Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Nightmare Chapter 57

{Vivienne’s P.O.V.}

“How many times do I have to say that I am sorry, Mon Loup?!” I cried out. Ever since I regained consciousness yesterday and accidentally called him Jacques, he has been sulking because I refuse to tell him who Jacques is. I was not going to spoil the surprise that we’re having a boy and a girl, nor did I want to ruin the surprise of what we apparently named our children. Or the fact that they appear to have powers. I was already upset at the fact that Dani told him we were having twins while I was out cold.

“You called me by the name of another man as soon as you woke up from being unconscious! How the hell would you feel if I called you Michaela if our roles were reversed!?” he shouted, complaining like a little girl. I could not stop the scoff that came out of my mouth hearing her name. I crossed my arms over my chest and gave up on trying to apologize to him. “Tell me who Jacques is!” he demanded once more.

“Non,” was my only answer. “You’re going to have to wait to find out.”

“Vivienne, I swear to the moon goddess if he is some ex-boyfriend that I have to deal with, I will kill him!”

“You will do no such thing!” I exclaimed and poked his chest. “Jacques is not a threat to you, Mon Loup. The two of you will have an amazing relationship when the time comes. So, just stop with your ridiculous theatrics!” He glared at me, and I glared right back, refusing to budge whatsoever. I was determined to keep the gender of our pups a secret from him. I don’t know how they did it, but both of our pups were able to enter my dreams and made it seem as if it were real. Whatever their powers are, they were pretty powerful. The only difference was that Bethany showed herself as a child while Jacques came to me as an adult. I still couldn’t understand how Jacques did what he did, but I was more than grateful. I smiled as I thought of Jacques and Bethany, and my hand instinctively went to my newly visible baby bump.

“Are you okay?” J.D. asked me. I hummed and looked at him. “You just touched your stomach. Are you okay? Are the pups okay?”

“Oui, oui, Mon Loup. We’re okay. I am just so excited. I love them so much already and I feel as if I already know them so well,” I answered. J.D. quirked an eyebrow at me. “What?”

“You’re really not going to tell me who this Jacques guy is, are you?”


“Gah, fine!” he shouted and threw his hands into the air in defeat. I giggled at him.

“What’s with all the shouting?” We both looked towards the door and saw Allie and Dorian.

“Allie! Wow, you’ve gotten so big!” I gushed.

“I know, right!? I feel like I’m as big as a whale!”

“What are you guys doing here?” J.D. asked them.

“Weekly check-up, since I’m going to be due soon. So we decided to stop by and check up on Viv,” Allie replied.

“HEY!” Dorian randomly yelled.

“What?” Allied responded.

“Why didn’t you get mad at her!?” Dorian asked while pointing in my direction.

“Why would I get mad at Vivienne?”

“Yeah, why would she get mad at Vivienne?” J.D. looked confused as well.

“She just … Ah, never mind. Forget it. I’m fighting a losing battle,” Dorian insisted and gave up right away. I looked at Allie, and she just shrugged her shoulders.

“Comment ça va?” (How are you doing?) Allie asked, changing the subject.

“Bien, bien,” (Good, good,) I replied.

“And the pup?” I paused when she asked that because it appeared she was under the impression that we were only having one. I looked at her for a moment, knowing that her powers would allow her to sense that there were, in fact, two. “Why are you staring at me like that?” she asked.

“Can you not sense it?” J.D. questioned her.

“Huh?” She looked up at him and then back at me. I smiled and kept staring at her. She stared back and then c****d her head to the side. Her eyes widened at the realization.

“OH s**t!” she finally screamed. “AHHH!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!” she gushed at the top of her lungs and hugged me.

“Baby, why are you screaming!?” Dorian covered his ears emphatically.

“TWINS!” she exclaimed excitedly to him while pointing at us.

“No f*****g way!” he replied. “Dude, really!?” he grinned at J.D.

“Hell yeah, brother! Looks like I’m in the same boat as you!” They both started to yell and gave each other a bro hug, as they called it.

“So f*****g happy for you, man! You deserve all the happiness there is! You finally got your Luna back, and now you’re having twins of your own.”

“What?!” I exclaimed. J.D. suddenly froze and looked down at me. “Dorian, what did you just say?”

“What?” Dorian asked, utterly confused.

“Did you just say, Luna?” Allie and Dorian stared at me as if I had grown two heads, and then they looked at J.D. with wide eyes.

“YOU DIDN’T TELL HER!?” Dorian and Allie both shouted at him.

“Tell me what?” I looked at him as well, waiting for his response. “Mon Loup!? Tell me what!?” I repeated. He looked at me, then back at Dorian and Allie.

