Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Heat Chapter 15

{Unknown P.O.V.}

Jessica and Devin are going to get me f*****g killed. They are both so obsessed with this girl Allie. Devin wants her dead. After all, she put him away for raping her and Jessica because she is the mate to her Alpha. I don’t care what they do with the personal time, I just wish they would stop conspiring in my bar. Dorian may not be my Alpha, but anyone that is even associated with plans to attack the Luna of a pack is bound for death.

“What did you do again?”

“I punched her and broke her ribs,”

“The b***h deserves more than that,”

“I was hoping that she would die from her injuries, but she is so f*****g tenacious,”

“If she didn’t die when I gave her a beating, what makes you think she would die from a few punches and broken ribs,”

“Are you two still bitching about the human?” I asked them as I came to refill their shot glasses.

“Look, that b***h came out of nowhere and decided that she would be the Luna of my pack, that position rightfully belongs to me,”

“She didn’t decide Jess, she is the mate your Alpha,”

“SHE IS NOT HIS MATE!!” she screams shattering the shot glass. That was the fourth one this week. “I don’t give a fly f**k if Dorian calls her his mate, she is a f*****g human and is not worthy to be the Luna!”

“Calm the f**k down,” Devin says taking a puff of his cigarette. “All you need to do is keep an eye on her. She is weak, there is no f*****g way she will take on the duty of a Luna. That man w***e you call an Alpha will eventually snap and she will be too afraid to stay there,” Devin sounded so f*****g cocky.



“You are sitting here conspiring against him to kill his mate, and yet you still want to stick up for him, you are full of it,” Devin just gave her a smug look. Jessica was so heated she left the bar.

“Devin, give it up man. If you keep going down this path, you are going to get all of us killed. No one has ever conspired against Dorian Shaw. If he finds you before you get Allie, then you are as good as dead,”

“Please, that fucker has nothing against me,” I hated Dorian myself, but this was getting out of hand fast. Jessica thinks she has gotten away with beating Allie to near death because rumor has it, she is too traumatized to remember. Good for Jess for now, but I wonder what will happen when she does remember. Jess better keep her head on a swivel, but Devin, he is all sorts of f****d up in the head.

“You may think you can take Dorian on your own, but you better remember that he is an Alpha and has hundreds of followers. Get your girlfriend and get the f**k out of Vegas,”

“Patience, the s**t I have planned to get Allie, and the s**t I have planned after I get her will take patience. I know Allie better than she knows herself, she will leave him on her own and when she does, she will be all alone,” he lets out an evil laugh as he finishes his cigarette and proceeds to leave, but not before dropping $200 on the table. At least he pays for his drinks, unlike that cunt Jess who thinks she can drink for free.

{Allie’s P.O.V.}

The next day, after the whole debacle of marking and turning, I invited Sin to sit with me on the balcony outside my room. The view we had was amazing. You could clearly see the desert terrain and the mountains right outside the city limits of Las Vegas. It was quite beautiful actually. Sin had told me that Mikey was afraid to turn her and she was upset about it, but I told her that it would be a lot of pressure on Mikey and that this has to be something they agree on and are willing to risk together. She did say she agreed to be marked for now, which was the compromise.

As we are enjoying each other’s company, we see something off in the distance,

“What is that?” she asks

“Looks like a pack of coyotes,” I said. But when we see that all the coyotes are different colors and are rather abnormally large, we realize that they are werewolves.

“Wait, are those the guys?” Sin asks

“I think so. I have never seen them in wolf form before,” I reply

“Me either,” as we look at the pack getting closer and up towards the top of the hill on the terrain of the desert, they are being led by a large black wolf, followed by two other wolves to the left and right.

“That black one has to be Dorian, and the two behind him are Brandon and Mikey,”

“What is Dorian’s wolf’s name?”

“Bandit. Mikey’s?”

“Mitch. What about Brandon?”

“I have no idea,” I replied.

“Awww, how can neither one of us know Brandon’s wolf?” Sin asked. That was a good question, not knowing actually made me feel bad. I made a mental note to ask him when I got the chance. We kept watching with the pack was finally making their way towards the back of the packhouse.

“BANDIT!!” I shouted when I felt they were close enough. Bandit looked in my direction and howled when he saw us waving.

