Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Storm Chapter 52

{Deacon’s P.O.V.}

“Evie, will you please sit down, you are making me nervous with your constant pacing,”

“I’m just excited!”

“Baby girl, Dr. Boyd said you have to take it easy,” I tell her and bring her to the couch in front of the fireplace. Even though it was late March, it was still fairly cold outside.

“This is going to be such a fun weekend, babe. First, the gender reveals tomorrow afternoon, then your birthdays Saturday night, and then shopping in Reno on Sunday…It’s so hard to take it easy,”

“I know, it is going to be a fun weekend, but that doesn’t mean we overdo it either, okay?”

“I’ll try,” I gave her a k**s and we relax on the couch. Evelyn was only eleven weeks pregnant, but because wolf pregnancies are only five months, we are able to find out the gender. Plus, she was carrying Alpha triplets, and looked like she was already going to pop; although, I never say that out loud. I honestly didn’t expect to become a father so soon after meeting her, but I honestly didn’t care. I was happier than I could have ever imagined. My life was officially perfect. I made a promise to myself, my brothers, Evelyn, and my pups, that I would be a better father than mine ever was.

“AHH! THEY’RE HERE!!” Cianna squealed coming down the stairs with Lucian close behind. I helped Evelyn to her feet, and we walked out to greet everyone.

“Wow!! This place is amazing!!” Lacie exclaimed getting out of the car.

“Isn’t it beautiful here!?” Cianna asked her as they locked arms and went inside, with Aries following after them. Since Dorian and Allie had been here several times already, they were used to the scenery.

“Evelyn, you’re glowing!” Allie said and hugged her.

“Growing is more like it,” Evelyn replied, and I just chuckled.

“Dorian, how was the flight?”

“Smooth,” he said and gave me a bro hug. “How’s the pregnancy coming along?”

“Great, as you can see. Evie is a trooper,”

“I would start watching out, around three and half months is when Allie’s sense of balance got all f****d up, and she was only carrying twins. The smallest interference made her fall over,”

“s**t, thanks for the heads up,”

“D! Did you stock the fridge with everything I asked for!?” Allie shouted.

“Yes, Shorty, Cianna wouldn’t leave me alone about it,” I replied. Allie was planning on making dinner for our birthday on Saturday, and Cianna was more excited than anyone since she has yet to try Allie’s cooking. “Hey, how did it go with Allie’s grandparents?” I asked Dorian.

“Not good, they were total assholes to her man. Her grandmother called her an abomination, and her grandfather called her a mistake and dirty all because her birth father didn’t come from money,” he answered. “Allie cried as soon as she got back in the Tahoe. She cried herself to sleep on our drive back,”

“What the f**k?” I couldn’t believe what I had just heard. Allie was a blessing to anyone that was lucky enough to know her. “f**k them, it’s their loss. They probably didn’t realize she’s married to a billionaire,”

“You would think that her 20-carat engagement ring and $100,000 dollar diamond necklace she wears constantly would be a dead giveaway,” he replied.

“Wait, what!? How much did the necklace cost!?” I looked at him like he was a crazy person.

“It cost over 100k man, the necklace alone,”

“Hold up, are you saying you got her more than just the necklace?”

“I got her the whole f*****g set,”

“You are insane, my friend,” he just smirked. “Does Shorty know how much that necklace costs?”

“No, because if she did, she would never wear it. She won’t ask me, and she won’t even look it up online. She did find out how much the engagement ring cost, and she didn’t wear it for like four months after that,” we both started laughing.

After hanging out for a bit, we unloaded the car, and Dorian dropped off his and Allie’s bag to their normal guest room on our floor. All of the girls were hanging out by the fireplace having a ball laughing, giggling, and rubbing Evelyn’s belly. Us guys hung out in the dining room drinking some whiskey, except for Aries, he was drinking water,

“Hey, we should let our wolves out for some fresh air!” Cianna said.

“Can we?” Lacie asked.

“Sure, Lace, this entire forest is owned by Yellow Moon, so there are no humans around here,” I tell her.

“Oh, I want to see this!” Evelyn said pushing herself up from the couch while Eileen pulled.

“Come on babe!” Allie shouted at Dorian, and we all went back towards the lake. One by one they all started to shift. Allie shifted the quickest because of her being a blessed wolf and being so small.

“Wow! Allie’s coloring is so unique!” Evelyn exclaimed.

