Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Storm Chapter 18

{Allie’s P.O.V.}

Three months later

“SIMBA!!!!!” I screamed from the bottom of the stairs. “I AM GOING TO BE LATE BECAUSE OF YOU!!!!”

“I’M COMING!” Simba shouted as he ran down the stairs as fast as he could. “I’m sorry, but I couldn’t find my wallet. One of the twins had hidden it again,”

“How many times have I told you to put it away where they can’t get it,”

“I know, I know,” he said and pushed me towards the garage. It was the Thursday before Thanksgiving break, and I needed to be at school in exactly 90 minutes before I was late to my first class of the day. This one particular teacher was an a*****e when it came to tardiness. If that door closed before you were inside, you were absent, and I had perfect attendance thus far.

I still haven’t heard from Deacon, and Amber said that Heather has become an even bigger b***h than before. So much for her getting her s**t together. Bernie and Corinne have been starting to discipline her more for her bad attitude and it’s actually causing her to become worse. Bernie cut off her allowance, so she was forced to get a job. Amber said she’s working as a stripper, and I was not surprised by that at all.

Amber and her family will be coming to our house for Thanksgiving this year, and they will actually be arriving around the same time I get out of school, so I will be picked up by motorcade and then we will go straight to the airport to pick them up.

Leah is due in two weeks and turns out she is having a girl and the little girl is Demarco’s mate. About a month after we got back from visiting Amber, Demarco started to walk to Leah and became her little shadow. Luckily, we got back in time to see Daisy walk as well, and now she and Keegan are constantly walking with each other and damn near started running to each other when they see one another.

“Alright, we’re here!” Simba shouted as he dropped me off in front of the building.

“Bye!” I shouted and jumped out of the car running as fast as I could not using wolf speed. Thankfully, I made it to the class just as my professor was coming to the door to close it.

“You’re lucky, Mrs. Shaw,” he said, and I took my seat catching my breath.

“Cutting it close there, Luna,” said my classmate Brian Cho. He was a freshman, and the moment I met him, we instantly connected. It helped with us being werewolves, and he was Korean too. Brian is actually the future Alpha to his pack in Reno but was here in Las Vegas going to school to get his accounting degree.

When we first met, he knew right away who I was when he heard my name, so he has been super respectful and protective even though he is six years younger than me. I guess being a future Alpha makes him naturally that way. We tend to keep our conversations in Korean, so people don’t understand us. It feels nice being able to speak in my native language with someone other than my wolf, who actually doesn’t like to do it very much anyways.

Today we were getting our midterm exams back, and I hated this particular class. Calculus I, blah. Homework for this class took all night, and it was never-ending. There was never a day that homework wasn’t due for this class, and it didn’t help the class also had an online portion because the professor wanted us to die during the semester from lack of sleep. Poor Dorian would actually have to go to bed alone most nights if I had homework for this class or a quiz or test to study for.

“Great job, Mr. Cho,” Professor Tullie said giving Brian his exam back to him. f*****g 97, typical.

“Not bad, Mrs. Shaw,” Tullie says while handing me my test grade. “What?! An 89!?” I seriously wanted to cry. I never got less than an A-minus in any math course. “Oh, come on! You couldn’t give me that one extra point!?” I shout at Tullie.

“Calm down, Mrs. Shaw, that is just the midterm exam grade, you still have an A in the course,” he says reassuring me, but I was still pissed off. I studied all night for this damn midterm and all I got was a f*****g 89. “Besides, that’s still one of the top five grades in the entire class, so be proud,”

“Proud my a*s,” I mutter in personal disappointment.

“Stop complaining Luna, at least you get to keep your scholarship,” Brian says to me. That was true. As long as I maintained a 3.2 GPA or higher, the scholarship from Dorian’s company will continue to pay for my education.

“Mrs. Shaw, you know you could get a zero on the final exam, and still walk out of here with a B minus,”

“Hell no! I ain’t taking less than an A-minus dammit,”

“Well, then all you need is a 75 on the final to get that A-minus,” Tullie said. That was nice to know, at least I wouldn’t have to pull an all-nighter for this class.

