Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Nightmare Chapter 19

{Jedediah’s P.O.V.}

I couldn’t f*****g believe it when I saw her at the gate talking with Dorian and Allie. She was being searched by the guards, and Dorian and Allie were already there. Dorian and Allie didn’t look too happy, but more on the lines of concern and annoyance. Just when I thought my life was turning around, she had to come to mess it up.

“J.D.!” she shouted at me with a huge smile on her face. Had this been a few weeks ago, that smile would have made my heart jump, but now, I felt nothing.

“Michaela, how the f**k did you find me?” I asked her with a little disgust and a little shock.

“Seth told me that you went to see a friend from college, and I just pieced everything together. I found a photo of you and Alpha Shaw from your undergrad days and found the list of Alphas and their packs in my dad’s office. Though it’s a little outdated, I found my way here,” she explained and smiled the whole time like she was proud of herself.

“Michaela, why are you here?”

“J.D., come back to Red Mountain,”

“What?” she couldn’t be serious.

“J.D., I made a mistake. I never should have rejected you because of your rank. I’m sorry it took me six years to figure it out, but I’m sorry. I miss you, and I want you to be my mate,”

“Ugh, she reminds me of f*****g Heather,” Allie muttered under her breath.

“Allie, don’t bud in,” Dorian scolded her. “Jed, this isn’t a conversation to have out here in the open. Let’s all go to the conference room,” I nodded my head. “Dingo, open the gate and let her in,”

“Yes, Alpha,”

“Thank you, Alpha,” Michale said to him and bowed her head. At least she had the decency to show respect.

“Michaela, drive your car to the main packhouse. Just follow this main road, you can’t miss it,” he explained to her.

“Okay,” she smiled and jumped back in her rental car.

“Jed, get in the SUV and come with us, it will be faster,” he told me. I nodded my head and turned to Vivienne.

“Mon Coeur, do you want to go home?”

“Are you trying to get rid of me?”

“What? No baby, I’m asking what you want to do because this has to do with you as much it does with me. We’re mates, we’re lovers, and we are in this together. I just don’t want you to get stressed out with my past drama,” I say as I cup her cheeks.

“I am staying with you mon loup, you are mine, and I will be damned if that b***h tries to take you away from me,” see replied as her eyes turned black with anger.

“Okay, calm down mon Coeur,” I hugged her and felt her body calm down.

“Tempest is growling, she does not like Michaela,” she says while her face is buried in my chest.

“Tell her that she has nothing to worry about. I’m not leaving you, or her,” she nodded her head, and I led her to the SUV where Dorian and Allie were waiting. As soon as I closed the door, Dorian hit the gas and took us to the main packhouse.

“Jed, I’m telling you right now, we have enough drama in our f*****g lives as it is, we don’t need your ex to f*****g add to it,” Dorian said from the driver seat.

“I don’t like her,” Allie said before I can respond. “Her soul, it’s not pure, and she gives me the hibbie jibbies. She’s not f****d up or crazy like Heather, but she doesn’t have a good essence about her, and it doesn’t just have to do with the fact that she’s shallow. I know that the moon goddess made you guys mates six years ago, but I can tell you for a fact, that when I look into her soul, I don’t see you as her mate, but the moment I met Vivienne, your bond with her practically screamed in my face,”

“I’m sorry about this you guys, I honestly didn’t think she would come and find me. I mean, she rejected me six years ago,”

“When did you accept it?” Dorian asks. I knew he would eventually ask me that.

“After I came here,”

“WHAT!?” he and Allie shouted from the front seat. Allie turned to look at me. “Viv, did you know?” she nodded her head.

“J.D. told me at Lacie’s wedding during the reception. Right before we caught the two of you having dirty wedding s*x. He told me everything,” I looked at the rearview mirror and I could see Dorian’s face. He knew the pain I dealt with for six years.

“Babe, what is it?” Allie asked clearly seeing his face distraught.

“Baby remember what I told you happens to a mate who is cheated on?” he asks her, and she nods her head. “The same thing happens to a mate that was rejected but didn’t accept the rejection right away,” she gasps, and her jaw drops.

“Jed! Oh my gosh! Why would you endure that for so long!?” she exclaims.

“Because at the time, I loved her, Allie,”

“WAIT! Did she know the pain she was putting you through!?” I nodded my head. “WHAT A f*****g b***h!!!”

