Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Heat Chapter 10

{Dorian’s P.O.V.}

“You spent how much on a purse for her?” Brandon asked Mikey who talking about all the purses that he bought for Sin.

“It was like over $40,000, but she wanted it. What my honey wants, my honey gets,”

“You are out of your f*****g werewolf mind, dude,” Brandon said while shaking his head. I had to agree. I was sitting at my desk in my office going over all the receipts and saw the damage the girls had done. Money was not the issue; it was just insane how much more Sin spent compared to Allie.

“Dude, my f*****g legs are killing me. How the hell did two tiny humans manage to take everything out of me?” Brandon said collapsing on the couch.

“Boss, we have to go back to work eventually. I have put off three contracts to be here with Sin, but if she’s going to spend money like this, I need to get back to hunting,” Mikey said.

“I know, but I can’t leave Allie here. Yes, she’s protected in this house, but because she’s human, I find the need to be even more protective. I doubt she can protect herself knowing only Tap n’ Tickle,” the guys roar with laughter.

“Why not just taken them with you?” Brandon said with his arm covering his eyes. “Other than this house, your business is the most secure place there is in the desert,”

“Dorian, he has a good point. Besides, didn’t you say Allie was into tech and security?” Mikey said.

“I’ll ask her, and I’m certain she’ll enjoy the idea,” I said leaning back in my seat.

“Even if she wasn’t, she would make a sexy assistant, don’t you think, boss,” I growl at Brandon.

“She’s not one of the dirty sluts that flirt with you Brandon. Your Luna actually has a brain, and unlike your d**k, her brain actually works,” Brandon sits up with a pissed off face and Mikey is rolling with laughter.

“f**k you man!”

*knock knock knock*

“Come in,” the door opens, and Sin was standing there

“Sin?” Mikey walks over to her

“Have you guys seen Allie?” she asks

“Honey, I thought you two were together?” Mikey responds

“We ran into a female human problem, and she went to go find a solution, but she’s been gone for almost 30 minutes and hasn’t come back yet,” I jumped from my seat.

“FIND HER!!” I roar

“Yes, Alpha!” they say in unison. Mikey grabs Sin’s hand and they head out. Allie wouldn’t leave the house, but where could she have gone. I mind link, Mrs. Johnson,

Yes, Alpha?

Is Allie in the kitchen?

No, Sir. I have not seen the Luna today.

I run out of my office and to our bedroom. There was no sign of her.

“Allie!” I run down the stairs and see people mingling.

“Alpha?” Simba runs over.

“Where is the Luna?” I ask him.

“I haven’t seen her, Sir,”

“Search the entire property! Find her!” I shout in his face with my Alpha tone. He nods and gathers the men in the living room. Where could she have gone? Bandit was starting to take over. Our mate was missing and no one had seen her,

Alpha Shaw!

Dr. Quinn?

We have the Luna; she’s in the pack hospital.

What!? Why!?

She’s been severely beaten. An Omega found her in the hallway leading out of the hospital. You need to get here, now.

I’m on my way

I mind link Brandon and Mikey

Call off the search. She’s in the hospital. Meet me there now!

We’re on the way. They both reply.

I run to the pack hospital and we get there at the same time and we run to the receptionist,

“Where is the Luna!?” I yell.

“Alpha, she’s in surgery right now,”

“SURGERY!? FOR WHAT!?” Sin yells. Tears immediately flooding her eyes. Mikey embraces her trying to calm her down.

“Alpha, I apologize but you will need to wait for Dr. Quinn,” she bows. As angry as I was being told to wait, the omega was only doing her job.

“Come on man, we can wait on the benches by the surgery entrance,” Brandon says leading me to the waiting area.

“Mikey, what happened to Allie? Why is she in surgery? She just went to go find tampons!” Sin was hysterical. We had no answers though. Allie was attacked in the packhouse, a place where she was supposed to be safe.

“ARHG!” I roared and punched the wall creating a massive hole.

“Honey, I don’t know,” he coos her to calm her down.

“Dorian don’t tear down the hospital. Dr. Quinn will give us answers soon, we have to be patient,” Brandon grabs my arm.

“Get the f**k off me!” I push his hands away and take my seat.

Mate is hurt! Someone hurt our mate!

I know that Bandit

They must die!

And they will

Waiting for Dr. Quinn to come out felt like an eternity. Hours had passed and still no news. How bad could it be that Allie needed to be in surgery this long? Finally, the doors opened, and nurses were pushing Allie out.

