Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Storm Chapter 22

{Lucas’ P.O.V.}

“Did you make any moves on her?” Mikey asked me, and Sam and I just looked at each other and smiled.

“Well…” I started.

“He asked me out,” Sam intervened.

“What did you say?” Amber asked.

“I said no,”

“Oh no!” everyone exclaimed.

“Why did you say no? I’m sure Lucas looked just as sexy back then as does now,” Allie said.

“He did, but I hated him because he got me kicked out, and like Amber said. I didn’t know he was my mate,”

“What did you do Lucas?” Ronnie asked me.

“I gave her space, but we worked together after school, so it was hard to not look at her. Over the course of one year, I asked her out a few times, but she kept saying no. But then, I found out she was dating some dude from her school, and he would show up at the dojo to pick her up and stuff. I was so f*****g jealous because Sam was my mate, and here was this other guy just making moves on her,”

“That must have been painful my friend, what did you do?” Andre asked.

“He didn’t do anything. I was still a minor. I dated this guy named Damon, and he wasn’t just from my high school, he was from my pack, and I thought he was going to be mate, but as soon as I turned 18, that wasn’t the case. I didn’t feel anything from him. No butterflies, no sparks, nothing,”

“Sam, when did you realize that Lucas was your mate?” Leah asked

“The day after my 18th birthday. It was actually Lucas’ last day at the dojo because he was getting ready to graduate and was going to be leaving, so the headmaster wanted to throw him a going-away party at the dojo with all of the students,”

“Please don’t tell me you f****d her in front of a bunch of kids man?” Mikey asked.

“No, fucker. I’m not like you, I didn’t have s*x out in the open like you and the boss did,” I told him.

“Well you do now,” he snapped back.

“That’s the Luna’s fault,”

“HEY!! Our orgies are optional, no one forces you jackass!” Allie sneered. I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Anyways, when Sam came in that day for the party, you can imagine how her scent hit me,”

“And how his scent hit me,” Sam added.

“We were the only werewolves in that entire dojo, so I had to hold back, but Quentin was spinning in circles and trying to force his way out. He kept saying that he knew deep down that Sam was our mate, but now he was for sure and he wanted her, and he wanted her bad,”

“Talia was the same way. As soon I walked in, it was like I walked into a bakery, my mouth started to water, and I realized it was coming from Lucas. I couldn’t believe it. I hated Lucas because was such an a*****e, and I wanted nothing to do with him, but Talia said f**k it,”

“It was so hard having her so close, but I had to wait until that damn party ended. As soon as it did, I told the headmaster, thank you, said all my goodbyes, and then was the first to leave. Sam followed me out immediately,”

“What did you do Sam?” Leah asked

“I told him let’s go for a drive, and he ended up taking me to this spot in the mountains that was secluded,”

“Who made the first move?” Sin asked us in excitement.

“Sam did,” I replied, and Sam blushed.

“Oooh, you naughty girl!” all the girl said at the same time.

“Lucas had a small coupe, and so it wasn’t big enough to do anything in the car, so I made him get out and f**k me on the hood,”

“He wasn’t you first was he?” Allie asked.

“No, he wasn’t, I wasn’t a virgin, and obviously he wasn’t either,”

“So, if he was getting to graduate and leave, how did you end up here?” Dani asked.

“Easy, I told my parents I met my mate and would be leaving with him and going to school here,”

“You just up and told your parents that you met your mate and that you were going to leave?” Leah asked

“My pack was super small and chill, and it’s not like my parents could do anything. My Alpha released me, and I came home with Lucas,”

“I accepted her as soon as she showed up. Then Lucas told me how good of a fighter she was, and I made her prove it,” Dorian said.

“What happened Babe?” Allie asked him.

“She kicked everyone’s a*s, except for mine. Every day, it was someone new, but eventually, she beat up almost all of the men, and so I decided to make a Sam a team lead,”

“At 18!?” Allie exclaimed,

“Why not? She still went to school and got her degree. Sam was the first real female fighter we had, so she started to recruit more and more females, at first a lot of the males didn’t like it, but they realized that having small female fighters was an advantage, they were all for it. Sam is the one that vamped up the morning training. It used to be a 7-mile run with 100 pushups and sit-ups, but Sam said that for males as big as we are, we should be doing more, so we did. We started adding an additional mile every few weeks, and then added pushups and sit-ups in increments of 25,” Dorian explained.

