Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Storm Chapter 47

{Evelyn’s P.O.V.}

“Deacon!” I started to giggle as he rolled over on top of me and kissed me all over. Last night was the best s*x I ever had, and I never knew that someone could blackout from having too many o*****s. It was the best feeling ever and it felt like a dream. When I opened my eyes and saw Deacon staring me with his mesmerizing silver ones, my heart just about exploded in happiness.

“Mmm…I love you, Evelyn Collier. You give me life,”

“Ah, Deacon, not so rough,” I tell him has puts his fingers inside of me. “Mmm…Ah…I…I’m going c*m,” he was hitting my g-spot spot on, and it was like my body was on autopilot. My legs shook, my brain turned to jelly, and my toes curled tighter than a gymnast.

“c*m for me, baby girl,” he whispered and growled into my ear. That sound just made my body do all sorts of things. After a few more flicks of his fingers, I cummed all over his hand. I started to m**n and breathe heavily while my high took over. “That’s it, good girl,” Once my body relaxed, Deacon took out his fingers, and I watched him lick my c*m off of them.

“Umm…I didn’t think you were into that?” I said to him.

“Into what? Eating your c*m?”

“Yeah, none of the guys I ever slept with ever did that?” He sat up and looked at me strangely.

“Baby girl, has a guy ever gone down on you?” he asked me and shook my head no. “What!? A guy has never pleasured you!?”

“Not like that, no,”

“Did they make you go down on them?”


“What the f**k!? That’s cruel on so many levels! You weren’t having s*x with men then, you were having s*x with boys,”

“Deacon, it’s not that big of a deal,”

“No, baby girl, it is a big deal. Sexually, that is the most unfair thing a man can do. Ask for a blowjob but not go down on the girl,”

“Why do I get the feeling you’re about to go down on me?”

“Because I am. Let me show you how a real man pleasures his woman,” he says and gets off the bed. He turns me to the side and pulls me by the h**s. My butt is slightly hanging off the side of the bed, and Deacon pushes my legs out to the side while he gets down on his knees. “Hold on tight, baby girl, I’m going to eat this sweet beautiful p***y until you blackout again,” Before I couldn’t even respond to that, Deacon pushed his face into my s*x, and started to eat my p***y.

The feeling that it was giving me was so unreal. The warmth of this tongue, the smoothness of his lips, and the small grazes from his teeth were making me thrash my head and my back arch. I don’t know came over me, but I felt myself grab his head with both of my hands and pushed him in ever further.

“Oh my god, Deacon!!” my screaming his name didn’t phase him one bit. He didn’t stop his attack. He was moaning as he pushed his tongue inside of me, his hands were wrapped under legs, and his hands pushing down on my pelvis to keep me in place. My legs were fully over his shoulders. “Ah! I going to c*m!” I felt myself getting delirious, and the next thing I knew, Deacon bit down on my clit making me c*m. “Ohhhh…shitttt!!” I cummed so hard my legs started to shake.

Deacon held me down and kept going, not even waiting for my climax to finish. I could feel, see, and hear him eat my juices while still giving me pleasure I had never experienced. He then inserted two fingers, and started to suck on my clit, and hard. It felt as if he was going to suck my clit right off of my body. The waves of pleasure that took over made me c*m again, and this time, I was seeing white spots in my vision.

As I was cumming, Deacon started to move his fingers in an upward motion and started to finger me as hard and as fast he could. That made me c*m a third time, but this time, I could feel liquid spill out of me, down my a*s, and all over the bed. Deacon moved his fingers again and liquid continued to spill out. My vision was completely clouded, and my body was full-on seizing. The next thing I knew, everything went dark.

{Deacon’s P.O.V.}

After making Evelyn squirt to her max, I watched her eyes rolled to the back of her head, and lose consciousness. I set out to make her blackout again, and I did. s*x with Evelyn was going to be fun and nothing short of amazing. I adjusted her body back on the bed and made sure she was comfortable. I went to the bathroom and got a washcloth and soaked in hot water. I came back and wiped down Evelyn’s body, and then tucked her in bed again before taking a shower.

After getting washed up, I decided to give Dorian a call to check in on Allie and Lacie,


“Good morning, Dorian. I just wanted to check in to see if anything has changed?”

“Nothing yet. Dr. Quinn came by to check on them, and they are still stable. It’s a good sign, and both of their infections from their wounds are clearing up. Dr. Quinn is very hopeful, which making us hopeful too,”

“That’s something isn’t it?”

“It is. As long as Allie and Lacie can breathe on their own, it means the poison hasn’t reached their lungs,”

“That’s good to know, at least we will know what to be on the lookout for,”

“Yeah, Bandit has also been trying to reach Mercury, and he says that she is still there, but weakened. My guess is that she is working on overdrive to keep Allie alive,”

“That must be the same for Lacie’s wolf then,”

“I believe it is, unfortunately, Aries’ wolf and Lacie’s wolf haven’t mated yet, so it’s harder for them to get a connection, but physically, Lacie and Allie are about the same,”

“Lacie having Alpha gene’s maybe what’s keeping her alive,”

“I agree. Anyway, how are you? How are things with Evelyn?”

