Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Storm Chapter 71

{Dorian’s P.O.V.}

“What?” I looked at Aries and Lacie in shock at what they just told me.

“We agreed on doing the surrogate and we want Allie to do it,” Aries repeated. I furrowed my brows at them not knowing what to say. I was honored that they wanted to have Allie hold their pup temporarily, but because of Allie’s recently discovered fertility issues, she may not be the best candidate; however, this also wasn’t my place to tell them about it either. I let out a big sigh,

“Dorian, is there something wrong?” Lacie asked.

“Have the two of you asked Allie first?”

“Not yet, we wanted to let you know first since you’re the Alpha and her husband. After all, we’re essentially going to be putting my offspring in your wife,” Aries replied. I just stared at them blankly.

“Dorian?” Lacie waved her hand in my face.

“I need to get Allie in here,” I said. I paused a moment and sent her a mind link,



Where are you?

In the nursery with the twins, why?

Will you come to my office, please?

Sure. Let me get the nannies and I will be right there.

Lacie and Aries sat down in the guest chairs across from me at my desk. We waited several minutes when Allie finally came into the office. She scanned the room and had a dazed and confused look on her face,

“Um, what’s going on?” she asked.

“Come here, baby,” I said and held out my hand. She came over and calmly sat on my lap. I rested my forehead against the back of her shoulder and took another deep breath.

“What’s wrong, babe?” she asked me.

“Lacie and Aries have something they want to ask you,” I mumble into her shoulder.

“Okay,” she said. “What’s up?”

“Allie, Aries, and I talked about the surrogacy plan, and I’ve agreed to go through with it,” Lacie said. I still haven’t lifted my head.


“Well, we both agreed that we think it would be best if you carried our pup,” Aries interjected.

“Oh,” Allie said very monotone. “s**t,”

“Uh, that’s not the reaction we were hoping for,” Lacie stated very confused. Allie immediately let out a deep and heavy sigh.

“Baby, we’re going to have to tell them,” I tell her softly still pressing my forehead into her shoulder. We had agreed to keep this to ourselves, but now that Lacie wanted Allie to carry her pup, we had to tell them.

“Lacie, I don’t think I can,” Allie stated.

“What do you mean? Are you pregnant yourself?”

“No, it’s not that, it’s…” Allie paused and sighed again. “Lacie, remember when we discovered my heat was off balance?”


“Well, Dr. Quinn ran some tests, and she assured me that my heat was irregular from stress, but she ran a couple of other tests just to be sure,” Allie paused again. I could feel her trying to hold back her tears. “Lacie, my tests came back abnormal, so Dr. Quinn did a more thorough exam on me and found that there is scar tissue built up in my uterus,” Allie’s voice started to break.

“I don’t understand, what does that mean?” Lacie asked.

“It means, that there’s a possibility I can never conceive again, and if the off chance I ever did, I may not be able to carry a pup to term,” Allie started to sniffle.

“Oh my god, Allie,” Lacie’s tone was laced with regret and guilt.

“What caused the scar tissue?” Aries asked with concern.

“The poisoning,” I answered. Allie started to sob and turned her body to rest her face in my neck. Lacie and Aries looked at one another and scoffed at the realization that Heather and Maya were the ones that ultimately caused Allie’s fertility issues.

“I want to help you guys, but I can’t,” Allie said through her tears. “I’m sorry,”

“No, Allie, don’t be sorry. We should be apologizing, our rash decision to have you do it just brought out a terrible revelation,” Lacie said with tears in her own eyes.

“You guys didn’t know and believe me when I tell you that Allie and I are both honored you trust us enough to carry your pup, but as Allie stated, medically, she’s can’t,” I tell them.

“We understand, we will ask of one of the others to help us,” Aries replied. I nodded.

After our sit down with Aries and Lacie, I took Allie back to our room so she could calm down. Once we were there, however, she did the exact opposite. Allie completely broke down and started to bawl. The way I knew she wanted to on the plane when she first told me. Seeing Allie like this was killing me inside.

I don’t know how they did it, but as if Leah and Sin could feel Allie in complete distress, they barged into the room, which I could have sworn I had locked,

“WHAT’S WRONG!?” they both shouted.

“Seriously? Did I not lock that?” I said out loud.

“No,” they answered. I grunted to myself.

“Why is Allie crying hysterically!?” Sin asked. Coming over to the bed and rubbing Allie’s back,

“Dorian, did you hurt her!?” Leah growled.