“Yeah, I’ve never seen a wolf with polka dots before,” Eileen added. When Dorian shifted next the girls jumped back. I had to catch Evelyn because she almost fell over. I guess her center of balance was already starting to give way.

“Holy s**t! Dorian is humungous!” Evelyn shouted.

“Yeah, his wolf Bandit is easily going to be the biggest wolf you ever see,” I tell them.

“How is Allie mated to such a huge wolf!?” Eileen asked.

“We all asked the first time we saw their wolves next to each other. Allie can easily walk under him. Leah and Sin are just as small as Allie,”

“REALLY!?” they both started laughing. Aries and Lacie shifted next, and this was the first time I would see Lacie’s. Aries was copper and Lacie was pure white, with black ears and black paws.

Cianna and Lucian went next. Cianna was the color of a yellow lab, so her wolf mixed well with our black wolves. Apollo and I didn’t shift so we could translate if we needed to, but we were the exact same as Lucian anyways.

“Oh my god, Allie is by far the smallest wolf!” Evelyn shouted. I looked at all of the wolves side by side and sure enough, Allie was the smallest. I couldn’t help but laugh. Even Lacie and Cianna were bigger than her.

“Uhhh… What is Allie doing?” Eileen asked. I looked back and saw Allie brush her tail across Bandit’s face.

“Oh, that’s not Allie anymore. That’s her wolf Mercury in full control,” I tell them.

“Oh my god!” they both shriek and cover their eyes. I look back again and sure enough, Bandit has mounted Mercury in full view.

“Hahaha! That’s nothing new. Bandit is obsessed with Mercury, they’re always mating in front of others,” Apollo said coming over.

“It’s like wolf porn,” Eileen said.

“Wait, where did Lacie and Aries go?” Evelyn asked.

“They went off alone, they’re probably going to go run around and then mate in private,” Apollo answered.

“And there goes Lucian and Cianna,” Evelyn says. I look over, and Rocky has mounted Celeste. “You know the first time I saw those two doing it, I freaked out, but now, it’s normal to see it,” she said and waddled over one of the lawn chairs.

“Are Harvey and them going to make it back in time for the party tomorrow?” Eileen asked.

“They should be back right before it starts,” Apollo replied. “Those fuckers will never miss out on a chance to party and eat Allie’s cooking,” he continued. “Princess, will you go inside and get three blankets for the girls, and I’ll go grab shorts for the guys,” Apollo said to Eileen. They got up and went inside. I sat with Evelyn between my legs and held her big belly. I kissed her temple and we just watched the wolf porno unfold in front of us,

“I’m a little jealous, I wish I could mate with Midnight,” she said.

“But you have, I’ve let him out a few times, baby girl,”

“I meant in wolf form, I wish I was able to shift into a wolf,”

“I’m sorry, I wish I could make that a reality, but you know I can’t,” I tell her and hug her tight. Even though Evelyn was part wolf, we found out that her fairy genes were more dominant, if I tried to turn her, she would die. It was the same case for Eileen. After a few minutes, all of the wolves came back and shifted. The guys shifted back first and put their shorts on and waited for the girls to shift so they could put the blankets on them.

“Oh my god, I am sorry you had to witness that,” Allie says all flustered. “Mercury is naughty, and Bandit is a horn dog,”

“It’s fine! We enjoyed the show,” the twins both say.

“Allie are you okay though?” Cianna asked.

“This time I am. Sometimes Bandit gets carried away and I can’t walk for days. This is also the first time we have let them out since I was released from the hospital, so Bandit took it easy,”

“Why are you such a small wolf?” Eileen asked.

“I have no idea!” Allie pouts. “I’m still bigger than a normal wolf, but Leah, Sin, and I are the smallest werewolves alive,”

“Hey, I noticed that your eyes are gold when you’re in your wolf form, and your coloring is super unique,” Evelyn said.

“You think my color is unique, you should see Jupiter, Sin’s wolf. She’s mixed with grey, crystal blue, red, and orange, and her eyes are crystal blue. Venus, Leah’s wolf is gold like my eyes, but she has a crystal blue tail and red eyes. All three of us have patches on our right eyes, mine is the full moon, Leah is the half-moon, and Sin is the crescent moon. My eyes will also change colors when the three of us are close. My irises are white when I am alone, but when we are together, my irises will swirl with red and crystal blue,”

“That is so cool!!” Evelyn exclaimed.

“For real!” Eileen added.

