Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Storm Chapter 19

{Dorian’s P.O.V.}

“Oh my god! Yes! Yes!” Allie shouted as I f****d her against the wall of our room.

“Argh! f**k!”

“Deeper baby, give it to me deeper,” She begged. I went as deep as I could with every thrust. We had been going at it for seven hours already, and she was still burning up. Honestly, we both hated it when she was in heat because it was physically draining for both of us. It was the only time I could f**k her into oblivion, and she wouldn’t blackout.

“f**k, I’m going to c*m,” I tell her

“More baby, I need more,” I needed to give her another o****m, and I had to it before I tapped out. I reached down and pinched her clit and concurrently bit down on her mark. “Fuckkk!!!” Allie came and hard. She squirted all over me and that’s what I needed. I felt her body start to cool down, and I finally finished myself. Once we were both done, Allie was completely cool to the touch.

“Are you okay, baby?” I asked her while sliding out of her gently. She nodded. I held her and took her to the bed and laid her down so she could rest. It was already lunchtime, and we didn’t have breakfast yet. I took a quick shower and mind linked Sin to bring us some food and fluids.

“How is she?” Sin asked while handing me the Powerade bottles.

“Finally passed out,”

“Alpha, Mrs. Johnson made hearty beef stew and dinner rolls. I also made the Luna’s favorite double chocolate chip muffins,” Katie said.

“Thank you both,”

“Give her my love,” Sin said, and they left. I took the food over to our coffee table in our room and woke up Allie.

“Baby, you need to eat first,”

“Mmm…” she opened her eyes and just nodded. I picked her up and took her to our couch so she could eat.

“Drink your Powerade first,” I tell her and open it up. Luckily, it was nice and cold because it was the fridge.

“Oh, that feels so good,” she says as the cool liquid went down her throat. “What did Mrs. Johnson make?”

“Hearty beef stew with dinner rolls and Katie made double chocolate chip muffins,”

“Yes!” Allie said as she lifted the cover. She sat on the floor, so she didn’t have to pick up the bowl to eat. We both wasted no time in eating and refueling. As soon as we finished eating, we both took a nap. Allie would wake me when she started to feel hot again.

After what felt like a good few hours of sleep, I felt a sudden warmth come over me. I opened my eyes and found Allie draped over me still asleep. I looked at the time and sure enough, we had slept a good five hours. That was the longest amount of sleep we ever got during her heat. The warmth was coming from Allie as her heat was coming back on. I figured we had enough time to eat something before we got started again, so I mind linked Brandon,


What’s up?

Is there any food left?

Yeah, we actually ordered pizza and wings, and we saved you two a large cheese pizza and a bucket of hot wings.

Bring that up right now with lots of ranch dressing. I want to feed Allie before we have to start again.

Sure, be right there.

A few minutes later, Brandon came up with a piping hot pizza, wings, celery sticks, and Mrs. Johnson’s homemade ranch.

“Thanks, man,”

“No problem, here’s your Powerade,”


“How’s Gizmo doing?”

“Good, considering. This time around isn’t as extreme as the others, but we still have two days left,”

“Damn, I’m glad Leah only lasts two and a half days,”

“Do I smell pizza?” Allie asked while sitting up. “Hi, Brandon,”

“Hey, Giz. I was just dropping off fuel for you guys,”

“Thank you,” Allie replied. Brandon tipped his hand and left.

“Come on you need to eat before your heat becomes unbearable,” I tell her. She nods and sits up straight. I put the pizza and wings on the bed. Once we finished eating, Allie took a minute to digest before we got started again.

{Amber’s P.O.V.}

“Are they okay?” I asked as Brandon came back

“They’re good. Gizmo has like ten minutes left before she goes nuclear, so Dorian wanted to feed her first,”

“I can’t believe she went to heat the day we got here, it’s like it was planned or something,” I tell him.

“Please, Gizmo has the most random heat cycles,”

“My brother says she gets starts in the car a lot,”

“Yeah! Did he tell you that she went into to heat in Leroy’s car?” Mikey asked me.

