Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Storm Chapter 48

{Allie’s P.O.V.}

I had no idea what was happening, but I found myself walking in the middle of a forest, an enchanted one at that. The moon was bright and crystal blue, the trees were white and glowing brightly, and there was a small pond with a beautiful waterfall. The midst of the waterfall sparkled like diamonds.

I walked towards the pond, and I saw another figure standing by the water, I could tell that it was a woman,

“Hello?” I called out. The figure lifted her head and turned around.


“Lacie? What the hell?”

“Allie, what are you doing here?”

“I could ask you the same thing? Where is here anyway?” I asked looking around.

“I don’t know,” she responded.

“How long have you been here?” I asked.

“A couple of minutes, I think. You?”

“Same,” we both just looked at each other completely confused. “Lacie, what’s the last thing you remember?”

“Uhhh…Being at the club, my foot burning from that liquid, and then I woke up here,” she replied.

“It’s the same for me, but it was my hand,” I looked down at my hand, and there was nothing wrong with it. Lacie looked at her foot, and she was fine too. We both looked at each other and just made funny faces at one another.

“What the hell is going on, Allie?”

“Why are you asking me?”

“You’re the Luna,”

“Well I hate to break it to you kid, but no one taught me anything about enchanted forests,” We both just stood in the middle of this field in front of this beautiful little body of water. “Lacie, you don’t think…”

“No…You don’t think…”

“Lacie, I think we’re dead,”

“But then why are we the only ones here? Shouldn’t there be more wolf spirits?”

“Huh, yeah that’s a good point. But if we’re not dead, then where the hell are we?” I asked.

“You are in my world,”

“AH!!” Lacie and I scream from being startled. We turn around and see Selene standing behind us.

“Who are you!?” Lacie shouts.

“Selene!?” I exclaim.

“Selene?” Lacie asks confused.

“Hello, my children,” Selene replies. “Lacie, we have not yet formally met yet, my name is Selene,”

“Yeah, I got that part. Who are you?”

“Lacie, Selene is the moon goddess,” I tell her. Lacie’s eyes pop out of their sockets and she falls to her knees. “What in the world are you doing?” I ask her.

“Allie, that’s the moon goddess, don’t be disrespectful!” Lacie tells me. I c**k my head to the side and look at Selene who just laughs at Lacie.

“Lacie, you don’t have to bow to her. Selene and I have a good relationship,”

“You do?” she asked getting up. I smiled and nodded. I looked back at Selene.

“Selene, what did you mean by this being your world?” I asked her.

“This is the world where your wolves are born, and where they come when they pass. And this is where I live and watch over all of you,” she responded

“Why are we here?” Lacie asked, taking the words right out my mouth.

“You are here because your spirits need to heal,”

“Heal?” I ask.

“Yes, your physical bodies are currently incapacitated, and so your souls are here for the time being. Think of this as Limbo if you will. Time here moves quite slowly,”

“How slowly?” Lacie asks.

“One minute here is one day in your world,”

“What happened to us?” I ask.

“You have both been poisoned, by something that has no cure,” Selene replied.

“WHAT?!” Lacie and I explain.

“Wait, if there is no cure, then does that mean we’re going to die eventually?” Lacie asked.

“That all depends on you,” Selene replied.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” I ask with annoyance.

“You are both more than strong enough to fight this, that’s why you haven’t fully passed on, and why your wolves are fighting their hardest to keep you alive, but the real question is, do you want to stay alive, and would you want to?”

“Why would we want to die? I have a husband, and children and they need me. I’ve already died three times according to you, and you saved me all three times. Why can’t you save me now!? Save us!?” I shout at Selene.

“What you went through before were physical wounds, Allie, but this is completely different. The only way you are going to survive this is if you truly believe that you want to live,”

“I want to live! My life with Aries just started! I don’t want it to end!! I refuse to let it end this way! He deserves more than this! I deserve more!” Lacie exclaimed with tears streaming down her face.

“What about you Allie?” Selene asked me. “Do you want to live?”

“What kind of question is that? Why wouldn’t I want to live? I have Dorian, the love of my life, and my pups, all of whom who need me!”

“Is that so? Then why are you in the water?” she asked. I looked down and sure enough, I was about knee-deep in the pond.

“Wait, what the hell?” I said out loud and looked back.

“Allie, you are lying to yourself,” Selene said.

“No, I’m not!” I shout. Then I felt the water level touch my mid-thigh.

“Allie, the more you lie to yourself, the deeper you will go,”

“What is this? A scene from Pinocchio!?” I exclaim.

“Allie, what do you want? And be truthful,”

“I am being truthful!” The water now passed my h**s. “Stop! What’s happening!?”

“Allie! You need to be honest with yourself!”

“But I don’t want to want to die!” I scream, and the water was now up at my chest. “Selene!” I start to cry. I didn’t want to die, that was the truth. I wanted to be with Dorian, Daisy, and Demarco, they need me. The water was now at the top of my neck. I never thought I would wish to be taller.

“Allie! Tell the truth! Why do you want to live!?” Selene shouted.

