. I’m sorry that he did what he did to you, and helped your sister knowing full well the crimes she has committed. But as a mother, I understand that he was only trying to protect her, and now it’s my turn to protect you. I’m going to leave with your father, but it’s because I know that my presence will keep him at bay, and he will not be able to threaten anyone.

I understand mommy, and I love you too. I’m sorry that this had to happen, but please know that you can always come to visit me at Desert Moon. Since you’re being released and not banished, I’m sure Dorian and Allie will at least allow you into the territory. Besides, I’m going to need you to help me plan my wedding and help me when my pup is born.

She pulled away at my words and was in shock. I just smiled and nodded. She hugged me again and sobbed. I loved my mom so much, and I knew that she would never have allowed my dad to do what he did had she known. But she can’t help but love him because he loved her regardless of her disability.

Lacie, tell your sister that I love her too and I forgive her for what she’s done. You’re both my daughters, and I love you both. Whatever you do Lacie, don’t let your sister die without telling her that you love her. I know that you hate her now, but in the end, she’s still your sister.

I nodded my head and cried into my mom’s shoulder. I signed ‘I love you’ on her back, and she did it to me as well. She kissed my forehead and went back to my dad. She looked at Ronnie and Amber and nodded her head as she took my dad’s hand. Even my dad was shocked that she chose to leave with him, rather than stay.

“Corinne, are you sure?” Ronnie asked her and she nodded her head again. “Very well, I, Ronald Dearing, Alpha of the Snell Island Pack, hereby release you, Corinne Hamilton,” my mom said her tearful goodbyes to everyone. Ronnie gave her and my dad 48 hours to pack their things and leave the packhouse, and they walked out of the office. Hank and Melanie went with them. The rest of us just stood there in very uncomfortable silence, trying to absorbed everything that happened.

Archie confidently walked up to my dad and shook his head,

“I need a drink,” Amber said and walked out of the office. We all just followed after her to the kitchen where she was already opening a bottle of werewhiskey. She pulled out several glasses, while Allie popped open a bottle of werewine. Even though I was still underage and don’t like to drink much, with everything that had just happened, I needed a glass myself. After we downed a glass or two each, other than Aries, we all let out a deep breath. No one said anything, we all just stood around the island in the kitchen and looked at each other. Then out of nowhere, Allie broke the silence,

“So, what’s for dinner?” we all looked at her “Don’t look at me like that! I’m hungry, and I have no shame in breaking the awkward silence to make it known,” we just couldn’t help but laugh. Dorian pulled into a hug and kissed her forehead.

“Well, it’s a little too dramatic to ask the Omegas to cook dinner tonight with everything that happened, so how about we order out and get Carl and the pups to join us too,”

“Is there a Wing Stop nearby?” Allie asked.

“There is one on 34th,” Cianna replied.

“Alright, I will put in a huge order,” Amber said.

“I can send Carl and Camden to go get it,” Ronnie stated.

“Just order a bunch of those family packs,” Allie said. Amber nodded.

Dinner that night was interesting, to say the least. Although everyone was happy and laughing a lot, I did spend most of the night explaining to Carl and the kids that I didn’t actually die and that it was all an act. Since all of them were old enough to understand what I was saying, they were shocked but understood why I did what I did. I didn’t tell them that Heather was the one who was after me, but I did tell them that someone was.

We also told them what happened to my parents, and that Ronnie and Amber were the new Alpha and Luna. Although the kids were happy about it, they also knew why it happened and they were sad that Bernie and Corinne were no longer part of the pack. Ronnie told his parents everything, and they were also very devastated to hear what my dad had done. Ronnie announced to the pack that I wasn’t actually dead as well and told them that the details of why I had to fake it was confidential.

The next day, Ronnie announced to the pack my parents’ and Heather’s departure from Snell Island, and he went into detail about that. Pack members were sad that my mother chose to leave but understood that she could not leave her mate. What was even sadder though was that the majority of the pack, was happy that my dad and Heather were banished. It made my heart hurt knowing that all those pack members hated my dad and sister enough to be happy about the fact they were banished. It was a hard pill to swallow, but I didn’t blame them for their hatred either.

Our flight back home was filled with tranquility as we all just relaxed and talked the entire flight to Las Vegas. Lucian and Cianna were going to drop us off, have their jet refueled, and then immediately leave for California. Although I wanted them to stay so Cianna and I could catch up, Deacon needed them back for pack business, and because they had another real estate contract coming up that they needed to fly to New York. I promised Cianna that as soon as I got my pup back inside of me, we would plan a gender reveal party.

When we got back home, everyone was waiting for us, out front and it was announced to the pack that I wasn’t actually dead as well. Brandon reported that the boys had made it back with Heather with no hiccups and that she was currently conscious in the isolation cell and has been screaming bloody murder ever since she woke up.

“I mean seriously, the fact that she hasn’t lost her voice is incredible,” Brandon said shuddering.

“Have you guys fed her at all?” I asked.

“We gave her a small meal this morning for breakfast, but she refuses to eat it and demands to know where she is,” he replied.

“She saw my face when we filled her with the drug, does she not remember?” Allie asked.

“Don’t think so; although, she does keep asking for someone named Percy,” Lucas replied.

“Hahaha!!!” we all laughed.

“What’s so funny?” Mikey asked.

“Percy is probably Poseidon,” Allie answered. “We used a ruse to get Heather out of the house,”

“What kind of ruse?” Andre asked.

“One where it required one of the four guys to draw straws, and Poseidon lost,” Dorian said. Everyone looked at us funny.

“Poseidon had to fake that his car broken down and had to get Heather to come outside with him. It worked, but what he didn’t expect was for her to jump his bones in the middle of the sidewalk,” I tell them.

“Ohhhh…” everyone reacted in unison.

“Damn, the poor guy must be traumatized,” Lucas said.

“I think Heather was the one traumatized, Poseidon was probably the first guy that was limper than an overcooked noodle after she hit on him,” Allie said making everyone roar in laughter.

“Are we going to interrogate her right now? Or are we going to wait?” Brandon asked.

“I think we should wait,” I tell them. They all look at me. “My sister deserves to suffer in isolation and darkness. She’s f****d up all of our lives in more ways than one,” everyone nodded their heads, but not Allie.

“f**k that, I’m going down there, and I’m going to finish what I started in Florida,” she said and made a beeline to the cellar.

“No, no, no,” Dorian said stopping her and throwing her over his shoulder.


“We are going to wait because we can’t afford for you to kill her just yet,” he replied. “Everyone, go to your rooms and get some rest. We are going to do what Lacie suggested and leave Heather in isolation for a few days,”


“And you will in a few days,” he said smugly. He carried Allie upstairs while she was still kicking and screaming. The rest of us went upstairs and into our respective rooms. It had been a long few days, and I was just ready to get everything over and done with.

I knew that my sister’s days were numbered, and I was trying to figure out a way to honor what my mom said about not hating Heather before she died. But it was so hard not to hate her. I needed to confront her, and I needed answers.

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