Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Nightmare Chapter 36

{Allie’s P.O.V.}

“Baby, why are you so nervous?” Dorian asked me while we jetted off towards his cousin’s pack in Michigan. I hadn’t even noticed that I was bouncing my leg and biting my nails.

“She’s nervous because she’s never met another Luna before,” Sin replied on my behalf. I glared at her for entering my mind without my permission.

“What? Allie, you know plenty of other Lunas,” Dorian needlessly reminded me.

“Uh, I know our friends that are also Lunas. I don’t know Wyatt’s mate. And you said she’s some kind of super wolf, that she’s more powerful than me, Leah, and Sin combined,” I answered before I resumed the nervous behavior. I was never one to shy away from meeting new people or new wolves, but when Dorian mentioned that Wyatt’s mate had powers that most wolves didn’t, I was shocked, to say the least. I wasn’t even envious of that fact since having that many powers came with a lot of rules and restrictions. I wouldn’t want that kind of stress on my shoulders.

Not to mention the fact that she’s apparently only 20 years old is insane. I mean, we’re by no means old, but hearing that she became Luna at 18 threw my mind for a loop. I knew that wolves found their destined mates at 18 if they were lucky, but becoming a Luna at that age? I couldn’t even imagine that being me. I had a big enough adjustment going from human to wolf at 22.

“Allie, stop projecting your anxiety. I can seriously feel all of your nerves,” Dorian sighed as he spoke and brought my hand to his mouth to calm me.

“This pack we’re going to is such new territory, like, literally. I mean, how are they going to react to all of us going there? There are already eleven of us on the jet. Then there’s Leroy, Paxton, Sylvester, Derek, and Aries on a commercial flight behind us. That’s a lot of people to take to another pack for a wild goose chase.”

“Wild goose chase!? Giz, have you forgotten that this trafficking group could come after you and the others if they ever found out about you?” Mikey snapped at me. I jumped back at the abrupt change. Mikey has never once used that kind of tone with me. Seeing my reaction, he bit his tongue. “I’m sorry, Giz. I didn’t mean to shout. I’m just on high alert with Sin pregnant as we journey to another pack with danger lurking around the corner.” He apologized.

“Mikey, Sin isn’t the only one pregnant,” Brandon told him. “Gizmo is too, and she’s further along. Allie honestly should have stayed home, but I already know that Dorian would be a mess without her.”

“I know, I’m just … Ugh …” Mikey grabbed his hair and put his head down.

“Honey calm down. We’re going to be okay. If anything were to happen, Leah would know,” Sin said reassuringly. Mikey nodded his head and hugged Sin. Ethan put his hand on his shoulder, but Mikey just shrugged it off. Everyone could feel the awkwardness coming from the two of them. I also felt guilty that my poor choice of words got him all worked up.

“Everyone just take a breather,” Dorian advised us all. “We’re going to be landing in about two hours. Amber and Ronnie will get there before we do since they took off before we did. Let’s all get some sleep before we arrive. As soon as we land, we’re going to get straight to work. Allie and Sin, I want you to familiarize yourselves with the pack hospital at Blue Lake. And Allie, try to be nice to Wyatt.” I scrunched my face at his insinuation that I wouldn’t be nice. I mean, yeah, he pretty much stabbed Dorian in the back to be an immature man-whore, but I wouldn’t be so petty as to bring that up and judge him for it. It was a decade ago. If Dorian could let it go, then I could too.

“Whatever, I’m always nice,” I sneered and turned my back to him so I could try to get comfortable. I heard him chuckle behind me and felt him slouch so he could get some rest.

We finally landed two hours later, and Grayson was, by far, the best pilot there ever was. His landings were always so perfect when we touched down. After parking the jet, we said our goodbyes to Grayson and Molly before the guys took off to retrieve our luggage. As we were waiting on the tarmac, three black SUVs approached us. The passenger window rolled down and I smiled when I saw Amber.

“HEY, YOU GUYS!” she yelled from inside the SUV.

“HI!!” we all shouted back in unison. Amber jumped out of the car and hugged me tightly.

“God, look at you. You’re glowing! And Sin, you are too!” she exclaimed when she saw us. Sin and I just smiled. Ronnie came out of the driver’s side and two others exited from the other cars. I had no idea who they were.

“Umm … Who are those guys?” Leah asked, but I only shook my head since I didn’t know the answer either. One had light brown hair and tattoos up his arms and what looked to be across his chest as well. He was shorter than Dorian but just as big.

“Damn,” Sin whispered in my ear when she caught a glimpse. I just nodded my head in agreement. It was like the club incident all over again. The other guy had curly black hair with ocean blue eyes. He was kind of scruffy, and handsome too but not as built.

“Holy f**k, and here I thought Rylee was small,” the guy with black hair remarked when he saw me with the girls. All three of us scowled at him.

