Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Nightmare Chapter 37

{Sin’s P.O.V.}

By the time Mikey and I got settled into our guest room, he wanted to take a nap before dinner, but I didn’t. I wanted to address the big fat elephant in the room. Ever since Ethan and Helena told us about Mikey’s kidnapping as a child, his attitude has been off. And I don’t just mean him snapping at Allie on the plane. It’s his attitude towards Ethan as well.

Mikey hasn’t said a single word to him ever since that night, even on the jet ride here. He was giving Ethan the silent treatment and it was time to nip this in the bud, especially with everything going on and considering we were staying with a different pack. We couldn’t afford to have any personal issues arise. It would only make things awkward and distracting.

“Honey, we need to talk,” I told him as he laid down and closed his eyes.

“Later, I’m tired,” he replied nonchalantly.

“No, mi Amor, now!” I demanded and shoved him hard. I hated whenever he tried to avoid confrontation.

“Sin, what the f**k!?”

“Don’t talk to me that way, Michael Rays. You have had the worst attitude since the other night. I get that you’re pissed off and hurt at your parents for not telling you what happened all those years ago, but don’t you dare take your anger out on me!”

“I’m fine, I just want to rest a little!” he snapped back.

“Don’t lie to me, Mikey. Have you forgotten that I can read your mind?” He gave me the look of disapproval for using my powers on him, but it was kind of hard when he was practically screaming with his mind. “If you have a problem with your parents, you need to let it out. Talk to Ethan!”

“There’s nothing to talk about, Sin! My parents lied to me. Okay?! It’s in the past. I’m over it!”

“Are you seriously going to sit there and continue to lie to me!? Your attitude is going to affect everyone here! You know that. I know that. Everyone knows that. You throw bigger tantrums than Allie does when your feelings are hurt. The only difference is that you get all bent out of shape and pissed off.”

“What do you want me to say, Sin!? Huh!? My parents f*****g lied to me my whole f*****g life! I was f*****g kidnapped! I was a victim of werewolf trafficking!”

“I know that! I was there when they told you! When they told the entire conference room!”

“Not just them! Uncle Ben, Uncle Joe, Aunt Nor, and Aunt Bridge! f**k, even Amber knew more than any of us did! My family lied to me!” he shouted and stood to his feet, stomping like an angry child.

“Mikey, they didn’t lie to hurt you. They also didn’t actually lie. They just withheld the truth.”

“That’s the same f*****g thing, Cynthia!” Mikey rarely ever used my real name unless he was really worked up and trying to make a point.

“No, it’s not. People lie to conceal the truth and, the majority of the time, it’s to hurt the other person. Your parents didn’t lie to hurt you. They withheld the truth to protect you,” I comforted him and took his hands in mine. His eyes were black, and his gaze was fixated on the floor, avoiding me. “Look at me,” I told him and caressed his cheeks. “Mi Amor, you were four. You were just a baby. Think about it, you were only a year older than Allen right now. And you heard what they said, when Ethan got you back, your mind suppressed the trauma and tricked you into thinking it was all a bad dream. What parent would want to tell their four-year child that they were actually kidnapped by bad people to be sold to other bad people for money? If that were Allen or this baby, would you want to expose them to something that horrible and traumatize them? Or would you go along with them and say it was a bad dream and that it wasn’t real?” Mikey’s hard expression faltered, and his eyes reverted to their soft brown hue. “Answer me, honey. What would you have done if that happened to our children?” He paused a minute before facing me.

“I would have told them that it was a bad dream.”

“Exactly. Your parents did what they thought was best for you at that time. A four-year-old child.”

“They could have come clean sooner. Not when all this s**t is going on. I’m not a f*****g child anymore. I’m a 31-year-old grown-a*s man! I deserved the truth long before the other night!”

“I agree with you on that, baby. But have you thought about how much this had to have been eating away at your parents? There really is no right time in life to tell one’s only child that they were once kidnapped and almost sold. I doubt that’s something to bring up at a family dinner.” I pulled Mikey into a hug. He hesitated for a minute before wrapping his arms around me and resting his face into the crook of my neck and inhaling deeply.

“How am I supposed to forgive them?”

