Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Storm Chapter 41

{Deacon’s P.O.V.}

I was sitting in the lounge with everyone and just having a good time. The music was already blaring, and I could see patrons starting to enter. Although Apollo and I were the only ones without mates, we didn’t care much. Our brother was happy, and our friends were happy, so we were happy for them. I honestly wondered when Apollo would find his mate, he wants one so badly but never had the courage to say anything until Cianna showed up for Lucian. Apollo was jealous at first, but not anymore. He’s just envious because that is how badly he wants one. Me on the other hand, I wasn’t going to hold my breath. The chances of getting a second chance are so rare, that I didn’t want to get my hopes up. So, I decided to give up instead.

I was enjoying the music and bouncing my head to the beat, when Apollo grabbed my chest, and hard,

“Bro, what the…” I was about to say when Apollo pointed to the stairs. I looked over and saw Allie with two other girls with pink and purple hair. The one with the pink hair really stood out to me. I looked at Apollo and his eyes were black. “Pink or purple?” I asked him.

“Purple,” he answered and stood up. I stood up with him, and Allie immediately noticed and put up a protective arm around them. I could see the starburst girls whispering to Allie, and Allie whispering back. Allie pointed in our direction, and the starburst girls looked back at Apollo and me and smiled. Apollo was about to rush over, but I grabbed him before he could. Allie gave us a death stare and he calmed down.

“Apollo, don’t be stupid like Lucian and pin her,” Apollo nodded his head and composed himself. I couldn’t understand why Allie was bringing both of them, but one thing I knew for sure, the girl purple hair was Apollo’s mate, and the girl with pink hair made Midnight stir awake.

Slowly Allie brought the two girls up to our lounge, and sure enough, everyone noticed them. All eyes were on the starburst girls, and they seemed to look uncomfortable. Dorian got up from his seat on the couch and went over to Allie. I could see them talking, and the two girls were behind Allie at all times. Apollo was going crazy, and I had to hold him back, while at the same time keeping Midnight at bay.

That’s her! Our true mate!

We don’t know that for sure, Midnight. You know as well as I do that second chances are rare.

That’s her! She’s our true mate!

I looked back at Dorian and Allie, and they were both smiling. Allie slowly brought the two girls over to Apollo and me, and the girl with pink hair’s scent just invaded my soul. She smelled like a watermelon jolly rancher, my favorite candy. There was no way the moon goddess was giving me a second chance. I looked at her eyes and saw that they were pink as well. This girl was unique. I could sense she was a wolf, but something else as well.

She was beautiful and alluring. Her hair was long like Allie’s, but it was baby pink, she was slightly shorter than Allie, but Allie was in five-inch heels which meant this girl was about her height, 5’2 maybe 5’3. Perfectly petite. She was wearing a black crop tank top, and I could see her abs, she was fit like Allie too. Her a*s was a lot bigger than Allie’s though, like a lot bigger. She definitely worked those glutes and legs. I wanted nothing more than to smother my face in her a*s cheeks.

What was this feeling I was getting? This was nothing like what I felt with Heather. It was the complete opposite, her scent was enticing, and it made my d**k hard. Was this pink-haired beauty my second chance mate? I saw her eyes dart to the side, and that’s when I realized she saw my neck, she saw Heather’s mark. She took a step back and looked saddened. I wanted nothing more than to hold her in my arms and tell her that it would all be okay.

She turned her back to me and went right back to Allie. She looked hurt and confused. Why wouldn’t she be? Allie more than likely told her I was her mate, but here I am, marked by another. If this girl were my second chance, this mark would heal and disappear as soon as she accepted me, but the doubt in her eyes, when she was speaking with Allie, was clear as day.

{Evelyn’s P.O.V.}

When I saw the mark on this guy’s neck, I felt like I was being played. I stepped away and just stared at it. This guy was so handsome, and I wanted to touch him to see if I felt the spark, but that mark meant he belonged to someone. I went back to Allie to confront her,

“Allie, he’s marked,”

“I know he is, but I need you to listen to me…”

“Why would you tell me he’s my mate if he already has one?”

“Evelyn, he doesn’t have one. Listen to me,” she said grabbing my arms. “Evelyn, he had a mate, and she marked him, forcefully. He rejected her because of it,”

“But she marked him nonetheless, he’s tied to her, how can I be his mate if he’s tied to someone else?”

