Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Storm Chapter 61

{Mikey’s P.O.V.}

I was lying in the bed of my hotel room and just thought about the s**t I was going through. It’s already been a week since I moved out of the packhouse, and I was missing Sin and Allen like crazy. I’ve been following the girls around and trying to build the dossier on Lacie. It was hard though since the girls rarely left the house these days. In a way though, the girls keeping a low profile allowed me to drag this out some more.

I wanted so badly to contact Sin, but I couldn’t risk it. I didn’t even have any photos of them. I couldn’t risk anyone seeing it. I even left my cell phone at home and bought a burner. I messed with my ring finger where my wedding band should be, but it was baren. I had to even take my ring off so no one would know I was married now. I knew the morning that Sin woke up to me gone and my wedding band on the nightstand she cried. I could just feel her heartache, and I was pretty sure a part of me died inside.

There was one week left until the trip, and I was lucky enough to have gotten a recording of the girls talking about it when they went to go buy new swimsuits, along with photos of all of them together. I sat up in the bed and decided to go over the stuff I currently had.

After looking at the candid photos I had, and re-listening to the audio, I decided to give the benefactor’s errand boy a call,


“This is Razor,”

“Ah, Mr. Razor, how is the hunt going?”

“Slow as f**k! I told you that this was a hard target, and it doesn’t help that she and her little b***h friends don’t leave their territory,”

“I understand that this is difficult, but my master will pay you the amount you have asked for,”

“You should have called me sooner, rather than putting out an open bounty. All you fuckers did was alert her and her mate!”

“Yes, we understand that we acted hastily, but we have faith that you will get the job done,”

“I do have some good news,”


“I was able to get a recording, listen to this…”

‘Allie, we’re going to the Maldives for Dorian’s birthday. He’s going to want you naked the entire five days that we are there,’

“Razor, who is Dorian?” man this guy was a f*****g i***t.

“Dorian is the Alpha of the Desert Moon pack you f*****g dimwit,”

“So, it appears that the Alpha and Luna will be going on vacation,”

“Are you f*****g deaf? The woman said ‘we’ and when I took this recording, there were about ten women, along with the target. My assumption is that all of them are going on this vacation,”

“And how would you know that?”

“Because I pay attention to details tiny Tim. All of the women were shopping at the swimsuit shop, and all of them had bags in their hands. If all of them are shopping for new swimsuits, it more than likely means all of them are going,”

“So, that means you will be going too,”

“No s**t Sherlock,”

“Well then, I suggest you get to work figuring out when these ladies are going,”

“Wow, you are stupid,” I said and hung up. How the f**k was this guy taking point in all of this? Faking Lacie’s death would be easier than I thought.

{Unknown’s P.O.V.}

“Sir, that was Razor,”

“I got that from the phone call, what did he say?”

“He says that the target is harder to follow because she rarely leaves the territory; however, he was able to get a recording that she and a few other females, possibly the ranked females would be going on a trip to the Maldives for the Alpha’s upcoming birthday,”

“And when would that be?”

“He did not say, but he says that he will be following them,”

“What else?”

“He insulted me quite a few times, but that was about it,”

“Dorian’s birthday is in less than two weeks, so they will probably go in the next week or two,” my master’s mistress said from her seat on the couch. “What I don’t f*****g get is why they would take a low-level Omega like Lacie with them,” she sneered in complete jealousy.

“Whatever the case, she will be out in the open, so Razor should be able to get a clean shot at her, or least some decent recon,” my master said, and I nodded. I still had no idea why my master was so keen on killing this Lacie woman for his mistress. She wasn’t even his mate. Yet, he was so infatuated with her and would do anything for her. This act alone would forever make us enemies with the Desert Moon pack, and that was something we could not afford. I only hoped that our anonymity held up until the job was done.

{Allie’s P.O.V.}

“COME ON!!!” I shouted from the bottom of the stairs. “WE ACTUALLY HAVE A CONNECTING FLIGHT IN DALLAS PEOPLE!!! AND ONE IN QATAR!!!” I just stared at Dorian who was shaking his head. Because the Maldives was so small, we weren’t going to be able to use Dorian’s jet to get there. We were going to fly into Dallas Fort Worth International and then take a commercial flight to Qatar and then from there go to the islands. Because of this, we needed to keep a tight schedule. The only people up on time with Dorian and me were Lacie and Aries.

“WE’RE GOING TO LEAVE WITHOUT ALL OF YOU!!!” Dorian shouted and then five seconds later, we heard the earthquake of footsteps coming down the stairs.

“Seriously!?” I said to all of them. “If we miss any of the connecting flights, you guys are paying for it!”

“Have you guys heard from Mikey?” Sin asked.

