Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Nightmare Chapter 9

{Dani’s P.O.V.}

I shimmered Andre and myself to the front of my parents’ house. We were standing on the stoop and all I could do was look up the house that I once had called home for many years.

“Dani, why do I get the feeling we are not Las Vegas anymore?”

“We’re not, technically. My parents own multiple houses throughout the city, they rent them out to humans. This is one is on the outskirts of the city and isn’t actually within city limits. The conservation area and Black Mountain completely hides it,” I tell him, and he just nods.

“Are you ready?” he asks.

“No, but whatever,” I grunt and walk up to the front door. I ring the doorbell, and a few seconds later, my mom answers.

“Daniella, what are you…” she pauses and looks at Andre. “Who this is?”

“My partner,” I say and shove past her going inside. Andre doesn’t even acknowledge her, which is not a good sign. Andre is normally respectful and courteous, but he’s angry, and so am I.

“Daniella, what are you doing here?” she asks.

“I’m going to ask this once, and only once, mom,” I tell her sternly cutting straight to the point and glaring at her with pure hatred. “Did you tell Harry that I was at the mall today?” she tenses and audibly gulps. “I’m going to take your silence and nervousness as a ‘yes’,”

“Daniella, I did it because…”

“I TOLD YOU I HAVE MY PARTNER!!!” I hiss. My vampire side completely taking over. “I told you everything that Harry did to me when he and I were together, and you had the insolence to tell him where I was!?”

“Sweetheart, he said that…”

“THAT WHAT!? It was all a lie, a misunderstanding!? Mom, don’t you get it! He’s manipulative and cunning! He lies to get what he wants!” I was fuming, and my vampire side wasn’t backing down. Just like wolves, vampires have a second nature to them. Not necessarily a second personality, but when we get angry or aroused, we show a different side to ourselves, just like a wolf does. “He followed me home! And had the nerve to tell my Alpha that I was his wife!!”

“Your Alpha?!” she looked at me in shock.

“Yes, mom! I belong to a wolf pack! I’m a ranked member!”

“You’re not a wolf, how could you be part of a wolf pack!?”

“My partner is half-wolf!” I shout and point at Andre who is just standing there with his arms crossed glaring at my mother.


“Alexandre Dubois, Mrs. Reeves,” he says coldly.

“But you said you found your vampire partner,” my mother says to me confused.

“Andre is a vampire-wolf hybrid!” I shout at her. I know she didn’t know any of this, but I was already losing my patience with her. “HE is my daughter’s father!”

“Daniella, Harry loves you, and he just…”

“AHHH!!! SHUT THE f**k UP MOTHER!!!” I practically roared at her making her jump back. I guess I was spending too much with werewolves. I laughed at myself internally.

“Daniella Odette Reeves, do not talk to your mother that way!” I heard the voice of someone who I hated more than Harry. I turned to see my father standing at the top of the stairs.

“f**k you!” I spat at him. “You’re the f*****g reason all this s**t is happening anyway! All you f*****g care about is money! You could careless that Harry hurt me! Physically and emotionally!”

“Daniella, watch your tongue, do not forget who you are speaking to,”

“What? Are you doing to hit me again? Are you call me degrading names again!? Go right ahead, it’s not like I haven’t heard some of the worse s**t a father could say to his daughter come out of your mouth before DAD!” I spat again and annunciated the last word to let him know I didn’t see him as my father anymore.

“You are really testing my patience!”

“Oh, I’m so f*****g scared!” I shout back. “I’m just here to tell you both to leave me the f**k alone. I have a family, and I’m happy. I don’t need you, or mom, or that sorry excuse of a warlock Harry in my life!”

“Daniella, you’re not making any sense,” my dad said to me.

“Oh, you don’t know? Mom visited me, and then not even three hours later Harry is stalking me at the mall, then even follows me home trying to claim me as his wife!”

“Dianne, did you contact him?” my father asked her.

“Dani had a child with her, and based on the age, I assumed she belonged to Harry, so I contacted to let him know, and…”


“Dianne, do you realize how much danger you have Dani in, along with our grandchild?!” my dad scolded her. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Was my dad on my side in this? Did my mom go behind his back?