“Easy there Kendrick, that’s Dorian’s wife. And the other two are the Beta and Gamma females. Don’t make fun of their height. Especially Allie,” Amber warned him.

“Oh, s**t, my apologies, Luna,” he replied and bowed his head to me. “Beta and Gamma,” he bowed again and greeted Leah and Sin.

“Allie, Leah, Sin, this is Kendrick. He’s Wyatt’s Beta,” Amber introduced us. My eyes widened with interest when she identified the tattooed hottie as Wyatt. “Believe it or not, Wyatt’s sister is Kendrick’s mate. Younger sister.” All of our mouths dropped.

“Oh s**t,” Sin muttered. The scandal. Leah and I pursed our lips together.

“Wyatt, I see you met my wife,” Dorian said, coming up to join us.

“Holy f**k,” Kendrick blurted out when he saw Dorian, Brandon, and Mikey. He was, without a doubt, he was the smallest amongst the guys.

“Dorian … you’ve … gotten bigger,” Wyatt noted as they sized each other up, which didn’t do much since Wyatt was at least three inches shorter and maybe 50 pounds lighter when it came to size.

“Well, s**t happened a little while back and I spent my days in the gym,” Dorian answered, crossing his arms. I looked up at Dorian who wasn’t moving, and I rolled my eyes. He was such a hypocrite, telling me to be nice when he’s the one being a d**k. I smacked his arm with the back of my hand and reached out to shake Wyatt’s hand.

“Wyatt, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you. Dorian and Amber have told me quite a bit about you.”

“Well, I hope it was all good things,” he responded and took my hand.

“Not really,” I answered truthfully and raised my brows in jest. Wyatt looked at Dorian and glared at him. I looked back at Dorian who casually shrugged his shoulders.

“Alright, that’s enough!” Amber shouted, clapping her hands. “You two need to grow the f**k up. Dorian, it was ten years ago, and Wyatt did you a f*****g favor back then! And Wyatt, regardless of that, you still stabbed your own cousin in the back by f*****g his then-girlfriend!”

“Amber!” Wyatt exclaimed. Amber completely outed him to everyone.

“Don’t ‘Amber’ me, kid. I can care less if you’re an Alpha. What you did was shady and f****d up. But it’s the past, so the two of you need to stop measuring d***s, and let’s get down to business!” Both Dorian and Wyatt couldn’t say anything to her. “Let’s finish the introductions, shall we?” she said.

Dorian cleared his throat and introduced Brandon, Mikey, Ethan, Andre, Dani, Sam, and Lucas. As he was explaining that Leroy and a few others were coming, they showed up at the tarmac with their bags in hand.

“Oh perfect, here they are,” Dorian said and pointed behind Kendrick and Wyatt.

“What the hell!? Are all of the guys at Desert Moon humongous?” Kendrick asserted. Each guard went to stand by their respective female and gave their signature bodyguard facial expressions. Aries stood towards the back without saying anything. “Who’s the scary guy with the spiky hair?” he asked.

“That’s Aries, my head bounty hunter,” Dorian answered.

“Aries? Bounty hunter? Wait, are you telling me that’s the infamous Aries Callaghan!?” Wyatt uttered in surprise. Aries just nodded and lifted his brow in confirmation. Wyatt shook his head of his delirium. “Okay, now that we’ve got all of the introductions out of the way, let’s pack up the SUVs and get going. Jason is waiting,” Wyatt assembled everyone as he assigned us to our respective vehicles.

“Who’s Jason?” I asked Amber as Dorian and I got into their SUV.

“Oh, he’s Wyatt’s Gamma. His mate is pregnant and about to pop, so he’s not leaving the pack castle,” she replied.

“Okay, you and Dorian keep saying castle. Does this guy really have a castle?” I asked. Dorian and Amber just smiled at each other and gave me a look. What was all the fuss about?


“WHAT THE f**k!?! HE REALLY HAS A CASTLE!?” I screamed as I plastered my face and both hands flat onto the window like some kid arriving at Disney World. Dorian, Ronnie, and Amber were laughing at my reaction as if they already expected it. My phone rang and saw that it was Sin, so I placed the call on speaker.

“HOLY f*****g s**t!! THIS GUY HAS A f*****g CASTLE!!” She and Leah both screamed with zero restraint into the receiver.

“Ahh!! My ears, you f*****g skanks!” I shouted back at them. I hung up the phone and admired the magnificent architecture in front of me. I had never seen a castle in my life before. The fact that he had one in the middle of nowhere was ridiculous. As soon as the car parked, I opened the door and jumped out. I looked up, to the left, and then to the right. This thing was f*****g ginormous.