“I actually ended up tricking all of the guys, with the boss’ permission of course, but I made them run for 15 miles for a month and they never realized,”

“HAHAHA!!!” All of the girls laughed.

“That s**t was not funny. I could have sworn that once we hit ten miles, that was it, but it always seemed to get longer and longer and Sam kept saying we’re not there yet,” Mikey whined.

“Yeah, that s**t sucked, I won’t lie. But then my stamina was f*****g amazing after that. Even Eddie could feel the difference when we ran in wolf form,”

“It’s actually why we run the ten miles in human form, and the last five in wolf form,” Dorian said.

“So, I’m guessing the small wolf we see in the morning at the back of the pack is Talia then?” Allie asked

“Yeah, believe it or not, I stay in the back to make sure no one gets behind. Because Talia is smaller than the other wolves, we nip at any stragglers,”

“Talia was the smallest wolf I had ever seen when she shifted for the first time. She was even smaller than our moms, though not by much,” Brandon said.

“Then you three showed up,” Dorian said referencing Allie, Leah, and Sin. All three of them scowled.

“Yeah, when you three turned for the first time, we were so shocked at small you three were. Honestly, we’re always scared our wolves are going to break yours when they mount your wolves,” Brandon added.

“I felt the same way about Quentin and Talia. Talia is half the size of Quentin, and I was terrified he would crush her whenever they mated,” I told them.

“I think it’s cute how you guys met. You technically had to wait for the longest out of all us to be with your mate, three years is a long time,” Allie said.

“It is, but it made me realize how special Sam really is. Even though later we had issues, which everyone here already knows about, but I wouldn’t change anything. I love Sam and our family,” Sam looks up at me with her dark brown eyes and I just k**s her.

“Awww!! I love happy endings!!” Allie squealed. “Everyone in this circle has a happy ending!”

“Damn,” Sam said.

“What’s wrong, babe?” I asked her.

“I want to have an orgy, but in wolf form,” she replied. We all just looked at her shocked.

“Oh, hell no, Ronnie and I are not into s**t like that, you guys have fun,” Amber said, and they ended up leaving.

“YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU’RE MISSING!!” Allie shouted. I looked down at Sam, and her eyes were black. I looked around and saw everyone already taking their clothes off.

“This doesn’t work for Dani and me,” Andre said.

“It’s okay baby, I can let my vampire side out and you f**k me with your wolf speed,” Dani said.

“We need to go to the mountains to do this,” Dorian said.

“Ready mon amor, hold on tight,” Andre said as Dani got on his back. We all shifted in the backyard and then hopped the wall. We all took off into the mountains and found an area big enough for the wolves to have fun. Andre f****d Dani against the wall of the mountain while all of the male wolves mounted their mates.

Quentin was definitely enjoying himself, and Talia was whimpering in pleasure.

We haven’t let them have this much fun in a while. Sam said to me in a mind link.

You’re right. It’s long overdue.

When we’re done here, I’m going to want a few rounds for myself back in our room. Talking about how we met has made me super horny Luc.

You’re not the only one Sam. I love you, babe.

I love you too, Luc.

Our wolves went for several rounds, and once we were all done, the girls shifted back and rode back on our wolves. When we got home, we all got dressed, and I made good on my promise to Sam. We went for a couple of rounds in our room,

“Yes, oh my god, yes!” Sam m****d as I mounted her from behind.

“You and Talia are exactly the same Sam,” I tell her as pummel her with my d**k.

“What can I say, this is the best position,” she says while breathing heavily and moaning.

“I think we should that position the Luna taught you,” I tell her while picking her up.

“Oh my god, f**k yes!” she got excited. I quickly adjusted my arms under her legs and brought my hands to the back of her head. I started to thrust hard and fast. “Ohhh myyyy goodddessss yesssss!!” Sam screamed in pleasure. I didn’t realize Sam was capable of this until the Luna showed her how to put her feet behind her head during a yoga session.

I kept Sam in this position for a while, and she had multiple o*****s before my thighs were starting to burn,

“Luc, put me down, my leg is starting to cramp,” she said exhaustedly. I put her down and pulled out for a second. Sam laid flat on her stomach, and I entered her from behind again

“I want you to squeeze it as hard as you can Sam,” I whisper in her ear and she immediately clenches onto my d**k with her inner walls. “Yeah, just like that baby,” I move my h**s in a smooth motion.