“Evelyn, that’s a complicated story, one that I’m sure Deacon will more than happy to explain to you, but I need you to trust me. I truly believe that Deacon is your mate,”

“Allie, but…”

“Evelyn, I’m a blessed wolf. know what I’m saying, and I feel deep in my heart that you are meant to be with him. I didn’t get this feeling with his last mate. I can already tell he’s drawn to you because of the way he was looking at you. I believe you to be his second chance mate,” Allie said. She was pleading with her eyes and her tone, and my fairy side lets us know when someone is lying, and she wasn’t. She was being 100% truthful.

I looked over at Eileen who was standing in the corner talking to the other guy, and I saw her face when he touched her arm. Her eyes glowed, which meant that she felt the spark. Eileen found her mate, I watched as her mate leaned down and brushed his lips against hers, and her eyes glowed even brighter, which was an indication she was aroused.

“Evelyn, will you at least let him touch your arm, to see if the mate bond is there?” Allie asked. I looked back at Deacon, the one who she said was my mate, and his eyes, they were filled with sorrow, hurt, and longing. He wanted me, and I could see it. I looked back at Allie and nodded.

Allie smiled and walked me over to Deacon again, who kept looking at me with hurt in his eyes, I looked up at him and I could tell he was studying me. I’m sure he saw the doubt in my eyes,

“Evelyn, this is Deacon Brown. Deacon, this is Evelyn, and I have no idea what your last name is,” Allie said. I couldn’t help but laugh a little.

“Collier, my name is Evelyn Collier,” I tell them.

“Deacon Brown,” he replied.

“So, I’ve heard,” we shook hands, and immediately, I felt the spark. I wasn’t expecting it, so I jumped pulling my hand back. I looked at him, and I knew he felt it too. It wasn’t just a spark; it was like a lightning bolt just electrocuted us. I didn’t even know what to do, I couldn’t get over the fact that he was marked.

“I’m sure you’re wondering about the mark,” he said to me, and I nodded. “If you let me explain, I can tell you why I have it,” I was about the say something when we were interrupted.

“I don’t know why you two are up here bothering our VIP guests but get your asses back down to the bar!” the bar manager said. Eileen pouted and so did I. We were getting ready to leave when someone I didn’t know stood up.

“They are here because I requested them,” he said to the manager.

“Who are you?”

“My name is Brandon Kane,” the guy said. Eileen and I just looked at one another not knowing what to do or say. The CEO of our club was here, and we had no idea that was him.

“Oh, Mr. Kane, I’m sorry, I didn’t know,” the bar manager stuttered.

“Girls,” Mr. Kane addresses Eileen and me. “I’ll give you the choice, you can either finish your night, or you can quit right now and spend time us up here. Either way, you both will both get paid for a full night’s worth of work,”

“I quit!” Eileen shouted, and I just looked at her. She was all over her mate, and she just quit her job. The one we just started a month ago.

“I’m going to go back down the bar,” I replied. I looked over at Deacon and he was hurt. “But I will be back, and we can talk,” I tell him with a smile, and his eyes light up. He smiles and nods.

{Allie’s P.O.V.}

Watching Evelyn go back to work and leaving Deacon hanging was killing me. I looked over at Deacon his eyes were following her all way back to the bar.

“D, are you okay?”

“I’m good,” he said and smiled at me. “Shorty, I think she’s my second chance. Even Midnight thinks she is,”

“That’s good, right?”

“It’s awesome, but I can tell she’s worried about the fact that I’m marked,”

“She is, and I told the cliff notes version, but you should be the one to tell her everything in detail,”

“I know, and I’m going to,” he nodded and gave me a hug. Once I figured that he was okay, I went back over to Dorian and Siobhan came up with our bottles.

“Hey, what happened with Evelyn?” she asked

“Long story, but I think it will have a happy ending,” I tell her. I help her arrange the bottles, pour shots, and make drinks for everyone. As I was bending over, I felt Dorian’s hand go up to my dress again. “Hey!” I turn around and smack his hand.

“Come on, baby, isn’t this why you wore a dress this short, because you want me to touch you?” he asked and smirked.

“Dorian, down boy!” I shouted, and he just laughed and sat back on the couch. I knew for a fact that he was staring at my a*s. Once all the drinks were poured, I passed them around to everyone, except for Lacie who had to drink soda and water.

“This isn’t fair!” Lacie whined.

“Lacie, I thought you didn’t drink,” Cianna said.