“What? Why the hell do you assume I hurt Allie?”

“Well, she’s not crying like a little baby for no f*****g reason!” Sin exclaimed.

“Allie, tell us what’s wrong?” Leah said and stood in front of her. Allie feeling completed defeated somehow found the strength and oxygen to tell them everything, by the time she was done, both of their eyes were glowing in anger.

“THOSE BITCHES!!!” Sin screamed.

“Oh my god, I pray to the goddess, and every high power there is Maya is f*****g found! I’M GOING TO RIP HER f*****g HEAD OFF!” Leah screamed.

“Sweetcheeks!?” Brandon shouted coming into the room feeling her rage. “What’s happened?!”

“GET OUT BRANDON!” Sin and Leah growled.

“f**k, okay,” Brandon closed the door and left. I shook my head. Poor guy just felt the wrath from two out of our three tiny blessed wolves.

“Dorian, can you make the bounty open?” Sin asked.

“I would, but that’s not what Lacie wants, and Maya is Lacie’s personal enemy,” I tell them. They both grunt and growl in frustration.

“That b***h Heather better f*****g stay in hiding because if I get my hands on her I’m going to rip her limb from limb!” Sin growled clenching her fists. I knew better than to try and calm them down, so I let them say any and every threat they wanted to against Heather and Maya until Allie felt better.

Once all the girls had calmed down, Allie went to wash her face with cold water, and then we all went down for dinner. Lacie, Aries, Leah, and Sin were prohibited from sharing this information with anyone. Sin especially since she could never seem to keep secrets. After dinner, we all went into the conference room to finalize the plan. It was decided that Sam would be the surrogate for Lacie’s pup since she was both healthy and about the same size as Lacie. The overall details of the plan were kept between Aries, Mikey, and me. The fewer people that knew our plan, the better.

{Lacie’s P.O.V.}

After breakfast the next day, Maxine and Stuart showed up with the potion in hand. They gave it to Aries for safekeeping until the ‘death’ part of the plan was put into play. Once Maxine and I were formally introduced, she, Sam, Allie, and I went to my room to perform the spell. Because I was still so early on, it was best that Allie be around to use her abilities to sense the transfer of my pup to Sam.

“Okay, Lacie and Sam, I need you both to lie down on your backs and hold each other’s hands,” Maxine instructed us. We both laid down on my bed and did what she said. “Okay, both of you take a deep breath, close your eyes, and relax. Neither one of you should feel this,” Sam and I look at each other and nod.

“Max, you’re 100% sure about this,” Allie asked.

“Yes, now hush,” After a minute of calm breathing between everyone in the room, Maxine recited the spell, “Pass the infant soul through the air,

Let him or her pass with no despair,

Protect its life as they make their way,

Into a new body where he or she will temporarily stay,” after a minute or two of pure silence, Allie finally said something,


“Okay, Lacie and Sam, you two can get up now,” Maxine said. We both look at each and then back at Maxine, and I lifted a brow,

“Did it work?” Sam asked.

“One way to find out,” Allie said stepping towards us, “Lacie, look at me,” I looked her in the eyes, and she studied me very carefully. She lifted her brow, but it was more empty than normal. “Sam,” she turned to her next. Allie looked at her with precision and then did her brow lift, but this time, she smiled.

“Well?” we both asked.

“Sam, I believe you’re pregnant,” she says and then turns to me, “And Lacie, you’re not,”

“I guess my work here is done,” Maxine said dusting off her hands and smiling.

“Max, how long before it’s too late to transfer the pup back?” Allied asked.

“Within the first month is ideal, but in all honesty, I can reverse it any time, even during labor,”

“Yeah, I’m not letting Sam keep my baby that long, I want to feel the good and the bad of being pregnant,” I tell her.

“Just give me a call after you die, sweetie, I’ll have Stuart bring me back,”

“Thanks, babe, that was pretty f*****g cool,” Allie said and hugged her.

“You’re welcome my lovelies, see you again soon,” she waved and left my room. After she closed the door, Allie turned around gave us a look of pure amazement.

“What?” I asked.

“Y’all, that was the craziest s**t I had ever f*****g seen! And that girl concealed my pregnancy for four months from over 400 people,”

“What exactly did you see?” Sam asked.

“I saw your baby’s soul, literally leave your body,” she said pointing to me, “And then go into Sam’s body,”

“What did my pup look like?”

“It was like a speck of white light, it was small too, probably because you’re baby is still technically an embryo,” Sam and I just looked at each other and shrugged our shoulders. As long as it worked, and my pup is safe inside of Sam, for the time being, I’m okay.

