Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Storm Chapter 70

{Lacie’s P.O.V.}


“Ugh! Babe, your alarm is the most annoying thing ever,” I grumbled and smacked Aries in the chest.

“Yeah, it’s how I’m actually able to wake up,” he grumbled back turning it off. I felt the bed tip and wave a bit as he got off and headed to the bathroom to get ready for morning training. I flipped over and hugged his pillow so I could fall back asleep, but that decision was short-lived when Allie mind linked me,

Don’t bother going back to sleep.

Ugh! I don’t want to train, Allie.

It’s not a matter of what you want, Lacie. You started to train before we went on vacation, which means you’re tied to it from now on. GET YOUR A*S UP.


I cut off the mind link and sat up. I scowled at the empty space around me, threw off the covers, and went into the bathroom. Aries was already in the shower. I didn’t really need one since I had showered last night, and I was going to get all sweaty and gross anyway from training. The thought of running ten miles is already making my legs hurt.

As I was brushing my teeth, Aries came out of the shower and snaked his arms around me and kissed my cheek.

“I’m guessing Allie is making you come too,” I nodded my head and rolled my eyes. He just chuckled and tapped my booty before going to get changed. Once I finished my morning routine, I changed into my sports bra and shorts and we both went out back to get started. We all gathered around and waited for everyone else to come.

“Alright, good morning,”

“Good morning, Lucas!” everyone shouted in unison.

“I hope you guys enjoyed having Sully as your morning trainer for a week, but Sam and I are back,”

“That’s right, and we’re both itching to kick your asses today,” Sam added on. “Let’s start with our warmup, one hundred high knees and fifty burpees, GO!” I quickly did the high knees and got down to my burpees. I hate these damn things, and so did everyone else. One by one by we all started to finish, and I already a sweating mess.

“Alright, now that we’re sweaty and warmed up, ten-mile sprint, GO!” Lucas shouted. We all took off. I learned from Allie that it was best to do a light sprint in the beginning for the first half to prevent myself from overly exerting. Once Lucas called out the half point. Allie, Sam, me, and a few other females pulled out of formation and pushed ourselves to the front.

“Come on boys! Don’t let a bunch of girls beat you home!” Sam shouted while doing quick jog backward and then turning back around and pushing on.

“Lacie, I’ll race you!” Allie shouted.

“You’re on!” we kept up the same pace for the next three miles or so and waited for Lucas to call out the last mile.

“Last mile!”

“GO!” Allie shouted. I forced my legs to go fast as they could, but I was no match for Allie. She was one of the fastest females in the pack, aside from Sam. Allie beat me home by at least five seconds. I bent over placing my hands on my knees and tried to catch my breath.

“How the hell are you so fast?!” I asked her once I had enough oxygen in my lungs.

“I used to sprint five miles every day when I was human, so my endurance has always been pretty good,” she said while handing a bottle of water. “Believe me, I had to work hard, and I still do. But, when it comes time for you have your own pup Lacie, you’ll be happy that you’re working on strength and endurance now,”

“Why?” I asked after chugging half the water bottle.

“Because when Sam and I were pregnant, we were still doing morning workouts,”

“WHAT?! Is that safe?”

“It was because were only jogging the ten miles, and we didn’t do pushups or sit-ups. We did do the fifty squats, fifty lunges, and we did yoga together. Staying active while being pregnant helped prevent stretch marks,”

“Damn, I always wondered why you guys don’t have any,”

“I’m sure you saw that Leah, Sin, and Dani still have a little, but that’s because those three refused to do any exercising and also ate like s**t,” I had to laugh at that. “Lacie, after our morning workout, I want you to make an appointment to see Dr. Quinn,”


“Because I think you’re pregnant,”


“Lacie, the Luna was right, you are pregnant,” Dr. Quinn said. “Because of the Luna’s ability to detect pregnancies so early on, we’ve had to start doing hCG b***d tests; however, even then we’ve received a false negative if she detects it to too early,”

“How far along am I?”

“It’s hard to say, really. When was your last heat?”

“Um, about two and half weeks ago,”

“Hm, the Luna would have sensed it sooner than that. It’s more than likely you’re less than a week pregnant, possibly even just a few days,”

“Seriously? She can actually sense it that quick?”

“The quickest she ever sensed a pregnancy was the Mojave Mountain Luna. She sensed it as soon as the egg was fertilized,”

“Wow, that’s insane,”

“My assumption with the slight change in your hCG levels, and the fact that Luna only now realized you’re pregnant, the embryo has at the very least implanted,” I let out a sigh and smiled. “Lacie, why isn’t Aries here with you?”