“He knows the schedule, Sin. He’s probably already on his way there now,” Dorian said to her, and she nodded. We all packed up the three Tahoes, and the Simba, Nick, and Paxton were driving.

When we got to the airport, Grayson and Molly were waiting to take off. We were about fifteen minutes behind schedule, so the guys quickly loaded up the plane, while we ladies got situated inside. Once all of the guys came on board and got buckled in, Molly closed the cabin door and Grayson received the all-clear. Once we were up in the air, and at a safe height, I finally tore into everyone,


“Allie, stop,” Dorian tried to calm me down.

“NO!” I shouted at him, and then turned back to everyone, “You guys have known for months about this trip, and the papers that we gave you show that we have connecting flights! How the f**k can you not get up on time!?” No one could say anything. “This is a shorter trip than the others because we’re going to spend two and a half days in the air just traveling to and from!”

“We’re sorry Allie,” Dani said softly.

“Yeah, our bad Gizmo,” Brandon replied.

“I don’t understand how every single person this plane is programmed to wake up at 4:30 or five in the morning five days a week but can’t get up at seven on a f*****g Saturday to go on vacation!”

“Baby, that’s enough, they said that they were sorry,” Dorians said and pulled me into the private room to calm down. “Allie, you never get this worked up, what’s wrong with you?”

“It’s your birthday week Dorian! I’m pissed off because they’re not taking this seriously! I don’t care that we paid for it! They need to respectful of our time and their own, even more so because we paid for this,”

“Baby, stop, this isn’t a big deal, and we’re not going to miss our connecting flights,” I knew that it wasn’t a big deal, but everything seemed to piss me off. “Come here, let’s lay down,” he said and made me lie down with him on the bed. He held me close and I just took in his scent. I hadn’t even realized we fell asleep until we were being woken up by Grayson’s announcement that were landing in Dallas.

After we deplaned and said our goodbyes to Grayson and Molly, we unloaded the jet and went to get our boarding passes at ticketing in front of the airport. Luckily, it was a smooth transition for all of us, except for Andre. He was the unlucky individual to get randomly chosen by TSA for a full-body search. We waited at the gate for him, and after about an hour, he finally showed up. Just in time to get on the flight.

“Andre, what happened?” Dani asked.

“Well, apparently my passport photo does not look like me,” he said. We all looked at him like he was crazy. When he showed us his passport, we all busted out laughing. His photo was seriously outdated. Poor Andre and Dani had to work so hard to get their passports updated every several years by changing their dates of birth because of their age. Having vampire genes made them age much slower, and so he was technically in his 90’s but looked like he was in his early thirties and Dani was actually in her forties and looked to be in her twenties.

“Wow, TSA, must have had a field day with you,” I say to him as we go down the ramp to the plane.

“I need to call my cousin in France and have him send me a new one,” he said and rolled his eyes. Because we were taking a commercial flight, none of us were able to sit together, but we did keep it between the couples. Sin sat with Leah and Brandon since she was technically alone.

The flight was going to take 18 hours, which would be the longest flight that any of us have ever been on, except for Andre. The seats were comfortable thank god, and the food that was served wasn’t bad either. Throughout the flight, I had to fight off Dorian and his manhandling ways. He even tried to convince me to go to the bathroom for a quickie, which I was quick to reject.

“Dorian, stop being such a horn dog,” I tell him when he tries for the hundredth time to put his hands between my legs.

“Come on, baby, you know you want it,” he replies back and starts to rub me. I smack his hand away and he finally stops, but not before pouting and sulking in his seat. I k**s his cheek and interlock our fingers together. He squeezes my hand and we slept for several hours. I wasn’t sure what everyone else was doing, but I knew for a fact that Aries did something with Lacie because I could sense her arousal for about an hour on the flight.

{Dorian’s P.O.V.}

During the duration of the flight from Dallas to Qatar, Allie’s mood was sour, and she wasn’t having a good time. Everyone else was having a blast and enjoying themselves. I didn’t want to push her too much, so we just slept until it was mealtime. When Allie sat up her face was dark and exhausted,

“Baby, what’s wrong?”


“Don’t lie to me, you’ve been in a shitty mood since we left the house, twelve hours ago,” she looked at me and dropped her shoulders letting out a deep sigh. I could see that she was deep in thought. After a few moments, Allie was in tears. “Baby, talk to me,”

“Dorian, there’s something wrong with me,”

“I can see that, you’re not having fun, and that’s not like you,”

“No, that’s not what I mean,” she sniffled trying to contain her tears. “There’s something wrong with me medically,”

“What do you mean medically?”

