Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Nightmare Chapter 20

{Allie’s P.O.V.}

After the whole debacle that is Michaela, we all had lunch and then went about our own things. Dorian and the guys wanted barbeque for dinner, so they’re out back helping Mrs. Johnson and the girls are playing with the pups. I’m in my office with the twins still trying to figure out a way to tell Dorian that I was pregnant. I hadn’t been thinking about it much because I didn’t want Sin to accidentally hear my thoughts and ruin the surprise. After trying for so long, and then the whole fertility issue last year, Dorian and I had almost given up. I’m so grateful to Maxine and Claudia for using their magic to heal me, but I didn’t think that I would actually get pregnant again, let alone the way that I did.

Mercury, how do you think we should tell Dorian and Bandit?

Hmmm…Why not just tell him?

Mercury, that’s no fun. This pup is a miracle pup, and I want to be able to tell him in a special way.

What do I know, I’m only a wolf.


It’s the truth.

You’re no help at all.

You love me either way.

Before I could even answer her, she retreated into the back of my mind. She really is no help when it comes to stuff like this. I just rolled my eyes and kept thinking.

“You know, you’re making this more difficult than it is.”

“AH!” I turned around and saw Selene in my office. “Will you ever stop doing that!?” I shout at her.

“Never,” she said with a smile and opened her arms. I went over to her and hugged her. “Allie, why don’t you just tell him?”

“Because this pup is special. He or she proves that Dorian and I can still grow our family the way we want to. You should know better than anyone how precious this pup is.”

“Allie, all of your pups are precious, as well as everyone else’s, that’s why I bless you all with them. This pup you’re carrying is no less special, and no less precious than Daisy or Demarco.”

“I know that. It’s just…With everything that happened last year, I never thought I would have a pup again.”

“Oh I know everything that happened last year, I was there, remember? I was with you when you drowned in my world. Allie, I know everything that went on and is still going on. I know you saw Heather at Lacie’s wedding,” I furrowed my brows at her. “Heather can cloak herself with dark magic all she wants, I can still see through it.”

“Who’s helping her?”

“I can’t tell you that,” I opened my mouth to say something, but she stopped me. “Do not even think about giving me your attitude young lady. I can’t tell you because I am not at liberty to. The higher powers have forbidden it.”

“Can you tell me if what I sensed was accurate? Is she human now?”

“Yes, she is.”

“How is that possible?”

“Heather did something after she escaped, and she did it out of pure greed and malice. That action killed Delilah who was in a state of hibernation.”

“Our wolf counterpart hibernates?”

“Only when there is a disconnect between them and their human counterparts. When a wolf’s spirit goes into hibernation, is it because they are no longer one with their human. That’s why Heather wasn’t healing when she was in your custody.”

“Heather was never meant to die was she?”

“No, she wasn’t– at least not at that time,” I let out a deep and frustrated sigh. “Allie, I know that you and Dorian had your problems, but I knew deep down that the two of you would fix it. You always do. After all, the two of you were fated from the very beginning of time. Nothing can tear you two apart.”

“Why bless me with a pup now?”

“This may sound a little perverted, but I caught a glimpse of the two of you that day.”


“A glimpse you silly girl, a glimpse,” My mouth just hung open. “And you have no room to be saying anything, with what you and the others do every so often,” I pursed my lips together. “As I was saying before you interrupted me when you told Dorian to mark you again, I felt that blessing you with your pup was appropriate given that…”

“I conceived Lavender the first time we marked each other.”


“So, am I having another girl?”

“That I don’t know. That’s up to whatever Dorian’s s***m decides,” I couldn’t help but chuckle at her. “Allie, just tell him, or…” she pauses and looks at the twins playing on the floor. “Have them tell him,” I looked at the twins, and immediately had an idea. I smiled at Selene who blew me a k**s and vanished.

I got down on the floor and watched the twins play with each other. I was so glad that they’re so close and don’t fight with each other.

“Daisy, Demarco, do you two want to help mommy surprise daddy?”

“Yeah!” they both exclaimed.

“Okay, come on,” I take both of their hands and take them to their nursery to get the surprise ready.

After I got the twins and the surprise announcement together, I mind linked Dorian to come to our room for a minute. A few minutes later Dorian came in,

“Baby is everything okay?” he asked as he closed the door.

“Everything is perfect,” I tell him sweetly and look at the twins on the bed.

“What are the twins doing in here?”

“There’s something they want to show you,” he walked over to the twins who were sitting on the bed. “Daisy, do you have something for Daddy?” I asked her.

“Dada!” she squealed and gave him a piece of paper.

“Isn’t this Lavender’s ultrasound?” he asked me, and I nodded.

“What does it say?” I ask him.