“Allie told me to come alone,” I replied. I thought about it and found it really strange too. I shrugged it off, and Dr. Quinn went over all the do’s and don’t’s of pregnancy. She couldn’t have stressed the term “healthy diet” more than she did. And Allie already warned me she would highjack my meals if I even tried to eat unhealthily.

{Aries’ P.O.V.}

“WHAT!?” I shouted at Allie while I and the other ranked members sat in Dorian’s office.

“Lacie is pregnant,” Allie repeated calmly.

“Then why am I not down at the hospital with her confirming this!? This is my pup!”

“I get that, but I sent Lacie alone because we need to talk about something very important, and I don’t want her to stress,”


“The fact that we have to fake her death in less than 48 hours,” realization hit me when she said that. I had totally forgotten about it. “Aries, I need to talk to Maxine before we move forward with the plan,”


“Because the potion Maxine made is supposed to stop Lacie’s heart for five minutes and takes thirty minutes to even take effect,”

“I get that, I still don’t understand why we need to change tactics,”

“Aries, I need to make sure that Maxine’s potion doesn’t kill your pup!”


“We can’t put off Lacie’s bounty anymore. Mikey is going to run out of time and excuses, so we need to figure out how to work around Lacie’s pregnancy while still protecting your pup,” Dorian said. I nodded my head.

“Maxine is working right now at the beach club,” Brandon stated.

“Dani, will you shimmer there, and bring her back?” Allie asked.

“Sure, just be sure to have a bag of b***d ready for me,” Dani got up and then disappeared in a puff of orange smoke.

“I will go get the b***d bag,” Andre said and used his wolf speed to run out the door. As soon he came back, Dani and Maxine appeared in the office.

“B***d, now,” Dani said holding out her hand. Andre gave her the bag and bit into it with her fangs.

“Um, I really hope I get paid for a full day’s of work,” Maxine said while standing in her ridiculous revealing bikini.

“You will don’t worry,” Brandon said.

“Cool, what’s up? Dani said it was important,”

“Max, the potion, can Lacie take it if she’s pregnant?” Allie asked.

“Oh, um…I don’t know honestly. A pregnant woman has never had to take it before,” Maxine replied. We all drop hang our heads. “I’m guessing Lacie’s pregnancy wasn’t planned,” she says to me, and I shake my head.

“We can’t risk giving Lacie that potion, I don’t want anything to happen to her pup,” Allie says.

“Well, there is another way,” Maxine said, and we all looked at her. “We could just transfer the pregnancy to another wolf,” we all just stared at her.

“Max, are you talking about a magical surrogate?” Dani asked.

“Essentially yeah. It’s a simple spell that will allow us to transfer the soul of the pup into another,”

“Can it be transferred back?” I asked.

“Of course,” Maxine replied.

“Hold on, what’s the risk?” Allied asked.

“None, I’ve done this spell as many times as I have done the cloaking spell I used on you. As long as we transfer the pup to a strong and healthy individual, then the risk is slim to none. This is actually how witches do their own form of IVF,”

“That’s pretty cool,” Sam said.

“Well, that was an easy solution,” Sin said.

“Not so fast,” Allie said. “Aries, you need to talk to Lacie about this first. Essentially, we’re going to use magic to highjack her pregnancy from her,”

“Right, let me go find her and get an answer,”

“You guys figure it out, I need to get back to the club. I’m off tomorrow, so Stuart and I will drop by around noon,”

“Babe, get me another bag of b***d and I’ll meet you in our room,” Dani said getting up. “Ready, Max?”

“Let’s do it,” within a second they were both gone again. Andre got up and left the office.

“Aries, go,” Dorian said. I bowed my head and left the office. I sent Lacie a mind link,

Precious, where are you?

In our room

Stay there, I’m on my way.

I made my way down the stairs and couldn’t help but smile to myself. Lacie was pregnant. She was finally pregnant. When I got to our room, Lacie was lying in bed with a huge smile on her face. I figured she was going to tell me herself, so I pretended to play dumb,

“What’s got you in such a happy mood?” I asked while sitting in the bed next to her.

“Aries, I have some good news,”

“Please tell me you decided on a wedding date?”

“No, but I think what I have to tell you is even better,”

“What’s that, precious?” she took her hand in mine and placed it on her stomach. I looked at her confused, again, pretending I had no idea my pup was inside of her.