“Knock, knock,” Aries said opening the door.

“Hi, babe,” I say happily.

“I saw Max leaving, so I’m assuming everything went smoothly?” we all nodded. “Cool, Sam, please take care of my pup,”

“Don’t worry about a thing you two, I will take of this pup like it is my own,” she smiled and gave me a hug. She gave a small tap to Aries’ shoulder and left.

“Alright, I guess my work is done too,” Allie said and looked at the clock, “Hm, two hours before lunch, just enough to time to f**k Dorian’s brains out, sayonara!” she said and ran out the door. I just scoffed and laughed at her. Allie seriously had no shame in telling people she and Dorian were going to have s*x, whether it was by hinting or just straight up saying it.

“Are you feeling up for a date, precious?”

“Yes, I would love that, babe,” I gave him a quick k**s and changed my clothes into something a little nicer and comfier. After I was changed, Aries and I left our room hand-in-hand, when suddenly we could hear Allie giggling,

“Dorian!! You promised!!”

“Hush!” *SMACK*

“Ah!” Allie yelped.

“You know what happens when you project your l**t, baby. Now I’m going to f**k that sweet honey milk p***y of yours until you blackout,” Dorian said and then we heard their door slam.

“I’m pretty sure that loud slap we just heard was Dorian spanking Allie,” Aries said.

“Yeah, and I’m fairly certain Allie was over his shoulder too,” we both just laughed again and made our way out. We passed by the others coming up the stairs and told them we were going out for lunch and we would be back before dinner.

We went down to the garage and got into Aries’ car and took off. We drove into the city and got some Grimaldi’s pizza because it was one of my favorite pizza places. I got my all-time go-to, Hawaiian pizza, and Aries got a large pepperoni. The server looked at us like we were both crazy because it was just the two of us ordering two large pizzas. If only he knew how much a werewolf could actually eat.

After lunch, Aries took me to Target so I could buy some new maternity clothes. Even though Sam was carrying my pup, sooner or later, the pup would be in my womb again, and I wanted to be prepared. I remembered a lot of the things Allie said while we were shopping for Evelyn, and it really did come in handy. I made sure not to get too much, but just enough that would last me. I also made sure to get a variety of different sizes.

We decided that while we were there, we would make a baby registry and only things that were neutral for now. We mostly added stroller, carrier, diapers, wipes, bottles, and some stuffed animals. I always loved giraffes, and Aries loved elephants, so we put one of each onto the registry. After about two hours of just looking around and adding things to the registry, we finally checked out and headed back to the car.

“Is there anywhere else you want to go, Precious?”

“Umm…I want ice cream,”

“Anywhere in particular?”

“There’s a rolled ice cream shop in the plaza over there,” I said and pointed behind him.

“Okay,” we got in the car and drove through the parking lot to the other plaza and got out. We went into the ice cream parlor, and I got simple cookies n’ crème, and Aries got coffee-flavored ice cream with Nutella. We sat at the table outside and enjoyed our sweet treat. I started to feel uneasy. My wolf senses were on overdrive and I felt like someone was watching me. Then out of nowhere, Mikey sat down next to us, but he didn’t look friendly, at all.

“Aries, you’re a hard man to find,” Mikey said with venom in his voice.

“Razor, what are you doing here?” Aries snarled. I had no idea what was going on. I didn’t even know Mikey was following us.

“You know why I am here, Aries,” Mikey said and gently brushed my cheek. It immediately sent shivers down my spine. This wasn’t Mikey at all, this was actually creeping me out. His touch was cold and almost, evil.

“,” Aries growled and his eyes turning black. Oh god, we were in public in front of humans, and Cypher was starting to surface. Was this part of the plan?

“Now, now, Aries, let’s be civil about this. You know as well as I do, I don’t like to harm women, but the price for this precious little thing is quite worth the bad reputation,”

“Who hired you?” I asked as my voice trembled. Ethan was right, Mikey had fully channeled his bounty hunter persona and it was not pleasant. The tremble in my voice was real, and they both knew it.

“It’s a secret, but I can tell you that the price is just right, so, I’m going to say this once and only once,” Mikey and took my ice cream. A*****e. “Hand over your mate, and live, or I take her by force, and you die,”

“Retirement has made you stupid, Razor, what makes you think I wouldn’t fight to keep my mate safe,”

“Well, it appears to me she is more than just your mate,” Mikey said while lifting my left hand to show my engagement ring. “I see that finding a mate has made you soft,” he smirked.

