Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Heat Chapter 81

{Brittany’s P.O.V.}

“He’s an Alpha,” she says.

“HE IS A WHAT!?” I jump from my seat. “He’s an Alpha, like Mr. Shaw?” she nods. I sit back down and just stare at her with my mouth wide open. “W…Wh…Why would I be mated to an Alpha? I’m not even a wolf”

“I wasn’t wolf when I was mated to Dorian in the beginning,” she says. She had a valid point.

“But you were mortal, I’m a witch-demon hybrid, is this even allowed?” I ask concerned. This had to be forbidden.

“I would assume it is if the moon goddess chose you. She’s not just a mother goddess, she’s a higher power,” Allie says.

“This is insane!”

“Yeah, it is…Do you want to go meet him?” she says with a smile. I just look at her like she’s insane.

“Wait, what? Allie, you can’t be serious right now,”

“Oh, come on! If you don’t like him, you can reject him and break his heart, but that will probably mean you lose your job since he is a good friend of Dorian’s and mine,” she says and smiles again. I wanted to say something, but she grabs me by the hand and pulls me out of the office and takes me to the tenth floor where the conference room is.

“Allie, I don’t know about this,” I was so skeptical and scared about this. I mean, being supernatural, I believed in magic and high powers, but this was something totally different.

“Stay here, give me a second,” She says while we wait a few feet away from the conference room. I watch her eyes cloud over a second, and then I see the door open slightly. “Just wait like one minute,” she said, so I do. We wait for a minute or so, and then Allie’s eye’s cloud over again. “Okay, we’re going to slowly walk into the room. Stay behind me at all times,”


“Because if you are this guys mate, he will probably use his wolf speed to pin you to the wall or door, pick you up off the ground, and dry hump you in front of everyone screaming the word ‘mine’ or ‘mate’ and sniff you like you are his next meal. His d**k will be hard as a rock too,”

“Seriously? Does he know what I am? What if that’s a turn-off for him?

“He does, Dorian told him. But I don’t think it will be a turn-off. Dorian just told me that he’s reacting to your scent and in a good horny kind of way,”

“My scent?”

“Yeah, so wolves have a scent that they radiate naturally, it’s the same to everyone, but only their mate will get turned on by it because it’s like ten times stronger. Even though you’re not a wolf, you still have a scent and to him, it’s going to be intoxicating and addictive. For example, Dorian smells like lavender mixed with a fresh ocean breeze and I apparently smell like sweet honey milk. Everyone can smell it, but to me, his scent makes me wet in seconds, and to him, my scent makes him stand attention faster than jack-in-box popping out,” her metaphor with the jack-in-box made me giggle.

“So, what do I smell like?” I ask her

“You smell like a freshly squeezed lemon, but to him, it will be sweeter and more mouthwatering. Only he would be able to tell you what it is,” I nod my head and take a deep breath. “Remember, stay behind me,” I nod my head again we go in.

I stay close behind Allie as we walk into the conference room. I’m looking at the floor the entire time. I hoped that this wasn’t some kind of sick game. After Allie told me what it’s like to be mated to a wolf, that’s all I had been thinking about. I only dated witches and demons, and they were total assholes. I hated that my kind didn’t have lifelong partners the way wolves and bears did. Hell, even Vampires had lifelong partners if they chose to have one.

Allie closed the door, and for the second that I wasn’t behind her, I felt a sharp pain on my back. I found myself pinned against the wall and a huge body was pressed up against mine. My arms were up above my head, and I felt my fingers interlock with someone else’s. I couldn’t see their face because it was in the crook of my neck. Sure enough, I felt whoever it was, inhaled, and exhale deeply a few times.

Their body pressed harder against mine, and I felt a woody between my legs, and he rubbed it against me a couple of times. It felt so good that I felt myself getting wet from it and whimpered ever so softly. It had been a year since I got laid and having a d**k against me dry humping me was turning me on fast. Even though I couldn’t see his face, I could feel his body was muscular. He was tall too. I was in heels, and he still had to bend his head to meet my neck.

I felt his nose move across my neck and jawline and heard a very faint sexy growl before I heard him say,


{C.J.’s P.O.V.}

The scent of citrus that filled my nostrils was making my body go numb. I could feel my manhood hardening in my slacks. What was this amazing scent? Just then, I saw the door opening and I saw Allie. Behind her, I saw an angel walk in. She was taller than Allie, but not by much. She had shoulder-length strawberry blonde hair that was loosely curled, light brown eyes, and wasn’t wearing any makeup.

She was the definition of natural beauty. I didn’t give a f**k if she was a witch-demon hybrid, she was an angel sent to me by the moon goddess and I wanted her. Just then, my wolf, Dakota started to stir and run around like a rabid animal in my mind,


He was screaming. It was love at first sight. I was reacting too slow for Dakota, and he took over. As soon as he saw an opening, he used our wolf speed and pinned our mate to the wall pushing the Luna to the ground. We didn’t care. She was fine. He put our mate’s arms over her head and interlocked our fingers with hers and buried our face in her neck. Her hands were soft and fit perfectly with ours. Just like a customized glove. Her scent made our mouth water. Fresh lemon with a hint of basil. So, refreshing, yet so intoxicating at the same time.

