Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Heat Chapter 14

{Allie’s P.O.V.}

“Wait, he told you that he can turn you into a werewolf?” Sin asked me.

“Yeah, he did,” I replied

“Are you going to do it?”

“I have no idea, to be honest. I mean, that is a huge decision to make. Give up my humanity to be supernatural,”

“Do you love him?”

“Does that matter?”

“Of course, it does. I don’t think that you make a decision like this based on anything else. The question really is, do you love him enough to do this?”

“Sin, I don’t think this decision can be made solely on the fact that I love him,”

“Allie, babe, if you do this, you could be with him forever. He already treats you like a queen, and the pack loves you,”

“What about you?”

“What about me?”

“Sin, would you do it? If Mikey offered to turn you into a werewolf, would you do it?” I need to know what her decision would be. Essentially, she and I are in the same boat when it comes to our mates. I hate saying it like that, let me rephrase to boyfriends.

“Yes,” she replied.

“What?” I was shocked. She put no thought into it. She was willing to do it without any hesitation.

“Yes, I would do it. Now that I know it can be done, I’m going to go ask Mikey,”



“You cannot be serious right now,”

“Allie, I love him. I love him so much. You and I are in the same boat right now. We met them at the same time on the same day. I just gave in to my feelings faster than you did. Mikey is different from any guy I have ever been with it,”

“Explain. Help me understand your logic girlfriend, because other than Devin, Dorian is the first guy I’m serious about, and it just so happens he is a werewolf,”

“Devin is a werewolf,” she snapped

“That is beside the point, Sin,”

“Mikey loves me! That is the difference babe. Mikey loves me. Sure, it has to do with the bond, but that is out of my control. The moment we had s*x, it was like something just clicked,”

“How do I know what I feel for Dorian is actually love?” I didn’t want my feelings to be infatuation because he was good looking or because he said all the right things. I didn’t want my saying ‘I love you’ to him to only be because I was afraid of Devin.

“When you go to sleep, who do you dream about?”


“When you wake up, who do you hope to see next to you?”


“When you were attacked, who did you wish to save you?”


“When you’re taking a shower, do you imagine him f*****g you into oblivion?”


“When this is all over, do you want to be with him?”

“I want to be with him now. I want him to f**k me into oblivion right now. I want him Sin! I want to have his babies for f**k’s sake,”

“Do you now?” My eyes grew wide when I heard a familiar sexy voice behind me. I turn around and see Dorian in the doorway of Mikey’s room.

“YOU DIDN’T LOCK THE DOOR!?” I screamed at Sin. My face became flushed and I was so embarrassed.

“Oops,” is all Sin could say. I glare at her and try to avoid looking into Dorian’s eyes. My cheeks were burning from embarrassment.

“Jjok palligae mohyah,” (this is so embarrassing) I mutter under my breath.

“Excuse us, Sin,” he grabs my hand and takes me back to our room. I had no idea what was about to happen. Apart of me wants him to make hot passionate love to me, on the other hand, I wanted to run and hide. When we get to our room, Dorian pulls me in and locks the door.

“Dorian, how much of that did you hear?”

“Enough to know you want me to f**k your brains out and have my babies,” he raised his brows. “Were you being serious?” he asked.

“Yes, I was. But I don’t know if I can commit just yet. s*x is still a very sensitive subject for me. Showing any kind of affection is really difficult, but when it comes to you, I don’t know. I made out with you after only knowing you for two days. That the was most affection I showed anyone in four years. You do something to me Dorian, and I don’t know how to explain it. You say all the right things, you touch me in the right ways, and all the while you’re respectful of my boundaries. This morning, I showed you myself in the shower. No man has seen me naked, ever. Not since Devin, and he forced it. I allowed myself to expose my body to you,”

“Allie, I respect you because I love you,”

“I know, but a part of me wonders if you only love me because of the mate bond or whatever the hell it is. Would you still love me this way if I wasn’t your so-called mate?”

“You being my mate has nothing to do with my feelings for you Allie. When we are shown our mate, we have the choice to reject that mate if wish to do so,” he said to me.

“Wait, what?”

“Baby, werewolves reject their mates all the time. It happens. Some say it’s because they don’t see the appeal, some don’t want a mate because they have too much fun f*****g around, but for me, I have been searching for my mate. Then, you came into my life. I could have rejected you, but I chose not to. I’m choosing to love you,” I had no idea what to say to him. He just said he had every chance to reject me but chose not to. I could not take my eyes off of him. Dorian just proclaimed his love for me.

“Dorian, I had no idea,”

“Now you do,”

“I’m sorry I doubted you, I assumed you didn’t have a choice because of the bond, but I was totally wrong. I’m so sorry, baby,” I walked up to him and hugged his waist.