“Robert, Harry is a good man! You said so yourself! You yourself were angry with Dani for breaking off the engagement!”

“That was before I found out what he had done to her!”

“Wait, you know what he did to me?” I asked him calmly and quite confused at the same time.

“Yes, Dani, I do,” he replied and let out a big sigh. “I found out about a year after you left. I went to Harry to try and venture another business deal with him, but when I got to his office, his door was ajar, and I heard him talking to his assistant, and he was angry that no one could find you after almost a year. At first, I thought it was because he was worried but then he went on to say that if he caught you, he would hurt you. He would make sure that you had no friends or family on your side, and that you were his property. He talked about all the vile inhumane things he would do to you if he ever found you,”

“Robert, why didn’t you tell me this!?” my mother shouted.

“Because it was in the past! And we didn’t know where Dani was either! Not knowing where she was and keeping her away was safe for her!”

“So, what, the last two you years you never bothered calling me because you wanted me to stay mad at you?”

“Yes, because I knew that you being mad at us meant you would never show yourself to us, which meant Harry would never have a chance to find you,” I didn’t know what to say to my dad. In the last few years, my dad was being a prick and didn’t bother apologizing because he wanted me to stay away from them. He wanted to keep me safe from Harry. Though his tactics are a bit strange, I couldn’t fault him for having the right intentions. “But instead of leaving it alone as I told you to Dianne, you contacted him and told him exactly where she was!” the fear on my mother’s face is one that I rarely ever see. She’s a vampire, and a powerful at that, but knowing that she put my life in danger all because she fell for Harry’s façade and was being stubborn like always was eating her alive.

“Mr. and Mrs. Reeves, how dangerous is this Harry?” Andre asked.

“I’m sorry, but who are you?” my father asked him.

“My name is Alexandre Dubois, I am Dani’s vampire partner, though, I am a hybrid,”

“What’s your other half?” my father asked.

“Werewolf,” My father just nods his head.

“Tell me, how long have you and my daughter been together?”

“We have been together just over three years,” Andre answered while putting his arm around my shoulder and pulling me close to him. I instinctively put my arm over his well-defined abs. Even with my parents in the room, I couldn’t help but think of his naked body doing things to me.

“If you are her partner, why are you two not married?” Great, I knew this was going to come up.

“Well, honestly, I’ve been wanting to marry her since the moment I laid eyes on her; however, being the age that I am, I am very old fashioned. Before proposing to my Chérie, I wanted to get your blessing. Obviously, your strained relationship made that quite difficult,” he answered honestly. I felt bad knowing that he wanted to do things the traditional way.

“Well, you have my blessing. Now, please get her out of here, and do not come back,” my father said.



“Dani, I love you peanut, but it’s not safe here. Knowing Harry and how he operates. He won’t rest until he gets you. And I will be damned if I let that happen,”

“Dad, he’s already found me, and he knows where I live,”

“Be that as it may, Harry is not stupid either. Now that he knows you live in a pack full of werewolves, he will need time to prepare, which gives you guys time to prepare a contingency,”

“Mr. Reeves,”

“Robert, please,” my dad told him.

“Robert, do not worry about Dani. Our pack will protect her with their lives,”

“I trust you, and thank you for loving my little girl,”

“Oh my god, I’m not a little girl anymore. You realize that I’m technically in my forties right!?” I said hissing at him. I hated being called little.

“You could be 400 and you would still my little girl Daniella,” he said and hugged me. I almost wanted to cry. I was a daddy’s girl. “Now go and stay safe. Whatever you do, do not come back to this house,” I nodded my head.

“Dani,” my mother called out to me softly. “I’m sorry peanut, I really am, please forgive me,” I didn’t even answer and turned my head away. I could hear her sobbing. I was even angrier at her than I was before. She put me and my family in danger, and now not only did we have to worry about Heather and her possibility of wreaking havoc, now we had to worry about Harry.

“Let’s go home, babe,” I tell Andre. He held me close, and I took one last look at my dad and gave him a small smile. At least he did what was right, even if his tactics were shotty. I shimmered Andre and myself back home.