We pressed our body against hers even more and rubbed our hardness between her legs, stimulating her sweet spot. Sure enough, a few rubs were all it took for her to become aroused and he could sense it. She let out a small whimper of approval. That one whimper made us even harder. We wanted her. We wanted to f**k her right then and there. Before anything else was said or done, a low growl erupted from our chest, and Dakota said the word,


{Allie’s P.O.V.}

As soon as we walked in, it was like a time-lapse. I closed the door and as soon as it clicked closed, I was knocked to the ground by a force so strong, I didn’t know even what happened. I looked up from the floor and sure enough, C.J. had pinned Brittany to the wall. The a*****e didn’t acknowledge the fact that he knocked me down.

It took all of two minutes to see him dry hump her, sniff her, smell her arousal, and hear him say the word ‘mine’. I stood up and looked over at Dorian who was a little pissed off that C.J. knocked me to the floor, but I wove my hand letting him know I was fine. I looked over and I swore to the moon goddess if I didn’t pry them apart, he was going to f**k her in the conference room and she would let him.

“THAT’S ENOUGH!” I shouted in my Luna tone. I immediately see C.J. react and back off of Brittany and compose himself. Brittany on the other hand, looked like had died and gone to heaven.

“Britt…” she didn’t say anything. “Britt!” I called her name again and still no response. “BRITTANY!” I screamed.

“Huh!? What!?” she finally came to.

“You good?” I ask.

“I think I just had an o****m,” she says out loud. C.J.’s eyes immediately turn black with l**t as he lets out a seductive growl and pushes her against the wall again.

“C.J.!” I shout but he doesn’t flinch.

“Holy f*****g hell you are sexy as f**k,” she says after getting a good look at C.J.

“I can say the same about you,” C.J. says. I look over at Dorian who just leans back with his hands behind his head. I look at the others and they just shrug and do the same. I look back at Brittany and C.J. and they’re full-on kissing.

“HEY!” I shouted and they pause a moment.

“Allie! Why are you stopping him!?” Brittany whines in disapproval.

“Because if I don’t he’s going to f**k you in front of all us!”

“Why do you care?! You guys have wolf orgies!” she shouted.

“Oh my god,” I put my hand in my face. I look up and they are once again sucking each other’s faces. “Brittany,”

“What!? Let my mate have his way with me dammit!” she whined.

“Are you two okay with this? You two fully accept each other? Cause if he claims you, Brittany, there is no turning back,” they look at each other and smile.

“Yes!” they say in unison before they can k**s again,

“One more thing!” I shout, and they stare daggers at me. “Brittany, you’re fired,”

“WHAT!? WHY!?”

“Because you’re going to have to move to California with C.J.,”

“Oh, okay. Yeah, I’m totally good with that. I mean if you are C.J.?” she asks him.

“I wouldn’t have it any other way, my beautiful Brittany,” she immediately swoons over his words.

“Brittany you know that this means you’re going to be the Luna of werewolf pack right?”

“What?” She looks at me in shock. “Seriously!? But I don’t…”

“Don’t worry. C.J.’s mom Lilian is there, and she will help you. And you can always call me for advice, you’re in good hands,”

“But will your mom accept me? I’m a witch-demon hybrid,” she asks C.J.

“Don’t worry baby, my parents are firm believers in the mate bond, regardless of what your background is. They will love you as much as I do,” I just smile at C.J.’s words. He reminds me a lot of Dorian when we first met.

“C.J., is there something you would like to say to Dorian and me?” I ask him. He turns to us and smiles big.

“Thank you. Both of you,”

“Brittany, I will make you sure you get a severance package for your time here at the firm. Good luck to you and don’t forget you will always have a place with us here and in our packhouse,” Dorian tells her

“Thank you, Mr. Shaw,”

“Hey,” she looks at me. “You’re not our employee anymore babe, you’re the future Luna of the Mojave Mountain Pack. You’re now our equal. No more Mr. and Mrs. Shaw, it’s Dorian and Allie,” I tell her, and she smiles. “Now you guys can either come back to our house and use a guest room to get this over with or Britt, you can take him back to your place,”

“I think we should go to the packhouse,” C.J. says to her, trying very hard not to take her in the conference room.

“Why? What’s wrong with my place?” she asks him.

“We’re going to need a room that’s fully soundproofed,”


“Because I’m going to make you scream so f*****g loud that your neighbors are going to think you’re being murdered with pleasure,” her mouth dropped and so did mine.

“Wow, okay then, our house it is. C.J. can you keep it in your pants for twenty minutes?” I ask him. He turns to me and nods. “Brittany, go get your things,”

“Okay,” she scurries away quickly with C.J. following after her.