“Babe, we’re pregnant,” I looked at her shocked for a moment, and then let my hidden smile finally come to life. I tackled her on the bed and kissed her as hard I could. I kissed her until my lungs started to burn. “I’m going to take it that you’re excited,” she said softly while brushing her lips against mine. I pressed our lips together again.

“I love you, Lacie, so f*****g much,”

“I love you too,” I sat up and took off my shirt. I knew I needed to talk here about the surrogacy plan, but I wanted to make love to her first.

Two hours later, and we were still going. I couldn’t keep my hands off of her. I kept telling myself we needed to find a stopping point, but every I finish and rest a bit, she climbed on top of me wanting more. I wasn’t sure if this was hormones from being pregnant, or if this pent up s****l frustration because we didn’t have as much as s*x while on vacation. Even though we participated in the orgy, and had some fun in the shower the day before we left, there was nothing like having the privacy of your own room.

“Argh, Precious, you’re going to make me tap out,” I tell her as she rides me.

“Don’t you dare!” she growls as she bounces even harder.

“f**k!” I g***n as the tightness of her walls milk me for everything I have. I grab on her to her h**s as she takes full control of everything. I was seriously about to blow, and this was going to be last time. Lacie had fully f****d me into submission. “I’m going to c*m!” I growl and sit up. I push her head to the side and bite her mark, making me scream and making myself explode. Lacie started to shake as her final climax ripped through her.

I fell back onto the bed bringing her with me. We both were panting, desperately trying to fill out lungs with air.

“Dammit, I wanted to go longer,” she whined. I looked up at her and couldn’t believe what I just heard.

“Precious, are you trying to kill me? Did I do something wrong?”

“Hahaha!” she laughed hysterically and then gave me a gentle k**s. “No, babe, quite the opposite. I was trying to reward you, and in turn, reward myself,”

“By f*****g me to death?” she laughed again.

“You never complain when I’m in heat,”

“That’s because I’m always in control when you’re in heat. You literally turned me into your f**k toy this time,” I said while trying to contain my own laughter. “It’s like you turned into a succubus,”

“A what!?” she was dying from laughter. Hearing her laugh this hard was making my heart flutter. After laughing for a minute, I figured it was time I pulled out and we had our talk, but when I tried to move,

“OW!” she screamed. “Why did that hurt so much?”

“I don’t know,” I tried to move again, but she screamed out in pain. “What the f**k? Precious, I’m stuck, I can’t pull out,”

“What? How is that possible?”

“I have no idea,”

“Aries, this is actually starting to hurt,”

“Hold on, let me…” I tried to gently lift her off, but she screamed again. “s**t,”

“What do we do?” she asked.

“Ugh, I’m going to have to ask Dorian,”

“WHAT!? Oh my gosh!” she buried her face into my chest in embarrassment. I quickly sent Dorian a mind link,

Hey, boss?

Aries? Have you spoken to Lacie yet?

No, we got caught up, you know…

Uh-huh. So, why are you mind linking me instead of concentrating on your fiancée?

Well, we’re done now, but we ran into a small problem.

Let me guess, you’re stuck inside of her.

How did you…

It happens to me and Allie all the time. Try not to move too much, it’s actually painful for your mate.

Yeah, we figured out that the hard way. What do I do?

Try to get her into a hot shower and go one another round. That always seems to work best for Allie and me.

Got it. Thanks.

“Alright precious, I got an answer,”


“Hot shower and another round,” I gently turned my body around, sat up and again, and picked her up with me trying to move too much. She winced here and there, but I was finally able to get into the shower. After our official last round of the day, I was able to gently slide out of her.

After we got dried off, we changed the sheets on the bed, and then laid back down so I could finally talk to her,

“Precious, I need to talk to you about something,”

“What’s up?”

“I have to come to clean first,”


“I already knew you were pregnant before you told me,”

“Allie told you didn’t she?”

“She did,”

“Why did she do that? It’s not her news to tell,” Lacie sounded upset.

“It’s not that she wanted to spoil the surprise baby, but she needed to tell me because you being pregnant complicates things,”

“Complicates them how?” she asked picking her head up off of my chest and looks at me.

“Precious, you’re supposed to die in less than 36 hours,”

“Oh, s**t, I forgot,”

“The complication is the potion you’re supposed to take, Maxine doesn’t know if it’s safe to take while pregnant, and we don’t have time to test it,” she sat up complete with a worried expression. “Maxine has another solution, but I don’t know if you’re going to like it or not,”

“What is it?” I sit up with her and take her hands in mine. I take a deep breath.

“Maxine says that we can transfer our pup to another wolf temporarily,”

“What do you mean by transfer?”