“Lavender Elaine Shaw, baby number 1,”

“Daisy show daddy the other paper,” I tell her, and she gives it to him. I was so happy the twins were doing such a good job.

“It’s a picture of Daisy that says, Daisy Annabeth Shaw, baby number 2,” he says looking at me confused.

“Demarco, show daddy what you have,” I tell him, and he crawls over and hands Dorian another paper.

“Okay? Demarco Axel Shaw, baby number 3,” he looks at me again. “Allie, I already know the order out kids were born in, what’s going on?”

“Demarco, do you have something else for daddy?” I asked him, and he picked up the last piece of paper that was on the bed. When Dorian opened it, he looked up at me and back down at the paper.

“Allie, is this an ultrasound?” I nodded.

“What does it say?”

“Shaw baby number 4?” he looked up at me with wide eyes. “Allie are you pregnant!?”

“Yeah,” I replied softly.


“Yeah,” I repeated. Dorian just stood frozen like a deer in headlights. “Dorian?”

“YAHOO!!!!!” He shouted at the top of his lungs scaring the twins and me. He ran over picked me up and spun me in circles. I couldn’t help the squeal that came out of my mouth, and the twins were laughing. Dorian put me down, picked up Daisy and Demarco, and spun them in circles as well. “Did you two hear that!? Mommy has a baby in her belly! You guys are going to have a little brother or sister!!” Dorian exclaimed to them. He came back to me with each of them in his arms and leaned down to k**s me.

“Somebody is happy,” I said with a smile with our lips barely touching.

“Happy doesn’t even begin to explain what I am feeling right now, baby. I feel like I just gained the entire world with that news,” I smiled even more at his answer. “When did this happen? How far along are you?”

“Well … It uh … Happened that day in your office.”

“Wait, is that when I…” I just nodded. “Damn, I’m good,” I rolled my eyes at him. “Damn, we another crib.”

“Actually, I don’t think we do,” I tell him.


“I think the twins are old enough to share a room with two toddler beds, and we can use the nursery for this baby,?” I said while putting my hands on my belly and looking down.

“Hmmm … Daisy, Demarco, do you two want big kid beds?” he asked them.

“Yeah!” they both answered.

“Do you have any idea what kind you want to get them, baby?” he asked me.

“I’ve been looking online, but I think we should go to the furniture store and take the twins so they can pick their own. They’re old enough to know what they want,” I tell him.

“Okay, we’ll go this weekend,” I smiled and nodded. “Are we going to tell everyone else?”

“I don’t know, I honestly am a little afraid to tell them.”


“Dorian, other than Brandon and Leah, everyone else is on baby number one or baby number zero in Savannah and Ava’s case, and we’re on baby number four.”

“You’re afraid they’re going to get jealous or feel left out?” I nodded my head.

“Allie, come on, you know that they’re not like that. They’re going to be happy for us, especially with everything that happened last year. And all you girls are still in your twenties, there is plenty of time for them to have more pups if that’s what Selene wants to do for them.”

“Speaking of, I saw her today.”

“She visited you?”

“Yeah, it was quick. She’s the one who suggested the twins tell you I was expecting again. She also said gave me some insight into the whole Heather situation, and it honestly makes me have more questions than answers. She was a little cryptic.”

“She always is.”

“True,” we both laughed.

“Baby, our friends are going to be happy for us, you know that,” I knew deep down that Dorian was right, but I still felt bad knowing that everyone has been trying to have more pups. “As much as I would love to celebrate the addition to our family, I need to get back down to the barbeque. Those meats aren’t going to cook themselves, and Mrs. Johnson wasn’t happy that I walked away.”

“Okay, you go. I’ll drop off the twins with the nannies and meet you outside.”

“Okay, see you in a few. And you two,” he said to the twins. “You behave for Rockie and Sylvie, and daddy will give you guys meat for dinner.”

“Yeah!” the twins exclaimed. He kissed them both and put them back down on the bed. He gave me a quick k**s and headed back downstairs to finish barbequing. I sent a mind link to Raquel and Sylvia and they came and got the twins. I swear, I feel like the twins are more excited to be with their nannies more than they are us and their own grandparents.

After the nannies came and got the twins, I changed into something a little more comfortable and went to meet the guys outback. I was the only that was ever into barbecuing with them. The others didn’t like to smell like charcoal and meat all day, so they opted to stay indoors and watch from inside. My biggest reason for going out back was because I like to steal some of the meat that’s already cooked, which I’m always getting caught for, but oh well.

“Luna!” Mrs. Johnson shouts at me when she sees me with a piece of meat hanging over my mouth.

“What?” I say innocently and eat it with no shame.

“Four years and nothing has changed,” she replied shaking her head. I giggle and snag another piece before Dorian cuts me off.

“It’s not me,” I whisper to him.

