Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Storm Chapter 78

{Shawn’s P.O.V.}

I couldn’t believe it when Heather said that Lacie had a mate that was low-level. It’s rare for a ranked female to be mated to a non-ranked wolf unless she was mated to a human. At one point in my life, I truly believed that Lacie would be my Luna, and we would be happy together. The one year that we were actually together was probably one of the happiest years of my life. But then, she caught me cheating on her with her sister, which I have regretted since the moment it happened. But when she turned 18, and she didn’t turn out to be my mate, I was even more heartbroken. I was damn near outraged.

I know for a fact that I felt the mate bond with her, even if she wasn’t of age yet. There was no denying that it was there, so the fact that she didn’t turn out to be my mate made absolutely no sense to me. After losing Lacie, I waited out the rest of the statute of limitations before going back to New Hampshire to claim the Alpha title. I hated being the Alpha, but with Devin confirmed dead, I had no choice. His parents weren’t very thrilled when I told him what happened after he got out of prison.

They were more outraged at him for going after Allison again after they specifically told him to stay in New Hampshire and wait out his probation, but that fucker never listened to anyone. I honestly felt horrible for what happened to Allison, but hearing that she was given another mate, and another Alpha wolf at that was bonkers. Now, the tiny human that no one ever liked was the Luna of one of the strongest packs of the Western United States. I guess s**t happens for a reason. Devin’s parents and my parents almost didn’t believe me when I told them that. But when they did some research, they almost s**t themselves.

I often wonder why the moon goddess hasn’t given me a mate yet. I’ve been to multiple packs the last few months and nothing. I was honestly sick of waiting, because I need a Luna to help me run my pack. I’m still upset that it wasn’t Lacie.

After driving for what felt like forever, I finally arrived at the safe house that I bought in Orlando.

“Heather, we’re here,” I say and shove her to wake her up.

“Ugh, you didn’t have to shove me, a*****e,”

“Quit your bitching and get out of the car,” we both get out, and I grab her bag from the backseat. I unlock the front door and we go in. I take her upstairs and show her to the guestroom she will stay in until I can figure out why she is being followed and by whom.

{Carter’s P.O.V.}

I wasn’t sure what happened, I knew for a fact that I was made. That’s the only explanation for this fucker coming out of nowhere and messing up the Alpha’s and Luna’s plans to catch Lacie’s sister. We were so f*****g close, then this tool showed up and is now making us play hide and go seek. Luckily, I was able to get a clear shot of this guy’s license plate as well as the make and model of the car he was driving. This would allow me to hack into the DMV database to see who the owner of the car or at least see if the car had LoJack.

After I got the pictures of the guy, I uploaded them and sent them to Aries. I started working on hacking into the Florida DMV database. Once I was in the system, I looked up the license plate and found that it was a rental, which was not a good thing; however, all rentals come with LoJack installed just in case the car is ever stolen. I got the program set up, and started to trace the vehicle, while that was working, I got a call from Aries,


“Carter, the guy in the photo’s name is Shawn Jensen, he’s an Alpha,”

“What the f**k, are you serious?”

“Yeah, and he’s also Lacie’s ex-boyfriend,”

“Lacie had a boyfriend before you?”

“Yes, that’s not the point. Did you find anything?”

“Yeah, I followed him, but lost him in traffic; however, based on the highway he was taking, it looks like he was heading to Orlando. The car he was driving is a rental, but it has LoJack, so I’m tracing it now to get an exact location,”

“Okay, contact the others, and tell them to head out to Orlando, we will meet you guys there,”

“You got it. Once I get a location on the car, I will text you the GPS coordinates,”


As soon as I hung up the phone, I got a ping on the computer indicating my program found the car. I pulled up the coordinates, and put it into Google maps, and found that it was a house. It was more than likely a potential safehouse. I got the coordinates and the address and texted them to Aries. I packed up my stuff and ordered an Uber.

“Hey buddy,” I told him when I got in the car.

“Is this right, you want to go to Orlando?”

“Yeah, why?”