“I don’t, normally, but just being left out sucks,” Aries put his drink down, and brought Lacie to his lap and held her. Since Aries didn’t drink either, Mikey took his drink instead. We had a few more shots and hung out for a bit as we watched the club start to get packed full of people.

I looked over and saw that Eileen was giving Apollo a lap dance, and I had to say, she was rather good at it. I tapped Dorian’s shoulder and made him look, and even he was impressed with her smooth moves. Watching Eileen do that gave me the best idea. I got up from Dorian’s lap and went over to the bouncer watching over our VIP lounge. I whispered my idea to him, and he nodded his head. He grabbed his little microphone and made the call. I grabbed all of the girls, including Eileen, moved off to where the guys wouldn’t be able to hear us.

“Allie what?” Sin asked.

“So, watching Eileen give Apollo a lap dance just gave me the best idea,” I tell them.

“Oh no, I’m afraid to ask,” Leah said

“What is it, Allie?” Sam asked eagerly.

“Well, how about we give our guys a New Year’s to remember,” I say to them.

“How?” Dani asked.

“We are going to make them sit in chairs in the middle of the dance floor in a loose circle, and we are going to give them lap dances, in front of the entire club,” I tell them, and all of their mouths drop.

“ALLIE!!” they all scream.

“But! Their hands are going to be handcuffed to the chairs, so they can’t touch us,”

“That is going to be pure torture, Allie!” Leah exclaimed. “Sounds like fun!”

“I’m down!” Cianna said.

“Me too!” everyone chimed in, except for Lacie.

“Lacie?” I addressed her, and she just bit her l*p.

“Girl, don’t be conservative. I’ve you seen you dance, and you know how to move those h**s,” Cianna said to her.

“But, Aries has never seen that side of me before. What if he becomes disappointed?”

“Girl, please! Look at what you’re wearing, he is going to be turned on to full power, that’s why Allie wants to restrain them. The torture wanting to touch but not being able to will drive them and their wolves insane,” Sin replied. Lacie thought about it for a minute but eventually gave in.

“Eileen, do you think you can get your sister to join us? I mean, I know she’s still skeptical, but it’s just dancing technically,” I say to her.

“Sure, I can get her to play ball, she likes s**t like this,” Eileen responded and went to go talk to Evelyn.

After our little discussion, we forced all of the guys to their feet and dragged them down to the dance floor. We danced with our mates, we dance with each other, and we dance with each other’s mates. I even made it a point for some of us to dance with Deacon since he was the only one that was technically alone. Eileen came back and said that Evelyn would play ball and it made me so happy. That meant Deacon wouldn’t be left out of the fun.

I grabbed Eileen and started to dance with her and let me just say, this girl knew how to dance. We were about the same height because she had tennis shoe wedges on, and this girl was using me as a stripper pole. Eileen was spunky, and I liked it. She was definitely meant for Apollo. He was the laid back kind of type, almost boring in a sense, but having a spunky mate like Eileen would just give him the push to really let loose and have fun.

Eileen bent over, and I grabbed her h**s while she started to rub her a*s into my crotch, and I rubbed one hand down her bare thigh, up to her a*s. I was watching Dorian, and she was watching Apollo and both of their eyes were black with l**t. I gave Eileen a small tap on her a*s and turned her around. I got down low and slowly came back up while keeping my face close to her body. I even rubbed my face right across between her breasts and gave her a small girly k**s on the lips. The bulge forming in their pants was a dead giveaway they liked what they were seeing.

“I’m sure you’re wondering about the mark,” he said to me, and I nodded. “If you let me explain, I can tell you why I have it,” I was about the say something when we were interrupted.

I decided to have fun with everyone, so when I was done Eileen, I went to Lacie next. I sandwiched her between me and Aries,

“Allie, what are you doing?” Lacie asked while looking down at me.

“Having fun with my assistant, what does it look like?” I said and waved my h**s into hers. “Wrap your arms around Aries’ neck behind you,” I tell her, and move her arms for her. Once she did, I grabbed her h**s and moved in even closer.

“Oh my god, Allie,” I just smiled and turned and pushed my a*s into her crotch and started to rub against her. I felt a pair of hands on my h**s and saw that Aries made Lacie grab me. She was blushing so hard, but I could tell that she was also enjoying herself. After a minute or two of messing with Lacie, I stood up and just hugged her.

“You were a real trooper Lacie,” I said to her, and laughed.