“Forgive them for what? They didn’t do anything wrong, Mikey. There’s no reason to be mad at them. They protected you the best way they knew how back then. Any decent parent would have done the same thing. We would do the same thing. Do you know what I would give to have parents even half as loving as yours? Or Dorian’s? Brandon’s? Hell, even Allie’s.” He lifted his head and looked at me apologetically.

“I’m sorry, honey, I forgot that—”

“That I grew up without parents? Yeah, I know. Sometimes I forget too because my life has been blessed in far better ways than I could have ever imagined. Your parents are practically my parents too. But they’re also not. I don’t know my father. All I know is that he’s a three-time loser, spending the rest of his life in prison. I don’t even remember my mother. Just that she chose to shoot heroin into her veins instead of taking care of her own daughter.”

“Sin, I—”

“You know I was four years old when she died?” I cut him off again and he nodded his head. “Look, I’m not trying to make this about me, but you also can’t make this all about you. We’re not here to get payback on your behalf. We’re here to help another pack keep people they care about safe. And to bring down this group of very, very, very bad people to prevent them from hurting any other supernatural individuals. You’re one of the best out there, along with your dad, and Aries. Plus we have Lucas and Sam, who are the best at what they do. If this Blue Lake Luna is as badass as she seems in person as she is on paper, then we have a lot of powerful and talented people on our side, trying to fight this common enemy. If you won’t talk to your dad right now, then at least try to remain professional and work with him.” Mikey let out a frustrated sigh but reluctantly nodded anyway. I gave a curt smile and kissed his lips. He rested his forehead on top of mine as he pulled away and held me close.

“I love you, honey,” he whispered into my ear.

“And I love you, mi Amor. Everything is going to be okay. Let’s figure this s**t out first and then we can fix our family drama when we get back home.” He nodded his head.

After our talk, we went downstairs for dinner and were the first to arrive. When we saw the spread on the table, our jaws collectively hit the floor. This Grace woman definitely went all out in welcoming us.

“Wow, this is insane!” I exclaimed when I saw the number of dishes sprawled out everywhere.

“This is nothing,” the Gamma female, Milan, mentioned casually as she walked right up to me. “Auntie Grace knows that you and your Luna are also pregnant, so she wants to make sure that your pups grow happy and healthy in your wombs,” she spoke. She looked around a bit and then whispered in my ear, “I swear to the moon goddess, my pups are going to weigh 20 pounds each, given how much this woman feeds me!” I couldn’t help the snicker that came out.

“How far along are you?” I asked her.

“I’m just over four months. These pups are coming sooner rather than later,” she replied, rubbing her stomach.

“Forgive me for being blunt, but you seem to be on the older side of the spectrum. First pregnancy?”

“No worries, I am on the older side. I didn’t want to get pregnant for a while. I’m one of the head female fighters. Being pregnant would have meant I couldn’t participate in fighting and training, and I tried to put it off for such a long time. But after seeing everyone close to me have pups relatively quickly, I started to get jealous. I guess the moon goddess decided it would be best to give me two at once. It also doesn’t help that I, myself, am a twin.”

“You are?” I asked in shock.

“Yes, my twin brother Angelo is actually the head guard for our pack. He’s also our Luna’s guard, but she really doesn’t need one honestly.”

“Is she as powerful as she’s made out to be?” I asked cautiously. I didn’t want to insult their Luna.

“That and more. She’s one hell of a wolf, and she’s definitely not one to f**k with.” I made an O shape with my mouth and just nodded my head. I realized then that Mikey was no longer next to me. I turned to my right and saw him with the Gamma male, Jason, I believe his name was.

“So, how long have you and your mate been together?”

“Jason? Oh god, we’ve been mates since we were 18. We were actually best friends growing up. He and I are one year older than Wyatt, and three years older than Kendrick. The four of us grew up together, along with my brother. I was the biggest tom-boy alive, so I got along great with boys more than I did girls. For a while, everyone thought I was a lesbian because of how boyish I was,” she admitted with a laugh.

“How did it feel being mated to one of your best friends?” I asked her curiously.