“I don’t know if I can go that far, man,”

“I’ll give $500 cash on top of the fair, now drive,”

“You got it,”

The drive only took about an hour and a half, and as promised, I gave the driver $500 on top of the fair. I had him drop me off two blocks from the house, and I sent my coordinates to Aries and the others. About twenty minutes later, Fury, Warlord and Poseidon showed up.

“Hey, how did you get here?” Fury asked me.


“Damn, why didn’t I think of that,” he replied.

“How did you get here?”

“I drove my rental car,”

“You know those things have Lojack in them right?”

“It’s called disabling theirs and putting in my own. It’s spoofed so it looks we’re still in St. Petersburg,”


“Where’s Aries and the Alpha?” Warlord asked.

“They’re on their way now, they should be here soon,” I answered.

“So who is this guy anyway?” Poseidon asked.

“He’s an Alpha of a pack, and Lacie’s ex-boyfriend,” I replied, and they all looked at me like I had grown two heads. “Hey, I’m just telling you what Aries told me,” We stood around for about fifteen minutes or so when a range rover pulled up. The driver’s window rolled down and it was the Alpha.

“Sir!” we all bowed our heads.

“Which house is it?” he asked.

“It’s two blocks from here, Alpha, I wasn’t sure if they suspected they were being followed, so I wanted to stay out of sight until you arrived,”

“Okay, give us a few minutes. I need to park the car away from here,” we bowed our heads again, and he drove off. About ten minutes later, we saw the Alpha, Luna, and Aries coming to us.

“Lead the way,” Aries said. I nodded once and led them to the house where the target was.

{Heather’s P.O.V.}

“Mmmm…you’re so good at that,” Shawn m****d as I deep throated his c**k. He grabbed the back of my head, fisting my hair, and started to f**k my throat. I started to make gagging noises while saliva ran down my chin to my neck, and tears streamed down my face. Though I wished I were sucking on Deacon’s c**k instead of Shawn’s he would have to do for now.

“You like that, you like that I can deep throat every inch of you,” I said while tugging and pulling his e******n. His eyes snapped shut when I squeezed it hard with my hand, and he started to g***n as he squirts his load all over my hand.

“Ohhh…shittt…ohhhh…fuckkk,” he m****d and grunted. I kept pulling on him until he became too sensitive and pushed me away. I wiped my hand on a tissue as he cleaned himself up.

“I think I’ve sufficiently thanked you,” I tell him while standing up to my feet. Just as he was pulling his boxers and pants back on, we heard the doorbell. I looked at him, and he looked just as confused as I did. “Are you expecting someone?” I asked.

“No,” he replied standing to his feet. “No one knows about this house,” he replied. We both went downstairs, and I saw him look through the peephole.

“Who is it?”

“Some guy in a suit,”

“Maybe it’s one of those marketing people that go house to house, we used to them get them all the time,”

“Yeah, maybe,” Shawn opened the door. “Can I help you?”

“Yes, I’m sorry to bother you, but my car broke down just up the road, and my cell is dead. Do you by chance have a phone I can use to call a tow truck?”

“Yeah, sure, come on in,”

“Thanks, man, you’re awesome. I asked four other people they’ve all slammed the door in my face,”

“Sorry to hear that, give me a minute and I’ll get my phone for you,”

“You’re too kind,” Shawn went back upstairs, and I just waited by the front door with the stranger. He was kind of hot, for a human at least. I wouldn’t mind jumping his bones. He made a quick glance at me and smiled. I smiled back and gave him a seductive look. I looked at his left hand and saw no ring.

“So, how’s your day so far?” he asked me.

“Not too bad, yourself?” I asked with flirty eyes.

“Was going well until the s**t with my car. I mean, can you believe my luck,” he grunted in frustration.

“Well, I’m sure I can find some way to make it better,” I reply to him and gently caress his arm.

“I’m sorry?” he said with a confused look.

“Don’t be coy, you know what I’m talking about,” I caressed his arm a little more and licked my lips.

“Ahem, I don’t think this is appropriate, what would your husband say?”

“Oh, he’s not my husband, just a friend, I’m single,”

“Really?” he said with a smirk. Men were so easy. They just can’t help but fall for me.

“Tell you what, let me hitch a ride back with you when the tow truck gets here. I’m sure I can make your day a lot better,”

“Yeah, I think that sounds like a plan,” he easily agreed. I was going to say something more when I heard Shawn coming down the stairs.

