Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Heat Chapter 86

{Dorian’s P.O.V.}

“Dorian, my water broke!” Allie shouted. If the spell wore off, it meant that she was going into labor.

“f**k! Andre, get to the pack hospital and tell Dr. Quinn!” I saw Andre use his wolf speed and run out. “Hold on baby, I got you,” I picked her up and speed-walked down the hall. I mind linked the girls and Sam and told Sin to get Allie’s baby bag from our nursery on our floor. As I descended down the stairs, I saw Sin ascending.

As I was rushing by through the living area, I could hear people talking and chattering,

“Is that the Luna?”

“Wait, is she pregnant!?”

“When did she get pregnant?”

“Her stomach was flat yesterday,”

As we turned the corner go down the hall to led to the hospital Allie started to scream in pain and starts crying

“AHHH! It hurts! This really hurts!”

“Breathe baby, we’re almost there,” I tell her.

“It’s too early! We’re an entire month early!” Allie cries. She was right. She was only four months so I couldn’t understand why she was already in labor. I get to the hospital, but before I can make it to reception, I hear Andre,

“Dorian! Over here,” he waves me down from the VIP room. I get to the room and sat her down on the bed.

“Dorian, help me change,” Allie says breathless. I stand her up and help her get of out her clothes. Andre faces the wall while Allie changes. When she’s all changed, I tell Andre he can turn around. “Baby, can I have water?” Allie asks. I was about to go get her some when,

“Not so fast Luna, I need to check on you first,” Dr. Quinn says walking in.

“Doctor, why is she in labor an entire month ahead of schedule?” I ask her.

“Because she is carrying twins. Plus, they are Alpha pups and the Luna is teeny tiny. There isn’t enough room for them anymore, so they’re ready to come out,” She has Allie bend her knees and I see place her hand between Allie’s legs. “Okay, Luna, you’re only three centimeters dilated,”

“So, seven more to go, great. This f*****g sucks already,” Allie grunted. I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Luna, I need to let you know that because of how small you are, if I feel that you’re not progressing faster enough, or if either of the pups are in distress, we will have to do a c-section okay,”

“But I want to give birth naturally,” Allie whined and pouted.

“We will see if we can do that okay? Right now, take a breather. You should have at least six to eight minutes between contractions for a little while. Then they’ll get closer together,”

“f**k me,” Allie grunted again. I shook my head and smiled.

“Alpha, she can have sips of water, for now. But I’ll eventually have to put her on an ice diet,” I nod my head and Dr. Quinn leaves.

“Oh! Sorry Dr. Quinn!” I look up and see Sin and the others coming in.

“Allie, I got your bag,” Sin says.

“Lavender oil, now!” Allie demanded.

“b***h you are lucky you are in labor,” Sin said digging through the bag.

“f**k you skank! Give me my damn oil!” Sin rolled her eyes and pulled out the lavender oil. She placed two drops onto Allie’s wrists and massaged it in for her. Allie sniffed her wrists and relaxed.

“Yo! We’re not too late are we!?” Mikey, Lucas, Sam, and Brandon came in.

“f**k NO! TOO MANY DAMN PEOPLE! GET THE f**k OUT! DORIAN AND SIN STAY! EVERYONE ELSE GET THE F**K…AHHH!!!!” Allie started to scream from another contraction. I grabbed her hand and it felt like she was going to break it, she was squeezing so hard.

“Love you!” Leah says and everyone walks out except for Sin.

“Breathe baby,” I coo her and wipe her hair from her face. Allie is already sweating bullets.

“Allie, you sure you don’t want an epidural?” Sin asks.

“No, I can do this. I’m a Luna, I can do this,” Allie replies.

“You’re so strong baby, I love you, Allie,” I tell her and k**s her lips while still holding her hand. Allie immediately starts crying. “What’s wrong!? Are you in pain!?”

“No, I want my mom! Dorian, I want my mom!” Allie starts bawling. “Umma!!” Allie yells in Korean. I’m assuming that she is calling for her mother.

“Dorian, tell your mom to get down here! It’s not the same, but Eleanor is like a mom to Allie,” Sin says. I nod my head and mind link my mother.


Dorian, sweetheart what’s the matter? Does this have to do with Hank?

No, mom. Listen, Allie is in labor.

What do you mean Allie is in labor?

Mom, Allie has been pregnant. We used a cloaking spell to hide it these last few months. Allie was afraid Tucker would attack again if he found out she was pregnant again, so we used magic to conceal it.


Mom, yell at me later. Allie is having twins and she’s in labor a month early. Mom, she needs you. She’s asking for her mother, and for the last year that has been you.

I’m on my way!