“Allie, you will not get involved in their conversation,” Dorian said as he parked the car.


“Allie,” she grunts and agrees. We all get out of the car, and Michaela is already waiting for us. I take Vivienne’s hand, and Michaela immediately frowns at the sight.

“Michaela, please follow us into the conference room,” Allie tells her nicely, but hatred written all over her face. Michaela walks behind her and Dorian, while Vivienne and I walk behind her. We walk past the other rank members who are really confused,

“Jed, is everything alright?” Brandon asked as I walked past him.

“Later,” I say and just keep going. I see him nod in my peripheral vision. We gather in the conference room, Dorian sits at the head of the table with Allie to his left, Michaela sits in the center to his right, while Vivienne and I sit opposite her to Allie’s left. I let go of Vivienne’s hand only to place my hand on her leg. We all just sat there for a few minutes in really awkward silence, but Michaela finally broke it.

“J.D., please come home,”

“Michaela, this is my home now. Your dad released me, and I’ve been accepted here,”

“You don’t belong here! You belong at Red Mountain, with me!”

“With you?” Vivienne said. “Who are you anyway?” she asked even though she knew the answer.

“I should be asking you the same thing,” Michaela snapped at her.

“Michaela, we’re done, I accepted your rejection,” I told her trying to get the conversation back on track. The faster it was over, the faster I can make it up to Vivienne.

“Why!? Why did you wait six years to accept it!?” she whined.

“Because it had been six f*****g years! Yet you were still whoring around the pack! I think six years of heartbreak, is enough, don’t you!?” I snapped at her making her flinch. “You have some f*****g nerve showing up here and claiming that I belong with you. You’re the one that rejected me, remember!?”

“I know, and I’m sorry, I made a mistake! I realized that I love you, and I want to make it up to you!”

“Love him?” Vivienne snarked. “You do not even know what the word means. Correct me if I am wrong, but did you not reject him because he had no rank? I mean, if you love someone, why should their rank even matter,”

“No one asked for your f*****g opinion, Barbie! And why do you talk like that?”

“MICHAELA!” I shouted at her making her jump. “Watch how you f*****g talking to her,” I growled my eyes turning black.

“J.D. are you threatening me?” she asked in shock.

“I don’t make threats, Michaela, you of all people should know that,”

“Mon loup, calm down,” Vivienne said placing her hand on my arm.

“GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY MATE!!” Michaela screamed standing to her feet.

“HE IS MY MATE NOW!!” Vivienne screamed back standing to her feet as well.


“Michaela, Vivienne is my second chance mate, I found her a little over a week ago,” I tell her pulling Vivienne down. “Mon Coeur, I need you to calm down too,” I whispered to her. She nodded her head, and I kissed her temple.

“J.D.?” Michaela’s tone was sad and confused. “Are you telling me that as soon as you accepted my rejection, the moon goddess gave you a second chance!?”

“Yes,” when I said that her eyes filled with tears and turned black at the same time.


“What he did to you!?” Allie shouted.

“Allie!” Dorian pulled her arm

“NO!” she shouted and pointed her finger at him. “I am not going to just sit here and watch as this spoiled little b***h tries to play the f*****g victim in all of this! Michaela, you have some nerve acting like Jedediah wronged you when you’re the one that treated him like he didn’t matter! You rejected him! And your only reason behind that rejection was because he wasn’t ranked! And for six f*****g years, you paraded around like a w***e sleeping around with anyone and everyone who had a f*****g d**k attached to their body, all the while breaking his heart over and over again! Don’t you DARE act like you’re the victim in any of this because you’re not! Jedediah put up with your bullshit for six years because he hoped that you would eventually come to love him for who he is, on the inside, but you didn’t. So, he did what was best for himself and left you and Red Mountain in his rearview. He doesn’t belong to you, and he sure as f**k doesn’t belong with you. Jedediah is right where he belongs! In a pack where he is loved, cared for, and taken care of. He is with who he’s supposed to be with, and that’s Vivienne!”

“Wow, Allie is scary when is angry,” Vivienne whispered in my ear and I just nodded in agreement. Dorian wasn’t kidding when he said Allie gets scary when she’s in full-on Luna-mode.