As soon as we got back, I was wiped and needed b***d. Andre went straight to the mini-fridge in our room and pulled out a b***d bag. He punctured it with his canines and gave it to me so I didn’t have to try and struggle with it. I slowly drank the delicious thick red fluid and calmed the vampire within me.

“Amour, that is our last bag. I need to go down to the hospital to get more from Dr. Quinn, will you be alright by yourself?”

“I’ll be fine, once I finish this, I’ll go get Monique from Chrissy,” Andre nodded his head and kissed the top of my head. He left our room, and before I knew it, I had drunk the entire b***d bag. I tossed the empty bag into the trash and texted Crissy to bring Monique to my room. I needed to hold my little girl close and protect her. I also needed to find a way to get rid of Harry.

{Allie’s P.O.V.}

“Ah, Dorian!”


“I said no s*x for two weeks!!”

“Eating your p***y and fingering you until you squirt all over my face isn’t s*x,” he said and went back to assaulting my nether folds. He had already made me c*m twice, and since I wouldn’t allow him to put his d**k anywhere near me for two weeks, he was finding other ways to torture me. It didn’t help that I couldn’t push him away, physically. He was humungous. It also didn’t help that Dorian has actually gotten bigger over the last several months.

There was a time where we were actually sleeping in different rooms because I couldn’t stand to be around him. I mean, I can’t deny that Dorian and I still had s*x, but it didn’t mean we needed to sleep in the same bed together to f**k each other. That only lasted for about a month, but that entire month, Dorian didn’t go to work, and only trained and worked out. He was in the gym for several hours a day lifting weights and boxing with Bryce. Because of his security background, and their similarity in size and shape, they became boxing buddies. Dorian actually has to replace his entire wardrobe since none of his dress shirts fit. They’ve always been tight, but he’s already torn at least five or six in the last week just from trying to put them on. He’s had to resort to his polos for now, and even those are getting too tight.

“f**k DORIAN!!!” I screamed as my o****m hit me from out of nowhere and I felt myself squirt all over his beautiful face. Dorian loves it when I do, and he basically drinks it. I could hear his erotic growling as he went back to sucking on my folds and clit.

“I’ll never get tired of this delicious p***y, Allie. Your p***y is the most delicious thing on this planet, and I could eat this all day every day,”

“Dorian, please, ahhh…” I m****d when his tongue entered me. Dorian had this weird yet tantalizing talent where he could stick his tongue all the way in, and suck on my clit at the same time. I thought all guys were capable of doing it until I was talking to the girls one night a few months ago as we were comparing which of our guys could eat p***y better, and when I told them what Dorian does, all of their mouths hit the floor. That’s when I learned that only he could do it. To say that the others were jealous was an understatement.

“Dorian! Dorian!”

“That’s right scream my name my beautiful wife,” he growled which vibrated against my slit and that made me come undone. I squirted again, and I was done for. I was breathing so hard from the back to back o*****s, and that I laid on his desk completely spent. I looked like a fish pulled out of the water dying from suffocation. Did I mention that we were in his office and I was on top of his desk at home? No? Well, now you know.

“Dorian, please, I can’t,” I felt him still licking my slit. I heard him chuckle as he licked me a few more times, and then finally stopped.

“I’m not done,” he said. My eyes shot open and I looked up at him. I watched him open the locked bottom drawer of his desk, where I knew he kept our secret stash of s*x toys. He pulled out the vibrator that I had custom made from the mold of his fully erect p***s.

“Dorian, what are you…ohhhh…fuckkk,” I couldn’t even finish my question when he put it inside of me and flipped it on to its highest setting. Dorian f****d me with his little clone, and I was seeing stars. I knew getting his d**k made into a toy was a good and yet, very bad idea. I came again, and he pulled it out so he could eat my c*m. I flipped over to try and crawl away from my crazy and perverted husband, but again, he had a size advantage.

He pulled me back and put me on the floor. I had no energy to even fight him after five or was it six o*****s. I saw him turn off the toy, and throw it back into the drawer, but what came out next scared me, and yet turned me on. He brought out the handcuff and collar restraints. He ripped off my clothes, flipped me over, and put the collar on, pulled my arms back, and restrained my wrists. This little contraption was a two-in-one, and now I was completely immobilized.