“He did! That could have been so bad! Going into heat with an unmated male half a foot away from you,”

“Did they ever tell you about her first heat?” Sin asked me. I shook my head. “Oh my god, it happened when we went to go find Leah for the first time. She was going into the heat and no one knew. Dorian told the guys no s*x, because of the whole blessed wolf thing right, but Allie broke the rules and f****d Dorian,”

“Hahaha! Why does that not surprise me?” I said.

“That’s not even the worst of it, Allie came to my room right after and she was fully in heat. She thought she was dizzy because she got car sick on the way to Mojave Mountain,” Leah added on while rubbing her swollen pregnant belly.

“Oh my god, having your first heat at someone else’s house has to be so embarrassing,” I responded.

“Allie is the only one that has hers outside of the packhouse,” Sam told me. “The cycle she had before we went to the Bahamas, she started while we were at the mall. It was only her second cycle ever, so she still had no idea what was wrong until I got her home and all the unmated males went into a frenzy,”

“Oh, s**t,”

“Yeah, I had to take her back to my place since we weren’t living in the packhouse at the time and called the boss to come to get her,”

“Allie’s heat is pretty extreme. Even for mated wolves like us, we can still sense it and it actually is enticing for us as well. I think her abilities make it worse,” Lucas said.

“Allie is high-level Luna and she has powers, so makes sense that her heat would also be powerful,” I tell him.

“The first time Allie went into heat at my old packhouse, I was envious of her because I had just met Brandon and was a virgin, so I wanted to know what it was like to have hours and hours of s*x,” Leah started to say. “But then I finally had my first heat, and I wanted to f*****g die. After almost three days of nothing but Brandon, he was the last person I wanted to see,” everyone started to laugh, and Brandon looked butt hurt.

It was true though, most she-wolves cannot stand the sight of their mate after their heat. Even Ronnie and me, after my heat, I make Ronnie sleep in the guestroom for two days because I don’t want to be anywhere near him.

“I don’t understand how Allie isn’t pregnant again? I mean, they go at it more than anyone in this house,” Sin said.

“Do you think something is wrong with her?” Leah asked.

“I doubt it, Dorian and I are 12 years apart. It all depends on the moon goddess,”

“I don’t want another pup; Allen is too much. Those two months without a nanny or Helena traveling around the world sucked,”

“Honey, you don’t want more pups?” Mikey asked with a sad and pitiful face.

“Not right now, honey.” She said and kissed him.

“I still can’t believe you two had a shotgun wedding,” I said to them.

“It was a spur of the moment, really. We just decided to get married and didn’t want to make a big deal out of it,” Mikey replied. “So, we stopped a jeweler, got Sin her ring and the wedding bands, and went to the drive-thru,”

“But still mon ami, we felt very left out. We did not even get to throw you a bachelor party,” Andre said with his sexy French accent. Every time that man spoke, a woman couldn’t help but swoon.

“Hey, so has anyone heard from Deacon at all?” Brandon asked. Everyone just shook their heads.

“I know he talks to the boss on occasion to schedule training, but that’s about it,” Lucas replied.

“Yeah, Allie said that Deacon hasn’t called or texted her once since they came back from visiting you guys,” Sin tells me and Ronnie.

“Damn, we knew that Deacon needed time to himself after what happened, but I didn’t think he would fully cut off Allie from his life,” Ronnie said.

“We don’t know all the details that happened, just that his mate was crazy, marked him without his consent, and then he rejected her,” Brandon said.

“Oh kiddo, there is so much more to it than that, but if Dorian and Allie didn’t tell you guys the details, then we won’t either,” I told them.

“How bad was it really?” Dani asked.

“Bad,” I replied in one word.

“I feel bad for Gizmo because she takes her friendships with people very seriously. Losing a close friend like Deacon is like losing one of us,” Brandon replied. “Even though we’re not as close to Yellow Moon the way Gizmo is, it still sucks not hearing from them,” Everyone nodded in agreement.

I couldn’t help but feel bad knowing all the details but not being able to share. After that day, s**t with Heather hit the fan. I told Allie that Heather had gotten worse, but that was only the half of it. Heather somehow had gotten ahold of Deacon’s number and started to call him and text him. She even continuously blames Allie for her being rejected.