I felt Leah and Sin walk up close to me, and I knew we all had the same expression on our faces. We were in shock but also very, very excited. As we gawked at the scenery before us, I felt the presence of more people joining us. I looked down and out of the front door came a dozen or so people to greet us.

“Easy there Kendrick, that’s Dorian’s wife. And the other two are the Beta and Gamma females. Don’t make fun of their height. Especially Allie,” Amber warned him.

“Dorian, Amber!” a woman in her fifties came rushing towards them.

“Hi Aunt Grace,” Amber replied back with a hug.

“My goodness look at you two. Dorian, you’re ginormous! What has your mother been feeding you!?” she asked him while squeezing his arms.

“Aunt Grace, it’s been a long time. Uncle Ronan.”


“Alpha Shaw, my name is Jason Lexington. I’m Wyatt’s Gamma. This is my mate, Milan,” he introduced the two of them. I loved Milan’s name. It was so exotic.

“Oh my goddess, is that Dot!?” Amber shrieked, looking past everyone. I followed her gaze and there was a girl around my age with purple and silver hair.

“Dot?” I asked, confused.

“A nickname we gave Wyatt’s sister, Melody, because she was so small growing up,” Dorian answered. “But, now that I am paying attention, you three are definitely the smallest here,” he continued. I c****d my head to the side when I noticed that someone was missing.

“I’m sorry, but Wyatt, where is your Luna?” I asked him.

“She’s currently staying at another pack while dealing with some unexpected business. I can explain in better detail later. Dorian, we’ve cleared out the west wing of the castle for you and your pack members. The fifth floor is for you and your wife. The fourth will be your Betas, third will be for your Gammas and Deltas. The second floor will be for your officers and guards.

“Fifth … floor?” I asked and looked down at my pregnant self. How the hell was I supposed to walk up five flights of stairs?

“Oh, Allie, don’t worry. We have an elevator on both sides of the castle,” Wyatt reassured me. I let out a breath of relief. I looked over at the Gamma female and smiled.

“Twins?” I asked her and she nodded. “Boys? Girls?”

“One of each,” she replied with a smile.

“Oh, us too!” I took out my phone and showed her photos of Daisy and Demarco.

“Too cute! How old?!” she asked while swooning over the images.

“They’re going to be three in a few months.”

“It would have been nice to meet them,” Grace said while looking over Milan’s shoulder.

“Well, Ben and Eleanor put their feet down when it came to us taking them or them watching them,” I replied and laughed.

“Oh, Eleanor. How is she?!”

“She’s great.” I smiled.

“Oh, look at me diddling about. Melody, come help me in the kitchen. We have prepared a feast for your arrival,” Grace announced with excitement.

“We can help too,” Amber told her, referring to all of us girls.

“Nonsense!” Grace replied, not so playfully smacking Amber’s arm. “You are all guests, and I will not have you lifting a finger while you are here.” She turned her heel and went back inside with Melody following behind her.

“She does know that we’re here to work, right?” Sam asked.

“Damn, is it just me or does she remind anyone of Aunt Nor?” Brandon asked and we all nodded our heads.

“Dorian, before we all head inside, I have to ask,” Wyatt began to say which caught his attention. “Are any of your men unmated?”

“Just one, Sylvester.”

“Well, Sylvester, you might be lucky while you are here. I have quite a few unmated females,” Wyatt told him. This got Sly’s attention and fast. Leah started to elbow him excitedly. He tried to play off like it didn’t excite him too but failed miserably which made everyone laugh.

“Alright, how about we all head inside, and you guys can relax before dinner. Dorian, if you don’t mind, I’d like to speak with you in private in my office,” Wyatt said to him with all seriousness. Dorian nodded. All of the guys grabbed our bags, and we all headed inside. Before I made it to the walkway, a small cottage across the lake caught my attention. It looked run down and it was completely isolated.

I took a closer look and saw someone come out. Even though it was pretty far away, I could tell it was a girl, a young one at that. I c****d my head when I saw her moving about. It looked like she was gardening.

Mercury, do you feel that?

I do.

“Baby, is everything okay?” Dorian asked me.

“Huh?” I looked at him. “Oh yeah, I just saw someone across the lake and was a little confused.” Dorian looked up to see what I was talking about. His brows furrowed when he saw her.


“What’s up?” he asked.

“Who is that?” Dorian asked, pointing at the girl.

“Oh, that’s an outcast of the pack,” Wyatt answered.

“Outcast?” we both asked him.

“Long story short— she should have been banished, but she ratted out her friends for their crimes and was spared banishment. So instead, she’s been outcasted to that cottage which is isolated and across the lake. She’s not allowed to roam the pack grounds or attend pack functions. Think of it as a half-banishment,” Wyatt explained. Dorian and I looked at each other and then back at the girl.

“What’s her name?” I asked him out of curiosity.


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