“Honestly? It was love at first sight for me. I always found Jason to be attractive and wondered what it would be like to be with him, but never pursued it. Jason, Wyatt, and Kendrick were into the girly girls who wore skirts and dresses. I was always in baggy shirts and cargo pants. It took me a minute to get into the girly phase of my life. But even then, I preferred basketball shorts and tanks over bikinis.”

“Well, you have amazing style,” I pointed at her really cute floral romper. “What made you change your mind?”

“Aww, thank you. Being mated to Jason is what did it. He treated me with so much respect when we found out we were mates. After he marked me of course. He was animalistic at first. I turned 18 before he did, only by a couple of months, so I already had a feeling he was going to be my mate. As soon as I turned 18, I saw Jason in a new light, and boy did my s****l drive go up the wazoo every time I saw him. Hanging out with him became so hard because seeing him only made me that much hornier.” We both laughed when she said that. “But then he turned 18, and since he was the future Gamma, there was a huge party for him. When midnight struck on the morning of his birthday, it was game over. He practically jumped on me in the middle of the party in front of everyone and marked me immediately.”

“What!? He flat out marked you!?”


“What did you do?”

“I punched him across the face, twice. Then took him to his room, f****d his brains out, and marked him back.” My mouth hung open at how forward Milan was.

“Wow … that’s … umm. Wow,” I stuttered.

“Yeah. Jason isn’t just my mate, he’s my best friend, and now we’re finally going to—” She stopped mid-sentence, and her eyes bulged.

“Milan, are you alright?” I asked her. Her eyes became even bigger, and then I heard the sound of splashing water. We exchanged nervous glances and both looked down at the same time. There was a tiny puddle between her feet.

“Uh oh, I think … My water just broke.”

“Oh s**t!!” I shouted. “Houston, we have a problem!”

“Honey, is everything okay?” Mikey came running up to me.

“Not me! Her!” I pointed at Milan.

“Milan, what’s wrong!?” Jason appeared by her side.

“Jason, it’s go-time!” she said.


“THE PUPS ARE COMING, YOU f*****g i***t!!” she screamed at him.

“Oh, I like her,” I told Mikey after seeing what a badass she was.

“Oh, s**t! Oh … Umm … Stay here, let me go get my mom!” Jason took off running in the other direction.

“Jason, where the f**k are you … Oh, for f**k’s sake!” Milan grunted.

“I got you, Milan,” I said as I held out my hand to her. “Which way is your hospital?” I asked kindly. I took one arm and Mikey took the other, and she gave us the directions. I had no idea where Jason went, but he was nowhere in sight.

“f*****g Jason. We went over this a dozen times,” Milan muttered in annoyance.

“Don’t worry, at least he’s somewhere in the castle. When I went into labor with our son, Mikey wasn’t even at home. He was at work. Believe it or not, Leah and I went into the labor at the same time, and even gave birth 20 minutes apart,” I told her.

“No way, that’s awe—Ahhhh!!” she screamed when she was hit with her first contraction. “Okay, just breathe through it. You’re going to be okay.”

“Hey, what’s going on!?”

“Mel, I’m in labor, and Jason lost his marbles as soon as I told him,” Milan winced and kept walking.

“What the … Oh my goddess,” Melody, the Beta female, rolled her eyes. “WYATT!!!” she screamed at the top of her lungs.

“Damn, b***h! You could mind link him, you know!” Milan g*****d at her.

“Nah, that’s no fun.” Just then we heard rumbling coming from upstairs.

“What!?” Wyatt exclaimed, running up to us.

“Milan is in labor, and Jason is … well … Jason,” Melody told him.

“Ah, say no more,” Wyatt replied and picked up Milan bridal style.

“Thank you, Gammas of Desert Moon, but my brother and I will take everything from here. If you see Jason, tell him to get to the hospital,” Melody greeted us and bowed her head in respect. We smiled and wished Milan luck with her delivery.

A few minutes later, Jason came running down the stairs with a bag in hand and two women on his tail. Both of whom were yelling at him for being stupid and leaving Milan alone after her water broke. Behind them came our friends.

“What the hell is going on?” Allie asked.

“Their Gamma female went into labor, and her mate basically panicked,” I answered, making everyone chuckle.

Not much time passed before Grace came down and addressed us.