“Because my family needs me!” The water was now past my face and I was barely able to breathe air. “SELENE! WHY!?”

“Because you are not being honest!” I didn’t understand. I was telling the truth. Just then, I was fully submerged, holding my breath. I could hold my breath for at least three minutes, maybe four.

I needed to figure out why this world thought I was lying. I loved my family, my friends, and my pack. I had gone through so much in my life since I was just a toddler. Losing my parents, growing up alone, Devin assaulting me, leaving everything behind because of him, then him finding me again. All this led to Dorian, the man who saved my life, and gave me everything I could have ever wanted.

I could feel myself crying while in the water, and the surface getting further and further away. Why was this happening to me? I had maybe a one minute left before I ran out of oxygen and then I would start to drown. What was I missing? Lacie said that her story with Aries wasn’t over and that he deserved more than this. That she deserved more. That she deserved more. Lacie was being truthful, she was being selfish. She didn’t want to die just because of Aries, but because of what she wanted.

I kept saying what Dorian needed, and what my kids needed. I felt my air run out, and I was starting to drown,

ALLIE!! I heard Dorian’s voice. I tried to scream for him, but when I opened my mouth, it filled with water.

Please, Selene, don’t take me from my family. I need my family.

ALLIE!!! Dorian called out again.

Dorian! I need you! I thought myself as my lungs filled with more water. I felt my life slipping away. I was dying. As I felt my heart stop, the only thought that came to my mind was how much I needed Dorian at that moment. My life with Dorian should not have to end this way, I deserved more time. I earned it with all the hell I went through. Then, I saw a light and figured this was it. The other side, but I realized that wasn’t the case. The surface was getting closer.

Selene, I deserve to live! I didn’t survive all that bullshit just for it be taken from me like this!

ALLIE!!! Dorian’s voice kept ringing in my head. He sounded so close yet so far.

Selene!! I deserve my future with Dorian! I deserve to see my pups grow up! I deserve to see Demarco become Alpha! I DESERVE MY FAMILY!

Just then, I found myself coughing for air. The water had receded, and my head was now above water. I needed to keep my head above the water.

“Allie!” I hear Lacie.

“Selene! You don’t get to take my family away from me! I deserve everything I have in my life!” I shout and feel the water lowering more. It was now at my shoulders.

“Good, Allie! Tell the truth!”

“I love Dorian! I love my children! All my children! That includes Lavender! I deserve to live because she didn’t get to!” I shout, and the water lowers to under my chest. “I want revenge on the person who is trying to hurt my family! I need to find out who it was! Someone tried to kill my husband and all those who I care about! I deserve, no, I demand that we survive because I want to find who did this to us!” I yelled at the top of my lungs. I felt the water lowering even more. “I don’t care who it is! They’re going to die! Other than my children, Dorian is my most prized possession, and no one touches WHAT. IS. MINE!” I roared in my Luna tone.

“There, that wasn’t so hard was it?” she asks. I look down, and I’m on dry land.

“Whoa,” Lacie said with her eyes wide as ever.

“Allie, you need to stop putting others before yourself. That is why you are in this mess. You took the drink from Dorian’s hand to protect him when he was perfectly safe just holding the glass. Your hasty action not only you put here, but it also put Lacie here,” Selene said.

“Oh my god,” I said while looking at Lacie. Selene was right. I wanted so badly to protect Dorian, that I didn’t even think the drink could be harmful to me. In doing so, it created a domino effect, and Lacie was exposed to the poison. “Lacie, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry!”

“It’s okay, Allie, it wasn’t on purpose,”

“No, it’s not. My bad judgment almost took you away from Aries,”

“Allie, it’s okay! I don’t blame you,” she replied and hugged me tightly.

“Allie, I know what your greatest fear is,” Selene said to me. “You’re afraid of being alone,” tears immediately flooded my eyes. “But you’re not alone. Why do you insist on taking everything upon yourself? Why are you trying so hard to impress people, to impress Dorian?”

“I’m afraid that he’s going to leave me,”

“Why on heaven’s name would you think that? Did you forget that you two are a fated pair? You mean the world to Dorian. He loves you more than his own life,”

“I’m scared Selene, I’m scared that one day all this will disappear and I’m going to be alone again,”

“You will never be alone again, Allie, I promise you that,” she said to me. “Now, go and take back what is yours, both of you. Because you deserve it,”

{Dorian’s P.O.V.}

My head felt like it had been hit by a freight train. I could hear voices, and I slowly opened my eyes,

“Dorian,” I look to my left and see Brandon staring at me. I look around and see Mikey, Sam, and Lucas.

“What…What happened?” I asked trying to sit up.

“Dr. Boyd had to give you a sedative. You shifted in the middle of the hospital and injured three nurses,”

“f**k, are they okay?” I ask, legitimately concerned.

“They’re fine, just a few bruises, nothing major,” Lucas replied.

“Boss, what’s the last thing you remember?” Sam asked. I grabbed my head and tried to think.