“Here you go man,”

“Thank you so much,” the stranger took Shawn’s phone and called a tow truck service. After a few minutes on the phone, he hung up and gave the phone back to Shawn. “Thank you again, he said it would take at least an hour though,”

“Sorry to hear that, I really hope he gets here sooner than that,”

“Yeah, thanks again,”

“Um, wait,” I stop him from leaving. “Shawn, I think I’m going to go wait with him, I mean, he is alone,”

“Heather…” I pulled Shawn to the side.

“I’ve been in this house for almost five hours, I am not going to just idly sit in here bored out of my mind,”

“You weren’t bored when you were sucking my d**k ten minutes ago,”

“Get over yourself, I was thanking you from getting me out of St. Petersburg,”

“Heather, what if whoever was following you followed you here?”

“I doubt it, otherwise they would have made a move already,”

“Hey, I’m sorry to interrupt, but I’m going to head out now,”

“Wait, just another minute, I’ll go with you to keep you company!” I yelled out to him. I was not going to let a hot guy just walk away.

“Heather, don’t,”

“f**k off Shawn, I don’t need your permission to do anything,” I shoved him off and went to hot guy. “Okay, let’s go,” I tell him. We both walk out the door and he leads to me where his car is broken down.

“So, your name is Heather?” he asked me.

“Yeah, what’s your name?”

“My name is Percy,”

“Percy, that’s a cute name for a cute guy,”

“You think I’m cute?”

“I think you’re hot,” I reply and press my breasts against his arm. “I think we should have a little outdoor fun,”

“You know indecent exposure is still a crime,”

“Only if we get caught,” I say and grab his c**k and start to firmly rub it. I was surprised that it wasn’t hard yet after I openly flirted with him and shoved my boobs into his face. Humans always took longer than wolves did. I pulled him around the corner where there was a small crevice just big enough for the two of us.

“Please, don’t do this here, it’s not ladylike,”

“Ladylike? Do I look like someone who is ladylike to you?” I replied and then shoved my tongue in his mouth. His hands immediately grabbed my a*s cheeks, and I started to unbuckle his pants.

“Things with you really don’t change, do they?” I heard a familiar voice. I stopped what I was doing and turned to see Allie. I see her smirk when I felt a sudden pain on my neck. As my consciousness started to go in and out, I heard another familiar voice,

“Sweet dreams sis,”

{Lacie’s P.O.V.}

“LACIE!?!” the boys shouted.

“Hi,” I replied with a smile.

“You’re supposed to be dead!” Carter exclaimed.

“Yeahhhhh…” I just shrugged. Just then, Warlord pinched me. “Ow! What the f**k was that for!?”

“Making sure I’m not dreaming,” he replied.

“You’re supposed to pinch yourself dumbass!” I shouted at him.

“How are you here!?” Poseidon asked.

“She flew in on the jet with us,” Allie replied. “That’s why we had you guys take commercial flights. We couldn’t risk anyone seeing Lacie, not until we got Heather,”

“I’m so f*****g lost right now,” Fury said rubbing his temples.

“You guys can ask questions and freak out later,” Dorian said to them. “Right now, we need you guys to take her to the Orlando airport. Grayson should have already landed and will be waiting for you guys. Keep her knocked out, and as soon as you get her into the packhouse, get her into the isolation cell in the cellar until we get back,”

“What about you guys?” Carter asked.

“We’re going to fly back on Yellow Moon’s jet with Lucian and Cianna,” Allie answered.

“Go now, and make sure no one sees you,” Dorian commanded.

“Yes, Alpha!” the guys replied, and they picked up Heather and carrying her like she was a drunk instead of drugged.

“I think it’s time we go pay Shawn a visit,” Allie says. We all walk up to the house, and Aries rings the doorbell, covering the peephole with his hand. Luckily, there were no windows on the side of the door that would allow Shawn to see us.

“Decided to come ba… Who the f**k are…LACIE!? ALLISON?!”

“Hi,” Allie and I said in unison.

“Lacie, you’re supposed to be dead!!”

