Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Heat Chapter 87

{Allie’s P.O.V.}

It’s been three days since I gave birth to the twins. More like the twins were surgically removed from me. The entire pack was buzzing about the fact I concealed my pregnancy using magic. The majority of the pack understood why I did it, but some felt it was unnecessary. Everyone important to us has been nothing but supportive and loves the twins. Because I had to have an emergency c-section because Daisy was blocking the birth canal, I’ve had to stay in the hospital longer than I would have, had I given birth naturally.

Unfortunately, Dr. Quinn said that my frame is just too small to give birth to an Alpha pup naturally, so if I did end up pregnant again, I would more than likely have to have another c-section. I honestly was not happy hearing that, but there was nothing I could do about that. Eleanor and Ben told Amber about everything. How Hank betrayed the pack, how he was responsible for the bomb, my being pregnant and lying to everyone, and how she wasn’t the only Shaw sibling with twins. Amber and Ronnie were upset with everything but were super understanding. They even planned a trip to come down next month with their kids to meet the twins. I was excited to finally meet her pups.

The twins were getting their hearing tests done with the nurses, so Dorian and I were laying down in my hospital bed together.

“Is it wrong that I want to put another pup in you?” he asks

“Down boy! I gave birth three days ago. Let my body heal before you even attempt to put another pup in me,”

“I told you, I will give you as many pups as you want Allie. This means we are going to have lots and lots of s*x,” he says to me as his lips move closer and closer. f**k, why did this turn me on?

“Dorian, you’re bad,” I whisper, and our lips meet. I let out a small whimper. I was getting hot, and Dorian was getting hard. I had to hold back my l**t because if I didn’t, we were going to have s*x in my hospital bed. But that didn’t stop him. Dorian’s hand reached behind me and was untying my hospital gown. He moved his hand and grabbed my a*s cheek. I gasped and he shoved his tongue into my mouth, tasting me all over.

He sat up and took off his shirt and gently laid on top of me kissing me again. He pulled down the top of my hospital gown exposing my engorged breasts.

“Damn, they’re definitely bigger than before,” he said touching them gently knowing that they’re sore and sensitive.

“Don’t get used to it, they go back to normal eventually,”

“Your breasts were perfect before baby, this is honestly a little too much in my personal opinion,”

“Wow, really? I didn’t think a guy would ever say a woman could have too much boob,” we both laughed. When I first met Dorian, I was a full C, and for a petite Asian girl, that was actually pretty big. After my first pregnancy, they actually grew to a D and stayed that way. Now, after having carried a set of twins almost to full term, and having breast milk forming, my boobs were an E.

Dorian was kissing my jaw and my neck, and I heard him unbuckling his belt, he wanted s*x, and I did too,

“Hey, you guys!…OH MY GOD!!” Dorian jumped off of me and I covered myself.

“DANI!!” I screamed. Dammit, Dorian was just about to hit home too.

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t think you guys would be getting down and dirty,” she said covering her eyes.

“It’s fine, you can open your eyes,” I tell her.

“Are you even allowed to have s*x so soon after having given birth?” she asked.

“I didn’t have a vaginal birth, and my c-section cut is almost fully healed,”

“Still, that’s kind of risky since you haven’t been discharged yet,” she said.

“Why are you in here anyway? You sounded excited when you opened the door,” I asked.

“Oh, that’s right! Sam is in labor!”

“What!?” Dorian and I shouted.

“Baby, help me stand up, we need to go to her!” I told Dorian. But instead of helping me stand, he picked up and carried me instead. I was more than capable of walking. We followed Dani to Sam’s hospital room and saw everyone in the hallway.

“Why is everyone out here? Why is no one in there with Sam?” I ask them.

“She’s waiting for you, Allie. She and Lucas only want you and Dorian in there,” Sin said. Dorian put me down and we walked into the room. Dorian, pulled a chair for me to sit in and put a couch cushion behind me for support.

“Come here, man!” Dorian said pulling Lucas into a bro hug. “Damn, three days apart huh?”

“Yeah. Sam is a week early, but we all know the due date is never 100% accurate,” Lucas said.

“Sam, why did you want us here?” I asked her, holding her hand.

“Sam and I wanted to ask you both something,” Lucas replied. Dorian and I looked at him. “Dorian, Allie, we want you two to be the godparents to our baby,” Lucas said. I looked at Sam who had a smile on her and I just gave her a big cheese smile and hugged her.