“Michaela, as Luna of the Desert Moon pack, I hereby ban you from ever entering our territory again! You don’t deserve someone as wonderful as Jed, and I will be damned if let another spoiled rotten Alpha’s daughter try to hurt someone I care about. GET THE f**k OFF MY LAND!!!” she roared shaking the conference room. As soon as the room stopped shaking, Nick and Paxton came in and grabbed Michaela.

“Wait, before you guys take her, I want to call her father,” I told them.

“J.D.!?” Michaela exclaimed. I ignored her and texted Zachary to have him call the conference room’s video line. It didn’t take long for him to call, and I answered it as soon as it rang.

“Jedediah, is everything alright?”

“No, Zachary, it’s not,” I nod my head to Nick and Paxton, and they dragged Michaela into view.


“She came here to try and convince me to go back with her, and that she takes back her rejection,”

“Michaela! I told you to leave him be!! You never disobey me! What has gotten into you!?”


“Jedediah, I’m so sorry. I swear I didn’t tell her where you were,”

“I know you didn’t, she seems to have done the research on her own,”

“Why is she being manhandled?”

“She’s being kicked out of my territory, that’s why,” Allie answered.

“Luna? What has she done to deserve such punishment?”

“She had the audacity to try and stake her claim on Jedediah while his actual mate was sitting right next to him. She even tried to play the victim in all of this, asking why he gets a second when he hurt her,”

“What? Second chance? Jedediah, is this true?”

“Yes, Zachary, it is. I found my second chance two weeks after I got here,”

“I see,”

“Alpha Scanlan, I will say this once and only once, your daughter is no longer welcome here. If my men see her within a hundred feet of our territory, our snipers will not hesitate to shoot her with a silver nitrate bullet between the eyes,”

“Luna, that’s a bit harsh isn’t it?”

“No, Alpha Scanlan, I don’t think it is. You see, I’ve dealt with someone like your daughter in the last year, and she’s become my worst enemy. She’s tried to kill me on more than one occasion and actually succeeded for about ten minutes. I have quite the distaste for spoiled rotten Alpha daughters, and I will do whatever it takes to protect the ones I care about, and that’s every single member of my loyal pack members,”

“Alpha Shaw, what say you?”

“I say, my wife is in charge of this matter, and I am not getting involved,”

“Michaela, I order you to return home at once. I will deal with you then! Alpha Shaw, Luna, Jedediah, and his mate, I apologize for any grievances my daughter has caused you, and I will see to it that it never happens again,” he hung up the call and I looked back at Michaela who had fat tears streaming down her face.

“You have five minutes to get off my land or I will order my men to kill you,” Allie said gritting her teeth. Nick and Paxton dragged her out of the room, but not without her kicking and screaming for me to help her. As she was being dragged out, Brandon, Mikey, and Andre came in.

“Yo, what the f**k? Dorian, did you shake the conference room?” Brandon asked. Dorian shook his head and just pointed at Allie.

“Gizmo!? You shook the conference room?” Mikey asked.

“Damn right I did! The stupid b***h was trying to give Jed a guilt trip. Her ‘I’m an Alpha’s daughter’ attitude was written all over her damn face, and I refuse to put up with that kind of bullshit again,”

“Mikey, get with Ding and get Michaela’s photo to Lucas’ team,” Dorian tells him.

“What? Why?”

“Because Allie here wants her shot between the eyes if she comes within a hundred feet of the territory,”

“Oh f**k,” Mikey said and just walked out.

“Allie, you didn’t have to go that far with her, she really is harmless,” I tell her.

“That might be true, but the last time I underestimated the obsession for a mate by a scorned Alpha’s daughter, I died for ten minutes, and my family was put in danger. I will never make that mistake again,” I nodded my head and looked at Vivienne. I pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head. I wanted to let Michaela down gently, but maybe I was just being too nice.

“Are you okay, mon loup?” she asked me.

“I’m fine, are you okay, mon Coeur?” I asked looking down at her and cupping her face.

“Oui, I am alright,”

“Come on, let’s go home,” she nodded her head and we headed out. Michaela was gone when we got outside, so we were able to walk back to the townhouse in peace. I decided to make it up to Vivienne by making lunch for her.

After having our run-in with Michaela like that, I figured that I couldn’t waste any more time when it came to mating with Vivienne. Michaela showing up the way she did, made me see that I only wanted Vivienne. I was going to make her mine, and I was going to blow her mind with so much passion, she’ll never want to leave the bed.

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