“Seriously? Why can’t we be cool color schemes like that?” Cianna whined.

“Want to see something else cool about me and Dorian?” Allie said.


“Even you guys haven’t seen this yet,” Allie says to my brother’s and me. Allie pulls Dorian into a k**s, and for a minute that’s all they do. Then Allie and Dorian open their eyes, and their eye colors are different.

“WHAT THE!?” we all exclaim in unison.

“Shorty, your eyes are green!” Apollo says.

“Big guy, why are your eyes gold?” Lucian asked.

“Allie, what is this? I’ve never seen this before,” Cianna says.

“Cianna, remember when Brandon and the others told you about Allie and me being called a fated pair?” Dorian asked.


“This is how the moon goddess was able to know that’s what we were. Our love is fated and because of this, our wolves’ eyes can invert when we express that love fully,” he explained. I knew that they were a fated pair, Allie always told me that, but I had no idea they were able to do something like this. After a while, their eye colors returned back to normal.

After we all came back inside, Apollo, Lucian, Eileen, and Cianna went to town to grab some pizza and wings for dinner. Tonight was going to be a super chill night with junk food and booze.

“Evelyn, has your center of gravity become f****d up yet?” Allie asked her.

“My center of gravity?”

“Yeah, when I was pregnant with my twins, once I was got to about where you are, the smallest bump or imbalance made me fall over,”

“Actually, now that you mention it, I have been finding it hard to walk straight. I have to hold the wall, and going the down the stairs is getting harder because I can’t see over my belly,”

“Baby girl, I told not to go up and down the stairs by yourself,” I tell Evelyn.

“Well, you’re not always home,”

“Eileen and Cianna are,” I reply. “So, there is no reason for you to be disobeying me or Dr. Boyd,” I tell her sternly. She just sticks her tongue out and ignores me.

“Hahaha! She’s just like me when I pregnant with my first pup. I was always doing s**t I wasn’t supposed to,” Allie said laughing at me.

“First pup?” Evelyn asked.

“Huh? Oh yeah, you don’t know,” Allie said biting her cheek. “She was stillborn at three months, she was killed because of an explosion from a bomb that someone sent to the ranked females’ joint gender reveal,”

“Oh, you know what, I actually remember hearing about that on the news, I just realized that it was you. I’m sorry,”

“It’s okay,” Allie smiles. She was about to say something when Apollo shouted from the door,


“Yes! Pizza!” Lacie exclaimed. “I love pizza!”

“Lolo! Did you guys get a lot of ranches!” Allie asked as they came into the dining room with the food.

“Yes, Shorty,” replied.

“What flavor wings did you guys get?” I asked them.

“Uh, we got buffalo hot, lemon pepper, garlic parmesan, and honey barbecue,” Cianna replied putting the plates and napkins on the table. “Lacie, we got you the Hawaiian pizza,”

“Yes!” Lacie rubbed her hands together.

“Lace, who the hell puts pineapple on their pizza?” Lucian asked.

“IT’S SO GOOD!” Lacie and Allie both shout.

“Shorty, you too?!”

“Allie’s favorite pizza is chicken, pineapple, and jalapeños. She makes it spicy so no one else can eat it,” Dorian says. Allie just cheeses.

“Isn’t taking food from Shorty suicide?” Apollo asked.

“It is,” Allie responded.

“You should have seen her when she was pregnant,” Dorian replied.

“OH MY GOD! SO GOOD!!” Lacie exclaimed out of nowhere.

“This pizza is pretty good,” Aries said taking a bite of cheese pizza.

“Evelyn, are you eating that whole thing by yourself?” Allie asked seeing the large meat lovers pizza in front of her.

“Yes, she is,” Eileen responded.

“Don’t judge me! I’m carrying triplets!” Evelyn whines and takes a bite. Allie had a concerned expression on her face.

“Don’t worry, Shorty, she doesn’t eat like this all the time. We make sure she eats fruits and veggies,” I tell her. She nods and smiles.

“So, what’s on the menu for the party tomorrow?” Aries asks.

“Bonfire barbecue,” Lucian replies. “Pack members have pitched in and bought a whole bunch of meats like briskets, beef ribs, pork ribs, sausages, chicken, and all that jazz,”

“We’re also catering from a local restaurant for side dishes, fresh bread, pasta, and other stuff like that,” Apollo said.

“I’m also making the gender reveal cake, so no one is allowed in the kitchen tomorrow, at all!” Cianna said pointing to everyone. We all held up our hands.