After the class was done, Brian and I said our Thanksgiving pleasantries. He was going home to Reno for the break. I had an hour before my next class, so I went across the street to McDonald’s to grab some lunch. I got twenty chicken nuggets, a spicy chicken sandwich, a large order of fries, apple pie, and a large drink. Being a werewolf sucked sometimes because I needed to eat so many calories in order to be full. It didn’t help with all the f*****g walking I had to do around campus. I’d be on one side of the campus for one class, and then on the other side for another.

When I finished eating, I had just enough time to get to my second class, General Chemistry. This course was actually fun, and the professor was super laid back. He didn’t believe in homework, but he did believe in weekly quizzes based on notes he gave the week before, the shitty part, nothing was open-note in this guy’s class, so a lot had to do with memory. I don’t know how it happened, but this class was 98% male, so you can imagine how many stares I got my first day when I walked in. The only other girl was a masculine lesbian, so even she stared at me.

“Today we’re going to learn about Molar equations…” my professor went on and on I just took notes. The other thing about this class that sucked was the dickhead I had to sit next. Who the f**k gives assigned seating in college?

“So, have you decided to leave that husband of yours and be my girl,”

“Leave me alone Trent, I won’t tell you again,”

“Come on, baby, you know you want me,” This guy didn’t know what the word ‘no’ meant, and I’ve told him a million times already in the last two and half months. He has been hitting on me nonstop ever since the semester started, even though he is well aware that I’m married with kids. I seriously could not wait to get away from this guy for a week.

What sucked, even more, was that Trent was also in my next two classes, he always tried to sit next to me, but I made sure to have one of the girls in our next classes sit next to me or sat in the very front. The next two classes took forever to go by, but I was so excited when I got a text from Amber saying that they landed and were waiting on their bags. I had just gotten out of my last class which was perfect timing. When I went to the pick-up spot to wait for Dorian, Trent came up to me,

“What do you want, Trent?”

“To ask you on a date,”

“How many f*****g times do I have to tell you that I’m f*****g married?”

“Come on, we both know that marriages that occur that young never last,”

“f**k off, Trent, before my husband sees you,”

“I need to meet this husband of yours, I need to see what lucky bastard snagged you as a wife,”

“Please, I’m the lucky one when it comes to my husband,” I say proudly.

“Psh, you’d be lucky if I was your husband,” he said trying to touch my arm.

“Get the f**k away from me, Trent!” I pushed him off. He was about to grab my arm again when Brandon and Mikey pulled up on their bikes with the motor pool right behind them.

“What the f**k?” Trent said. Brandon and Mikey got off of their bikes and took off their helmets. They walked to the first car and Brandon opened the backdoor, and there was my gorgeous 6’6 husband. I smirked at Trent and skipped over to Dorian. I handed my backpack to Mikey who put in the Tahoe for me.

“Trent, this is my husband,”

“Baby, this is a classmate of mine,” Dorian stared at Trent and just glared at him. I’m sure he saw Trent put his hands on me, and he wasn’t happy.

“Yo, Allie, you didn’t tell me you husband was some kind of drug kingpin,”

“What? He’s not you f*****g ignoramus, my husband is the President and CEO of Shaw Security and Surveillance, hence the bike guards and motor pool,”

“Whoa! You’re married to Dorian Shaw!?”

“Yes, dipshit, now take a f*****g hint and stop trying to get in my pants!” as soon as I said that Brandon and Mikey stepped towards him. He immediately apologized and ran away.


“Hi, Dorian,” I said and smiled. He shook his head and gave me a k**s. “Come on, Amber is waiting,” I said and pulled him into the Tahoe. Luckily, the airport was only a five-minute drive from the university, and I spent those five minutes straddling Dorian making out with him. When we pulled up to passenger pickup, Amber and everyone was already waiting for us,

“Sorry, we’re late sis,” Dorian said getting out of the car,

“No problem, we just got here actually,” she said, and we all helped put their bags in the second Tahoe. “Why are Brandon and Mikey on their bikes?”

“We just picked up Allie from school,”

“Oh, bike guards,” Dorian just nodded.

“Aunt Allie!” Cam came running up to me. God, this kid was tall. He was five inches taller than me and he was only 15.

