Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Storm Chapter 40

{Lacie’s P.O.V.}

Cianna and I were getting ready in my room, while I sent Aries to get ready with Lucian. He was visibly upset when I did that because he wanted to see what kind of dress I had bought, but I told him that it was a surprise,

“Do I need to wear a bra with this?” I asked Cianna.

“What? No Lacie, it has a plunging neckline, just let the girls flow naturally,”

“But, it makes it look so slutty,”

“It does not, it makes it look sexy,” I frowned a little bit at her response, but said screw it in the end. It was New Year’s Eve, and we were going clubbing, so why not let my girls get a little exposure. I was certain that Aries would do what he could to keep me hidden anyway. I put on my strappy heels from Valentino Garavani. I had never owned such an expensive pair of shoes, so I planned to get good use out of them, so Allie didn’t waste her money.

Cianna put on her ensemble and when she added the boots, she looked like a million bucks. Everything just hugged her curves so nicely, and she ended up getting a push-up bra at Victoria Secret that made her boobs look even more voluptuous.

“Hopefully, Luci doesn’t get at mad at me for making my boobs look bigger,”

“Why would he? I thought guys liked big boobs,” I said to her while adding curls to my hair.

“Luci said he likes my boobs the way they are. For Christmas, I asked if I could get my boobs done, and he got mad at me,”

“Why on earth did you tell your mate that you wanted a boob job?” I turned around from my vanity looking at her like she was an alien.

“Because my boobs are smaller compared to other she-wolves, even you and Heather. Guys always wanted to f**k her because she has big boobs,”

“Stop it, if Lucian was into big boobs, then he would be mated to a she-wolf with big boobs. You know as well as I do that the moon goddess only pairs people who are compatible with each other,”

“Tell that your sister and Deacon,” she threw back in my face. I bit the inside of my cheek and sneered at her.

“Okay, fine…she pairs people who are compatible the majority of the time,” Cianna just rolled her eyes and laughed at me. We finished getting ready, and Cianna decided to crimp her hair by adding a little mouse to it when it was still damp using the diffuser on my hairdryer to add volume. Once we were done getting ready, I sent a mind link over to Aries,


Hi, Precious

Are you boys ready?

We’ve been ready. All of the guys are downstairs in the living room waiting on you girls. None of you have come down yet.

Oh, hahaha…Let me check with Allie to see where she is.

Okay, Precious.

“So, what did Aries say?” Cianna asked me

“He said that all the guys are ready and waiting, none of us ladies have gone down yet,” I replied, and we both started to laugh. I sent a quick mind link over to Allie, and all of the others were just about ready to leave. So, we decided to meet at the top of the stairs on the second floor since Allie was only one on the third floor. Once we were all gathered, we complimented each other on our looks. Allie’s dress was something else. Long sleeve black mini dress that hugged her body was accented with different zippers at the chest and h**s. It was definitely a sexy dress.

“Lacie, that dress looks amazing on you, your boobs look awesome!” Sam said.

“Thank you, Sam,” I blushed a little. Being the youngest amongst everyone, even the guys, made me a little self-conscious, but everyone did their best to help me fit in. The guys did the same for Aries. Even though I am an Alpha’s daughter, and have ranked b***d in me, being mated to a lower-level Omega automatically changes my personal rank, but Allie was the first one to throw that out the door. Aries and I are the only lower-level Omegas that are allowed to call the Alpha and Luna by their first name. Even the other ranked females have allowed me to use their names rather than their titles.

“Alright ladies, let get going, I’m sure our men are anxious,” Allie says and led the way. As soon as we descended down the stairs, and entered the living room, a lot of the unmated wolves started to give us attention, and it made me nervous. Some started to make vulgar remarks, towards me and Cianna, that was until a single growl stopped them. The sound of it just screamed Alpha. One by one all of the men came over to their respective mates, and Aries slowly approached me.

“Damn, Precious, I don’t know whether to be turned on by this dress or pissed off you’re showing much skin,” he says as he holds me close and looks straight down at my chest.

“Aries, eyes up here,” I said snapping my fingers. He lifted his eyes to meet mine for a second before they went down again. I couldn’t help but laugh at him, what a typical man.