“Hold on, baby. My mom is on the way,” I tell her as her crying turns into sobbing and she nods.

“Water, please,” I pour some ice water into a cup and give it to her. She was about to gulp it down and I take it back.

“Sips baby. Dr. Quinn said you can have sips of water,” I hold the cup while she takes small sips. I put the cup back down and receive a phone call. I look and it’s video call from C.J.,


“Hey, Leah called and said Allie is in labor. Everything okay?”

“We’re good right now. She’s taking a breather from contractions. How is Brittany doing?”

“I’m alive!! Luckily, our little girl hasn’t broken any more of my bones. Talking hurts. Give Allie my love!”

“I will,”

“Alright man, I just wanted to check-in. Congrats!!” I wave goodbye and hang up.

“I hate this, I f*****g hate this!” Allie shouts.

“Language young lady!” I look up and see my mother come through the door with my dad right after her.

“Son, why didn’t you tell us Allie was pregnant again?” my dad asks me.

“Dad, I already told mom. I needed to protect Allie. After what happened last time, we just couldn’t risk the wrong people finding out,”

“I get that son, but we are your parents. Both of your parents. We had the right to know,”

“I apologize dad, but Allie and our pups are my responsibility, I just couldn’t tell you. Plus, mom would have told Aunt Helena and Aunt Bridget, who would have told Uncle Ethan and Uncle Joe, the news would have spread like wildfire,”

“I can see your point son,”

“Plus, I’m glad we hid it. If we hadn’t, then Hank would have told Tucker, and Allie could have been in danger again,”

“When you put it that way, you’re right. I still can’t believe that Hank would betray all of us this way. Betray you and Allison,”

“Betrayal isn’t even the first of it dad. Hank built the bomb that killed Lavender,” the look on my father’s face when I told him this was sheer outrage. My father use to be an Alpha. He technically still was. Once an Alpha, always an Alpha.

“AHHH!! f**k ME!!!” Allie started to scream again. I grab her hand,

“OH f**k!” I scream. Her grip was even tighter than before, and it actually hurt me.

“Why must you two always use foul lang…Oh s**t!” my mother screamed when Allie grabbed her hand too. My mother rarely used curse words, so if she was cussing, that meant it really f*****g hurt. My father and Sin just sat on the couch and laughed. After a minute, Allie’s contraction subsided,

“I’m sorry Eleanor, I’m sorry baby,”

“Oh, nonsense sweetheart. You’re about to give birth to two beautiful babies. You can break my hand all you want. It will heal,”

“You sure you don’t want drugs?” Sin asked again.

“No! I can do this without one! I refuse to get an epidural!” Allie shouts. “Baby, water, please?” I smile and give her the cup again and she takes small sips.

“Rest sweetheart,” My mom says, and Allie nods.


“AHHH!!!!” Allie screams from another contraction. They’re officially two minutes apart. It has been almost six hours and Allie is exhausted.

“Luna, how are we doing?” Dr. Quinn asks as she walks in.

“GET THEM OUT OF ME!!!” Allie screams. “Dorian!!” Allie starts to cry for the twentieth time.

“I’m here baby,”

“I’m sorry Eleanor! I’m sorry Sin!” Allie cries. Allie ended up breaking both of their hands to the point they needed to get casts.

“Luna! I need you to hold still a minute okay?” Dr. Quinn said. Allie tried to stay still. “Okay, this pup is on its side, that’s not good. Luna, I need to try and turn this pup to have their head face down. This is going to hurt!”

“What is…AHHHHHH!!” Allie started screaming bloody murder when Dr. Quinn shoved her hand inside of Allie. “AHHH!! STOP!!!” Allie was in so much pain.

“DR. QUINN!!” I shouted. She was hurting Allie and Bandit was getting restless.

“This is pup is too big! We need to do an emergency c-section!” Dr. Quinn ran to the door. “I need a team in here now!” she shouted. Within a few seconds, a team of nurses rushed in and started to push Allie out of the room.


“I’m here Baby,” I take her hand. “Dr. Quinn, can I be with her?”

“Yes, Alpha, but we need to get her into surgery now!”

“I’m right here, Allie,” we all go into the surgery room. The nurses have me wash my hands and were sterile hospital scrubs while they prep Allie for surgery.

“Alpha, we will all also need you to wear a hairnet and shoe covers,” a nurse says. I do as she says, and then she takes me in to sit by Allie. Allie has already been given a local anesthetic, and her head is covered by a small shield to cover her face and neck.

“Dorian, you’re going to be with me the whole time right?” Allie asks.

“Yes baby, I’m going to be here by your side the whole time,” I k**s her forehead and hold her hand.

“Okay, we’re ready to get started,” Dr. Quinn said.