“HI MITCH!!” Sin waved and Mitch’s tongue hung out of his mouth like he was smiling. As if on cue, Brandon’s wolf looked up and when we did not call out to him, he looked butt hurt.

“WE LOVE YOU BRANDON!” we both shouted. His tail wagged and he went on his way. Yeah, I needed to ask for his wolf’s name.

“Come on, let’s go meet them,” Sin said hitting my leg. We got up and went down to the backyard to meet them. As we get outside, the wolves were coming back, and one by one wolfs started turning back into humans and grabbing their respective shorts that were on the fencing

“Now that s**t is cool,” I say to Sin

“I want to do that!!” she said while jumping and throwing a tantrum. I smiled and shook my head. Bandit came up to me and bowed his head.

“Hi, Bandit, it is good to meet you finally,” Bandit was full black and had Dorian’s green eyes. He was huge and majestic looking. At the same time, a silver wolf that I assumed was Mitch pranced up to Sin and licked her full on.

“Gross!!!” Sin shouted. Sin was covered in wolf drool and I just started to roll over laughing while saying ow in the process because my ribs were still sore. Sin did not look pleased, but Mitch sure did. I am rolling in laugher because of it, and then a chocolate-colored brown wolf jogged up to us as well. We figured it was Brandon.

“We’re sorry Brandon, we don’t know your wolf’s name,” I said while petting him and scratching him behind the ear. He seemed to be enjoying but then Bandit let out a growl. “Hey! Be nice Bandit!” I shouted. Bandit huffed and laid down next to me. Brandon’s wolf turned around and went behind a tree. A few seconds later he came back out in his human form.

“His name is Eddie,” Brandon said as he walked towards us. “He says thanks for the ear scratch, he appreciated it,”

“Haha, tell him I said you’re welcome and that next time I will be sure to give him a shout out,” Bandit and Mitch stand and head behind the tree and come back out in their human forms.

“Bandit says that next time, he gets the ear scratch,” Dorian says while giving me a sweaty hug.

“Eww, you’re all sweaty and gross,” I say trying to push him off.

“Sorry about Mitch honey, he just got excited to see his mate,” Mikey says side hugging Sin.

“Tell him that all is forgiven. There are worse things to be covered in than wolf drool,” Sin said.

“Everyone go shower and Mikey, go to the firm and make sure it is still standing,”

“Brandon, do me a favor and mind link Simba, and you two meet me in my office in one hour,”

“I will get right on that,” with that, everyone turned and back into the house.

“What are you doing? I can walk you know,” I said to say Dorian who picked me up out of nowhere.

“I want to carry you; you are still fragile. I saw you holding your ribs when you were laughing,” he says as we make our way back into the house. I wanted to protest this nonsense but decided against it because I knew that I would not win.

After Dorian got out of the shower, we went to his office to wait for Brandon and Simba. Dorian goes over his plan with me briefly, but not in too much detail.

“Do you think it will work?” I ask him

“I don’t see why not, after all, we haven’t slept together yet,” I look at him with doubt. There is a knock on the door and Brandon and Simba come in.

“Guys take a seat, Allie has something she needs to say,” great, no pressure. I proceed and tell them the whole truth and why I lied about everything.

“Why are Mikey and Sin not in this meeting?” Brandon asked.

“Because the plan we are going to use cannot involve them,” Dorian says.

“Why do you need me?” Simba asks.

“Because, you are my guard, and everyone knows you know where I am at all times now, especially after what happened to me,” I reply. He gives me a cheesy smile.

Dorian starts to go over the plan with them, and Brandon looks like he is about to s**t himself and Simba is having way too much fun. They seem to understand and agree.

“Boss, you promise not to kill me?” Brandon asks. The plan is going to involve him in more ways than one, and it calls for a lot on his part.

“I won’t kill you, but I can’t promise I won’t to hit you a few times,”

“f**k, this is going to suck,” Brandon says while shaking his head.

“Hey, just think of this way, you and I get to hang out a regular basis while this pans out,” I say shooting him a smile.

“I still feel bad not involving Mikey and Sin,” Brandon said

“That is on me, the less they know, the better,” I said. “I just hope that in the end, they will forgive us,”

“So, you guys know what to do right?” Dorian asks. We all nod.

This plan that Dorian came up with was so insane but insane is what we needed if we were going to catch Jessica and Devin.

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