Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Storm Chapter 60

{Allie’s P.O.V.}

As Dorian promised, the new security systems to the nurseries in the packhouse and all of the respective grandparents’ houses were installed within a week. Sully and his team worked tirelessly and made sure all of them were working perfectly. Sully made sure to code in all of the retinas of all ranked members, the nannies, Dr. Quinn, grandparents, and Aries and Lacie as well. They also redesigned the passcode mechanism to connect with Google Authenticator, so, not only did you need to have your phone on you at all times, but your retina would be scanned.

Mikey sent the acceptance of the contract to take out Lacie and was able to get the benefactor to agree to his terms. Mikey left the house yesterday, and but made sure to leave Sin a note. As of right now, pack members are under the impression Mikey is away on business for Dorian’s company and would be gone for a few weeks. Mikey put up an indefinite block, for now, so no one could contact him. It was for the best, which we all knew. Surprisingly, Sin is doing okay and has reached out to Helena and Ethan when she needs to.

There is a week and a half left before our trip, so Dorian has been at the office working through paperwork, and Lucas has been helping out since Mikey is away. Lacie has been sticking to a routine with me and is now even training with us in the morning. She even joins in on sparring, and Sam does not go easy on her. Aries was not happy about it at first, but Lacie is determined to learn how to fight. Because she is young and has Alpha b***d, she heals pretty fast and is actually quite strong.

With just over a week left before our trip, all of us ladies decided to go shopping for new swimsuits,

“Allie, what do you think of this one?” Lacie asked coming out of the dressing room. She had on this neon pink bralette bikini.

“That’s cute, Lacie. It’s sporty yet sexy,”

“I second that,” Leah said.

“Hey, should I get this in pink lemonade or blue?” Sin asked coming out in a cute strappy tie-dye bralette bikini. She was wearing the pink top with the blue bottoms.

“Uhhh…I say go with pink,” Lacie says.

“Yeah, the pink one is more summer vibes,” I say in agreement.

“I want to see!” Sam shouted from her dressing room. “Let me see!” she said as she opened the door.

“DAMN!” we all shouted looking at her bikini. Sam was wearing a black one-shoulder bikini and the bottoms had slits on the sides.

“Why does Sam make everything look so sexy?” Lacie asked.

“Sin, let me see,” Sam said again. Sin turned around and showed her. “Yeah, pink looks better,”

After another hour of trying swimsuits, we all left with three or four each. When we walked out of the store, Simba, Nick, Carter, Posideon were waiting outside for us.

“Boys, why didn’t you just come inside? It’s hot as hell out here,” I said to them.

“Uh yeah, it is, but we don’t need to see you ladies trying on swimsuits. We don’t feel like dying,” Nick replied. All us girls just laughed.

“Allie, honestly, why did you even buy any?” Sin asked.

“Why wouldn’t I?”

“We’re going to the Maldives for Dorian’s birthday. He’s going to want you naked the entire five days that we are there,”

“Sin!” everyone started laughing. I hated to admit it, but she was right. Because the Maldives were a little more secluded, Dorian wouldn’t care having me be naked all the time. That actually made me realize something very important. “Hold up, when was the last time any of you went into heat? Dani, excluding you,”

“Last week,” Lacie replied. “But you already know that, Allie,”

“I still have a least a month left,” Sam replied

“I had mine in late January when you were in a coma,” Sin said.

“I think I have about a month left too,” Leah answered.

“Allie?” they all address me.

“I haven’t had one since my last one, which was when Danica was born,” I tell them.

“Allie, are you sure you’re not already pregnant?” Leah asked.

“No, because I would know,” I tell her.

“Allie, are you saying you haven’t had your heat for almost six months?” Sam asked. I thought about it and I nodded. “Allie, that’s not normal,”

“Allie, you were never irregular even when you were human,” Sin said.

“You should have Dr. Quinn check you out,” Sam replied, and I nodded.

We decided to head back to the packhouse so I could speak with Dr. Quinn. Ever since I had turned, my heat happened like clockwork- every four months. So, the fact that it had been close to six months, and knowing that I wasn’t pregnant, made me really concerned. When we got closer to the packhouse, I sent a mind link to Dr. Quinn telling her that I needed to see her as soon as I got home. She cleared her day and had Dr. Boyd take over her patients.

When we got the pack hospital, Dr. Quinn immediately took me in,

“Luna, what seems to be the problem?”

“Dr. Quinn, I haven’t had my heat for almost six months,” I tell her.