“Dorian, it’s been six months since my last heat,” when she said that it finally had dawned on me that it really has been that long. With everything going on in our lives, I never realized. “I went go to see Dr. Quinn, and she ran a couple of tests, and assumed that my delayed heat had to do with high-stress levels and the trauma from the poisoning. She did a pap smear and some b***d work, and when she got the results back, everything came back abnormal, so she brought me back in for a biopsy and more detailed ultrasound,”

“What did she say?”

“Originally, she said that everything looked fine, but a more detail exam and the biopsy shows that there is scar tissue along my uterine wall and that the poison may have caused it,”

“Allie, I don’t understand, what does that mean?”

“Dr. Quinn says it may be difficult if not impossible for me to ever conceive again,” her tears were flowing like a river at this point. “Even if my heat regulates, I may never get pregnant again, and if the off chance I did, I may not be able to carry a pup to term,” Allie buried her face in her hands and started to sob. I knew that she wanted to cry harder, but she was holding back. I pulled up the armrest that was between us and brought her close to me.

Allie and I always wanted a big family, and even though she didn’t want another pup while she was in school, she was never fully against getting pregnant again. Before it was a matter of timing and if the moon goddess would bless us again, but now it was a matter of luck and chance. Allie’s chances have been dramatically decreased because of the poisoning, because of Heather and Maya.

I let Allie sob until she felt a little better getting it out of her system. She ate her meal in silence and just fell back asleep again. I didn’t know how to make her feel better. There really was no way I could at this point. I just had to give her time and space to deal with it, but I made sure to let her know that I would be there for her no matter what.

Once we landed in Qatar, we had about a two-hour layover, and it was about six in the morning and we were all fully awake. We found a Starbucks, so we grabbed some coffee, tea, and small things to eat to sustain us until our connecting flight to the islands. Allie’s mood was a little better and she was starting to enjoy herself. I figured that getting that load off of her chest really helped, but I knew it was still eating away at her.

When we were done with our snacks and coffee, we headed towards our gate, where a very familiar face was waiting for us,

“OH MY GOD! MIKEY!” Sin shouted and ran to him.

“Hey, beautiful,” he picked her up.

“Mikey, it’s good to see you,” I said to him and gave him a pat on the shoulder. “You sure it’s safe to be showing yourself out in the open?”

“Yeah, I made sure that I wasn’t followed,” he said with a big smile. Sin was holding onto him for dear life. “Honey, I need to put you down so I can say hi to everyone else,”

“No, they can wait,” she replied and we all just laughed.

“Let Sin have her moment,” Allie said.

“I’m glad I caught up to you guys,”

“Are you on this flight with us?” Allie asked.

“Sure am, I was able to get a last-minute boarding pass; although, I don’t think we can sit together,”

“What?” Sin asked lifting her head.

“Sorry honey, my seat is in the very back of the plane,”

“I’m sure we can find someone willing to switch,” I tell him, and we did. When we all got on the plane, we found a man who was willing to make the trade for Sin’s seat up front and she sat in the back with Mikey. It was good to have him with us. The next flight was going to be another four and a half hours. Allie and I spent the whole flight just talking and going over plans of how we were going to tackle his whole pregnancy thing. We both agreed that we wouldn’t make a big deal out of it since Dr. Quinn said that there is a still chance.

That alone gave both of us hope, and it wasn’t the end of the world since we had the twins anyway. Our lives were already happy and full of joy with those two, so even if we couldn’t have anymore, we already had two perfect pups.

When we landed at Velana International Airport in the Maldives, all of us were in a state of shock. None of us had ever been here, and the water was better than the Bahamas.

“WOW!!!” all of the girls exclaimed.

“Okay! This has to be the best place ever!!” Leah shouted. We were barely off the plane and the girls were freaking out.

“Okay, so where do we go?” Sam asked.

“We have to take the Four Seasons seaplane that will take us to the hotel on Landaa Giraavaru island,” Allie said. We grabbed our bags and headed over to the area where the seaplanes were waiting on standby. Because they could only fit so many people, we had to split into the two groups. The flight only took about half an hour, and we landed in the water where we were picked up a jet boat that would take us to the island.

Allie and the girls were going crazy over the scenery and I was happy she was finally acting like herself. Once we got the island and disembarked, we waited about forty-five minutes and the second group came in. Once we were all back together, we walked to the hotel and got checked in. After we got the key to our estate, we all walked down the pathway and the girls were just admiring the scenery. All of them had their phones out and were taking pictures non-stop.

Allie and I took some selfies, as well as the other couples did. Our guide had to take so many group photos of us, that I felt bad for him, but he was more than happy to do it. I made sure to give him a good tip for his time. When we got to the estate rental, even I was floored. The pictures on the website did this place no justice.

“DAMNNNN!!!!!” almost everyone exclaimed.

“Yo, this s**t is insane,” Brandon said. All of us walked in, and the girls immediately dropped their luggage in the living room and ran out to the back where the pool and private beach entrance were.