“Look at me baby, eyes on me,” Allie looks at me the whole time. She doesn’t feel any pain because of the pain killers. “You’re so beautiful Allie. You are the most beautiful creature to ever exist in this galaxy. I can’t believe that I get to call you to mine forever. Thank you for choosing to stay with me. Thank you for being my mate, my Luna, and my wife. Thank you for being the mother to my children,” I k**s her lips. Our k**s was interrupted by an ear-piercing cry.

“It’s a girl!” Dr. Quinn exclaims.

“Did you hear that Allie? We have a girl, we get to have our girl,” Allie starts to cry. I can only imagine the emotions she was feeling. Just a few hours ago, we found out our first daughter was killed by someone we trusted. Now, we have another daughter. Before I could even take it all in, I heard another ear-piercing cry.

“It’s a boy!”

“Did you say, boy!?” I ask.

“Yes, Alpha! One of each!” Dr. Quinn says. I k**s Allie hard and passionately.

“Thank you, Allie! Thank you!” I tell her and k**s her again.

“Why are you thanking me? This is all, you Dorian. Your s***m decides the gender. Biology 101,” I laugh and k**s her again.

“But you had to carry them in this sexy body of yours,”

“It’s not going to be sexy anymore after having carried your offspring for the last four months,”

“Please, you didn’t even get stretch marks baby. And you’re too obsessed with working out to let yourself go. Besides, seeing your body stretch out the way it did while carrying my pups was the sexiest thing I ever f*****g saw,” we both laugh, and I k**s her again.

“Here you go mom and dad,” Dr. Quinn said as two nurses handed us our pups. Allie was holding our daughter and I held our son. I was floored. Our daughter looked like Allie, but with my black hair, and our son looked like me with Allie’s light brown hair. I looked back at Allie and her eyes were gold, meaning Allie let Mercury take over. So, I decided to let Bandit out a minute.

Bandit, what do you think?

How can two tiny creatures make my heart feel this way? We will protect them with our lives, Dorian.

Bandit gave me back control and I saw that Allie was also given back control.

“Alpha, we will take them, for now, to get their newborn tests done. The Luna has been stitched up and we will wheel her back to her room,” one of the nurses tells me. They take the twins and we go back to Allie’s room.

“Oh, my goddess, Benjamin have ever you seen anything this beautiful?” My mother asks my father while they each hold one of the pups.

“I have. Our other five grandchildren that Amber gave birth to,” my dad replies. I just laugh.

“Dorian, sweetheart, you still haven’t told us their names,” my mother says. I look down at Allie and she just nods.

“Daisy and Demarco,” I tell them.

“Daisy, a beautiful name for such a beautiful princess. Yes, that’s you. Oh, you’re so beautiful my sweet Daisy,” my mom said while baby talking to Daisy.

“Demarco is a strong name, son,” My dad says holding Demarco. “Strange. Everything about him screams ‘you’ Dorian, but his hair and his eyes take after Allison,”

“Daisy is just as beautiful as her mother. Isn’t that right? But she has my green eyes and my black hair,”

“Mom, I think you mean MY black hair and green eyes,” I tell her.

“Don’t listen to your daddy princess, you take after your grandma,” I rolled my eyes and shook my head. Allie just giggled. Just then Daisy started to cry. “Someone must be hungry,” my mother said and handed Daisy to Allie. As she soon as she did, Demarco started to cry too.

“Oh, looks like the little prince wants some food too,” my dad said. I took Demarco from him and my parents left the room closing the door. Allie took off her hospital gown, and I helped latch each pup onto her.

I stepped back and let Allie do her thing. She was a natural. The view I had was perfect. My perfect wife and my two perfect children. I took out my phone and snapped a photo of the view before me.

Lavender, I hope you can hear me, princess. Watch over your brother and sister. Mommy and Daddy will always love you and will always miss you.

I hadn’t realized that I fell asleep while Allie was feeding the twins and was woken up by the most beautiful sound. Allie was singing to the pups. I pulled out my phone again and recorded a video. This had to be the most beautiful thing I had ever witnessed and heard. After another minute or so, both pups were knocked out and Allie stopped singing. I pressed stop and just stared at Allie,

“Wow,” I said. Allie looked up.

“Oh my god, did you hear all that?” she asked.

“Allie, you never told me you could sing?”

“It’s not really something I like to share,” she said shyly.

“I don’t know why. You have a beautiful voice baby,” I said and walked over to her. I took Demarco and placed him in the hospital bassinet and then took Daisy and put her down too. I sat in the bed with Allie and just kissed her. I didn’t think I could love Allie more than I already did. But seeing and hearing her sing to our pups just made me fall in love all over again, but even more than before.

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