“No way, man, don’t look at me. You tell her. Come on, Allie, let’s give them some privacy,” Dorian said.

“But we just got here! And I literally just sat down!”

“Allie, now!”

“Ugh, fine!” she griped and pushed herself up from the chair. “Link me when you and your man finish talking. We have a lot of catching up to do,” she whispered as she hugged me. When they left the hospital room and closed the door behind them, I immediately shot a look at J.D. He was rubbing his neck and biting his lower l*p, clearly feeling some tension.

“Is it bad?”

“Huh? No, it’s nothing bad, I promise. It’s good. Really good. But it will cause a major change, for us and the pups,” he admitted as he sat in the chair that Allie just vacated. I looked at him stoically and waited for him to continue. “Okay, there’s a simple way of explaining this, but I’ll have to start from the beginning for it to make sense,” he said. I nodded my head. He took my hands into his and smiled at me warmly. “Right after you went missing, we received a call from Monique’s nanny, Christine—or Chrissy as you like to call her. She said that she hadn’t seen you in a few days and was worried, so she called Andre. That’s how we found out you had been taken while we were away helping Dorian’s cousin in Michigan.” He paused for a moment and shifted in his seat. “Dani shimmered me and your brother here first, for obvious reasons, while everyone tailed us and were behind us by a couple of days. What happened after your brother and I left with Dani was that Sly’s new mate—”

“Sly has a mate!?” I asked in shock.

“Oh yeah, f**k,” he muttered. “Sly found his mate while we were away, but she turned out to be a bad person, so he rejected her. Literally, a minute later, he got a second chance. An angel by the name of Annalisa, Anna for short.”

“An angel!?”

“Yes. Try to keep your questions until after I’m done. There’s a lot to go over,” he told me.

“Oui, oui, I’m sorry. Please continue, Mon Loup,” I replied.

“So, as I was saying, she’s an angel. And, apparently, as an angel, she has the ability to sense someone’s rank. Just as I was leaving to come find you, she had questioned if you were my Luna.” I furrowed my brows at him and tilted my head in confusion. “Yeah, so that was everyone’s reaction, clearly. According to Anna, she could sense that I am an Alpha by b***d.” I opened my mouth to say something, but he shushed me. It was physically painful to not interrupt him. “Let me finish. That’s not all.”

“There’s more!?”

“Yes, love, keep listening. When Dorian and the others got back, we had zero luck in finding your whereabouts and I spiraled into a deep and angry depression. I wanted to kill anyone who even said a word to me. Dorian and the others were worried, so they came to find me at the townhouse, and that’s when Dorian broke the news to me. You know, about me being an Alpha and all. I didn’t believe him, of course, since I grew up as an Omega. So, to prove them wrong, we got a b***d test done. That is another long story that I will not be getting into right now; however, the results did show that I am, in fact, an Alpha.”

“So, that would make me …” I questioned and he just nodded his head. “Oh, mon Dieu,” I replied in exasperation. This was a lot of information to take in. “I … I’m … I’m a Luna?”

“Not just any Luna either,” he went on. I whipped my head around to face him again. “A more detailed look at my genomes found that I am what’s referred to as a Supreme Alpha.”

“What is a Supreme Alpha?” I asked.

“According to Dorian, an Alpha wolf is considered to be supreme when their bloodline is filled with nothing but immensely powerful and strong Alphas. Everything is taken into consideration. Size, strength, speed, and the ability to shift quickly.”

“Wait, are you saying that you are more powerful than Dorian?”

“That is a fair question. Don’t tell him but, according to Gunner … Yes. We are stronger than Dorian and Bandit. Although, Gunner says he won’t overpower Bandit because he has too much respect for him. He doesn’t want to make it seem like he is challenging their authority.” I exhaled sharply, letting out a breath that I didn’t know that I was holding. “Also, Dorian found out he’s a Supreme Alpha too. A new line within his b***d. He’s the first. Ben was never considered to be one. It’s hard to explain but, in my case, it would appear that my father was also a Supreme Alpha.”

“Wait, but you always said that your parents were Omegas,” I responded.

“I know.” He gave me a knowing look of pain and disappointment.

“Oh, Mon Loup. They’re not your parents?”

“I don’t know. I haven’t had time to figure things out because you were missing. But, now that you’re home and you and our kids are okay, it’s time I got to the bottom of where I actually come from.” I didn’t know how to respond to any of this. I was so shocked at the sudden turn of events in our lives.

“Mon Loup, what did you mean when you said that I am not an ordinary Luna?”