“Cici, this skirt is too short!” Lucian shouted at Cianna who was pouting.

“Leave her alone Luci! I picked that out for her!” Allie defended.

“What?” Lucian looked around and finally noticed that we were all wearing something revealing. Overall, Cianna was the most dressed and more conservative out of all of us. Even Allie’s dress showed more legs than Cianna’s skirt. “Nah uh! You guys let your girls wear revealing clothes like this?!” Lucian said with a sound of disapproval.

“Lucian, it’s not like the girls dress like this on a regular basis. It’s New Year’s Eve, and we’re going to a club,” Dorian told him while holding Allie close to him. I looked at Allie and saw her eyes starting to flutter, and I realized that the back of her dress was riding up slightly. Dorian’s hand was up in her dress and he was fingering her in front of everyone. I turned to hide my face to keep myself from laughing and freaking out at the same time. I literally just watched my boss get finger f****d.

“What’s wrong?” Aries whispered to me.

“Dorian is finger f*****g Allie right in front of all of us,” I tell him.

“That’s nothing new,” I lifted my head and looked at him a shock.

“Allie! Stop projecting your l**t to us!” Sin shouted. I looked back at her and realized that all of the ranked females were being groped by their mates. It was almost as if they were all about to have s*x right here in the living room.

“Dorian! Stop fingering Gizmo!” Brandon shouted. I guess I wasn’t the only one that noticed.

“Damn, I was hoping to make her c*m before anyone noticed,” Dorian said and pulled out his hand. He pulled her close and we all walked out of the house and saw a giant limo waiting for us.

“Wait, what?” I said looking at the limo.

“Dorian and I ordered a limousine service to take us to the club rather than taking three-pack cars and having to make our guards drive us,” Allie explained. One by one, the guys helped their respective mates get in and then followed after them. Once we were all inside, I noticed that all of the ranked females and Sam were on their mates’ laps. It actually made the sitting area more spacious.

“Alright, here’s to a New Year with new friends, and new family!” Brandon said pulling out a bottle of Champagne. There were more than enough glasses to be passed around, but I didn’t get one.

“Hey, where’s mine?” I asked.

“Lacie, you’re underage,” Brandon said.


“Sorry half-pint, you got to wait two more years,” Mikey said.

“Come on you guys, we’re in the back of a limo, give her half a glass so she doesn’t feel left out,” Allie said coming to my defense. “No one sitting in here right now can say that they didn’t drink underage. Now stop being f*****g hypocrites and give her a glass!” Aries handed me a glass and filled it up halfway.

“That’s all you get, Precious,” he tells me, and I nod.

“Lacie, you’re not allowed to have any alcohol at the club. Even though it’s for the supernatural only, I still have to obey state laws when it comes to underage drinking, got it,”

“Yes, Brandon, I understand. I really don’t like to drink anyway,”

“Technically tonight is supposed to be 21 and up only, but I’m the owner, so I have made an exception for you,”

“Thank you,” I said, and smiled. The rest of the ride to the club was so much fun. This had to have been the most fun I had since who knows when. Even Cianna was almost crying from laughing. At one point we both looked at each other and just smiled. We both knew that this is where we were meant to be. Her with Lucian, and me with Aries. My sister kicking us out of the hotel room was meant to happen.

{Allie’s P.O.V.}

When we got to the club, people were already lined up outside waiting to get in. We learned from past mistakes and got there at around 9:30, and the club didn’t open its doors until ten, so we had plenty of time to get in, get situated, and order our bottles before it got too busy. Brandon made sure to let Bryce know we were coming, and Siobhan would be our bottle girl.

We skipped the line and went straight in, and we could hear the crowd throwing a fit because of it,

“Why do they get to go in!?”

“What gives!?”

“We have been waiting in line for an hour already!”

“No fair!”

“Calm down!” the bouncer yelled. “They’re VIP guests, and pay a pretty penny to get in early,” the g****s and cursing of disapproval will never get old. Since the doors hadn’t opened yet it was still empty, and the DJ waved at us as we came in.

