Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Storm Chapter 23

{Deacon’s P.O.V.}

When we woke up the next morning, I made sure to text Amber to get a location on Heather, thankfully, they had already eaten breakfast and left the hotel. They went to Aria, so my brother’s and I went to Caesar’s Palace for breakfast,

“Seriously, I can’t believe we have to resort to playing hide and go seek with your ex,” Lucian complained.

“It’s not ideal, I know, but it’s that or we leave and go home,” I tell him.

“No, we’re supposed to have dinner with Shorty. I’ll play keep away with Deacon’s life as long as I have to because I want to actually see them,” Apollo replied.

“I guess, but it still sucks,” Lucian said.

“Let’s eat, and do some black Friday shopping, and then head over to Shorty’s,” I tell them.

“We should get early Christmas gifts or gift cards for all of them. It’s the least we can do,” Lucian replied, and Apollo and I agreed.

After breakfast, we went to the forum shops and did some shopping for ourselves and stopped by a few other stores to get gift cards for the ranked members and Amber’s family. I knew that Allie liked shoes and designer makeup, so I got her a gift card to Jimmy Choo and Sephora. I remembered Allie saying that both their Beta and Gamma females like purses, so we got gift cards to Michael Kors for them, we got Amber and Ronnie gift cards to H&M for their kids, and them gift cards to Sunglass Hut. Sam liked workout clothes, so we got a gift card at Lululemon for her, and gift cards to Armani for the other guys.

“Is that all, did we something for everyone?” I asked them.

“Let’s see…” we went over all of the gift cards. “s**t, we didn’t get Shorty’s twins or the Delta female,”

“Let’s get a gift card to Guess for the Delta female, and we can get a gift card to Gap Kids for Shorty’s twins,” I tell him.

“Sweet, that works. Buying gift cards is definitely easier than buying a million different presents,” Apollo replied.

“Yeah for real,” I said. Once we were done, we head back to our hotel, but first making sure Heather was nowhere around. After the all-clear from Lacie, we headed back to our room to pack up all the gift cards, and I texted Allie,

Hey, you don’t mind if we head there a little early, do you?


HI! ~ Of course not!

Alright, we will see you in about two hours then.


{Lacie’s P.O.V.}

“Heather, why are we going back to the hotel right now?” I asked. It had only been thirty minutes since I have Deacon the all clear, but my sister wanted to go back.

“I want to change my shoes. I don’t like what I’m wearing,” she replied

“Seriously, you’re ruining our vacay mood Heather,” Layla another friend of ours complained.

“I paid for your trips, so quit your bitching,” Heather said from the front seat of the Uber. I was seriously hoping that Deacon would be staying in his room or would have left by now. I couldn’t risk sending a text with Heather so close by.

When we pulled up to the front of the Bellagio, Heather tipped our driver and we all got out. We all walked and made our way across the lobby floor to get to the elevators that led to our room. We waited a minute, and the elevator arrived. Luckily, it was empty, and we all got in. We hit our floor, and the doors closed, as soon as it did, Heather lifted her head and reacted to something.

“Sis, you good?” I asked her.

“Does anyone else smell that?” she asked.

“Smell what?” Selina replied.

“It smells like…” she sniffed a little bit. “Fresh peaches,”

“What the f**k? I don’t smell s**t,” Layla replied, and we shook our heads.

“It’s faint, but it’s there. The last time I smelled peaches like this was from my mate,” Heather replied. Oh s**t! I thought to myself. Deacon must have been in this elevator recently.

“What mate? Last I checked, he rejected your a*s because you forcefully marked him,” Cianna our other friend said. She was actually my friend; she hated my sister and also didn’t feel sorry for her.

“I’d watch who you’re talking to Cianna, I’m still the firstborn Alpha female in our pack!” Heather growled.

“Please, like I’m scared of you,” Cianna spat. “I’m only here to keep Lacie company,”

“f**k you Cianna!” Heather spat back. “Why the f**k do I smell peaches!?” Heather kept freaking out over the smell of Deacon, and I had to keep it cool. I kept telling her she was smelling things, or maybe someone sprayed something in the elevator. As soon as she got off the elevator and made her way to our room, I quickly texted Amber,

Amber, where is Deacon right now?