Dorian became more dominant in the bedroom after Heather escaped, and it came from the anger that we held towards each other during that time. Angry s*x was some of the best s*x, and it felt so good. I heard Dorian unbuckle his pants, and I heard him rip his shirt from his body.

“Dorian, what part of no s*x did you not understand!?” I shouted trying to protest, but my body was not cooperating. I was excited, and my arousal filled the office. Dorian hit the button on his desk making sure the door was locked because people in this house tended to barge in.

“Allie, my sweet, beautiful, sexy Allie, my tiny wife, did you really think you could deny me this sweet p***y for two weeks, especially when we’re on the verge of getting back to normalcy?” he said while picking me up off the ground like I was a rag doll. He turned me around to face him and kissed me with a frenzy. He bit my bottom l*p drawing b***d before he sucked on it.

“f**k you, Dorian,” I said with a snobby tone and snapped my teeth at him.

“Oh no, my dear wife, that’s your job,” he said and lowered me down onto his hard c**k. My eyes instantly rolled to the back of my head as his thick wonderful magic stick filled me up entirely. “Go on, f**k me, Allie,” he growled. He held my h**s as I moved my body the best I could while completely restrained. “Argh, f**k yes! f**k me, Allie! f**k me like a good little girl!” I hated it when he called me a little girl and he knew that, so I head-butted him making him hiss. I knew that would make him angry, and I wanted him angry.

Dorian lifted me off of him, and dropped me on the floor, and hard. He flipped me over onto my stomach and pushed my face into the floor while lifting my h**s. As soon as I was at the right angle, Dorian pushed his d**k in again with speed and accuracy and f****d me senseless. I released in no time at all. Dorian was going to need to have his office deep cleaned, again.

“This p***y belongs to me! Do you hear me, Allie!?” he said and spanked me hard. My cervix was taking a hard beating, and my brain was officially no longer functioning. I was high off of pleasure, and my body was giving out. “ANSWER ME!” He roared and spanked me again.


“Yes, what?!” he asked with another spank.

“Yes, Alpha!” I shouted. He grabbed my h**s and dug his claws into me making me scream in pain but filled with pleasure. He rammed into me with so much force, I knew that I was going to bruise, but I didn’t care.

“f**k, I’m going to c*m!” He grunted as his assault started to falter.

“c*m inside me, Alpha! Please! Please! I want to feel your warm c*m inside of me!” I m****d and begged. Dorian brought me to be my knees and bit my mark so hard, I couldn’t help but scream at the top of my lungs. The o****m that followed was one I hadn’t felt in a while. My eyesight went dark, but I was still seeing flashes of light. Mercury was whimpering from sheer pleasure and I could see her lying on her back rolling her body all over from the o****m that was ripping across my body. She loved Dorian’s dominant side and preferred the rougher s*x more than I did. So, I knew she was very happy right now.

I felt myself squirt all over as it shot out of me. It felt like a pressurized hose had combusted. Dorian was growling, grunting, and bucking his h**s as I felt his seed coat my vaginal walls. He bit down harder making me whimper in pain, and but again, I was filled with pleasure at the same time. Even though I was done with my o****m, and he was done with this, Dorian still didn’t let go of his bite. He bit down harder again, and normally, I’d tell him to let go, because he was hurting me, but something told me that he needed this. So, I let him stay that way.

With everything that had happened between us, I knew that our bond was rocky, but not broken. It essentially felt as if Dorian was marking me again, and it felt amazing. Even though this was angry, rough, and hardcore s*x, I never felt so much love from Dorian at the same time. I started to cry feeling our bond coming back. I sent him a mind link,

I love you, Dorian, please don’t let go. Mark me as yours again.

And he did, he bit down harder, and I felt some of his venom enter my bloodstream. Even though I was restrained, I pushed my back as close to him as possible and he just held me tight. Something was off about his d**k though, it was stuck in a sense, but it felt, almost tight, too tight even.

Mercury, what’s going on?

Our love has knotted inside of us.

He what?

This is the most intimate form of bonding between werewolves. Knotting in human form is almost impossible, but it does happen from time to time, and the bond that is forged from it is unbreakable. Allie, you and Dorian have officially become one soul.

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