“Allie, you’re showing me a side of you that I didn’t know even existed,”

“You will see more during our trip, trust me,” I tell her, and wink. Just then, the music came to a halt, which meant it was showtime. The bouncers started to move everyone off the dance floor and placed the nine chairs in a loose circle with enough room in between each for us to weave in and out around them. Once the chairs were set up, I pushed Dorian onto the chair. The girls soon followed the gesture, and I saw Evelyn come up from beyond the crowd and push Deacon into his chair. The look on his face was priceless.

The bouncer came back and gave each us a pair of handcuffs, and the crowd started to go wild.

“Allie, what are you…”

“Shhh…Relax baby, and enjoy,” I tell Dorian, and the lick the side of his face in front of everyone as I handcuff him. We all stood back as our mates started to struggle a little bit, then, the music started. I’m not sure what the DJ was playing since it was a mix of so many different beats and tunes, but it was the sexy kind and it made for great lap dancing music.

I walked around Dorian, gently gliding my hand across this chest, his shoulders, his back, and around again. I put hands on his knees and spread his legs. My hands crept up and I stood to my feet again, and I traced his entire torso to the collar of his shirt. I straddled him and moved my h**s against him in waving here, rubbing there, swaying in that direction. I turned around straddled him in reverse. I leaned backed, grabbed his neck with one hand, and moved my body in continuous waves. I was certain that crowed could see up my dress, but I didn’t care.

Dorian was getting harder by the second, and I could feel him trying to move his arms. I heard him growl in frustration, and I smiled because my plan was working. I looked around and saw some of the other guys also fidgeting with the cuffs. I watched Lacie, and Cianna was right, this girl knows how to move. She was smothering Aries with her boobs while rubbing herself all over him.

Apollo and Lucian were just enjoying themselves. They weren’t even moving. I honestly thought they had passed out from happiness, but they didn’t. This wasn’t new for Brandon, Mikey, Lucas, or Andre since this was how we typically started our orgies, just without the cuffs. Dancing, seduction, and then oral play. We were just going to leave out the oral and s*x, for now at least. I looked at Deacon, and he was just glaring at Evelyn who was just as good as Eileen, but it was the ‘I’m so happy and horny’ kind of glare. Evelyn also looked to be enjoying herself. I watched she got super close to kissing Deacon but pulled away just enough where he couldn’t get to her and his face when she did that, was pure bliss.

He was frustrated but in a good way. I had never seen Deacon look at a girl that way, ever. He never even looked at me that way. His eyes longed for her, yearned for her. There was no doubt in my mind that Evelyn was his second chance mate, and of all the places I found her, let alone along with Apollo’s mate, who was Evelyn’s twin sister.

I was busy watching everyone else have the time of their life, I didn’t realize that I was full-on dry humping Dorian. This e******n was starting to rub against me, and it was turning me on, and on fast. Just then, Dorian broke the handcuffs grabbed me, making me scream and laugh at the same time. That created a domino effect, and all of the guys broke their cuffs grabbing the girls. The DJ switched the music around to something more fun, and the bouncers moved the chairs out the way.

The crowd cheered and hollered for us for our little show, and the guys, and we were all carried back up to the lounge. All of the guys threw us onto the couch, and we all kept laughing. If we weren’t in public, I was sure the guys were going to take all of us right there.

“Alright, I need to know whose idea this was!” Lucian said trying to contain his boner.

“ALLIE’S!” everyone shouted. Lucian looked at me in horror and I just smiled and waved with my fingers.

“Shorty!?” he asked,

“It’s Eileen’s fault, she gave me the idea when she gave Apollo a lap dance. I thought it would be a fun way to send off this last year with a little sensual fun while at the same time, torturing you guys,” I replied.

“Not cool Gizmo!” Brandon shouted.

“Shut it, Brandon, you liked it,” Leah said standing up, and pushing him to sit on the couch. She straddled him and started to k**s him making him shut up. Brandon just sat there.

“Evelyn, did you have fun?” I asked her.

“I did, but now I have to go back to work,” she said. She winked at Deacon and left.

After she was gone, all of the guys sat down, while Sin, Dani, and I made some more shots and drinks. We handed them around, gave big cheers again, and shot them back. We were about to pour some more when Siobhan came,

“That was sick! You guys were awesome!” she exclaimed while carrying a tray of drinks.

“What do you have there?” I asked there.

“Oh, someone at the bar ordered these for the guys up here,” she replied. I looked at the tray and saw nine drinks in total. One for each of the guys. Siobhan passed them around, and the guys cheers to each other, but as soon as they put them to their mouths, Leah screamed.


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