Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Storm Chapter 53

{Evelyn’s P.O.V.}

“Ugh!!!” I grunted in utter frustration.

“What is it, baby girl?” Deacon asked coming into the bathroom.

“My hair is not cooperating!” I whined. I was sitting at the vanity Deacon had put in for me and was trying to put my hair in an updo I saw on YouTube, and it wasn’t working. I was on the verge of crying.

“Aww, come on, don’t do the crying thing,” he said to me.

“Deacon! I am pregnant with your pups, the party is in an hour and I can’t get my hair to cooperate, I’m as big as a whale, and my back is killing me! Hormones are bad enough when you’re pregnant with one, but I’m f*****g carrying three! So, I am allowed to do the crying thing!” I shouted and started to cry.

“SHORTY!” Deacon shouted. A few seconds later Allie came running in and saw me crying.

“D, what did you do!?” she shouted at him.

“Why are you automatically assuming I’m at fault?” he asked defensively.

“Because your pregnant mate is crying, that only means you said or did something you weren’t supposed to,” Allie said to him while trying to console me.

“He told me not to do the crying thing,” I whimpered.

“DEACON BROWN!!!” Allie yelled at the top of her lungs. “There are three things you never say or do to a pregnant woman- Never take food from her, never tell her she’s big, and never, ever, tell her not to cry!” Deacon was about to defend himself, but Allie stopped him. “Dah! Get out before you make it worse,” she told him. He threw his hands up in defeat and walked out of the bathroom.

“Thanks,” I said and sobbed.

“Tell me what’s wrong?”

“My hair won’t cooperate,”

“What are you trying to do with it?” I pulled up the video I saw and showed it to her. She watched it twice and immediately got to work. Twenty minutes later, she perfectly recreated the updo I wanted.

“Thank you, Allie,”

“You’re welcome, mama,” she smiled and hugged me. “Your mate has some serious nerves. First taking away the dessert last night and now telling you not to cry, he is just asking for an a*s-kicking isn’t he?” she said, and we both laughed. “He may be my best friend, but we Luna’s have to stick together,” I smiled and nodded. After she did my hair, Allie helped fix my makeup because of my crying. Once we were done with that, she helped me get dressed in my teal sweater dress, and we went out back to get the party started.

Dorian, Aries, Lucian, and Apollo were manning the barbecue, Cianna was putting the final touches on the cake, Lacie, Melissa, and Chelsea were helping serve all of the pack members, and Deacon was mingling with everyone. Allie was helping me walk around so I didn’t fall over. The pack has been so supportive and loving and could honestly care less that I wasn’t a full wolf. They were just happy the pack finally had a Luna who was actually the mate to their Alpha.

Not too long after I came to Yellow Moon, Deacon told me about his family, and how his father murdered his birth mother, the true Luna of the pack, after having given birth to him and his brothers, and that he was raised by his stepmom who wasn’t all that loving. Apparently, she just as big of a b***h as his father was an a*s. When he told me how and why his father was banished, and that it was Allie who helped him and brothers gain the truth, I had a whole newfound respect for her.

Even when Deacon told me at one point he was in love with Allie, I honestly couldn’t blame him the more I got to know her. She had an amazing personality, she had a big heart, and she just loved people. Cianna told me a lot about Deacon’s prior mate Heather, and the things I heard made me cringe. I couldn’t understand how she and Lacie were related. They were complete opposites. I could only imagine how much hurt and anger Lacie was feeling towards Heather after what happened with the whole poison situation. Deacon and I promised each other that we would raise our pups to be respectful and kind.

“Baby girl, you’re not still mad at me are you?” Deacon asked coming up to me and hugging me tightly.

“I was never mad, babe. I was just being hormonal. Allie was the one that was mad,”

“He made you cry! Of course, I was mad!” she exclaimed.

“Shorty, last I checked we were friends first,” Deacon said to her.

“Which is why I am allowed to take her side without any repercussions,” she replied all smugly and stuck out her tongue. “I’m hungry,” she said and walked away. Deacon and I just shook our heads. That girl loved food.

“Are you hungry too, baby girl?” Deacon asked me, and I nodded. He took me over to our table and brought me a plate of food. I took one bite into the brisket and m****d. It was so juicy and tender, and the flavor of the spices was spot on.

“Oh my gosh, who did the dry rub on this brisket?” I asked.

“Allie,” Lacie said bringing me some grape Kool-Aid. “She said she learned it while they were in the Bahamas a couple of years ago and has been tweaking it depending on the meat it’s going to be used on,”

“I need the recipe, I don’t think I will ever eat meat without this seasoning ever again,” I said shoving more brisket in my mouth.