“I am so sorry everyone. Milan’s sudden labor has caught all of us off guard. But please, don’t wait for us. Go and enjoy dinner, and we will let you know as soon as her pups are born,” she announced cordially.

“Don’t worry Aunt Grace, we will be fine. Give her our best wishes and we look forward to meeting the future Gammas of your pack.” Dorian said to her respectfully.

We all went to go eat and enjoyed ourselves. The food was superb, and Allie made sure to give thanks to all of the kitchen staff that prepared the food. As thanks, we all helped clean up when we were done, and Allie, Leah, and I asked a few of the Omegas to assist us in making plates for Milan and the others so they could also enjoy the food when they were able to. The Blue Lake pack members seemed genuinely impressed and grateful for this.

Luna Rylee could learn a thing or two from this Luna. I heard one of the kitchen staff say in a mind link to another.

I agree. Rylee is a good Luna, but she doesn’t think about others the way this Luna does. I mean, she’s a guest, and here she is thinking about our ranked members and Gamma Milan being in labor. She replied.

Have you seen the Alpha? He’s huge! He makes Alpha Wyatt look small.

And the Luna. She’s so petite, but her Luna aura is powerful.

I wonder who is more powerful, our Luna or her?

Our Luna more than likely, due to her abilities. But that would make her a powerful wolf, and not a powerful Luna.

I agree. This Luna is fit. Have you seen her arms and legs?

Oh, I know. I also saw her interacting with their guards earlier, and she just screams power. Our Luna doesn’t. The Desert Moon guards want to respect their Luna. People of our pack only respect Luna Rylee because she’s the Luna.

I know. That’s how I am. She’s nice and all, but I can’t get over the fact that she left us two years ago.

Can you blame her though? The Alpha lost his sanity due to dark magic.

It’s his own fault. Layla should have been banished long before the Luna ever arrived. That b***h Terrine too. I know plenty of Alphas who wouldn’t have hesitated to put a she-wolf and her illegitimate pup on the streets for murder.

Our Alpha needs some lessons on how to be an Alpha, as well, as our Luna.

I couldn’t take it anymore. I could not believe that these Omegas were talking s**t about their ranked members behind their backs like that.

“Could you two be any more disrespectful!?” I shouted at them. They both paled and stared back at me in shock.

“I’m sorry?” one of them asked.

“I could hear your mind link conversation clear as day, and the blatant disrespect you have for your Alpha and Luna disgusts me!” I exclaimed.

“Sin, what’s wrong?” Allie asked while coming up to me with Leah on her six.

“These two Omegas were talking s**t about their Alpha and Luna,” I replied.

“Out loud?” Leah asked. I didn’t answer.

“Sin, you did not!?” Allie exclaimed. “We’re guests here, you can’t be reading people’s minds like that!”

“What was I supposed to do, Allie!? Ignore the fact that these two were practically calling their Alpha and Luna incompetent?”

“They were what?” We heard a voice and turned to see the pack’s Beta standing in the middle of the kitchen.

“Beta,” they bowed their heads. He walked up to both of them and growled. They submitted immediately.

“I will deal with you two later,” he warned them.

“Beta Kendrick, how is Milan?” Allie asked.

“She’s fine, but we have a problem. Wyatt is asking for the ranked members of Desert Moon to join him in the waiting room, it’s urgent.” We all nodded our heads. Allie mind linked Dorian, while Leah and I mind linked Brandon and Mikey.

We arrived at the hospital waiting room, and Alpha Wyatt seemed to be on edge. He was biting his l*p and pacing hard. Melody was there as well and had a concerned expression on her face.

“Wyatt, what’s the matter?” Dorian asked him as soon as we all walked in.

“It’s Milan’s pups.”

“Is everything okay?” Allie asked, looking distraught. “Are the pups …”

“They’re fine, Luna,” Melody answered, but her face said otherwise. I c****d my head to the side when her thoughts came rushing out.

“Wyatt, what is it?” Dorian asked again, but Wyatt couldn’t answer, and his thoughts were the same as his sisters. I stepped in because I couldn’t take the silence.

“Okay, I’m sorry, but I can’t help myself right now. Blame it on my hormones, or me just being nosey, but what’s a jade wolf?”

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