“So, I’ve been told,”

“Shawn, we need to have a serious chat, how about inviting us in,” Allie said with her eyes black. Shawn gulped and opened the door for all of us to go in. We got settled in the dining room where we all sat and faced each other. Shawn sat at the head of the table.

“So, you’re probably wondering why Lacie is sitting here, and not in a ten-foot grave somewhere,” Allie started to say. Shawn kept staring at me, which was making Aries agitated. I kept my hand on his thigh to keep him at bay. The last thing we needed a wolf fight in the middle of a suburban neighborhood. “Shawn! Did you hear me!?”

“Huh? Yeah, sorry. I’m just caught off guard by all of this,” he looked at her, back at me, and then back to her. “Wait, how the f**k did you even know where I was!?”

“We have resources,” Allie replied. “Now, I’m going to ask a series of questions, and you’re going to answer them truthfully because if you don’t, I will personally make sure you join Devin in hell,”

“Allie, I don’t take threats likely! I’m an Alpha!”

“And I’m a Luna! A high level one at that. I can easily subdue you just by touching your hand. So, unless you want to be rendered unconscious and facing judgment with the Elders of Florida and New Hampshire, I suggest you answer my questions, comprender?” he glared at her a moment, but a growl from Dorian was all it took for him to nod his head in agreement.

“What do you want to know?”

“Why did you help Heather?”

“I thought she was in danger. I saw someone following her and I figured I would keep her safe,”

“Yeah, maybe,” Shawn opened the door. “Can I help you?”

“Were you aware that Heather is wanted for the attempted murder of multiple ranked pack members between my pack and Yellow Moon’s in California?”

“What?! No, I had no idea!”

“Were you aware that Heather manipulated Aries’ ex-lover to kill Lacie?”

“WHAT!?” Shawn looks at me in shock and disbelief.

“It’s true Shawn, my sister has been trying to get me killed ever since I met my mate,” Shawn’s gaze immediately went to Aries and they both had a staredown with each other.

“Shawn, did you know that Devin was going to assault me?” Shawn looked at her and her eyes were focused on his. Trying to determine if he was going to lie or not. With her soul sensing ability getting stronger as time went on, Allie was now able to detect the change in someone’s aura if they’re going to try and deceive her.

“Yes,” he replied. I immediately let out a small gasp. “I knew Devin was going to force you into s*x, but I didn’t know that he would leave you for dead the way he did,”

“Why didn’t you stop him?”

“I couldn’t, he was the future Alpha of our pack, and to go against him would be treason,”

“Even when it came to the life of an innocent human!?!” she shouted.

“Allison, you were his mate! I couldn’t inter…”

“THAT DOESN’T MAKE WHAT HE DID TO ME OKAY!!!” she roared in her Luna tone. Shawn was so startled by her outburst and that even for an Alpha, he jumped back.

“I never said what he did was okay, I knew it was heinous and I knew that he never should have…”

“Shut up Shawn!” I shouted at him. “You were an accessory to the crime! And you know it! Admit it! You came to Florida to avoid the statute of limitations, didn’t you?” Shawn’s eyes were fixated and filled with guilt.

“Yes, I di…” before he could even finish his admission, Allie punched him straight in the face, and we could all hear the cracking sound of his nose breaking.

“You pathetic son of a b***h! Do you think you’re worthy of being an Alpha!? You let an innocent human get assautled, and you had prior knowledge of it happening. Then instead of coming clean and accepting the fact that you played a part, you ran away to another state! You’re a f*****g p***y, Shawn! You’re pathetic, weak, and a disgrace! I don’t care what the statute of limitations is! I’m going to see to it that you are removed from your position as Alpha!”

“I’d like to see you try!” Shawn spat back. “Just because you’re a Luna doesn’t mean you’re strong enough to take me on!”

“She may not be, but I am,” Dorian said very calmly. It was so calm; it was actually scary. “Shawn Jensen, if we can’t find a legal way to strip you of your title, then I will challenge you for your pack,” as soon as Dorian said that, you could smell the fear on Shawn. “I suggest getting yourself prepared,”

“Also, don’t bother looking for Heather, she’s already in our custody and she’s coming back to Desert Moon with us,” Allie said.

“What are you going to do to her?” he asked.