“She’s already written it down for Melissa,” she replied.

“YES!” I was so excited. Now I was looking even more forward to dinner tomorrow night.

After eating and mingling some more, it was finally time for the big reveal, Cianna went inside to the get cakes out of the fridge. One cake for people to just eat and enjoy for dessert and the other was for the gender reveal. Only Cianna and Lucian knew what the gender was. Cianna put one cake on the table where all the food was, and the other cake was brought in front of Deacon and me, I picked up the knife and cut into the cake,

“Ready?” I asked Deacon and he nodded. So many people were waiting in anticipation, and almost everyone had their phones out. I picked up the slice of cake, and Deacon immediately bellowed in disbelief.

“AHHHH!!! THEY’RE GIRLS!!!!” Almost everyone shouted. I looked down and saw pink sprinkles and candies inside the of the cake and the slice I had on the cake knife. I looked at Deacon who was visibly disappointed which made it that much funnier.

“Cianna, please tell me you got his reaction on video!” I ask her.

“I totally did!” she replied. I put the slice of cake down and hugged Deacon.

“Aww, babe, are you upset?” I ask him and laugh.

“A little,” he replied and pouted. I had never seen him pout before and just had to laugh at him. He really wanted boys. “We have to try again,”

“Try again on what?”

“We are going to have pups until we have a boy,” he says.

“What if you get me pregnant with triplets again!?” I say and smack his chest.

“Then so be it,” he replies. I just scoff and laugh. I knew he was serious too.

“You’re insane,” I tell him.

“I’m insanely in love with you,” he says

“Nice,” I reply, and we hug each other tightly.

“Eeeek! Congrats you guys!” Allie says while running up to us.

“I told you wanting boys will make you have girls, Deacon,” Lacie said with the ‘I told you so’ tone of voice. Deacon glared at her and just rolled his eyes.

“Now that you guys know what you’re going to have, are you going to start coming up with names?” Allie asked.

“We’re going to have to, I don’t think it will be possible to come with three names on the fly when they’re born,” I reply and look at Deacon. He nods in agreement.

“Let me know as soon as you do. I will have custom onesies and blankets made for them, so the guys don’t get confused,” she said and started to laugh. That was actually not a bad idea.

“Shorty, we’d appreciate that,” Deacon replied, and I nodded with a big smile.

“Cianna!!” Lacie screamed.


“You posted the gender reveal on Instagram live!? Are you insane!?” Lacie exclaimed. We turned around to see why they’re arguing.

“So!? It’s a gender reveal, why wouldn’t I?”


“Oops,” Cianna replied. I looked at Deacon and I could tell he was a little annoyed.

“Take it down before she sees it!” Lacie shouted.

“No, it’s okay,” I tell them, and everyone looks at me.

“Sis?” Eileen addresses.

“I don’t care if Heather knows that Deacon and I are expecting. There’s not much she can do anyway. She can’t come here without being executed, and I’m certain she’s too afraid to show herself knowing that she is responsible for what happened at New Year’s,”

“Baby girl, are you sure? Heather is unstable, and she already tried to hurt us once,” Deacon said to me.

“I’m sure,”

“This may be a good thing,” Allie says, and we all look at her. “This may piss Heather off enough for her to make a mistake. And if not, just knowing that she’s probably pulling out her hair and throwing a tantrum makes it worth it,”

“Shorty has a point; we want Heather to get mad enough to make a mistake,” Apollo said.

“But not at the expense of putting my family in danger! What if Heather tries some s**t like that fucker Hank did to Shorty and Dorian?!” Deacon was worried and he was getting angry. I grabbed his hand and pulled him into a hug. He buried his head in my neck and he took a few deep breaths.

“Babe, we’re going to be fine,” I say and try to calm him.

“Evelyn is right, there really is no risk to you guys right now because Heather is on the run, and she would be stupid to attack Evelyn here. Dorian and I were at a disadvantage because Hank had betrayed us before we even knew he was a traitor,” Allie said.

“And with the way you run your pack Deacon, I doubt anyone here would be stupid enough to betray you,” Dorian added.

“Dorian, you run pack just as strictly as I do,” Deacon says to him.

“I do and look at what happened. Hank is dead, and his family are now rogues,”

“Brother, Evelyn, and the pups aren’t just your family, they’re ours too. We will never let anything happen to them,” Lucian said putting his hand on Deacon’s shoulder.

“Lucian is right brother, we know better than anyone the s**t you went through to get Evelyn, we will never allow anything to happen to her or our nieces, or anyone else in our family,” Apollo added and put his hand on Deacon’s other shoulder.