“Allie, I’m preparing something for you, so don’t get full on the brisket,”

“Oh really? What is it?”

“Wait until dinner, and you’ll see.”

“Fine,” I pouted and walked away from the grill. I went to Mikey and Brandon at the smoker and saw them pulling out the Cornish hens they had been smoking for the last few hours, and they looked so good.

“Back off Gizmo,” Mikey said swapping my hand with the tongs.


“I know for a fact that Dorian cut you off.”

“You guys suck,” I glared at him and walked over to the tables where Lucas and Andre were cutting up the ribs Dorian had already finished.

“Sorry little lady, but the boss told you to wait,” Lucas said to me before I even got to the table.

“Just a taste?” I gave him my puppy dog eyes. He immediately caved and gave me an end piece of charred rib from the cutting board. I wasn’t going to complain, I liked my ribs on the charred side.

“HEY! WHAT DID I SAY!?” Dorian shouted from the grill. I stuck out my tongue and went back into the kitchen to help the kitchen Omegas with the side dishes. I was sucking on the bone after eating all the meat off of it, and Katie was laughing at me.


“Luna, every time we barbeque,” she said and shook her head.

“Hey, I can’t help that my man knows how to grill up some meat.”

“That he does,” she replied. “The Alpha and the others definitely know how to grill. Tell me, Luna, did you marry the Alpha for his grilling skills?”

“That and many other things,” I reply and wash my hands after throwing out the bone. “Alright, what can I help with?”

A few hours later, all of the guys were done outside, and everything was ready for dinner. Barbecuing was a packhouse thing, so we always had a bunch of meat, sides, dinner rolls, and even Mrs. Johnson’s amazing and delectable homemade barbeque sauce. I swear, this woman needs to sell this sauce in stores. We invited Jed and Vivienne over and made sure that the guards and other pack members got their fills as well. They were more than excited to have some barbeque. I wasn’t surprised to hear that Dorian has been having barbeques since he was in college.

“Seriously man, I’ve missed your ribs,” Jed said while ripping the meat from the bone. “But I feel the seasoning is different,”

“That’s the because the seasoning is my recipe,” I tell him.

“Damn, it’s amazing,” he replied and took a spoonful of potato salad. “And this potato salad, goddess!”

“Again, my recipe,” I smile at him.

“Allie, you need to teach me how to cook like you,” Vivienne said taking a bite of the bourbon baked beans. “These beans are c’est magnifique.”

“Oh, that’s actually Sin’s recipe, it’s like the only thing other than tamales she knows how to cook,” I joked.

“Screw you!” Sin shouted making everyone laugh at the table.

“Aww honey, I have Dorian for that, but you and Mikey are welcome to join.”

“Hmmm … We haven’t done that in a while,” she replied.

“Yeah, it’s definitely been a while,” Sam said.

“What are you guys talking about?” Jed asked making all of us freeze.

“Ah crap,” I muttered. “Babe, you can tell him,” I tell Dorian and stuff my face full of the 16 oz ribeye Dorian made especially for me.

“Brother, Desert Moon is very different from your run of the mill packs.”

“Yeah, I kind of got that when you guys all kicked my as … ah … butt, butt, my first week here.”

“It’s not just how we greeted you, it’s how all of us at this table get along so well.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Jed, we participate in an orgy once in a while.”

“WHAT!?! Dude, are you freaking kidding me?” Jedediah asked Dorian.

“Nope, that’s why Allie and the girls said what they said. We normally have one every few months, but with the crap that went on recently, it’s been almost a year now,” Jedediah and Vivienne looked so uncomfortable.

“You guys don’t have to worry about anything, it’s not like we’re going to force you to join us or anything like that. We just wanted to tell you because we’re trying to be honest. It’s no secret in the pack, and in all honesty, a few of the other pack members have been doing their own as well. Like Simba, Nick, and Paxton. Their mates are the ginger triplets, so they do their own,” I tell them.

“I mean, I’m a s****l guy, but I don’t think I want other men watching me have s*x, that’s just wrong on so many levels.”

“The guys don’t watch, we do,” Sin said to him.


“Jed, the orgies are for us women. We decide when and where,” Sam told him.

“Aries and Lacie were uncomfortable with it the first time too, but now they’re looking forward to next time,” Leah said.

“You’re not the only s****l one here my friend,” Lucas said to him. “We all are, and that’s why we’re open to it. We don’t do it often, but when we do, it’s fun, and it helps your own s****l needs in the bedroom with your mate. Most of the time, we don’t stop with the orgy. When we’re back in the privacy of our own rooms, it turns into a hot and passionate day or night.”

“Yeah, no, I still don’t think I’m open that,” he responded.

“Really?” Dorian mockingly said lifting his brow at him.