“Oh my gosh, you’re so damn tall Cam, people are going to think you’re older than I am,”

“I finished those books you recommended,”

“All of them!?”

“Yeah, they were so good,”

“Allie, thanks for getting Cam into reading, it’s honestly helped him a lot in school too,” Amber said giving me a hug.

“Glad I could help,”

“Alright, we’re all set, let’s head out,” Ronnie said. They all got into the second Tahoe while Dorian and I got into the first one.

Twenty minutes into the drive home, I started to feel dizzy and nauseous, so I laid down and put my head on Dorian’s lap. I wasn’t pregnant, that I knew for a fact, but then, I started to feel warm and asked Simba to turn up the A/C. He looked at me funny from the mirror because it was late November, and it was 50 degrees outside.

“Baby?” Dorian looked down at me.

“Ah s**t,” I said. I was going into heat and we still had an hour left until we got to the packhouse.

“Simba, have Mikey pull over and tell Nick and Brandon to take my sister and her family straight to the packhouse,”

“Yes, Alpha,” we pulled over on the side of the highway, and Simba and Mikey switched positions. Simba knew how to ride a bike, so Mikey had no issues with it.

“What’s going on?” Mikey asked getting in the driver’s seat.

“Allie’s going into heat,”

“Oh, s**t,”

“I need to cool her down before we get to the house, and seeing us having s*x is nothing new to you,”

“Sure thing, go for it. I’ll just turn up the music really loud,” Dorian pulled the lever for the third backseat to lay flat and immediately took off his clothes and mine. My heat is twice as bad as any other she-wolf because I was a high-level Luna, and because of my power of l**t. Dorian immediately started to rub my sweet spot to stimulate me to get wet. He kissed me hard and passionately and inserted two fingers. It didn’t take much, and once I was thoroughly wet and dripping from my s*x, Dorian rubbed his e******n to lubricate himself before he entered me.

The music in the car was so loud I couldn’t even hear my own moaning. Because my heat was just starting, one decent round would be enough to sustain me until Dorian could get us back into our room and away from all the unmated males in our pack. Dorian made sure he lasted the entire hour we had and came just as we pulled up to the packhouse.

Dorian put on some shorts that were in the Tahoe and wrapped me in the blanket that was in the backseat. Mikey opened the door to the trunk and Dorian got out first. I scooted my butt over to him and he carried me inside,

“Dorian, what happened?” I heard Eleanor ask

“Allie went into heat on the way here,”

“Oh, go on and take her to your room. I’ll make sure to have Mrs. Johnson make her favorite meals and send you two plenty of fluids,”

“Sorry,” I said to her as Dorian whisked me away.

Once we got back to our room, Dorian locked the door, took off his shorts, and got to work cooling me down.

“Dammit, why now?” I said as he entered me.

“You know it’s random, and besides, it’s been about four months since your last one, I’m not surprised,”

“Ugh, if I get pregnant from this I’m going to be mad, happy but mad,”

“Let’s see if Selene will bless us this time around,”

{Dorian’s P.O.V.}

Thankfully, this first round only lasted six hours before Allie cooled down enough to pass out. I think catching it as it started is what helped. I put on my sweats and a t-shirt and went downstairs to get some food for Allie and me. She always needed to eat after each round,

“Ah, Alpha, done so soon?” Mrs. Johnson asked.

“For now. Allie should sleep for a couple of hours,”

“Well, I’ve made seafood alfredo and lots of garlic bread, and the Omegas cut up some fresh fruit for her,”

“Perfect, I’ll eat right now, then I’ll take Allie’s food to her,”

“As you wish,” Mrs. Johnson prepared a plate for me, and I ate at the island. She gave me a bottle of Powerade, and I gave her cheers in thanks. As I was eating, Amber and Ronnie came in.

“Hey, you’re done sooner than I expected,” Amber said sitting next to me taking one of my pieces of bread.

“Hey, hands-off, I need the fuel,”

“Alpha, there is plenty,” Mrs. Johnson said placing a plate stacked with garlic bread in front of us. Ronnie took one as well. “You all eat that, and I will make a fresh batch for the Luna,”

“I can’t believe she went into heat in the car,” Amber said while eating her bread.