“Oh, right, that …” he said and rubbed his neck again. I noticed that he had a tendency of doing this whenever he was about to deliver big news and was scared of my reaction. “My being a Supreme Alpha, makes you a … Supreme … Luna…” he whispered so softly that, had I not had wolf and vampire genes, I would have missed it. My eyes popped out of my head.

“Is there anything else you would like to tell me!?” I exclaimed. This was all getting to be too much.

“Yeah, there’s one more thing.” I scoffed at him. “We’re going to demolish the townhouse.” I honestly didn’t think that my eyes could come out of my head any further than they already had, but they did. I was rendered completely speechless.


{Third Person P.O.V.}

Once Vivienne recuperated from all of the news that Jedediah piled onto her, they sat and discussed plans on what they were going to do regarding the townhouse. After explaining to her why they needed to destroy it, she finally understood. With Claude having built a safehouse underneath their property, they had to get rid of the house to access the space underneath the foundation and destroy that as well.

Vivienne was not happy that she would be losing the first home that she shared with Jedediah, but she knew it’s what needed to be done. Also, given that Claude had been in their home, she didn’t know what he did or didn’t touch and was afraid of what he could have planted in the house or done to her personal effects. While their home was being demolished, Dorian suggested that they move into the packhouse and onto the third floor with him and Allie. Given that Jedediah and Vivienne were technically an Alpha and Luna now, it was only right that they reside on the Alpha and Luna’s floor.

At first, they refused, believing that they would be intruding on Dorian and Allie’s personal floor. But they wouldn’t take “no” for an answer, so they finally agreed. It would also allow Dorian, Jed, and the other ranked members to ascertain where Jed truly came from.

Jed suggested that they call Red Mountain and discuss it over the phone; however, Allie pointed out that it would allow Scanlan to lie through his teeth or possibly tip him off that Jed knew something about his true identity. If Scanlan was involved in the death of Jed’s birth parents, then Scanlan catching wind of that was the last thing they wanted to happen.

Rather than handling everything through a conference call, Dorian, Jed, Brandon, Vivienne, and Andre decided they would go to Red Mountain to confront Scanlan in person without announcing their arrival. Ensuring that Scanlan and Red Mountain were caught off guard was crucial to their quest of finding out how Jedediah ended up in the care of his so-called parents that showed him no love. How was it that a Supreme Alpha was raised by lower-level Omegas?

Meanwhile, at Red Mountain, Michaela has been keeping a secret, one that will have dire consequences.

“WHY ARE YOU HERE!?” Michaela screamed at her unwanted guest.

“I need you to protect me!” he shouted.

“You were supposed to get that blonde-haired Barbie wanna-be away from my mate! And what the f**k happened to your arm!? And your skin!?”

“Your so-called mate is what happened to my arm! I challenged him for Vivienne, and I lost! You said he was nothing but an Omega!”

“THAT’S BECAUSE HE IS!” Michaela shrieked.

“You must have your wires crossed because he did not fight like one. And my skin is another atrocity that occurred when I tried to turn her dream into a nightmare. Someone entered her dream as well and was able to bring the light of the sun, so I was burned! I nearly died!”

“You’re the one with your wires crossed. J.D. is an Omega, and you’re nothing but a low-level vampire freak, Claude! You looked like a mutilated version of Freddy Kreuger!” Without saying a word, Claude grabbed Michaela by the throat and lifted her into the air. “LET ME GO!” she squeaked out.

“Do not speak to me that way, mate,” Claude seethed through clenched teeth, hating the word with a passion. How he ended her up mate, he would never know, especially since she was once mated to Jedediah who is now Vivienne’s mate, and a major roadblock to his plans. As much as he hated Michaela, he also couldn’t help but be attracted to her because of their mate bond, though they both try to fight it.

“I’m not your mate!”

“That’s not what you said when we f****d the other day before I lost my arm, and when I told you I was on the verge of making Vivienne mine. You got so jealous, you practically threw yourself onto me and climb me like a tree,” he replied and slammed her against the brick wall of the Red Mountain packhouse.

“You’re not my mate, Claude. I rejected you the moment I realized you were a vampire, and an old one at that,” she choked as he put more pressure into his grasp around her larynx. Because he now only had one hand, Claude found it difficult to fully subdue Michaela. So, he dropped her and used his influence of dark magic to remove their clothing. He turned her around and bent her over before impaling her with his hard c**k.

“Let’s see if you keep saying that in the next five minutes, shall we?” Claude hissed in her ear as he f****d her ruthlessly from behind. Neither one could fight the fact that they felt the mate pull towards each other, yet, neither one would ever admit it when they were both in love with the people who were mated to each other. Also, what neither of them knew was that someone was watching them and was recording everything. Michaela was going to have a lot of explaining to do when this evidence came to light.

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