“Hey man! I was 20 when that happened!” Jedediah retorted and we all looked at him, even Vivienne. “I’ll tell you when we get home,” he said to her.

“Ohhhh, you bad boy!” Sin said wiggling her brows.

“Oh, come on!” he shouted when he realized Sin read his mind. “That’s an invasion of privacy!”

“Eh, you get used to it,” she said and kept on eating. He grumbled something under his breath making us laugh at him. I looked at Dorian and he looked at me and we both nodded at each other.

“Alright, well since it appears that everyone is in a good mood now, there’s something Allie and I need to share with you,” Dorian said getting everyone’s attention. “As many of you know, Allie and I, just like everyone else had a rough year last year, and it only got worse with her fertility problems. Thankfully, with the support from all of you, and our wonderful Wiccan friends, Allie and I are happy to announce that we are expecting baby number four,” everyone just stared at us and was completely silent.

“Uhhh … You guys?”

“Sorry, but I could have sworn Dorian just said you’re pregnant,” Sin said.

“He did,” she got up from her seat and walked over to me. She stood there a minute and then punched my arm out of nowhere. “OW!!! WHAT THE FREAK!?”

“You told him before you told me!?! I’m supposed to be your best friend!”

“He’s my husband! Of course, I have to tell him first!”

“Huh, oh yeah,” I scoffed at her and just laughed. “Come here Chiquita!” she said as she pulled me into a hug.

“You’re not mad?”

“Why would I be mad?”

“Because I know you and Mikey have been trying.”

“Girl please, we try because we want another, but I’m not going to get jealous over the fact that you and your husband are baby-making machines.”

“Allie, were you afraid to tell us?” Leah asked.

“A little,” I replied.

“Allie, that’s stupid of you. We’re family, why would we get mad or upset over you being pregnant. More babies just add to the fun and the stress,” Sam said.

“Yeah, and I’m sure Ben and Eleanor will be excited to find out,” Dani added. “Maybe they’ll stop taking Meredith without permission,” I couldn’t help but laugh at that.

“Ditto on that,” Sam replied. “You would think with eight grandkids, they would leave our kids alone,”

“Hey, be glad you have the free babysitting. Your parents are in Washington, and Lucas’ are sadly deceased.”

“Speaking of, where are they?” Leah asked.

“Date night,” Dorian replied.

“More like a triple date,” Brandon said.

“Tante Vivi,” (Aunt Vivi)

“Oui, Monique? De quoi as-tu besoin jolie fille?” (Yes, Monique? What do you need pretty girl?) everyone watched as Vivienne and Monique played at the table and spoke in French.

“Jed, when you and Viv have kids, they’re going to be bilingual,” I tell him.

“Works for me, I think it’s awesome when someone can speak another language.”

“¿De verdad lo crees? ¿Sientes lo mismo del español?” (You really think so? Do you feel the same about Spanish?)

“Hangug-eoleul hal su-issneun salam-eun eotteohseubnikka?” (What about someone who can speak Korean?)

“Còn tiếng Việt thì sao?” (How about Vietnamese?)

“What the!?” Jedediah exclaimed. “All of you speak a different language?” he asked us.

“My Vietnamese is a little shotty since I don’t use it anymore, but I can understand it okay,” Leah replied.

“Spanish was my first language,” Sin said. “And I grew up in the southern part of California close to the Mexican border. That and one of our Wiccan friends, Claudia, is Cuban, so we speak in Spanish to each other every now and then.”

“Korean was my first language too,” I answered him. “I’ve always kept up with it just in case I ever go to Korea.”

“When we went to Cozumel two years ago, Sin knowing Spanish really came in handy,” Mikey said.

“What about your pups?” Jedediah asked.

“Nah, my family is too Americanized now,” Leah responded.

“I speak to Allen in Spanish here and there because I want to him at least be able to understand it and do good in school when the time comes for him to take a second language,” Sin replied ruffling Allen’s hair.

“I sing to the twins before bedtime, and I’m teaching them smaller words here and there, but I honestly don’t expect them to know it fluently. They have no one to use it with.”

“I think that’s awesome,”

“Jed, is there a reason why you’re pretending not to know another language?” Dorian asked. We all looked at Jedediah.

“Mon loup, what is he talking about?” Vivienne asked.

“Thanks for throwing me under the bus man,” Dorian just shrugged. “For everyone wondering, I speak three different languages, not including English.”


“Eu posso falar português, nihongo, e italiano” (I can speak Portuguese, Japanese, and Italian)

“That’s awesome!!!” I screamed from my seat.

“Mon loup,” Vivienne said looking at him. Her tone suggested she was completely turned on, and so were the rest of us ladies as we stared at him. Even I was seriously impressed.

“Andre, you have officially been replaced,” Mikey said.

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