“Allie!!!” Siobhan came screaming and running towards us. She engulfed me a bear hug, no pun intended.

“Hello, my Irish beauty, how’s Aaliyah?”

“She’s good, getting big! How are the twins?”

“Getting big too. f*****g Demarco is over 40 pounds,”

“Oh wow, he weighs more than Aaliyah does,”

“Hello! We’re here too, b***h!” Sin shouted. Siobhan went over and said hi to the rest of the gang. Then she finally noticed the new people in our group.

“Uh, hello! Who are these new hotties you brought with you?” she asked staring at the triplets and Aries.

“Siobhan, this is Deacon, Apollo, and Lucian, they were at the big fight,” I tell her. “Oh yeah, I remember you guys now. But who’s this guy?” she asked to point to Aries.

“That’s Aries, he’s a bounty hunter, he was there too,” Siobhan just nodded. “This is Cianna, she’s is Lucian’s mate, and this is Lacie, she is Aries’ mate,”

“Hi! I’m Siobhan!” she replied and hugged both of them. “Any friend of Allie’s is a friend of mine,” she stood back and looked at them. “You guys don’t seem familiar. I’ve met almost every member of Allie’s pack, and I don’t think I’ve seen you two,”

“We’re not from Allie’s pack originally, Cianna and I are from Dorian’s sister’s pack down in St. Petersburg, Florida. We came here during Thanksgiving and happened to meet our mates. So, I’m now a member of Desert Moon, and Cianna is a member of Yellow Moon,” Lacie explained.

“Oh wow! That’s so awesome! Did Allie help you find your mates?”

“Not really, it was more like fate,” Cianna replied.

“Oh, that’s even more awesome! If you couldn’t tell already, I’m a werebear, and my partner and I met two years ago thanks to Allie and her gift. Bryce is the head of security, so you guys are in good hands,”

“Siobhan, is the lounge ready?” Brandon asked.

“It is Mr. Kane, please go on up, and I will get the bottles you requested to you. Did you plan on ordering food as well,”

“We will later,” he replied.

“Awesome!” she exclaimed, and then looked back at me. “Allie, I don’t approve of the outfit,”

“What? Why?”

“You can’t dance on the bar wearing a dress like that,”


“Boo, you’re no fun,” she said. “Are you at least going to do the annual body shots?”

“Yes, that we will do,”

“Body shots!?” the triplets, Cianna, and Lacie exclaimed.

“Oh yeah, it’s a tradition, that’s why we wear revealing clothing,” Sam replied. Deacon gave me a look and I just smiled.

“You guys go on up while I go talk to the bartender,” I tell everyone. I give Dorian a k**s and go to the bar with Siobhan.

“Girl, I don’t remember those chocolate triplets being that good looking,”

“Siobhan, they were bloodied and cut up the last time you saw them,” I tell her.

“But still, damn, if I didn’t have my partner, then…mmm…” she growled, and I couldn’t help but laugh at her. She would have so given up her virginity to one of them. “So, how come only one of them has a mate?”

“That’s a long story, but short version, Lacie, the pretty brunette,”


“Her sister was actually Deacon’s mate, but she’s psychotic, and marked Deacon without his consent. He was so turned off by that, he rejected her, so he has to wear her mark until we find his second chance mate,”

“Second chance?”

“Yeah, so normally, a marked wolf can’t get one, because they’re tied to the mate that marked them, even if they end up rejecting them in the end, but Lacie’s sister did something super f****d up, I can’t say what, but it allows for Deacon have a second chance, because her mark actually holds no value,”

“Oh, that’s pretty cool,”

“Yeah, so I’m hoping that I can help find her for him and find Apollo’s at the same time. Those two deserve loving mates just as much as Lucian, especially Deacon,” I say to her. “Anyway, where are the bartenders?” I looked around and could sense several souls behind the bar but couldn’t see anyone.

“Oh, sorry…Guys, you’re still in your other form!” Siobhan shouted, and out of nowhere, six people popped up. Three guys and three girls.

“What the?!” I shouted in shock.

“Sorry, about that, we tend to stay in our other form while we wait for the club to open,” one of the guys said.