While we were sitting around the table and talking some more, our moms brought in the pups and our kids came in as well to play with them. It was fun to see so many different aged pups just running around playing. While we were watching all the kids have fun, I got a video call from Lacie,

“Hi, Lacie,”

“Hi, Beta Amber,”

“Everything okay?”

“Uhh… I don’t know,”

“What’s wrong?”

“Well…” I saw her look around and realized she was outside on the dock. “Heather planned a last-minute trip to Las Vegas, for us and a few of the other unmated she-wolves in our pack, there’s six of us total,”


“Yeah, I honestly don’t feel comfortable about it, but she is adamant,”

“As long as Heather doesn’t try and pull any stunts by coming to the Desert Moon packhouse, we’re good. Thanks for telling me,”

“You’re welcome, good night,”

I looked at everyone in the dining room who heard the conversation, and everyone was speechless.

“I could not have heard that correctly,” Sin said to me.

“Heather? That b***h that f****d up Deacon’s life and ruined Allie’s friendship with him, is coming here to Vegas!?” Sam shouted

“She couldn’t have picked a different city to spend her Thanksgiving?” Dani asked crossing her arms.

“Amber, sweetheart,”

“Yes, mom,”

“You need to tell your brother about this,”

“Why? It’s not like Heather is coming here to start s**t with Allie, she’s coming for vacation, it just happens to be here,”

“We get that Amber, but your brother and Allie deserve to know,” my dad said.

“Fine, I’ll tell them, but after Allie finishes her heat. She has enough s**t to deal with as it is,”


It’s been two days since Lacie called, and I was sitting at the kitchen island chatting with Mrs. Johnson and the kitchen Omegas when Dorian came down,

“Hey, look who decided to grace us with his presence,” I tell him. “You look like hell little brother,”

“f**k off Amber, I just spent four days secluded in my room f*****g my wife,”

“Alpha, must you speak so vulgarly about the Luna?” Mrs. Johnson scolded. “How is she by the way?”

“Done, finally. She actually ended last night, but I gave her one more round this morning for good measure,” he answered and grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge.

“Good, then we finally go over the menu for Thanksgiving lunch,” Mrs. Johnson said.

“I will be glad to go over the menu,” Allie said as she came into the kitchen.

“Why are you up?” Dorian asked her.

“Because I slept for the last four hours after you f****d my brains out this morning. Which by the way, was completely uncalled for,” she replied punching him in the arm.

“My heavens, the amount of profanity used this household will make my ears bleed one day,” Mrs. Johnson said while handing Allie the menu.

“Let’s see, six roasted turkeys, three fried turkeys, five hams, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, yams, roasted corn, potato salad, dinner rolls, cranberry sauce, five apple pies, three cherry pies, four chocolate pies, two coconut crème pies, ten cheesecakes?” Allie looks up at Mrs. Johnson,

“Different flavors Luna,”

“Yeah, but ten?”

“We can always freeze the leftovers, Luna,” Allie shrugs and goes back to the menu

“Creamy brussels sprouts with mushrooms, caramelized sweet potatoes, yum… Mac and cheese, and roasted cauliflower casserole. Sweet! Everything looks good!” Allie says and hands the menu back to Mrs. Johnson.

“Why are you cooking so much food?” I asked them.

“We cook for all the pack members that live in the packhouse, plus, your family is here,” Allie replied.

“Oh, that reminds me…” I look at them and they both stare at me. “…Lacie called me a couple of nights ago, and she said that she, a few unmated she-wolves, and Heather are going to be in Vegas for Thanksgiving,” I tell them. They both just stare at me blankly not saying anything. I waited a minute or so when Allie let out a sigh.

“As long as she’s not coming here to the packhouse, then I don’t care,”

“I don’t think she even knows where this packhouse is. Technically, we’re not in Vegas, we’re an hour and a half away in the middle of the desert,” I tell her.

“Okay then,” Allie’s short response told me she was irritated, but she wasn’t mad. I figured I would just leave it at that.