“Ah, Luc, I’m going to c*m again,”

“I am too,” she was squeezing me so hard; I knew I was about to blow. Right as I was about to climax, I bit down on Sam’s mark, making her scream into the bed and squeeze me even tighter. I felt myself c*m, and I collapsed on top of her. I pulsated inside of her until I was done. I slid out of her and fell over onto my back.

“If we’re not careful, Keegan is going to end up with a younger sibling,” she tells me and k**s me.


“So? You’re okay with more than one pup?” she asks.

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

“But you said you only wanted one when we first got married,”

“Sam, I don’t care how many pups we end up with. One, two, or ten, as long as I have them with you,” Sam smiled and rested her head on my chest. I held her right and we drifted off to sleep.

{Dorian’s P.O.V.}

“What the f**k? Why I am hurting when it was Mercury who was mounted?!” Allie whined while she did the penguin walk to our bathroom.

“Because you guys are one body baby. Even though you were in wolf form, you share the same p***y,” I tell her and laugh.

“Shut up!” she shouts from the bathroom.

Bandit, did you have to be so rough?

It’s not my fault our mate is tiny. Besides, Mercury had no problem with it.

I snubbed Bandit into the back of my mind. He was useless when it came to making Allie feel better. I honestly think a lot of the kinkiness in Allie comes from Mercury. After a few minutes, Allie came back out and hugged me,

“You good baby?” I asked her.

“I’m good,”

“Your face says otherwise,”

“I’m worried about Deacon,”

“He’s a grown man Allie, he can take care of himself. Besides, Lacie offered to help keep Heather away from him,”

“I know, but he’s on vacation for the holiday, he shouldn’t have to be avoiding anyone,”

“s**t happens, Allie, you know that more than anyone. What Deacon is going through doesn’t compare to the s**t we went through, or the s**t you went through,”

“Dorian, the s**t I went through led me to you. I landed right in your lap, figuratively and literally,” I couldn’t help but laugh and she did too. “Deacon will never get to have his true mate unless that is, of course, he decides to take Heather back, which I highly doubt,”

“Well, he is coming over tomorrow right?” I ask, and she nods. “Maybe we can talk to him so see how he is holding up,”

“Yeah you’re right,” I watch as her eyes start to become heavy.

“Come on, let’s go to bed now,” she nods. We take off our clothes and lay down in our bed. It doesn’t take long for Allie to pass out. I stay awake a little longer and caress her hair.

I thought about what Allie said, about the s**t she went through two years ago brought her to me. Allie really did just land in my lap and I’ve never let her go since. Allie was so pure at heart and only wanted the best for everyone. I personally think she was just vested in all of this and was saddened that it didn’t work out the way she had hoped. I wish Allie could just let it go and let Deacon handle it, but that was asking for too much on my part.

I let out a deep sigh, and relaxed. I adjusted my body and turned a bit to hold Allie as close as I could and fell asleep.

{Lacie’s P.O.V.}

It was getting late, and I was super tired. I just wanted to go back to the hotel and go to sleep, but I needed to be sure that we wouldn’t run into Deacon or his brothers. Every time we went somewhere new, I made sure to let Amber know and she would tell Deacon. If we were one side of the strip, Deacon went in the other direction,

“Heather, I’m dead, can we go back to the hotel now?” I asked.

“We are in Vegas Lacie! There is no such thing as being tired!”

“Heather, she’s right, we’re tired too. We got here early have been out all f*****g day, let’s go back to our hotel,” Selina said.

“Ugh, you bitches suck, fine! But we’re getting up bright and early tomorrow and we’re going to eat at the buffet for breakfast,” Heather said. As we were walking back to our hotel, I made sure to send Amber a text,

Amber, we are heading back to the hotel now to go to bed. Heather wants to get up super early to eat breakfast at the hotel buffet.


Awesome, thanks, Lacie. I will let him know right now. Give me a sec to see where he is.

I kept my phone on vibrate and just waited for her response,


Deacon says that they are at a show at Harrah’s right now and that they won’t be back until much later, so you’re good. He says thank you.

Seeing Amber’s text reply made me sigh in relief. One day down, two more to go.

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