“I remember you coming to my office and telling me to come down the hospital, and then I remember seeing Dr. Quinn working on…” then it hit me. “…ALLIE!” I jumped out of the hospital bed and tried to leave but they stopped me.

“Boss! You need to calm down!” Sam shouted.


“DORIAN!!” Mikey shouted


“DORIAN! GIZMO IS ALIVE!” Brandon shouted and pushed me back.


“She’s alive, man,” Brandon repeated.

“But I heard her heart stop, she flat-lined,”

“She did, but about a minute after you blacked out from the sedative, she came back,” Sam said.

“She’s alive?”

“Yes,” all of them said in unison. I felt myself fall back onto the bed and I just laid back. Allie was alive, I didn’t lose her. Thank you, moon goddess, thank you for not taking Allie away from me. I was resting my head and trying to gather my thoughts when Aries ran in,

“YOU GUYS! LACIE IS AWAKE!!” We didn’t even need to say anything, we all ran to Lacie’s room, and sure enough, her eyes were open, and Dr. Boyd was checking on her.

“Allie!? What about Allie!?” I asked.

“DORIAN!!” I heard Leah at the door of Lacie’s room. “SHE’S AWAKE!!” I ran past her and over to Allie’s room. When I got there, Dr. Quinn was checking her vitals and Sin was in the corner. I ran around Dr. Quinn, and I saw Allie. Her eyes were open, her beautiful light brown eyes staring at me.


“Hi,” she said to me softly. I grabbed her hand and just kissed it over and over. I brushed her hair back and kissed her forehead, and I felt sparks shoot across my body. I kept my lips on her forehead, and tears streamed down my face. “Don’t cry, Dorian,” she said while grabbing on my shoulder. I looked down at her and couldn’t stop crying.

“I thought I lost you, baby,”

“You almost did, but I’m here, and we’re going to be okay,”

“I love you, Allie. I love you so f*****g much. I need you; do you understand?”

“I love you too, Dorian, and I need you too,” I pressed my lips against hers and kissed her hard, but not too hard. I knew that she was still fragile.

“Luna, this is a miracle,” Dr. Quinn said. “Yesterday, your heart stopped, and you officially died for ten minutes, but now your vitals are completely normal,”

“Yesterday?” Allie asked in a confused tone. “How long have I been out?”

“Baby, you and Lacie have been in a coma for almost six weeks,”

“Six weeks!? Wait, that means I’ve missed half of the spring semester!?” Of course, she would go straight into the subject of school.

“It’s okay, I had you withdrawn and told them that it was a medical emergency due to an accident. Your admissions are safe, and so is your scholarship,”

“But I’m going to be behind an entire semester now,” she pouted. I missed seeing her pout. I kissed her forehead again. “Where’s Lacie?” she asked,

“Lacie is down the hall, baby, she’s awake too,” she smiled and nodded.

“HEY!! IS IT TRUE!?” I heard Dani and Andre in the hospital. They made their way into Allie’s room.

“ALLIE!!” Dani came running over and engulfed Allie in a hug while ugly crying.

“Dani, I’m okay,” Allie cooed her.

“I thought I was going to lose you! You’re one of my best friends!” Dani wallowed.

“I’m okay, Dani. I’m here now, and you’re one of my best friends too,” Dani continued to cry for a few minutes before calming down. Once she did, Andre came over and hugged Allie as well.

“I am so relieved, Allie, I have missed you, mon ami,” Andre pulled away and just smiled.

“You guys should go see Lacie too,” Allie said to them. They smiled and left to go see Lacie.

“b***h, don’t scare me like that ever again!” Sin shouted from the door.

“I’m sorry, skank,” Allie replied. I couldn’t help but laugh a little.

“GIZMO!!” Brandon and Mikey rushed in and came charging at Allie.

“Nah uh!” Dr. Quinn stopped them both. “Beta, Gamma, do not charge at the Luna, she is still quite fragile,” Brandon and Mikey composed themselves and came over to Allie slowly and each gave her a hug.

“Gizmo, you have no idea how scared we all were that you weren’t going to make it,” Brandon said.

“Seriously, Giz,” Mikey agreed.

“I’m sorry,” Allie replied.

“Luna,” Dr. Quinn said, and Allie looked at her. “Even though you and Lacie and are awake and seem to be perfectly healthy, I want to keep you two for at least another week, okay?”

“Okay,” Dr. Quinn checked a few more things, took a b***d sample, and then left. Sam and Lucas came by and did the same thing everyone else did. Hugged Allie and then lectured her. Once they were all gone, I mind linked my parents. Although they wanted to bring the twins, Dr. Quinn advised against it since Allie probably wouldn’t be able to hold them for a while with her body still healing.

I spent a few hours alone with Allie and was lying in her hospital bed with her, which I was sure Aries as doing with Lacie as well. We didn’t say much the entire time. I just held her close and made sure that I wasn’t dreaming. This was the second time I almost lost Allie, and I was even more determined than ever to catch those who were behind this. Heather and Maya were not going to get away with this, especially now that Allie is awake.

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