“I won’t tell you again, Razor, do not touch her,”

“Or what?” they both stood to their feet ready to brawl.

“Please, don’t,”


“No! I don’t want to see you get hurt, babe,” I tell Aries, and then turn to Mikey, “I will go with you, just please don’t hurt him,” I said with tears falling from my eyes.

“Well, I guess one of you does have a brain after all,” Mikey said and pulled my arm. Aries grabbed my other arm and secretly slipped me the potion. I knew that this was part of their plan, but this was honestly really terrifying, especially with how evil Mikey seemed to be.

“Babe, stop, please,” I begged him. “You said it yourself that this guy was the best, don’t be stupid,” I could see Aries having an internal battle with himself. Even though this mostly acting, a lot of it wasn’t and I think that’s why I wasn’t included in the details. It would make my reaction more real. I pried Aries’ hand off my arm.

“Come now, Lacie, don’t make me kill you too soon,” Mikey said with the evilest tone I had ever heard. I gripped the potion in my hand, making sure not to break it. Mikey put me into the backseat of his car, a car I had ever seen before, and drove away. After driving for almost two hours, Mikey stopped in the middle of the desert and pulled off onto scenic overlooks where no one was in sight. After taking a minute to compose himself, Mikey turned around,

“Lace, are you okay?”

“I’m fine, although, I can’t deny you freaked me out a quite a bit back there,”

“I know, and I’m sorry half-pint,” hearing him say the nickname that I hated so much let me know that he was Mikey again, and not Razor.

“So, what now?”

“I’m going to tie you up and put duct tape over your mouth. You need to lie down in the most un-natural way you can in the trunk of the car,”

“Okay,” we got out, and the sun was getting ready to set. Mikey tied up my hands and put the duct tape over my mouth. He helped me get into the trunk, and I decided to just slump over as best I could as if I was thrown in.

“Nice, stay like that,” Mikey a took small syringe of his bag and extracted some of my b***d from my arm. He then squirted it along my hairline and put some dirt and gravel around it to make it look like I hit my head on the ground. “Now, the best acting you can do, scream in terror and start to cry,” I nodded my head. That would be easy, all I had to do was think about what my sister did to me, to Allie, to all the guys, threatening Deacon and Evelyn. The thought of Maya hiring someone to kill me made my b***d boil and in no time at all. I started to scream and cry. My make up started to run, and I knew I was going to look like a raccoon when I was done. “Good, don’t stop until I tell you to,” Mikey took out his phone and snapped a few photos, and then I heard him dial a number, and held up the phone. He was video calling someone,


“It’s Razor,”


“I finally got the b***h,”

“Send proof,”

“As you wish,” Mikey turned the phone to face me, and I started to scream and cry again.

“What happened to her head?” the strange man asked.

“When I opened the trunk, she tried to run but tripped and slammed her head into gravel. Not only is she stupid, but clumsy too,”

“MMMM!!!!” I screamed in annoyance that he just called me stupid and clumsy.

“You won’t receive the payment until you bring her dead body to us,”

“MMM!! MMM!!” I cried out again when he said dead body.

“Okay, then where shall I meet you?”

“We are in Reno, but we can meet you halfway,”

“Do you know where Round Mountain is?”

“We do,”

“Tell your benefactor to meet there at five tomorrow morning on the dot, and he needs to come alone,”

“MMMM!! MMM!!” I cried out again and started to struggle in the trunk.

“SHUT UP OR I WILL KILL YOU NOW!” Mikey roared. I took that as his instruction to stop screaming. So, I just laid there and cried silently.

“Why do need him to go alone?”

“Because that’s how I operate! He will bring ten million in CASH! And if he can’t handle a simple task such as being on time and paying in U.S. currency, I will release her, and will come after you instead,”

“Fine, he will be there at five in the morning sharp,”

“Tell him to meet me at the high school. Since it’s summer vacation, no one will be there, let alone at that hour,”

“Very well,” Mikey hung up the phone and then looked back at me. He winked and I smiled through the duct tape. He gently peeled it off and untied me.

“Damn, that was some nice acting, half-pint,”

“I could say the same about you,” I say and rub my wrists.

“Alright, we have about another five-hour drive, before we get to Round Mountain. We will stop at a gas station to refuel, and grab some hot food and snacks for the drive,”

“Sounds good,”

“Alright Lace, let’s go fake your death,”

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