“She always starts in the f*****g car,” I tell her and stuff pasta in my mouth. “It’s like every other cycle is in the car. Two or three cycles before this, Allie started in Leroy’s personal car,”

“Oh my god, isn’t he unmated?”

“Yeah. As soon as she realized she going into heat, she forced him to pull over and made him get out of his own car and she locked it. She texted me, so Andre and I had to go get her,”

“Wow, at least she recognized it fast enough before Leroy could sense it,” Amber said.

“That was when we started to leave blankets and shorts in our Tahoe and kept the trunk empty. If we catch it fast enough, and I take her in the car, I can slow it down enough to get her home and lock her away,”

“Wait, you two have s*x in the car, in front of the driver?” Ronnie asked.

“Not just any driver, it has to be one of the ranked members or Lucas,”


“Because we have orgies every few months, and they’ve seen me and Allie f**k countless times, so it doesn’t faze them,”

“Whoa, did you say orgies!?” Amber exclaimed.

“Yeah, the entire packhouse knows,” I tell her and finish my dinner. I scarf down two more slices of bread and chug my Powerade.

“Does mom and dad know about this?”

“They do, and they were mad about it at first, but honestly it has helped us build stronger relationships with each other, as friends and ranked wolves. Plus, we don’t get jealous when we see each other’s mates naked now,”

“I guess that’s a good thing, especially given what just happened on the way here,” she replied. I nodded my head and put the plate in the sink. Mrs. Johnson put Allie’s food on the tray and handed it to me with and a bag full of cold drinks and fruit.

“See you guys in the morning,” I tell them and head back to Allie.

When I got to the room, Allie wasn’t in bed. I placed the food on the coffee table and went into the bathroom, Allie was in the shower,


“Oh my god, there you are!” she shouted. I opened the shower door and the water was freezing.

“Dammit, I thought would you sleep longer, I’m sorry,” She turned off the water and came out. I wrapped her in a towel and dried her off.

“I woke up and you were gone,”

“Why didn’t you mind link me?” I asked while drying off her hair. I could feel the heating emitting off of her body.

“I couldn’t think straight. Dorian, I’m still hot,” I turned her around and put her on the bathroom counter and kissed her. I took off my shirt and my sweats and took her right then and there.

“Ah, oh my god yes!” Allie was moaning and pawing at my back. I picked her up and f****d her while holding her until she came and then moved her back to the bed. It took three hours to cool her down enough where she could eat and drink some fluids. After that, we went for another two hours before Allie passed out. I took the time to sleep myself. I still had three more days to deal with, so I needed my rest.

{Deacon’s P.O.V.}

It’s been three months since we came back from Florida and all that s**t happened. I’ve spent that time rebuilding my pack and things have gotten better and are running more smoothly. Heather has tried to contact me, though I’m not sure how she even got my number. The first time she called I answered without thinking, and she was begging me to take her back. I immediately hung up and blocked the number.

Since then, she uses different numbers to call or text me, and I’ve learned to stop answering unknown Florida numbers and even got a new phone with a brand new number to use. She has never tried to come to the territory because she knows that she will be executed if she did. Because I rejected her and never mated with her, she has no ties to my pack.

I was sitting in my office staring at a picture of Allie and me from when we were in Florida. I haven’t called or texted her since that night. I missed her, and I still loved her. At this point, I knew that I always would because I could never have a mate again. Heather marking me has caused me to lose the chance to ever find a true mate, and I hated her for it. Heather ruined my life, and it forced me to cut ties with one of the most important people in life.

Every now and then I would sleep with an Omega to get out some pent up s****l frustration, and they knew it was only s*x and they were okay with it. Most of them were friends that were unmated females who were also just looking for something casual. Midnight was against it at first, but he also knows that we will never have a true mate, so he doesn’t give me s**t for it. I thought that rejecting Heather would cause Midnight to go into a depressive state, but he hasn’t. He is just as strong as ever and I’m glad.

Thanksgiving was in a week, and as a pack, we decided that everyone was on their own. No big celebration this year, so my brother’s and I decided to go down to Las Vegas to enjoy some free time. I wanted to call Dorian and Allie, but it was still too soon. My brothers and I would just go and have a good time.

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