I waited a minute and then got a reply

Deacon is leaving his room right now.

What floor is he on?

I waited a minute again.

He said 21 in the Bellagio Tower

f**k! We’re on the same floor and the same tower! And we’re here right now!

Amber didn’t reply, after about a couple of minutes, I got a phone call from an unknown California number.


“Lacie? It’s Deacon,”


“Where are you right now?”

“I’m in front of the elevators, my sister is in our room changing her shoes,” I didn’t hear a response, and I thought he hung up. I looked at the phone, and the line was still open. I was about to say something,

“Pst!” I looked up and saw Deacon around the corner in the opposite direction of our room

“Where’s your crazy sister?”

“That’s kind of f****d up Deacon,”

“I’m not Deacon, I’m his brother Apollo,”

“Oh, sorry, that’s still f****d up,” I tell him.

“Who cares! Where is she!?” he whispered loudly.

“In our room on the opposite side,” I tell him. I see his eyes cloud over, and I saw Deacon and their other brother running out. They run to the elevator and thankfully, it opens fairly quickly.

“Thanks a lot, Lacie, we owe you,” Apollo says, and he runs and joins them. I watch the elevator door close and soon as it does, my sister and our friends turn the other corner. f**k that was close. I think to myself.

“There you are!” my sister says

“Sorry, I figured I would just wait here since you were just changing your shoes,” I tell her innocently.

“f**k, why do I smell peaches!?” she shouts.

“I kind of smell it too, but it’s super faint,” Selina says.

“It’s probably like Lacie said, someone must have sprayed something, and it’s lingering,” Cianna said. Thank the goddess for her. “But I smell something else. It smells like brownies, and it’s making my mouth water,” she adds on. Say what?

“But it’s not artificial! It smells like just like Deacon, I would never forget his scent,”

“Heather, come on! Deacon has a pack to run. He would not be here in Vegas of all places during Thanksgiving,” I tell her trying to hide the fact that Deacon really is here in Vegas.

“Ugh!” Heather grunts.

“You need to get over it Heather, he rejected you,” my sister’s friend Emily says.

“I will never get over my first love! Deacon is going to take me back once he realizes he can’t live without me!”

“First love? Please! You’re so f*****g delirious, he was never yours, to begin with. He may have been your mate, but your immaturity and stupidity are what drove him away. You’re the reason why you were rejected, so why the f**k would he take you back? Especially since nothing about you has changed,” Cianna said to her.

“I was rejected because of that slut bitch-a*s of a Luna got in my way!”

“Stop blaming Allie Heather!” I tell her. “Allie did nothing wrong! Because of you, dad lost out on an alliance with two strong packs! Our pack is now considered an enemy to Deacon’s and the only reason why we’re on neutral grounds with Allie’s pack is because of Amber!”

“You’re my sister Lacie! You’re supposed to be on my side!”

“No, I don’t! I’m on our pack’s side, and you’ve done nothing but f**k up everything since you got rejected. You treat mom like s**t, you disrespect our father, who is also our Alpha, you treat our pack members as if they’re beneath you, present company included, and you blame others for your own mistakes! You losing your mate is your own fault! And it’s high time you f*****g accepted that!” I shout at her.

“You know what, f**k you, Lacie! I don’t need a sister like you! You and Cianna are on your f*****g own from now on! Get out of the hotel room and find your f*****g place to stay! And find your own way home!”

“FINE!” I shouted back. Cianna and I went to the room and packed up our stuff and left. I knew that this was bad, but now that I had Deacon’s number, and I could mind link some of the other girls, and I wouldn’t have to hide my texting from Heather.

The biggest problem we ran into was trying to find a hotel room on the strip during Thanksgiving weekend. Everything was booked solid until Sunday and even the smaller hotels off the strip had no openings. We tried to do an Air BnB, but even those were booked.