“You didn’t know, it’s understandable that you would question it,” he stood there just hugging me. I loved how I fit in his embrace. Even when he hugged me tight, it was never too much. “And to let you know, the reason why Sin feels more for Mikey is that she already mated with him. Once mates, you know, mate, both parties seal their bond. Now all Mikey has to do is mark her,”

“She said she wants Mikey to turn her,”

“Then that will be up to them to figure out. Look, you don’t have to turn if you don’t want to. I gave you the option because you wanted to know how you could mark me back,”

“I understand,” he leaned down and kissed me. I will never get tired of his lips or his touch. I had a lot to think about this, but before this decision was made, I want to see Jessica and Devin pay for what they have done to me.

{Sin’s P.O.V.}

After Dorian took Allie, I went to go find Mikey. I wanted to know why he never offered to mark me or turn me. I found him out by the pool with Brandon.

“Hi, honey,” I say while sitting next to him

“Hi, gorgeous, what’s up?”

“Can we talk a minute?”

“Sure,” he gets up and takes my hand. We walk over to a secluded area of the backyard in the shade. “What’s up?”

“Why haven’t you marked me?” he looked at me like I grew two heads. “Mikey!”

“Who told you about marking?”

“Allie did. She and Dorian had an intimate conversation about it, and he even told her he could turn her so she could mark him back,”


“What?” why was he flustered

“I didn’t tell you because I thought you would run away from me. Marking is essentially branding. And turning you could potentially kill you, Sin,” I didn’t expect that answer.

“Then why is Dorian so confident in turning in Allie?”

“Because Dorian is an Alpha,”

“If I asked you to, would you?”

“Would I what?”

“Would you turn me?” He didn’t respond. “Mikey!”

“I have to think about it,”


“Sin, the probability of you dying is high, and I don’t know if I could risk losing you over this. The process is painful and exhausting. Your body would attempt to fight off the venom and in doing so, you will get really sick and run a high fever. You saw how Dorian was when Allie was in the hospital, he was f*****g miserable and felt helpless, I would be the same watching you suffer,”

“I understand,” but the truth was, I didn’t understand. Everything going on right now between Allie and myself was the polar opposite. Dorian is confident in turning Allie, but she does not want to. I want it, but Mikey is confident that I wouldn’t survive it.

“Sin, this does not change anything. I love you, honey,” he says to me as he pulls me into a hug. I hated this so much, I wish I had never asked.

“What about marking?” I asked him

“That I can definitely do,” he smiled. I felt better with that.

{Mikey’s P.O.V.}

f*****g Dorian. Why the f**k would he tell Allie that we had the ability to turn humans. What the hell was he thinking? Seeing Sin that disappointed crushed me, but I stand by what I said, I don’t think I could do that to her. I needed to confront Dorian,

Dorian, where are you?

In my office with Allie.

Stay there, I’m on the way

I get to his office and knock.

“Come in,”


“What’s up?”

“Allie, will you excuse us a minute please?”

“Sure,” she k****s Dorian on the cheek and walks out. I wait for the door to close.


“Mikey, I would watch who you’re talking to. We may be best friends, but I’m still your Alpha,”

“I’m not coming to you as my Alpha man, I’m coming to you as a friend. So, again, why the f**k did you tell Allie that you would turn her?

“Why does it matter?”

“Because she told Sin, and Sin wants me to turn her!”

“Why don’t you then?” Did he seriously ask me that? Does he not know what could happen?

“Because you know the process of turning a human, Dorian. I can’t do that to Sin, I love her too much. I told her this, and now she seems disappointed in me,”

“Don’t you have faith in your bond that she would survive the transition, Mikey? The moon goddess would not have given us human mates if she didn’t think they were strong enough,” f**k, Dorian was making a good point. “Plus, she gave Sin to you, and not Brandon. The pretty boy virgin. Sin was given to you of all f*****g people,”

“Well, yeah…” Dammit, why does his logic have to make sense?

“Brother, she is a strong human. Look at all the s**t she has gone through in the last month and a half. She lost her job, she lost all her money, her car, her home, her best friend has been in the hospital twice, and look at her pushing through it all. She could be blaming Allie for all of it, but she isn’t. She has a clear and strong head. I believe that our tiny human mates were given to us for a reason, and I hope you can see that”

“Damn man, no wonder you are the Alpha,”

“Hahaha, trust me, man, I have my issues too,” he put his hands on my shoulder and gives me a bro hug. “Give Sin time and let her think about it some more. If she really wants to, then who are you to deny her. She wants to spend the rest of her life with you man, and if she turns that makes it even more possible. Don’t you want to bear her mark?

“f**k yeah!” I came to b***h at him, but he put me in my place. Dorian was an amazing Alpha and amazing friend.

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