“Oh,” she made a confused and surprised look. “That’s not normal,”

“Yeah, I figured that, so I wanted to make sure that there isn’t anything wrong with me. And before you ask, no, I am not pregnant,”

“Lie down, Luna, and let me do an ultrasound anyway,” I undressed my bottoms, and laid on the bed. She inserted the vaginal wand and started to take images. “Well, you are correct, you’re not pregnant,” she said and kept moving the wand around. She kept snapping photos, taking measurements and highlighted certain areas with blue and red.


“Luna, there doesn’t appear to be anything wrong with your internal organs, and it appears that you still have a high egg count,”

“Then why haven’t I had my heat,”

“The simple answer is stress and trauma,”


“Luna, just like humans, we wolves can have irregular cycles, but it takes quite a lot of stress and trauma to cause these kinds of irregularities. My prognosis is that with everything that has happened with the poisoning, you stressing about school, helping run the pack, and then the recent fiasco with the twins being kidnapped, your stress levels are much higher than normal,”


“I want to do a pap smear, take a b***d sample, and get your b***d pressure,”


After Dr. Quinn did all of the tests, she concluded my b***d pressure was quite high. The b***d work and pap results would normally take a week, but she said she would expedite the process so I could get the results in a few days. Although, she did say that she wasn’t worried. That once my b***d pressure came down and I started to relax, my heat would regulate again.

I was sitting in my office with Lacie and Leah, and I was helping them go over different wedding gowns. Although Lacie and Aries didn’t have a date yet, Leah and Brandon settled on the day they met, so they could keep their anniversary in line.

“Leah, what kind of dress were you looking for?” I asked.

“I want a princess gown and I want a super long-a*s train. Oh, and lots of bling,”

“Any particular designer?” Lacie asked.

“I love Hayley Paige and Lazaro,”

“What about the color?” I ask

“I like ivory,” we were scanning both the Hayley Paige and Lazaro websites and Leah didn’t find anything she liked. She was starting to sulk.

“Why don’t we look at Justin Alexander, that was the designer for my dress,” I tell her, and she nods. “Oh, what about this one?” I say and click on a really pretty ball gown. “There’s no bling, but the embroidery on it is subtle but still pretty, and the train is ginormous,”

“Eh,” Leah replied. “I like the neckline, that’s really pretty, but the train isn’t long enough,” Lacie and I grunted, and we kept scrolling. Even Justin Alexander was a bust.

“Why don’t we go on Pinterest?” Lacie suggested.

“Oh, that’s a good idea,” Leah said. I moved websites and started to search dresses that can give us an idea. “That right there! I want my train to look like that!”

“Leah! That train is ridiculous! Everyone will have to stand a mile from you, so they don’t step on it!” I tell her.

“That’s the point!” she shouts with a huge smile. Lacie and I just look at each other and roll our eyes. Leah was normally super chill just like Brandon, but when it came to her ideal wedding dress, she was definitely wanting to go all out.

“What about you Lacie? What kind of dress are you looking for?” I asked her.

“Mermaid or fit and flare,”

“Oh, I did a fit and flare for my wedding,” I tell her.

“I also love Randy Fenoli or Pnina Tornai,”

“Lacie, none of those designers are available in Vegas,” Leah replied. I still knew nothing about wedding designers, which is why I loved the internet.

“Yeah, we would have to go to New York,” Lacie said scrunching her face. “But I’m not in a hurry anyway, Aries and I agreed we wouldn’t set a date until after all the drama settles down. Trying to plan a wedding while planning my fake death at the same time is kind of overkill,”

“Oh, yeah,” Leah and I just slumped over. We took a break from the wedding dress browsing.

“Lacie, have you told your parents?” I asked

“No, I’ve only told Cianna,”

“Why haven’t you called your parents yet?” Leah asked

“Because I don’t want them to make a big deal out of it. I don’t need Heather finding out, and I don’t want my dad telling every neighboring pack about it either. If Shawn is the one behind my bounty, I need to keep him in the dark,”

“Oh yeah, that’s a good point,” I interlocked my fingers, put my elbows on my desk, and rested my chin on top of my hands. “Why can’t we go for more than one year without drama? I mean seriously,”

“Then our lives would be boring, Allie,” Leah said putting her feet on my desk.

“Hey, move your nasty feet off my desk, hoe,” I said and swatted them off.

“You know, you doing that just now reminds me that we haven’t played our game in a while,” Leah says. I just smile and shake my head.

“What game?” Lacie asks. Leah and I just looked at each other, and I immediately mind linked the other girls and told Sin to grab Dani. We met them in the living room foyer where there was the most room. Some packhouse members were already down there and decided they would play the referees to our game. After explaining the rules to Lacie, she was all for it and things got underway.