“s**t, what are we going to do Lace,” Cianna asked me. I honestly had no idea, but there was one last resort we had, but I wasn’t sure if it was a good idea.

“Ugh, there is one place we can go, but if I make this call, you have to promise to never tell my sister,”

“As long as we don’t have to stay on the streets, I’m good,” she replies. I pull out my phone and call Amber,


“Hi, Amber,”

“Amber?” Cianna says when she hears who I’m on the phone with.

“Everything good?”

“No, my sister and I got into a huge fight because of Deacon. Before you ask, no, she doesn’t know. But she kicked Cianna and me out of our hotel room, and now we have nowhere to say for the next three nights. All of the hotels in the city are booked solid and we can’t find any Air BnB’s that are available. Do you think the Alpha and Luna will allow us to stay there?”

“Lacie, that’s a big ask, given the relationship between your sister and Allie,”

“I know, if they say no, then Cianna and I will just leave and go home early, but we would have to change our entire flight plan and stuff,” Cianna is just looking at me all confused.

“Let me ask,” I can hear Amber mumbling to someone and someone else mumbling back. It takes a few minutes, “Lacie?”


“Allie is fine with it, but only if you and Cianna SWEAR to never tell your sister anything,”

“I have no respect for my sister right now, and you already know how Cianna feels about her,”

“It’s not just that you’re going to be here at the packhouse Lacie, it’s because Deacon and his brothers are currently on their way here now,”


“Lacie, if you and Cianna can’t handle it, then I suggest you guys go home,”

“No, Beta, we can handle it, I promise,”

“Okay, tell me where you are and I’ll pay for an Uber to bring you guys to the territory,”

“Okay, I will text you our location,” I hang up and send her a quick text.

“What did you just promise? Where are we going?” Cianna asked.

“We’re going to stay with the Desert Moon pack, and we have to promise to never tell Heather where we are going, and that Deacon is going there right now,” I tell her.

“WHAT!?!?” she screamed. “Hold up one f*****g minute, you’re saying that her smelling peaches is actually from her ex-mate?”

“Yes, I’ve known since yesterday morning that he and his brothers were here. I’ve been keeping them apprised of everywhere we were going so we didn’t accidentally run into them,”

“Wait, so when you stayed back at the elevator earlier…”

“I found out Deacon and his brothers were on our floor, just on the opposite side of the tower. They had just got on the elevator when you guys turned the corner, that’s why the peach scent was stronger,”

“YOU SNEAKY b***h!” she shouted, and I just shrugged. She wasn’t mad, she was entertained that I played my sister. After a few minutes of waiting, the Uber showed up and verified the ride was for Amber. We got in, and he took us to the Desert Moon packhouse.

{Allie’s P.O.V.}

“Thanks, Allie, I know that’s not an easy decision to make,” Amber said to after she ordered a ride for Lacie.

“It’s nothing really. I have nothing against Lacie, she’s actually the nice one, and I kind of remember Cianna, and she seemed like a chill person,”

“Cianna is Lacie’s childhood best friend. She and Lacie are two peas in a pod. Honestly, Cianna is just as mature as Lacie, if not more mature,”

“If I remember correctly, Cianna is Henry and Melanie’s daughter right?” I ask.

“Yeah, that’s right. Cianna is actually Heather’s age though,” I made an O shape with my mouth.

“Hey! Where are you going, mister!?” I shout at Demarco who is trying to make a getaway. I pick him up and put him back in his playpen.

“AHHH!!!” he screams his head off.

“What’s his deal?” Amber asks.

“He probably senses Danica nearby and is trying to go to her,” I reply.

“That’s insane how he can sense her so far away,”

“She’s not far away,” I hear Leah as she comes in.

“Oh, no wonder,” I say. Leah comes over and lays Danica down in Demarco’s playpen and Demarco immediately lays down next to her and holds her hand.

“Eeee! That’s so damn cute!” Amber squeals.