“Things are perfect. She has fully accepted me, and I made her mine last night. She has accepted the fact that she will now be the Luna of Yellow Moon,”

“I am happy to hear that my friend, now you can get over my wife,”

“Hahaha! Man, I was over her the moment I laid eyes on Evelyn. I guess it’s true what they say… When you find your true mate, you will never love another,”

“It is true, that’s why I need Allie to survive. I don’t think I can live without her,” Dorian’s voice sounded so broken when he said that.

“Brother, she’s going to survive this. She has to. Allie is a strong wolf, and she still has a lot of good to do in this world. Plus, she would never leave you or your pups,”

“I hope you’re right Deacon,”

“I’m praying for you guys, I really am. Allie is the one who brought Evelyn to me, and I need to able to thank her. Evelyn is a gift from the moon goddess, but Allie is the one that brought her to me,”

“You sound like a love-sick puppy Deacon,”

“When it comes to Evelyn, I am a love-sick puppy. Our bond is so surreal, and I can’t get enough of her. I just want to have s*x all day every day,”

“That’s how you know that you belong together. I can’t keep my hands off of Allie, even right now, I’m holding her hand whenever I’m with her,”

“Can I ask you a question, Dorian?”

“What’s up?”

“Have you ever made Allie blackout?”

“You mean from s*x?”


“I make her blackout all the f*****g time. Her ability to project l**t makes me go forever. If I don’t get her to blackout, she will make me tap out,”


“Let me guess, you made Evelyn blackout, didn’t you?”

“I did, it’s crazy. I’m just hoping she won’t be too mad,”

“Mad? Deacon, you rendered her unconscious from pure pleasure. She’s going to want you to do it all the time now,”

“s**t, I didn’t think about that. I have good stamina, but doing it all the time is going to be a challenge,”

“Hahaha!! Good luck Deacon, you’re going to need it. If Evelyn is anything like Allie, I suggest taking turns with Midnight. While he is having s*x with Evelyn, you can refuel, and then switch back. She probably will be too delirious from the pleasure that she won’t notice,”

“That’s good advice man, thanks,”

“One more thing, be careful after going too many rounds and not pulling out fast enough when you’re done. You’re going to end up getting stuck together, and it’s actually painful for your mate,”

“Stuck? Seriously?”

“Yeah, I’m dead serious. I get stuck inside of Allie all the time,”

“If that happens how do you get un-stuck?”

“Another round in the shower, make sure the water is hot,”

“I will have to make a note of that,”

“I need to get going, talk to you again soon,”



“Don’t lose hope my friend, Shorty will come back to you, and Lacie to Aries,”

“Thank you,”


I hung up the phone and looked at and saw that Evelyn was awake.

“I’m sorry, baby girl, did I wake you?”

“No, I woke up myself,” I put my phone down and walked over to the bed.

“How about you take a shower, and then we can go down for breakfast together,” I say and push her hair behind her ear.

“Mmmm…I think you should join me that shower,” she said and gave me a seductive look. I didn’t have to think about my answer. Even though I just showered, I was not going to pass up a chance to make love to Evelyn again.

{Dorian’s P.O.V.}

After hanging up with Deacon, I looked back at Allie. The sight before me was heartbreaking. Allie’s once beautifully tanned skin was already turning pale, she had dark circles under her eyes, and her hair was getting matted. I took out the brush from her hospital bag that Sin had put together and lifted her head gently, brushing her hair. Even in this state, Allie was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.

“Allie, can you hear me, baby? I know you’re fighting, and I know how tired you must be, but please don’t give up. You’re stronger than anyone that I’ve ever known. You’ve been through more than this, and you have pulled through every time. We’ve only had two years as husband and wife, and we are going to have many more years, I know we are. So, please, baby, keep fighting,”

“Dorian,” I look up and see Aries in the doorway. “How do you do that?”

“Do what?”

“Talk to her that way? How do you know what to say?”

“I don’t know what to say. I say what’s in my heart because it’s what I feel,”

“I don’t know how to say anything to Lacie,”

“You don’t have to say it out loud the way I do, Aries. That’s just how I am with Allie. How you are with Lacie is how you are. We love our women how we love our women. It won’t be the same,”

“I don’t want Lacie to think that I don’t love her,”

“Aries, don’t be stupid. Lacie knows you love her, it’s just different because you two are only mates, or boyfriend and girlfriend however you want to see it. Allie is my wife, my Luna, and the mother to my children, our bond is a lot stronger,”

“Will Lacie and I ever get to that?” Aries was about to cry. He wasn’t questioning the love he had for Lacie or her love for him, but he was questioning if Lacie would survive for that to happen.