“Why do you even care?” I asked in return.

“Lacie, I get it that she did some horrible things to you, but she’s still your sister,”

“So, it’s okay for her to try and kill me, my mate, my Alpha, my Luna, and my other friends, but it’s not okay for her to pay for her crimes?”

“That’s not what I’m saying,”

“Then what are you saying, Shawn? Please, enlighten me. Why do you care what happens to Heather?”

“She’s a good person. She’s just upset and angry at Allison,”

“Oh, let me guess, she told you that her mate rejected her because I somehow manipulated him into doing it, is that right?”

“Yeah, how did you…”

“She’s lying Shawn!” Allie exclaimed. “Heather was rejected because her ex-mate didn’t care about her, and he didn’t want a mate at the time. He is an Alpha who wasn’t ready for a Luna, and she forcefully marked him without his consent thinking it would keep him from rejecting her. But little did she know, that doing that, made him hate her completely, so he rejected her. Not to mention the multiple times she assaulted me,” Shawn was so bewildered at that point, he didn’t know what to say.

“Want to know why her mate didn’t want her?” I ask him. He looks at me and gives me a look of curiosity. “My sister is what you call an ‘impure wolf’,”

“What’s that?”

“An impure wolf is a someone who intentionally has an affair with a mated wolf,”

“What? Are you saying that Heather had an affair with a mated wolf?” he asked.

“Not just one, but many. Cianna’s actually the one who told her mate, who happens to be the triplet brother to her ex-mate,” I answer. “She started sleeping with mated wolves when she was 16, and she ruined so many relationships within Snell Island’s pack, that it completely destroyed the balance of male to female ratio. All the women that were scorned because of my sister sleeping with their mates, rejected their mates and left the pack,”

“Wait, did you say she started when she was 16?”

“Yeah, I did,” I say to him “You see Shawn, I think you and I were supposed to be mates, I really do, but because you cheated on me with my sister, who was impure, the moon goddess rescinded the bond so that when I gained my wolf, you and I would not be mates,”

“WHAT!?” he slammed his fists on the table and stood to his feet. “Lacie! Are you telling me that it’s my own fault that we’re not together!?”

“That’s exactly what I’m saying. You slept with my sister knowing full well that I was your potential mate, so, the moon goddess punished you, by taking it back,”

“Shawn, do you know what happens when a wolf cheats on their mate?” Dorian asks him. Shawn shook his head. “They spend the rest of their life mateless,”

“W-w-what!? Are you saying that I’ll never have a mate!?”

“That’s exactly what we’re saying?” Allie chimes in.

“Lacie didn’t have her wolf at the time!? That doesn’t count!”

“Actually it does, because you see, as Lacie said, you felt the mate bond, which means, you had already claimed her as your mate; therefore, cheating on her, meant you cheated on her dormant wolf, and it doesn’t help that you cheated on her with her sister who is an impure wolf,” Aries tells him.

“What the f**k!?!” Shawn sat back in his seat grabbing his head and shouting strings of curse words.

“This is Karma, Shawn,” Allie says to him. “You allowed a future Luna to be assaulted, and in doing so, the moon goddess gave you a mate that was related to an impure wolf knowing full well that you would cheat on her. As such, now you’re an Alpha with no Luna,” Shawn was seething in anger and hurt at Allie’s words. She was basically pouring gasoline on an open flame, burning him more than he was already burned.

“I think we’re done here,” Dorian said. We all nodded and stood up to leave.

“You know Shawn, I would say have a nice life, but knowing that you played a part in my assault, you don’t deserve a nice life. I hope you burn in hell,” Allie says and takes Dorian’s hand. I stop and look back at him. He’s just staring at the dining room table completely dumbfounded.

“At one point I loved you Shawn, and I prayed to the moon goddess that you did turn out to be my mate because I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. But when I saw you happily having s*x with my sister, I never hated you more. I also hope you burn in hell. Oh, and don’t worry, you will have plenty of time in the afterlife to f**k my sister again. After all, you two deserve each other,” I take Aries’ hand and we all leave Shawn’s house.

We make the quick walk to Dorian’s rental, and we head back to St. Petersburg. It was time that I told my parents, about everything.

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