{Arie’s P.O.V.}

After spending the entire day at the office with Dorian and the other guys, I was excited when the day ended, and we were going to go home. I couldn’t wait to be with my precious. Dorian and I went in one car since Allie and Lacie didn’t come to the office.

“Damn, I don’t know why, but I miss Lacie more than normal,” I tell Dorian as he is driving.

“It’s normal on days like today where they didn’t come to the office with us. I find that I actually get less work done when Allie isn’t next door,”

“Does Allie plan on going back to school in the fall?”

“We haven’t talked about it, but I honestly wish she wouldn’t,”

“Why not?”

“Allie has a tendency to overdo it, and I honestly worry about her mental health. I mean, if she goes back, she goes back, I will always support her, but it kills me to see her stress the way she does,” I look at him knowing that there is something more to his reasoning. “Plus, going to bed alone really sucks,”


“And the lack of s*x,”

“Damn boss, that has to suck. I mean, the longest Lacie and I have gone without s*x were those five days I was away on assignment, and then the whole a coma s**t we both went through,”

“I think the girls being in a coma was my longest too, but honestly, if we don’t count that, the longest Allie and I went was two weeks, and that’s during finals,”

“That has to be rough. How often do you and Allie have s*x, if you don’t mind my asking,” I quickly defended so he didn’t rip my head off for asking about his s*x life.

“Depends, are we talking teasing, and some oral, or full-on intercourse?”

“Both I guess,” was there honestly a difference?

“If we’re just talking teasing and some oral, then every day. But if we’re talking full intercourse, then every couple of days,”

“Wait, you guys tease each other every day?”

“I don’t tease, not often anyway. Allie does it the most, her and her f*****g ability,”

“Oh, f**k, I forgot about that,” we both chuckled a bit. “What is that like? Being consumed by l**t?”

“If you want to know, you can always have Allie mentally project it to Lacie,”

“What?” I looked at him and furrowed my brows.

“So, Allie can’t physically use her ability to touch another man, she’d render him unconscious, which I’m sure you already know,” I nod. “Well, the loophole we found is that if Allie is horny enough, she can mentally project her own arousal onto another woman, who then can use it on her own mate,”

“Wait, what?!” He looks at me and smirks. “Hold up, is that how you guys have your private rank member orgies in the guestroom on your floor?!”

“Well, that’s how we used to have to do it, now, the girls have fun on their own and Allie doesn’t have to project it, much,” I was at a loss for words, and honestly a little jealous. s*x with Lacie was always amazing, but I’ve always wanted to know what it was to like to feel that kind of l**t for your mate. “You know, if you can get Lacie to agree to it, I don’t think the other ranked members would mind if you joined us one of these days,”

“WHAT!?” I shouted and stared at him shock. “Alpha, did you just give me a formal invitation to your swingers club!?”

“First of all, we’re not swingers. We don’t switch mates, and we never will. Secondly, it’s not really an invite. Even if you want to, unless Lacie is game, Allie will not grant permission, and neither will the other ladies. This is something for the girls, and not us,”

“Oh, sorry. Wait, what do you mean this is for the ladies?”

“Our orgies only happen when one of the girls brings it up. If any of us guys do, then the girls get mad. We take control when it happens, but it only happens with one of the girls suggests it,”

“Okay, I understand. I guess I can always ask Lacie if she ever wants to be adventurous, but I do want to see if she wants to at least try the l**t thing first,” Dorian nodded. After a few more minutes, we arrived home and pulled into the garage. As we were walking through the living room, we heard screaming and shouting.

“What the hell?” I said, and we both ran to see what was going on. We pushed past the crowd, and I saw Allie and Lacie and wrestling on the floor. I was about to jump in to pull them apart, but Dorian stopped me. I turned to face him and he just shook his head.

“They’re not fighting, don’t worry,” he said to me.

“How do you know that?” I asked him,

“It looks like Allie taught Lacie how to play their game,”

“GAME!?” I exclaimed and looked back at the girls. This time, Lacie was on top of Allie, who was on her stomach.

“Who’s winning?” I heard Dorian ask an Omega

“The Luna and Lacie are tied two and two,”

“How many points do they have?”

“The Luna has eight, and Lacie has nine,” I see his facial expression change to surprised and then he smirked. I was so lost.

“DAMMIT WHY AREN’T YOU TICKLISH!?” I heard Lacie scream as she had Allie wrapped in her arms. Allie broke free, and immediately smacked Lacie in the a*s and hard. “OW!!”

“That is what I like to call my spicy hand,” Allie said. “You’re going to have a handprint on that a*s cheek now. One more point, and I reign supreme,”

“Not if I can help it. As you can see, I am very competitive,”

“Good! It makes the game more fun,” Allie said, and then out of nowhere, she tackled Lacie to the ground. Thank the moon goddess they were on the carpet portion of the living room. Everyone was cheering and laughing, and I still had no idea what was going on.