“Please enjoy your stay,” the guide told us. “If you need anything at all, pleased do not hesitate to ask,”

“Thank you,” I replied and handed him a $100 bill for his time. He gave a huge gracious smile and left.

“Dorian, this definitely over the top,” Aries said. “I’m used to staying at shitty hotels or the Galaxy hotels in the different countries for hunters,”

“Yeah, this is definitely better than the s**t I was staying while following the girls around,” Mikey replied while kicking off his boots and sitting on the couch in the middle of the living room.

“Dorian!!!” Allie shrieked and came running to me while skipping like a little girl. She was definitely back to her old self. “This is so amazing!!!”

“Yeah, it is, good choice baby,” I tell her and give her a k**s.

“OKAY! LISTEN UP!” Allie shouted and got everyone’s attention. We have the rest of today, and up to Friday night to have fun, but first things first, we need to figure out where everyone is going to sleep,” Allie pulled out her information guide of the estate. “So, Dorian and I will take the master bedroom over there to the left, that is not up for debate. There is one room with two twin beds over there to the right with a sectional, and then a guest room upstairs with another king-size bed and another sectional as well, and we have three queen-size blow-up mattresses with us,”

“So, how are we going to do this?” Sin asked.

“We can either draw out of a hat, or we can do it by rank,” Allie replied. “All in favor of doing it by rank?” no one raised their hands. I liked that no one liked politics while on vacation. “Okay, draw out of a hat then,” Allie went to the living room and found a note pad and pen. I saw her scribble around and tear the paper into different pieces. She went to the kitchen and grabbed a bowl. “Okay, so we will go in rank order. The choices are between twin beds, second-floor guestroom, or blow-up mattresses. Everyone understand?” everyone nodded, and Brandon went first.

“Damn, blow-up mattress,”

“Twin beds,” Mikey said.

“Blow-up mattress,” Andre replied.

“Same, blow-up mattress,” Lucas said.

“Sweet! That means we get the guest room upstairs!” Lacie exclaimed, and sure enough, Aries’ paper said second-floor guestroom.

“Alright, that settles that. Everyone, go to your room, and those of you who got the blow mattress, they are in this suitcase right here. They’re brand new and each come with a pump,” Allie said and pushed a suitcase to them. Brandon opened it up and pulled them out.

“Oh nice, it’s the big thick ones,” Sam said when she saw them.

“Of course, we weren’t going to go cheap on something like that,” Allie said and smiled. I grabbed our suitcases and went to the master bedroom. “Wow!” Allie exclaimed.

“Damn, this is really nice,”

“Dorian, look, these doors fold open and we can go out straight to the beach, and to the pool,”

“Baby, there are closets back here,” I tell her as I go around behind the bed.

“Nice!” she went off to the left through a blue door. “DORIAN COME LOOK AT THIS!” she shouted. I followed her and found that the blue door led to the bathroom. In the middle of it was a small pool looking thing. I went over and saw it was a tub, a fairly deep one too.

“Where’s the shower?” I asked.

“Over here,” Allie said and showed me. “And look, there’s a second shower outside in the courtyard,”

“How many bathrooms are there again?” I asked her.

“Um, let me see,” she said and pulled up the room details on her phone. “Three full bathrooms, one powder room, two outdoor showers, which I am assuming is this thing,”

“Okay, we will have to share bathrooms, and there are plenty of showers,” I tell her, and she nods. “Let’s go figure out those logistics too,”

“Good idea,” we headed back over to the living area and called everyone for another quick meeting. “Hey, so we have to share bathrooms, so we will do that by rank. Brandon and Leah will share with us, Mikey and Sin will share with Andre and Dani, and Lucas and Sam will share with Aries and Lacie upstairs. There are two additional courtyard showers, one is with us in the master bath and the other is Mikey and Sin’s room. So, we should just have you all sleep in the same rooms to make it easier,”

“Sounds like a good plan, Gizmo,” Brandon said, and everyone nodded. Once everyone got situated, we all changed into our swimsuits and went to the pool.

“YOU GUYS! THERE’S A POOL UP HERE!” Lacie shouted. We all looked up, and sure enough, they had a small pool upstairs.

“Damn, we should have taken that room,” Allie said under her breath that was filled with jealousy and I had to laugh. I pulled Allie into a big hug and just held her close. “You good, babe?” she asked me.

“I should be asking you that question,”

“I’m good, it’s hard knowing that we may never have another pup, but I’m okay now because we have each other and Daisy and Demarco,” she pulled back and smiled. “Let’s have fun,”

“Let’s have fun,” and that’s what we did. The rest of the day, we played on the beach, in the pool, and all-around had a great time. My birthday week was going to be a trip to remember.

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