“Mrs. Johnson, may I have a turkey sandwich with extra lettuce and ranch spread please?” Allie asked.

“That sounds good, I’ll have one too please,” I tell her.



“Look who’s here!” I heard my mom’s voice. She and my dad came walking in with Daisy and Demarco. With Allie having been in heat, my parents had been watching them at their house along with Cody, while the older kids, Ronnie, and I have been staying in the packhouse.

“Come here, big man!” Dorian says as he takes Demarco from our dad.

“Hello, my princess, did you miss mommy?” Allie says taking Daisy.

“I’m telling you, son, Demarco is getting way too heavy,” our dad says while rubbing his shoulder.

“Dad, Demarco can walk, you could have made him walk,” I tell him.

“Eh, I wanted to hold my grandson,”

“And what about your other grandson?”

“Ronnie has him,” I just rolled my eyes.

“My heart is so full! I love having so many grandbabies,” our mom squeals. “It makes up for not having more kids of my own,”

“Mom, if you had more of us, then you’d have three times as many grandkids,” Dorian told her, and I just nodded in agreement.

“The more the merrier!” she responds.

“As much I love my grandchildren, I don’t think my bank account could handle anymore. Especially with the way your mother spoils them,” our dad says.

“What? Dad, your bank account is funded by Dorian’s company!” I call him out on his bullshit.

“Hey, speaking of…” Dorian says looking at me. “…How is the condo complex coming along?”

“Oh, it’s going great. They’ve built about 60% of the outer frame right now,”

“Have you spoken with Deacon at all?” Allie asks with a desperate face

“No, I haven’t. Deacon’s part of the plan doesn’t go into effect until the actual units are being sold or rented. Since we provide security for the construction site to prevent squatters and people breaking in, we are more involved right now,” I tell her. Allie just nods and puts her forehead to Daisy.

“Ma…ma,” we heard a small voice.

“What the?” I exclaim. We see Demarco reaching over for Allie.

“Did he just?” My dad asks.

“,” Demarco says again and continues to reach for Allie.

“Oh my god!” Allie exclaims and switches with Dorian. “Demarco, did you just say mama?” Demarco grabs Allie’s face with his tiny baby hands and puts his drool covered lips to her nose. “Say mama again. Say, mama,”

“Mama,” Demarco says again.

“Yes! His first word is ‘mama!’” Allie spins Demarco and k****s his chubby cheeks.

“Aw! Come on!” Dorian pouts. “Daisy, can you say dada?”

“No, say, mama, baby girl,” Allie interrupts.

“Come on princess, say dada,” Dorian chimes in. I just roll my eyes. This is exactly what Ronnie and I go through with each of our pups. “Say dada Daisy, please,”

“Oh my god, you’re begging your 16-month-old daughter to say dada. Desperate are we?” I tease him.

“Say, Dada,”


“What did she say?” I ask. “Did she say Kiki?”

“Kiki!?” Dorian exclaims. “Daisy, say dada,”


“What is a kiki?” our mom asks.

“Oh my god,” Allie hangs her head.

“What?” we all ask in unison.

“I think Kiki means Keegan,” Allie says. Dorian’s eyes widen in shock and full-on hurt as he looks back at Daisy.

“NOOO!!! WHYYY!?! DAISY YOU’RE BREAKING DADDY’S HEART!” he whines. All of us just start laughing.

“I don’t think I’ve ever heard a pup’s first word be their mate’s name,” our dad said trying to contain his laughter.

“Sam is going to have a field day with this,” Allie says.

“No! I want a redo! This is not cool! Daisy, how can you of all people betray me like this?” Dorian says to her. We kept laughing at Dorian and his whining. Dorian was a big softy when it came to Allie and the twins. I loved seeing this softer side of my brother.

“AHH!!!” we heard sudden screaming.

“COMING THROUGH!!!” Brandon shouted as he ran through the kitchen with Leah in his arms. They were coming in from the backyard.

“LEAH!?” Allie shouted

“BABY IS COMING!!” Brandon shouted.

“What did he just say?” I asked.

“He said baby is…” my mom started to say and then we all realized what he meant.


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