“I swear, those two are going to be so in love when they get older, I just know it,” Leah says. “I’m glad it’s your son Allie. With a father like Dorian and all the uncles that will teach him how to treat women, he’s going to be gentleman,”

“I hope so. I pray to the moon goddess he doesn’t take after Dorian’s whorish ways,” I reply.

“He won’t,” I hear a very sexy deep voice. I look up and see Dorian at the door. “His mate will be with him every step of the way, so he will remain pure until she is ready,”

“He better,” Brandon says behind him. “I don’t need your son deflowering my daughter before she turns 18,”

“Does it matter? They’re mates,” I tell him.

“Hell, yeah it does! How would you feel if Keegan deflowers Daisy before she turned 18,”

“That might be kind of hard unless they both do it before they turn 18. Daisy is three days older than Keegan,” I reply.

“I don’t care if Daisy is three days older or three years older, she’s not going anywhere near Keegan’s d**k until she is 18,” Dorian said.

“Haha! Too late, dear husband,” I say. He looks at me in shock. “They bathe together, so she’s technically already come into close contact with Keegan’s weewee,” Dorian just closes his eyes and takes deep breaths. All of us just giggle.

“You’re a hypocrite little brother, you can’t tell any boy in this pack not to be a w***e because that’s exactly what you and Mikey were. I wouldn’t surprised if Allen turns out to be a man w***e too,” Amber says.

“You’re going to jinx Sin, don’t say such things,” Leah replies. We all laugh. We look around and see the pups are all fast asleep, so we leave them be. Dorian grabs the baby monitor and we leave the nursery.

“How long does Danica sleep for right now?” I asked Leah.

“At least three hours, four if she’s tired,” she replies.

“Oh good, the twins knock out for a few hours too,” I tell her.

“What time is Deacon supposed to come?” Brandon asked.

“He is on his way now, he wanted to come early, oh…speaking of…” I stop midtrack. “Lacie and her friend Cianna will be staying with us,”

“What? Why?” Dorian asks.

“Lacie got into a fight with Heather, and so she kicked her out of their hotel room along with Cianna, Henry’s daughter. They know that Deacon will be here, and have promised to never tell Heather that they were ever here, or that they saw Deacon,” Amber explains.

“Besides, Lacie has been helping Deacon stay away from Heather, it’s the least we can do repay her for her help. I can’t in good conscience leave two young girls on the streets of Vegas stranded or have to pay several hundred dollars to change their flight plans and ruin their vacation,” I tell everyone.

“Baby, sometimes I think you’re too nice for your own good,” Dorian says and hugs me.

“Please, Gizmo has her mean side too,” Brandon said. I punched him in the gut since he was standing right next to me. “See what I mean,”

“Allie isn’t just mean; Allie can kick some serious a*s too. She actually beat the s**t out of Heather while they were visiting us,” Amber said.

“AMBER!” I exclaimed.

“What? Was that supposed to be some kind of big secret?”

“Yes! I don’t need my pack knowing I beat up another Alpha’s daughter,” I reply.

“She deserved it,” Amber responded.

“What did she do?” Leah asked.

“You see…”


“WHAT THE f**k!?” Brandon and Leah exclaimed while we were sitting in Dorian’s office.

“So, hold on f*****g minute. Not only did this b***h eves drop on you, she screamed at you, accused you of stealing her mate, but also assaulted you twice?” Brandon reiterated. Dorian, Amber, and I just nodded. He and Leah just stared at each other in shock.

“Amber is right then, Heather deserved to get her a*s handed to her! Don’t be ashamed Allie, if I was you, I would have done it too,” Leah said.

“But I’m the Luna. I should be representing our pack with honor, grace, and respect, not with violence and anger,” I protested.

“Gizmo, the fact that you’re a Luna is why it’s okay. That brat was disrespecting you in more ways than one, and given what Cam has said about her, the fact that she hadn’t gotten her a*s kicked until you came along is a f*****g miracle,” Brandon replied. I wanted to say something, but his eyes suddenly clouded over. “Yo, Deacon is here,”

“YAY!” I jumped up from Dorian’s lap and ran out to greet them.

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