“We would be honored Lucas,” Dorian said, and I just nodded my head.


“AHHH!!! HOLY f*****g HELL!!!” Sam was screaming at the top of her lungs when a contraction hit. She had been in labor for five hours, and I was exhausted for her. She was only having one pup, I had twins. Eleanor and Benjamin were watching Daisy and Demarco, and only brought them to me when they needed to be fed.

“Sam, you got this! You’re stronger than I am! You’re a team lead, and the best fighter in the pack, you got this,” I said wiping the sweat from her forehead. Sam’s contractions were moving faster than mine, and she was already eight centimeters dilated. It wouldn’t be long now.

“I should have gotten a f*****g epidural!! What the f**k was I thinking!?” she shouted.

“Sam, you can do this baby,” Lucas said holding her hand. After what I did to Sin and Eleanor, I opted to not hold her hand. I needed my mine to hold my newborns.

“Sam let’s see how you’re doing,” Dr. Quinn said as she came through the door. She looked under Sam’s gown for a second. “Oh! This little one is crowning already!” She put some gloves on and called for a team.

“It’s time baby, you got this,” Lucas said and kissed Sam’s forehead. Dorian picked me up and brought me to the couch to sit with him.

“Okay, Sam, when you feel the next contraction, you are going push hard,” Dr. Quinn said. When her next contraction hit, Sam pushed with everything she had, screaming like a banshee. I don’t think I had ever heard Sam scream that way. Childbirth was no joke, especially when you’re giving birth to a werewolf pup. Daisy was so big that she blocked the birth canal. She ended up weighing 15 pounds and 4 ounces. For a female pup, she was abnormally large. Demarco was worse though. When I heard his weight, I was glad I had a c-section. Demarco weighed 19 pounds and 11 ounces. This was their weight being born one month premature. It was no wonder my sense of balance was all f****d up.

“AHH!!!” Sam screamed as she continued to push. She had been going at it for thirty minutes, and their pup’s head was barely out.

“Sam, on this next contraction, I need one final big push,” Dr. Quinn said.

“LUCAS HARDWICK!! KEEP YOUR d**k AWAY FROM ME!!!” Sam screamed while holding him by his shirt. “NO s*x FOR A YEAR!!”

“Okay, babe, no s*x for a year,” he said tapping her wrist to get her to let go.

“OH MY GOD!!!” she screamed again as a contraction came on.

“Push Sam!” Dr. Quinn shouted. Sam was pushing so hard that her face was turning purple. “There we go!” Dr. Quinn shouted as she pulled out their pup.

“What is it?” Lucas asked.

“It’s a boy!” Dr. Quinn shouted.

“YAHOO!!!” Lucas started to jump up and down shouting at the top of his lungs. “A BOY! I GOT MY BOY!!” I had never seen him act like that. Lucas as always so cool and collected. I looked at Dorian and we both just shook our heads and smiled.

“Go check on him dammit!” Sam shouted. Lucas composed himself and went to go check on their son. I walked over to Sam to check on her.

“How are you doing mama?” I asked her while wiping the sweat from her forehead. Dr. Quinn was cleaning her up.

“I’m good, I’m glad it’s over,”

“Sam! He’s so f*****g perfect!” Lucas shouted as he was taking pictures of their new son.

“Let me see him,” Sam said. When the nurse was done cleaning him up, she gave him to Lucas, and he brought him over. He gently gave their son to Sam,

“Oh, my goddess, he is perfect,” Sam started to cry. Lucas kissed her on the forehead, and they swooned over their new son.

“Have you guys thought of a name? I mean, I know you guys were waiting until he was born but did you at least think of names?” I asked.

“We did, and this little guy’s name is Keegan,” Lucas says. I smiled at the name. It was a good name and it suited their son perfectly.

“Do you want to hold him, godmother?” Sam asked. I nodded and she handed me, Keegan. He definitely didn’t weigh as much as Demarco, but he weighed more than Daisy’s weight.

“Hi, Keegan, I’m your godmother, but you can call me Daemo,”

“Daemo?” Lucas and Sam asked in unison.

“It means godmother in Korean. So, instead of calling me Aunt Allie, he can call me Daemo. It’s actually what Allen is supposed to call me too, but Sin prefers he just call me Tia,” I explain. I was looking at Keegan and he opened his eyes. They were blue like Lucas, but he had a lot of physical features of Sam. Good mix of both his parents. The more I looked into his eyes, I felt something strange.