“AHHH!!! NO!!!” Lacie shrieked and started to laugh her head off as Allie started to tickle her armpits and down her ribs cage.


“NO! NO! AHHH!!!”


“Lacie just give up! You can’t get out of that!” Sin shouted. I was glad to see her smiling and having fun.

“FINE!!!” Lacie tapped the floor three times.

“THAT’S RIGHT BITCHES!!!” Allie shouted and jumped up and down.

“Dammit! I was so close!” Lacie shouted and started pouting. I looked around and saw that all of the ranked females were sweaty.

“Precious, are you okay?” I asked her and helped her to feet.

“Hi, babe! When did you get home!?”

“A few minutes ago,” I looked her up and down. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. I mean, I may have some rug burn on my legs, but overall, I’m good,” she said huffing and puffing and with a big smile.

“Lacie, not bad for your first time,” Sam said to her patting her on the back.

“Yeah, you’re the only one other than Sam to come this close to beating Allie without cheating,” Leah said.

“Wait, what?” Lacie asked still trying to catch her breath.

“Allie is ticklish on one spot on her entire body, and the only way to get there is to the basically hogtie her,” Sam replied.

“Hogtie…Oh, her feet!? That’s not fair!?” Lacie looked at Allie who was making out with Dorian. “ALLIE!! YOU’RE TICKLISH ON YOUR FEET!?” Allie stopped kissing Dorian and looked back at us.


“Hinted, we hinted to her,” Dani replied.

“Alright, since all of you are sweaty and gross, how about you all get cleaned up, and we can all get ready for dinner,” Dorian said, and we all nodded. We all went upstairs. Lacie jumped in the shower and I changed out of my work clothes. I sat on the bed and waited for Lacie to come out. When she did, she came out with nothing, but a towel wrapped around her hair.

“Precious, you’re naked,”

“I know,” she replied and came straight to me. “Is that a problem?” she asked while shoving her breasts straight into my face.

“No, but it will be if my d**k gets any harder,” she looked down and saw the bulge in my sweats. She smirked and went to the closet. I followed after her and watched her get dressed from the doorway. I figured now would be as good as time as any to ask her, “Precious?”


“Would you be interested in having Allie use her ability on you?” Lacie stopped what she was doing and looked back at me.

“Which ability?”

“The l**t one,” Lacie just c****d her head and stared at me.

“Are you saying that I don’t turn you on enough? Why would I need Allie’s ability? Is s*x with me no longer satisfying you!?” she became defensive and started to yell at me.

“Whoa! Precious! No, that’s not what I am saying!” I put my hands up in defense. Lacie stomped towards me and pushed me out of the closet.

“Then why!? Huh!? Do you think she’s hotter than me!? Do you think her ability makes her more desirable!?”

“No! Geez, precious! I’m sorry okay, I’m sorry,” I knew I had f****d up and big time. I didn’t know how I was going to salvage this, and I started to panic. Just then I saw Lacie press her lips together and I realized she was trying to contain her laughter. “Precious?”

“Pfft! Hahaha! Oh my god, babe, your face, when I got mad, was so amazing!”

“Wait, you were just f*****g with me?” I was shocked that Lacie just played me.

“Of course, babe, why would I get mad over something like that?”

“I mean, I would understand if you did. I basically insinuated I needed more in our s*x life, which isn’t true by the way,” I replied.

“Please, I’m not the jealous type,” she said and went back into the closet to finish getting dressed. When she came back out, she gave me a hug and a k**s. “I’ve honestly been thinking about it,”

“You have?”

“Yeah, Allie offered it to me and Cianna at New Years, but with everything that has been going on, I never got around to asking you if you wanted to try it out,” I was stunned at how laid back and chill Lacie was being over this, and so open-minded. It almost made me forget how young she is really is.

“I mean, I’m game if you are?”

“I’m game too,”

“When did you want to try it out?” I asked a little too eagerly.

“Maybe we can do it while we’re in the Maldives, and who knows…” She said seductively all of a sudden, “…Maybe we can join one of their orgies to spice up our s*x life a little bit,” she smiled and pressed her face into my neck and kissed it. I m****d without even realizing it. I felt her graze my mark with her teeth, and that alone made my d**k harden again. I was about to grab her, but she pulled away. “Come on, it’s dinner time,” and walked out the door. I stared after her, and it hit me that she just teased me. I sent her a quick mind link,

Lacie, I’m going to get you back for that!

I’d like to see you try! She replied and I could hear her giggling from downstairs.

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