“Allie, baby!” I ran her but Dr. Quinn stopped me.

“Alpha, she’s not awake right now, and she’s very fragile,”

“Dr. Quinn!”

“Do not use that tone with me in my hospital Dorian Shaw. You may be the Alpha, but the patients in this hospital are my responsibility,” she glared at me. I backed away

“What happened?” Brandon asked

“Let’s get her into a recovery room, and I will tell you everything that I know,” she led us into the VIP room that was normally vacant. Once they got her situated and hooked her up to all of the machines, the nurses left, leaving only Dr. Quinn.

“Before I tell you anything, I need all of you to sit down,” she was calm, but she had a very worried look on her face. We all take a seat and Brandon keeps a firm hand on my shoulder.

“How bad is it?” Sin asks

“As I said to Alpha Dorian, an omega found the Luna in the hallway outside of the hospital that leads back into the main house. She had been severely beaten. We did a full body x-ray and found that whoever did this, broke two ribs, one of which punctured her lung, broke her lower jaw, damaged her trachea from possible strangulation, and she has a major concussion,”

“Oh my god, what the f**k!?” Sin bursts into tears. My body was shaking from pure anger.

“Who did this?” I ask trying to stay calm.

“I don’t know. We tried to look at surveillance footage, but it appears that that one corner is a blind spot. Whoever did this was either really lucky or knew it was a blind spot. What I can tell you, is that whoever did this to the Luna was a werewolf,”

“Are you saying someone from this f*****g pack attacked the Luna deliberately!?” Brandon asked with an angry tone. Hearing that someone from this pack attacked their Luna was making my b***d boil. It was taking everything I had to keep Bandit from taking over and burning the packhouse down.

“Yes, Beta,”

“When will she wake up?” Sin asks with tears streaming down her face

“It’s hard to say, Sin; however, even when she does wake up, she won’t be able to speak. Her jaw is wired shut until it heals and the damage to her trachea will affect her vocal cords. Because you two are human, injuries like this will take weeks, maybe even months to heal,”

“Will she wake up?” Mikey asks.

“Yes, she’s stable. We just have to be patient,” Dr. Quinn said and then left us.

“Why is this happening to her!? She’s a good person! She’s a sweet, caring, and kindhearted person Mikey! Why does she have to suffer like this? She was just getting back to being happy! Why is life being so unfair to her!?” Sin beings bawling seeing Allie like this. Mikey just holds her.

“We’re going to find out who did this man,” Brandon says holding my fist. “No one gets away with harming the Luna of a pack and lives,”

“Sin, you stay here,” I say


“The moment anything changes, good or bad, you tell Dr. Quinn to immediately mind link us,”

“I don’t know what that means, but okay. Where are you guys going?”

“We’re going hunting,”

One week later

{Sin’s P.O.V.}

I was watching over Allie for the week, while the boys were busy trying to figure out who did this to my girl. Just wait until I get my hands on the fucker that was responsible for this. I was brushing Allie’s hair when the door opened.

“May I help you?” There were four people, two men and two women whom I had never met before.

“Is this Allie’s room?” one of the women asked

“It is. Who are you?”

“Apologies young lady, my name is Benjamin, and this is my wife Eleanor, we’re Dorian’s parents,” I jumped out of my chair.

“Oh, hello. My name is Cynthia, but you can call me Sin,” I shook their hands.

“Oh, so you’re Sin!” the other woman exclaimed. “My name is Helena, and this is my husband Ethan. We’re Mikey’s parents,”

“Oh, god!” I started to panic. “Hi, I’m sorry, but, but, Mikey said nothing to me about, y-y-you com-coming today,” great Sin, you are making a fool of yourself in front of your future in-laws.

“Oh sweetheart he has no idea we’re here right now,” Helena said

“We wanted to come and check in on Allie, the packhouse is buzzing about the fact someone had enough balls to attack her,” Benjamin said.

“How are you holding up sweetie? I know the two of you are very close,” Eleanor asks me

“I’m just glad she’s alive,” I responded. “This could have been much worse,”

“Sin,” Helena hugged my shoulder, “Allie is going to recover. We have heard many wonderful things about her and you. The packhouse loves you two, and so do our boys,” she said.

“Not everyone in the packhouse loves Allie,” pointing out the obvious it was someone in the pack who did this.