“Let’s all go home. I think we can all use some alone with time our mates,” Dorian says. All the guys high five and head out. Dorian snakes his arms around me and k****s my neck and then grazes my mark with his teeth. I stare at the door,

“I don’t think we’re going to see anyone at dinner tonight,” I tell him.

“More for food for us then,” I giggle. He takes my hand and heads out to go home.

{Brittany’s P.O.V.}

The entire ride back to Allie’s house was so amazing. I had known C.J. all of thirty minutes, and I was in love. Allie was right, being mated to a werewolf was absolutely f*****g amazing. I spent the entire ride on C.J.’s lap. You would think would have made out the entire way, but we didn’t. We spent time talking and getting to know one another. We had a lot in common but were polar opposite on a few things like what part of the chicken we like the most, which cut of steak was better, milk first or cereal first. It made for good laughs.

Even though we were talking about the whole ride, it didn’t stop me from feeling his body. He had the most amazing body, and that was with clothes on. I couldn’t wait to see him with his clothes off. When we got the house, he wasted no time in taking me upstairs to a guest room,

“Wait, I want to see the house,” I said to him.

“It will still be here in the morning,” he says

“Morning? It’s only three in the afternoon!”

“I know, and I don’t plan on letting you leave this room until tomorrow morning,” my mouth hung open hearing that. “Now, I’m going to tell you right now, Brittany, I have slept with a lot of women and I’m not going to lie about it,”

“I’ve slept with a lot of men, so we’re even on that spectrum,” I tell him. He pulls me close to him and brushes his lips across mine.

“I like to take things slow in the beginning, I don’t believe in straight f*****g even though, I eventually will do that. You are my mate and my future Luna. You are my everything at this moment, and in every moment after this. I will love you for the rest of my days, and I hope that you will do the same for me,”

“Treat me right, love me hard, and I will. I believe in lifelong partners C.J. especially after seeing what Allie has with Dorian. I want what they have, I want it all and more,” I tell him as I wrap my arms around his neck. “Is this what people call ‘love at first sight’ because I swear to the higher powers I think I’m in love with you already,”

“It’s the mate bond, even though you’re not a wolf you will feel it. You will feel it even more after I make love to you,”

“Allie told me something about marking…”

“Yes, right here…” he says while pointing a spot on my neck. “…As a werewolf, I can mark you, essentially branding you, and tying your soul to mind forever, but because you’re not a wolf you won’t be able to do it to me”

“Can I be turned?”

“No, you can’t. Because you’re supernatural, with no wolf DNA, if I try to turn you, you will die,” his answer hurt, but Allie had already said it wasn’t a possibility, so I wasn’t surprised by his answer. “Do you wish for me to mark you?” he asked.


“Are you positive? Brittany, if I do this, you will be tied to me forever. You will never be able to leave me. If you do, the heartache could kill me,” he said looking in my eyes.

“C.J., I’ve been hurt a lot in the past. I was hurt by someone who I thought would be my lifelong partner. He cheated on me, with my sister of all people. She didn’t have her powers bound the way I did, so her soul is evil, and demons don’t believe in partners or love,”

“I’m sorry to hear that, I would never hurt you,”

“I know that. Allie told me that wolves who believe in their mate bond don’t believe infidelity,”

“We don’t,”

“The pain I felt when someone I loved hurt me, was a pain that I would never wish on anyone. I will never hurt you C.J. You’ve already shown me more love in the last 45 minutes than any other man ever has in the 27 years I’ve been alive,”

“27!?” he looked at me in shock. I nodded “Hmm, you’re older than me,”

“I am? By how many years?”

“Just two,”

“Eh, that’s nothing,” he smiled and gave me a sweet k**s. God this man’s lips were so good. He had thick lips and I couldn’t wait to feel them all over my body.

“Take off your clothes, baby. Let me see this beautiful body,”

“Can we turn off the lights first?” I ask him.

“Why?” he asked.

“I’m a little self-conscious,” I tell him, and he looks at me confused. “I…I…I have scars on my back C.J., lots of them,” I look at the floor in shame.

“Brittany, what do you mean you have scars on your back?” he sits me down on the bed and looks at me with worry.

“I was beaten as a child. My father was a full demon and he was a firm believer in spanking. But as a demon, that spanking was in the form of fireballs,”


“My family is dysfunctional. My mom is a good witch but was tricked into marrying a demon. I was the only child out of four that came out good. My siblings were all born as demons. My father wanted me to tap into my demonic side, but when I refused he threw low-level fires at my back. They didn’t do much damage, but when I turned 16, I had my mother bind all of my powers because I didn’t want my demonic side anymore. I wanted to be fully good. When my father found out, he became furious with me and threw full force fireballs at me and my mother. I shielded her and took the full force of over twenty fireballs that night. My back is now permanently scarred because of it. I was disowned after that,”

“Brittany, baby I’m so sorry, come here,” C.J. pulled me into a hug and held me tight. After a moment of being in his embrace, C.J. gently pulled away.

“Show me,”

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