“Baby, everything okay?” Dorian asked.

“Uhh…I think I’m a little more drawn to Keegan than I should be,” I tell him.

“What do you mean?” Sam asks.

“Dorian, I think I’m holding our future son-in-law,” the feeling I got from Keegan looking into his eyes was the same feeling I got looking into Daisy’s eyes.

“Are you serious!? Keegan is Daisy’s mate!?” Dorian was surprised and angry. “I’ve had my daughter for three days, and she already has a mate!?”

“Monique had a mate before she was even born,” Sam said referring to Andre and Dani’s daughter.

“Don’t worry baby, we still have 18 years before they really figure it out,” I told him. I smile down at Keegan and k**s his chubby cheeks. I give him back to Sam and Lucas.

“We’re going to go now. Seeing that I have exactly 18 years to spend with my daughter before your son takes her from me, I’m going spend every waking second I can,” Dorian said gently pulling me out of their room. They laughed and I rolled my eyes.

“You guys go on in,” I tell the gang and we go back to my room. When we get back Dorian is still complaining,

“What’s wrong sweetheart?” Eleanor says while holding Demarco.

“Mom, you won’t believe this, but Daisy already has a mate!” Dorian threw his hands up in disbelief.

“What!?” both Eleanor and Ben shout. Their shouting woke up Daisy who immediately starts to cry. Demarco was still sleeping like a log.

“Good job!” I shouted at all of them. I sit in the bed and Ben hands Daisy to me. I bring her close and coo her.

“What do you mean Daisy has a mate, son?” Ben asks.

“Lucas’ son, Keegan. They asked us to be his godparents, so we accepted. Allie was holding him, looked into his eyes, and said that Keegan is our future son-in-law,”

“Are you sure it’s not Demarco?” Eleanor asks. “I mean, it’s okay to have a gay son,”


“Although she is right, it’s okay if Demarco turns out gay, it’s not him. When I looked at Keegan, I felt Daisy’s essence,” I told them as Daisy fell right back asleep in my arms. “I think that’s why I was so drawn to Sam the further we both got along in our pregnancies,”

“Give me my daughter, I need to hold her close,” Dorian said putting out his arms to take her.

“Stop it, she just fell back asleep. Give her a minute,” I said slapping his hand. After a little while, I handed her to him, and he sat on the couch holding her close. Even though she was a big pup to me, she looked so tiny compared to Dorian’s massive size.

“Here you go sweetheart,” Eleanor said while giving me Demarco.

“God, this boy is huge,” I said while cradling him. “I probably would have died had I still been human carrying these two,”

“Not probably Allison, you would have,” Benjamin says.

“My handsome boy, I wonder who your mate is going to be?” I say to Demarco looking into his eyes.

“Wouldn’t it be crazy if it was C.J and Brittany’s daughter?” Dorian said. I just looked at him.

“You don’t really think that’s a possibility do you?” I asked him.

“Who knows? Baby, all of the pups that have been born to our closest friends, are all mates with each other. The only one who doesn’t have a mate is Katie’s son Matthew,”

“Yeah, but maybe Matthew will be mated to C.J.’s daughter,” Dorian just shrugged his shoulders. “So, how does it work?”

“How does what work, baby?”

“We technically have a future Luna and future Alpha. Who takes over after you?” I asked him.

“It will be Demarco,” Ben replied. I look up at him. “Daisy is mated to a high-level Omega, so, unfortunately, she won’t be able to hold the title Luna,” I frown and pout looking over at Daisy sound asleep on Dorian’s chest. “She will still have Alpha b***d, and so will her future pups. But Demarco is a male, and the next rightful Alpha,” I nod in understanding.

“Will he become Alpha at 18?” I ask Dorian.

“If that’s what he wants. I wanted to be Alpha as soon as I gained my wolf, and so my dad handed me the title through the ceremony that takes place. If Demarco wants it, I’ll do it for him as well. But, if he wants to wait just like C.J. did, then I’ll support him in that too,”

“It would nice if Demarco found his mate as soon as he turns 18. As a mother, it hurts to see your children have to wait to find one,” Eleanor said softly caressing Demarco’s head.