“I have hope it will. Remember, as long as they stay stable, there’s room for hope,”

“I love Lacie, Dorian, I want to marry her,”

“Then marry her. Don’t ask how, when, or why? Just do it. If you want Lacie to be your wife, then make her your wife when she wakes up. Put a ring on her finger and make her yours both the wolf way, and the human way,”

“I don’t know what kind of ring she would want,”

“Call Cianna and see if she can help you. I can refer you to the jeweler that made Allie’s ring. He’s the same person that Brandon got his ring from for Leah,”

“I’ll do that, but in a few days. I tried to call her, but she’s apparently in heat right now,”

“Oh, I guess it’s a good thing Deacon took her home then,”

“Yeah,” we both chuckled. Aries promptly took his seat next to Lacie and rested his head on her bed. I looked back at Allie and just stared at her.

Selene, please don’t take Allie away from me.

One month later

I was sitting in my office going over contracts that needed to be signed for the teams. Allie and Lacie are still in a coma, but things are starting to look up. Both of their wounds had almost completely healed, and their last b***d sample showed that the poison is starting to dissipate. Lacie had been moved to her own room and was now being watched over by Dr. Boyd.

Dr. Quinn and Vladimir have been working together to try and come up with a cure. If Allie and Lacie survived, they’re hoping they could use the girls’ b***d to potentially synthesize a serum and create a cure. Something that has never been done.

As I was signing the final contracts when Mikey came into my office,


“What’s up?”

“Fury just called, he found the bartender, Chris,”


“He was in Belgium,”

“What the f**k? How the hell did that guy get all the way to Belgium without anyone knowing?”

“He was using a fake passport,”

“Is he alive or dead?”

“He’s dead now, but Fury was able to get information out of him first,”

“What kind of information?”

“Well, for starters, he confirmed that it was Heather and Maya who poisoned the drinks. Fury also told the bartender that they failed at killing us and that Allie and Lacie were exposed instead,”

“What did he say to that?”

“He was terrified because he knows that Allie is your wife, he also begged for mercy, that obviously didn’t happen,”

“What else?”

“Fury tried to get information on where Heather and Maya are, but Chris said that they all went their separate ways. At first Heather and Maya were together, but recently, they also split, so we have no idea where they are. Until you put out the bounty, we won’t be able to hunt for them,”

“I won’t put it out until Allie tells me to,”

“You seem so sure Gizmo is going to wake up,”

“I have to be, for my own personal sanity, and for the twins. Daisy and Demarco need their mother,”

“I get it, I think I would be the same way if I was in your position,”

“So, I guess I owe Fury five million dollars,”

“Yeah,” Mikey just laughed. He and I hung out in my office a little while longer when Sam came running in.

“BOSS!! YOU HAVE TO COME QUICK!! IT’S ALLIE!” Without even thinking I rush passed Sam using my wolf speed and went to the hospital. When I got to Allie’s room, I saw Dr. Quinn and a nursing staff surrounding Allie.

“What’s going on!?” I shouted.

“Alpha, we need you to stay back!” A nurse said and pushed me out of the room.

“Dorian!” I heard Aries. “What’s going on!?”

“I don’t know, they just kicked me out!” I said to him. I turned to Sam. “SAM! What the hell happened?!”

“I have no idea boss, Allie was fine one minute and the next her heart rate started to drop,”


“I NEED CRASH CART IN HERE NOW!!” I heard Dr. Quinn shout. A few seconds later nurses run by with some kind of machine.

“ALLIE!!!” I scream and try to push past the nurses.

“Alpha! Please stay back!!”

“GET OUT OF MY WAY!!” Even with commanding the nurses, they wouldn’t let me pass. “ALLIE!!!”

“Charge to 200!”


“Clear!” I watched in horror as Dr. Quinn shocked Allie to get her heart started.

“Nothing!” a nurse yelled.

“Charge to 300!”


“Clear!” Dr. Quinn shocked Allie again.

“ALLIE!! ALLIE!!” It was taking Mikey, Aries, Sam, and three nurses to hold me back.

“Doctor! She’s flatlining!” the sound of a long and steady high pitch beep was piercing my ears.

“LET ME GO!!! ALLIE!!!” I tried to use force, but it was no use. By this time, Brandon and Lucas were also helping hold me back.

“COME ON, LUNA!! Charge to 400!!”




“Continue CPR! I need a shot of adrenaline!” was all I could hear. I couldn’t see anything because I was being pushed further and further away from the room.

“ALLIE!! ALLIE!! NO!!! ALLIE!!” I roared and growled. Bandit was forcing his way to the surface. He wanted out and nothing was going to stop him. Bandit took over, and I shifted in the middle of the hospital. It took Brandon, Mikey, Andre, Lucas, Sam, and Aries to hold him back, and even then, they had to use all their strength. I couldn’t reel him back in. Allie was dying, and Bandit was furious. He was snapping his teeth, growling, snarling while trying to break everyone’s grip. All of a sudden, Bandit calmed down and started to lose his balance, we had been injected with something. The last thing we heard before losing consciousness was the sound of a long and steady beep indicating that Allie’s heart had stopped.

She was gone, Allie was gone.

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