“Other form?” I asked

“What’s up Allie?”

“Oh, hi Trey!” I said and gave him a high five. “I’m lost, what in the world are you guys?”

“We are fairies,” Trey replied.


“Yeah, I said the same thing when they first told me,” Siobhan said while getting the bottles for our lounge.

“Trey, you never said anything about being a fairy the last two years I’ve known you,” I say to him smacking his arm from across the bar.

“Yeah, it’s kind of hard telling a hot girl that you’re a fairy. That doesn’t sound right coming from a man,” he replies. He had a good point.

“Let me introduce you to the newer recruits, they’ve been here about a month now,” he said and showed me two of the girls. They were super pretty, and they looked similar. “This Evelyn and this is Eileen. Girls, this is Allie, she’s Mr. Kane’s best friend, and one of our top VIP’s, so treat her with respect, got it,”

“Yes, Trey,” the replied in unison.

“You two are more than fairies,” I say to them, and they both look at me and smile. “You two are half-wolf aren’t you?”

“We are,” Evelyn replied.

“Wow, this is really new to me,”

“Our dad is a fairy and our mom is a wolf,” Eileen said.

“Wait, you two are sisters?”

“We’re actually fraternal twins,” they both replied.

“My kids are fraternal twins, I have one boy and one girl,” I tell them. I pull out my phone from my clutch and show them.

“Aww, Allie, they are adorable!” Evelyn coos.

“Your husband must be hot for your son to look that good as a baby,” Eileen said. I couldn’t help but laugh.

“So, are you guys part of a pack then?” I asked them.

“No, since our mom is the wolf, she was released from her pack. It used to be forbidden for fairies and wolves to be together, but since our dad is the Fairy King, in the U.S., he was able to scrub that law when he met our mom,” Eileen said.

“FAIRY KING!? Wait, you two are literal princesses then!?”

“Yup!” they both replied. I was so lost, and yet so intrigued by all of this.

“How old are you two?”

“We’re 24,” they both answered.

“Oh, we’re the same age!” I said excitedly.

“What pack are you from?” Evelyn asked me.

“I’m from the Desert Moon pack here in Las Vegas,” I tell them, and they both freeze and stare at me. “What?”

“Did you say, Desert Moon? That means, you know the Alpha and Luna, right?”

“Know them?” Siobhan said coming up to me. “Allie IS the Luna of the Desert Moon pack,” the twins backed up a little bit and bowed their heads in respect.

“Oh, please don’t do that. I don’t like formalities,” I tell them. “I’m still just Allie to you two, okay?” they both nodded and smiled.

“Allie, are you coming to order the body shots?” Trey asked, and I nodded. I turned my attention back to the fairy twins, and something about them was very alluring. They were both very pretty and being that they were both fairies with pastel-colored hair made them even more appealing, and their eye color matched their hair color. Evelyn had pink eyes and Eileen had purple eyes which more than likely came from their fairy side.

“Girls, are you in relationships?” I asked them, and they both said no. “How does it work for you being hybrids?” I asked.

“So, when it comes to shifting, our fairy side is more dominant, but we have the senses from that of a wolf, so we would find mates,” Eileen replied.

“Which, we have yet to find. It’s kind of hard being fairy hybrids because we won’t know until they find us,” Evelyn said.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“The only sense we are missing from our wolf side is mind linking and the sense to track our mate. They could be standing right in front of us, and we wouldn’t know until they touch us. We should be able to feel the sparks that everyone talks about when it comes to finding your mate,” she replied. “But we’ve both been with several guys, and neither one of us have ever felt the spark,”

“Oh,” I just said and blinked really fast staring at them. I had the strangest feeling about these two, but I didn’t want to jump the gun again and make another terrible mistake as I had with Heather. But there was only one way to find out. “I need you two to come with me, right now,”

“Allie, we’re about to open!” Trey shouted.

“Shush!” I put my hand up to Trey. “Evelyn, Eileen, right now!” I shouted in my Luna tone. They both jumped and nodded. They came around the bar and I took them up to the lounge. Please, please, please don’t let me be wrong again.

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