“You don’t need a mate to be a strong Alpha, I was strong without one. But having one makes you even stronger. It makes the pack stronger. You have something and someone worth fighting for. You become even more determined to be a better leader and do what’s right for your pack and your mate,” Dorian said. I look up at him because his tone was a little off. “Which is why once you’re released, I’m going to kill Hank,” I let out a big sigh. I looked at Ben and Eleanor for guidance.

“Allison, sweet girl, how are you holding up with all of this? We heard that you were the one who banished Hank’s wife and pups,” Ben asked. I nodded my head.

“Eleanor, if you were in my situation, what would have done?” I asked her. I honestly felt regret for having done that to Casey and her pups. They were innocent, but I wanted Hank to feel what it’s like to something he cared about more than anything. The way Dorian and I felt losing our first baby.

“Honestly, had I been in your situation sweetheart, I probably would have done the same thing. I would be too disgusted having his bloodline in our pack,” I let out a sigh of relief. Hearing another Luna say she would have done the same thing made me feel better.

After Ben and Eleanor left the room, Dorian was with me on the bed while I was feeding the twins again. It was a moment of peace and tranquility, but it was interrupted by Mikey running in,

“Dorian!!” the look on Mikey’s face was sheer anger. Dorian stood up and faced him.

“What!?” Dorian shouted.

“Hank has escaped,”

“WHAT!?!?” Dorian roared and woke up the twins. Both were screaming and crying. Dorian looked back and held all of us. I held the twins close and Dorian shielded us with this body as if we were in danger.

“Dorian…” he turned his head to face Mikey again. “He knows about the twins,” I looked up and tears immediately streamed down my face.

“He’s going to tell Tucker. He escaped and he’s going to tell Tucker about Daisy and Demarco!” I said and started to panic, and the twins were crying even more as if they could feel my negative energy. Dorian used his wolf speed and pinned Mikey against the door by the throat.


“The shackles are broken, and the guards were knocked out,” Mikey said hoarsely.

“Dorian! Let him go!” I shouted. Mikey wasn’t in any real danger, but Dorian’s anger was getting out of control. Dorian let go of Mikey.

“Mikey, are you okay?” I asked

“I’m fine Gizmo, he wasn’t hurting me,”

“Put a bounty on Hank!” Dorian commanded. Did he say bounty?

“Closed or open?”


“How much?”

“Ten million,” Mikey stood at attention, bowed his head, and left. Dorian ran his fingers through his hair as I tried to continue to soothe the twins.

“Shhh…it’s okay babies,” I cooed them. Dorian came over and took Demarco and cradled his head. I adjusted Daisy so I could cradle hers. “Why didn’t you tell me you could put a bounty on someone?”

“I don’t typically. My company fulfills bounties, that’s how my company makes most of its money,”

“I know that, but if you could put out a bounty, why didn’t you put one on Tucker?”

“Disgraced or not, Tucker is an alpha, werewolf law forbids it,” I made an O shape with my mouth. The twins were finally asleep again. Dorian put his forehead against mine. “But Hank is a mid-level omega, and his death warrant was already signed by the elders, I had the green light to kill him. That’s why I told you that I was going to earlier. Remember, what Brandon said, as an Alpha, I can only kill a member of my pack if there is a justifiable cause. Hank’s crimes were mostly punishable by banishment, but because he was an accessory to the murder of our pup, that is punishable by death,”

“I get that, but are you allowed to put a bounty on him?”

“Him escaping is what allows me to put out the bounty. It’s the same as human law. He’s a wanted fugitive,” I nod my head.

“I assuming an ‘open bounty’ means that it’s fair game? Any bounty hunter can go after him?” I ask and Dorian nods.

“I need to get you and the twins somewhere safe, Allie,”

“No, we are staying right here with you,” I tell him firmly.

“Allie, you three are in danger!” he growled

“We’re in more in danger if we leave the safety of the packhouse!” I growled right back. “This is not up for debate Dorian. We are staying!”

“Allie, I couldn’t survive if anything happens to you or the twins,”

“Nothing is going to happen to us,” I tell him and k**s him.

“Take Demarco, I’m going to see if Dr. Quinn will release you and the twins,”


“Because it’s safer in the packhouse,” I nod my head, readjust Daisy again and he puts Demarco in my other arm.

I let out a deep sigh after Dorian leaves. I looked down at the twins and pray to the moon goddess and every higher power there is to watch over us.

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