“She says that there is a spell that witches use as their own form of IVF, she can basically take our pup, and put them into another female, while we work through faking your death. After that’s all said and done, she can put him or her back inside of you,”

“Like a temporary surrogate?”

“Exactly,” she stared at me blankly and didn’t say anything. “Precious?”

“Why can’t anything be normal in my life?” she pouted and crossed her arms. “First my sister highjacks my first mate, Maya highjacks our house, then she finds some low life to put a bounty on me, and now someone is going to highjack my first pregnancy,”

“Hey, no one is highjacking this pregnancy, it’s only temporary, a week or two at most,” I tell her trying to reassure her. I admit though, Lacie really has been through a lot in her young life.

“Who’s going to be surrogate?”

“We have to discuss that with Dorian and Allie,” I lay us back down again. “Maxine and Stuart will be coming by tomorrow in the afternoon and we will figure it out from there,”

“This sucks, and I’m hungry,”

“What do you want? Pizza? Burger? Pasta? Name it and I will have it made,”

“I have to eat healthily, both Dr. Quinn and Allie have engraved that into my brain. If I don’t have at least three helpings of vegetables a day, Allie is going to force me to keep a food journal,” I couldn’t help but laugh. Of all things, Allie used her Luna influence.

“Okay, about we go down and see what we can do about eating something hearty but healthy,” she looked and nodded. We got out of bed, put some clothes, and went down to the kitchen. When we went down, Allie was at the kitchen island reading a book.

“Hi, Allie,” Lacie said and sat down next to her and I sat beside Lacie.

“Hi,” Allie replied and put her book down.

“So, what I can eat that won’t piss you off?”

“Hahaha,” Allie just laughed. “Katie, will you make the signature pregnancy sandwich for Lacie, please?”

“Oh! Congratulations Lacie and Aries!” Katie the kitchen Omega shouted before digging through the fridge.

“Thank you,” we both said.

“Signature sandwich?” Lacie asked.

“Yeah, it’s a simple turkey sandwich with extra lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, avocado, and Mrs. Johnson’s famous ranch dressing instead of mayo,”

“That sounds good, can I have one too please, Katie?” I ask.

“Sure, no problem,”

“Also, instead of chips, you get either fruit or fresh veggies,” Allie added. “Well, Lacie does, Aries, you can have chips,”

“Um, do we have watermelon, Katie?” Lacie asked.

“We do. Hilary just cut up a whole container,” she replied while putting the sandwiches together. “Lacie, did you want grape juice, water, or lemonade to drink?”

“Um, can I have lemonade, please,”

“Sure, Aries, what about you?”


“Oh, you guys make this easy!” she said and got everything together. “Luna?”

“I’m fine on the sandwich, but I will take some of that watermelon too,”

Katie brought our sandwiches, and drinks to us, and put a big bowl of watermelon in the middle for us to all share.

“Oh my god! This sandwich is so good!” Lacie m****d.

“It always seems to taste better when you’re pregnant. This sandwich was the only thing I ate when I was pregnant with the twins, and it was the only way I was able to get to Sam and Leah to eat enough vegetables in one meal willingly,”

“Damn, this sandwich is pretty awesome,” I reply after taking a bite. “Good job, Katie,”

“Awe, thank you, but it’s the Luna’s recipe. I just put it together,”

“It’s all in hands that make it,” I tell her, and she smiles. I was about to take another bite when Dorian walked in,

“I see you two aren’t stuck together anymore,” he says. Lacie spits out her drink and Allie chokes on watermelon. Katie rolls over laughing while getting things ready for dinner.

“I know you’re my Alpha and all, but, what the f**k?” I scowl at him. He just laughs and k****s Allie on the cheek.

“Babe, not cool, I almost choked on watermelon,” Allie says to him.

“I don’t know how, seeing that I shove my d**k down your throat with no problem,” this time it was my turn to laugh and choke on my food.

“DORIAN!” Allies screamed and punched him the chest. “GAH! It’s like you’re trying to embarrass me to death!”

“All in good fun, baby, all in good fun,”

“Keep it up, mister! I’ll tell everyone your dark secret!”

“You wouldn’t!!”

“Try me!” without even saying a word, Dorian picked her up and threw her over his shoulder.

“Enjoy your lunch guys, I need to teach my wife here a lesson,” he said and spanked her so hard the sound echoed in the kitchen and Allie yelped.

“I always wondered where Simba picked up the habit of throwing me over his shoulder like that, I guess it’s the Alpha’s fault,” Katie said trying to contain her laughter.