“Deacon, as your Beta, it is my sworn duty to protect our Luna and the future of our pack,” Harvey said coming up to us along with Tommy.

“And mine as your Gamma, my friend. Heather and the Desert Moon fugitive will never get near Evie or your daughters,” Tommy chimed in.

“Don’t forget, you have my pack and C.J.’s down at Mojave Mountain as allies. We both have more than enough fighters and warriors to give your pack protection,” Dorian said. Deacon let out a deep sigh and smile seeing all the support we had.

“You guys are right, I guess I’m just being overprotective of my girls,” he said and put his hands on my belly. “All four of my girls,” I couldn’t help but blush over his sudden daddy moment. I had a feeling that these girls were going to be spoiled rotten and they would have Deacon wrapped around their tiny fingers.

After the party ended, a lot of the Omegas stayed around to help clean up, while I went to go lay down. Deacon guided me back to our room and helped me get undressed. None of my pajamas fit me anymore, even my maternity ones because I was so big already. So, unless I was going downstairs, I walked around with nothing but panties on in our room. I was lying in bed on my side curled up in my pregnancy body pillow that Allie had recommended.

This thing was a godsend. It gave me so much support when I slept on my side and also prevented Deacon from rolling over on top of me by accident. As I laid on my side, Deacon was rubbing my feet.

“How does that feel?” he asked.

“That feels so good, babe, thank you,” I reply trying to stay awake. Deacon started to move his hands further my bare legs while rubbing firmly. “Deacon, what are you doing?” I asked opening one eye and looking at him.

“Making you feel good,” replied and came up behind me. He moved the side of the body pillow and got behind me and held me close.

“Babe, I’m too tired for s*x,”

“Then don’t move, let me do all the work,” he said and pulled down his pants and boxers. He then pulled down my panties and started rubbing me from behind.

“Mmmm…Deacon, we shouldn’t,” I protested while moaning.

“Dr. Quinn said light intercourse was perfectly safe and that s*x during this point in the pregnancy would help with labor,” he said and moved his tip to my entrance. Who was I kidding, I could fight it all I wanted in my head, but my body knew what it wanted, and it wanted Deacon’s fat d**k inside of me. Deacon gradually put it in and started to thrust lightly.

He reached over and gently grabbed my breasts which were sore from being pregnant, and started to push in deeper,

“Mmmm…Ah, just a little harder,” I tell him. He gets closer and goes a little faster. The angle he’s going at hits my g-spot perfectly, and I start to c*m. Because Deacon can’t go hard and fast, he hasn’t been able to get me to squirt in a while, but an o****m is still an o****m and they always feel good.

“I love you, Evie,” Deacon growls in my ear, and picks up his pace just a little more.

“Ah, I love you, Deacon,” I reach behind me and hold onto his neck. It doesn’t take much for him to make me c*m again. After a few minutes, Deacon finishes himself. s*x never last long anymore only because we had to keep it light- doctor’s orders. But that didn’t mean it wasn’t great. Deacon always made sure to give me at least two or three o*****s before he finished, and that was plenty for me. Any more than that, I would be too tired to do anything.

“Are you okay, baby girl?” he asked me as he pulled out.


“You get some rest, while I go entertain our guests,” I nod, and he k****s my cheek. I hear him rustle around to get his clothes back on and hear the door open and then close before I passed out.

{Deacon’s P.O.V.}

After our little quickie, I made sure that Evelyn was comfortable and let her sleep. As I was making my way downstairs again, I could hear arguing in the front yard. I went out, and I see Cianna and Lacie bickering over something.

“Now what?” I ask going up to them.

“Heather saw the IG live video of the party,” Lacie replied.

“Okay, we were expecting that weren’t we?” I asked.

“We weren’t expecting this,” Cianna says and shows me her phone. They were direct messages from Heather,






Seeing these messages had my b***d boiling and Midnight stirring in pure rage. Heather didn’t just threaten Evelyn, but she also threatened our pups,

“Cianna, do not delete this, we can use it to our advantage,” I tell her.

“I told you, Lacie!” Cianna shouted. I looked at them. “Lacie wanted me to delete these because she doesn’t want Evie seeing them,”

“Evie doesn’t need to see them, but I want to use them as evidence against Heather. Plus, she just incriminated herself,” they both c**k their heads. “Heather just told you she was at the club and saw Evelyn give me a lap dance,” both of them made an O shape with their mouths when the realization hit them. “Screenshot this and text it to me,” Cianna nodded and did it right then and there. Allie and Dorian were right, pissing Heather off had her making mistakes, and her first one was admitting she was at the club the night I met Evelyn for the first time. This was going to be easier than I thought.

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