“Yes, well as the former Alpha of this pack, I can tell you that I will see to it my son and our boys follow the law to bring this person to justice. Allie may not be an official Luna yet or an official member of this pack, but attacking an Alpha’s mate is still a blatant violation of our laws, regardless if she human or supernatural. The punishment will be death,” Benjamin said. Good, at least I know whoever did this is going to die. I hope that it is painful and slow.

They all stayed with me and helped me take care of Allie, brushing her hair, brushing her teeth with a cloth the hospital gave us and cleaning her face with a warm towel. We were sitting down talking and getting to know one another when the boys finally came to visit.

“Mom? Dad?” Mikey said when he walked in

“Michael,” his dad said

“What are you guys doing here? Uncle Ben, Aunt Nor?” he just noticed Dorian’s parents.

“Hello, Mikey!” Eleanor ran up to him and gave him a k**s on the cheek. “Where’s Dorian?”

“He and Brandon went to the bathroom really quick,” Mikey was in a state of shock. Just then, Dorian and Brandon came in.

“What the f**k?” Dorian said

“Language!” Eleanor said smacking him upside the head. I like her.

“What are you guys doing here?” Dorian asked referring to all of the parental in the room.

“We all came to meet our future daughters-in-law because we never got to when they first came, do you have a problem with that son?” Ben asked with a low and serious tone. Dorian and Mikey looked at the ground and Brandon was snickering behind them.

“Where are my parents?” Brandon asked.

“Somewhere in Europe, boy. You would know if you actually learned to pick up their phone calls,” Ethan said.

“I appreciate everyone coming, but it is getting crowded in here and I would like to spend some time with Allie,” Dorian said.

“We were just leaving anyway sweetheart,” Eleanor says kissing him on the cheek.

“Take care of her son, she seems like a special young lady,” Benjamin said tapping his shoulder. With that, all the parents left. Mikey came over to hug me and made sure his parents didn’t interrogate me. We were standing around when I heard a faint sound,


“Did you guys hear that?” I asked them. We looked at Allie who was starting to move her head side to side and scrunching her face.

“Allie, babe, can you hear me?” We all look at her carefully. She keeps making sounds and scrunching her face. It looked like she was trying to open her eyes.

“Baby?” Dorian kneeled to her eye level. After a few suspenseful seconds, Allie opened her eyes.

“Oh my god! Allie!” I shouted

“I’ll go get Dr. Quinn,” Brandon said running out the door.

“Allie,” Dorian called her name. She wanted to say something, but she couldn’t because of her jaw. I started to see tears in her eyes, and she started to breathe heavily.

“She’s starting to panic!” Allie then reached up to her face trying to figure out why she couldn’t move her mouth. Just then the doctor came in.

“Allie! Don’t touch your mouth!” She says as she grabs Allie’s arms. Allie was starting to cry.

“Allie,” I called out her and is just staring at the doctor. “Allie!” I called louder. She was not looking at me. “Wait,” I ran over to where the doctor is and look her in the eyes. I had a bad feeling. I sign to her, Allie, can you hear me? She shook her head no and start to cry even harder. I look at the boys and they are all in a state of shock. I sign to her again be sure.

Allie, can you hear anything? She shakes her head no. She looks over a Dorian with tears streaming down her face.

“Doctor, why can’t she hear anything?” Dorian asks

“It can be a side effect of the head trauma, Alpha. We need to do a hearing test to see how bad the damage is,” we all look down at Allie.

“Honey, where did you learn to sign?” Mikey asks me

“Allie and I learned a couple of years ago because every now then we would get deaf patrons at the casino and beach club. We wanted to be able to accommodate for all customers,” as I was explaining all of this, Allie started to calm down. She gestured her head to Dorian and opened her hand. “Dorian, she wants you to hold her hand,”

“I’m here, baby,” he says grabbing it and placing a k**s on her knuckles. She puts her hand on his cheek and starts to sniffle. I tap her hand to get her attention, and she looks over at me.

Who did this to you? I ask. She signs back with one hand.

I don’t remember.

Do you remember what happened? I ask her. She lets go of Dorian’s hand to sign back.

I remember walking back with the tampons we needed and running into someone. They are the ones who did this, but I cannot see their face. It is all a blur.

“Doctor?” I ask

“I’m not a psychologist, but if I had to guess, she may be suppressing the memory because of the trauma,” Dr. Quinn says. We all look at each other and back at Allie who is sulking.

Allie has a long road to recovery.

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