“Simba does it too?” Lacie asked.

“He didn’t at first, but about two heat cycles ago, he did it as soon as he sensed it and has been doing it ever since. As strange as it sounds, I love it when he does it to me. There’s nothing like being manhandled by your mate,”

“Watch that mouth of your’s muffin, pups, coming through,” Simba said coming into the kitchen.

“Mommy,” the two pups squealed.

“Oh, hello my angels,” Katie said bending down to k**s them. She came back up and gave Simba a k**s too. Seeing their little family like this made me smile. I looked over at Lacie who was rubbing her belly and smiling as well.

“Is that what I think it is?” Simba asked pointing at our plates.

“Sure is,” Katie replied.

“Aries, congratulations man!” Simba said and gave me a huge high five and a bro hug. He went over to Lacie and gave her a side hug and k**s on the temple.

“Does everyone know about these sandwiches?” Lacie asked.

“Only those that live in the packhouse. Allie was known for eating these almost on a daily basis. Everything in those sandwiches was off-limits when she was pregnant. And now that you’re pregnant, she’s going to make sure there are plenty of vegetables and healthy fruits in this house,” we both just looked at him. “If there is one thing Allie takes seriously, it’s eating healthy while pregnant. It will also help your pup be less picky with food. I’m sure you’ve seen her twins when they eat,”

“Yeah, they’re not picky with vegetables at all,” Lacie replied.

“That’s because of how Allie ate when she was pregnant. She loves junk food more than anyone, but she stayed away from it when she was pregnant, and she always made sure to exercise regularly,”

“Ugh, I told you, Aries. Allie threatened to highjack my meals if I didn’t eat healthily,” Lacie said to me groaning while downing the last bite of her sandwich.

“You think that’s bad when the Beta and Gamma were pregnant, they were so bad at eating healthy, that the Alpha had Gamma Mikey install hidden cameras in the kitchen and they were forced to keep food journals,” Katie said.

“It may seem like overkill, and straight-up her being nosy, but it’s all out of love for you and for your pup, so don’t take it personally,” Simba stated.

“Yup, just eat your three servings of vegetables a day, and you can indulge in a full serving of dessert every night. Skip one, and it’s half a serving, skip two or all three, it’s no dessert,” Katie added. “And don’t even think of trying to lie, the Luna knows,” she said with a face of horror and amusement, and we all laugh.

“Muffin, are you almost done, my parents are waiting,”

“Yeah, let me put this away, and we can go,” Katie quickly cleaned up and they left. Lacie and I finished our lunch, cleaned up the plates really quickly, and went for a walk.

We walked for about thirty minutes and ended up in the northeast corner of the territory where there was a small pond fill with koi fish.

“I never knew this pond was here,” Lacie said.

“Yeah, it was put in right after the war almost two years ago,” I said handing her a handful of fish food that was always available. “Allie had it built as a way to honor the pack members that died that night. Each fish is named after a fallen pack member,”

“Oh wow, that’s really nice of her,”

“Since koi fish live to be twenty plus years old, it was the best way Allie could think of to honor them for another lifetime. They died trying to keep her safe, so it was her way saying thank you to them and to their families,”

“It’s no wonder my sister hates her so much,” I looked at her confused as she fed the fish. “Heather was up straight jealous of her. It’s clear as day now. It wasn’t just because she was close with Deacon then, it was because she was a kind person that everyone couldn’t help but love. I had only met her twice maybe three times when she was visiting our house, and at first, I wanted to dislike her too, because my sister did. But once I finally got to know her, I realized you can’t help but love her. Allie isn’t just beautiful on the outside, she’s beautiful on the inside. She cares about her pack like they’re her own family,”

“Well, that’s because we are her family, Precious. Remember, Allie grew up an orphan and had no family. The family members that are still alive, told her to her face that she was a mistake and an abomination. For her, the life she has built as the Luna of this pack has filled a lot of empty space for her, and she does whatever she can to appreciate everyone. She went from being alone to only having Sin, to having a family of close to 500,”

“It’s no wonder why she hates my sister and Maya so much. They tried to hurt the people she loved, her family. Not only that, but Maya’s family also tried to take her pups away, I can’t even imagine the hatred that filled her tiny body,”

“Hahaha, you had to call her tiny, didn’t you?” I say and hug her.

“Well, she is, and don’t ever tell her I said that out loud,” I chuckled and kissed her forehead. “Other than Cianna, Allie is definitely someone I can call my best friend,” Lacie paused for a moment, and bit the inside of her cheek. “I want Allie to be the surrogate to our pup,”

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