“So, what are you guys hoping for?” Allie asked.

“Well, I honestly hoped for a mix, but since we know that they’re going to be identical, that hope is out the window,” Evelyn replied. “At this point, I don’t care, just as long as they are healthy,” she smiled and went back to her pizza.

“I’m hoping for boys, because, well, I need a future Alpha,” I answer honestly.

“I get the feeling that you’re going to end up three girls because you said that Deacon,” Lacie replied.

“Goddess please no,” I said.

“What?! Why!?” All the girls exclaimed.

“As the father of a daughter, two if you count the pup we lost, there is nothing like having that little princess in your arms and wanting to give her the world. It’s harder with boys because you have no choice but to be stern with them since the firstborn will be the next Alpha,” Dorian tells me.

“Are you telling me that you prefer having a daughter?” I ask him.

“100%,” I just looked at him. “Don’t get me wrong, I love Demarco as much as I love Daisy, but it’s hard to spoil him the way I spoil Daisy,”

“That’s where I come in,” Allie interjected. “I spoil Demarco, and I am stern with Daisy. It’s just a balance of parenting,” she smiles and dunks a wing in her ranch cup. “Plus, it really doesn’t matter what you have. You’re going to love them no matter what, and you’re going put their needs above your own,” Evelyn and I look at each other and I grab her hand. “I know it may be harder since they won’t have paternal grandparents, but you guys still have everyone this in this room to help you,”

“Since they’re going to be a quarter fairy, they will also be protected by fairy magic,” Eileen says.

“That’s true, and our parents will be coming to stay with us after they’re born so my mom can help me,” Evelyn replied.

“I wonder if they’re going to have fairy coloring?” Cianna said.

“Given that they will be more wolf, they probably won’t,” Evelyn responded. I honestly didn’t care what they came out looking like. Boys or girls, I just wanted my pups to be healthy. Pink, purple, teal, who gave a f**k what they looked like. They were our pups, and I couldn’t believe how lucky I was to be able to call myself their father. I took what Dorian and Allie said to heart. Having girls wouldn’t be a bad thing, because I would have my own princesses to spoil and protect, just like I do with Evelyn, but having boys would also mean I would have someone to bond with on the male spectrum. I guess we would have to see what we are having tomorrow at the party.

After dinner, we all went out to the gazebo with blankets and pillows. Allie put a bunch of hobo packs together with split bananas, chocolate, marshmallows, and corn flakes. We also got out the stuff to make s’ mores, at the fire,

“Let’s put some music on!” Cianna exclaimed.

“I got it,” Allie said and pulled out her phone and Bluetooth speaker. She turned on a playlist of different genres. I had to admit, Allie had good taste in music. Her playlist was filled with rock, pop, R&B, heavy metal, ballads, and even Kpop. Everyone had a good laugh when that crazy song Gangnam Style came on,

“What the hell is s**t!?” Aries asked.

“Have you never heard this song before!?” Allie exclaimed.


“Oh my god,” Allie pulled up the music video and showed him. We all waited to see his reaction. Two minutes into the video, Aries was rolling over laughing. When the video ended, Aries was practically crying laughing.

“Oh man, I have to watch that again,” he says and pulls it up on his phone.

“Later,” Lacie said. “Let’s get back to Allie’s playlist,” Allie turn the music back on and we got to eating dessert.

“This banana thing is so good!” Evelyn exclaimed.

“Don’t eat too many of those, baby girl,” I tell her when she goes for a second one.

“Aww,” she pouts as I take it away.

“Give her a break, bro,” Lucian says standing for Evelyn.

“Yeah, she’s pregnant,” Cianna chimes in.

“D, didn’t anybody ever tell you, never to take food from a pregnant woman?” Allie said to me and raised a brow. I looked back at Evelyn who was staring daggers at me with her gorgeous pink eyes.

“Fine, but next week, you better eat your greens,” she nodded and smiled, and I gave her back the hobo pack. She squealed with joy and dug in. I just shook my head.

“You think that’s bad, just wait,” Dorian says, and I look at him. “Wait until you get married, and those pups turn out to be girls, the word ‘no’ will never come out of your mouth again,” I rubbed my hands vigorously across my face and grunted after he said that, and everyone laughed me. At that moment, I prayed to the moon goddess I was having boys. I don’t think I could handle three more versions of Evelyn.

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