Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Heat Chapter 18

{Dorian’s P.O.V.}

I made a mess of the packhouse after hearing that Allie and Brandon took off. To say that Mikey was pissed is an understatement and Sin, well, she is sad that her best friend is gone. I would tell Mikey the truth as soon as we were ready to roll out in full force, but for now, I needed him in the dark. Mikey fights better when he is angry, and I needed him pissed.

I waited in my office for the night to fall. It was taking forever because it was summer. I needed it to be past midnight before I went out to the safe house. While I waited, I pulled out my phone and stared at a picture of Allie she took of herself. I wanted her in my arms. I knew she was safe, but Brandon told Simba that they were followed, that only meant that Devin and Jessica knew where they were.

Once midnight came around, I stripped out of my clothes and jumped out of the window letting Bandit take over midair. I landed on my paws and howled to let Mikey know I was heading out for a run.

Bandit let’s go to our mate!

With pleasure

He took off full speed into the middle of the night. I hoped that Allie would still be awake. The run was nice, the desert was a dead wasteland in the summer, but at night, it was cooler, and the sand felt nice against Bandit’s paws. It was definitely better than asphalt. It took about 40 minutes to get to the safe house. Longer than I wanted but having to stay in the shadows proved to be more difficult because of the moonlight.

Bandit, I see the house, slow down, and let’s check the perimeter. Bandit slowed his speed and circled the property a bit and sensed nothing. He made his way back around to the front and changed back. I saw Brandon had left out a pair for shorts for me. I put them on and went into the house. As soon as I closed the front door, I was pinned against the door with pair of hands around my neck.


“Oh, s**t!” he let go and backed off

“What the f**k man!”

“Sorry, I thought you were going to tell me when you got here,”

“Where’s Allie?”

“Upstairs,” I smiled and ran up the stairs.

{Allie’s P.O.V.}

I was sitting in the bed trying to fight my sleep. I wanted to wait for Dorian, but he was taking forever, and my eyes were getting super heavy. I laid down to give in, but then the door burst open.

“Dorian!” I was so excited I jumped off the bed into his arms

“Hey, baby,”

“What took you so long?”

“I needed to wait for it to be really dark outside, I can’t stay long either,”

“What? Why?”

“I need to get back before the sun rises. So that gives us about three hours to be together,” I smiled and pulled him into a k**s “Wait, baby. You did brush your teeth, right? I don’t need Brandon’s sloppy seconds,”

“Yes, I was getting for bed anyway, so I already showered and brushed my teeth and used mouth wash,” what a jackass

“Okay,” we resumed. Dorian laid me on the bed and laid partially on top of me. He stuck out his tongue and I gladly sucked on it. He definitely enjoyed this, and I loved doing it to him.

“Touch me, Dorian,” without even a second thought, his hands went between my thighs and started to stimulate me. I was wet within seconds. “Mmm, I love how you do that,” I say to him. I reach down and start to pull down my shorts, and Dorian assisted. He didn’t wait before he started to roll his fingertip around my clit.

“You are so beautiful,” he whispered in my ear. He kissed me and inserted his finger and hooked it upwards, he knew exactly where to hit me to send my body into a fury of spasms and pleasure.

“Oh my god, right there, baby,” with a few flicks of this finger, I felt myself spill all over his hand. He immediately went to lick his fingers, I but I stopped his hand. He looked at me shocked and as I brought his fingers to my mouth instead. I tasted my juices for the first time, and even my own taste buds were shocked. I tasted pretty good. Before swallowing I pulled Dorian into a k**s and shared my essence with him. He m****d and growled. We kissed for a minute or so when he slowly pulled away.

“f**k, that was sexy as hell Allie,” he moved his hand down again and inserted two fingers this time. I arch my back at the sudden penetration and jolt of warm pleasure take over. Dorian pulled his fingers out and sat up, on the bed with his back to the headboard. He picked me up and sat me in front of him between his legs. He reached under my arm and put his fingers back inside of me. This position seemed to give him a better angle because it always felt deeper than other positions.

“Ah! God that feels so good baby,” I start to squirm, but Dorian is using his legs to keep mine open. He as turning me into a yoga doll. He turned my head towards him and kissed me fiercely. He moved his fingers as fast as he could, and I felt my body tighten as another o****m tore through me. I felt exhausted once my body relaxed.

“,” I said completely out of breath

“You good?”

“Mmhmm,” I said and held his arms and rested my head against his chest. He readjusted his body laid my head down on the pillow. He held me close, and I just snuggled close to him. I knew he had to leave in a little bit, and I want to be as close to him as possible. This was going to be the first night since meeting Dorian we would be away from each other. Even when I was in the hospital, he was by my side.

“Sleep, baby,”

“I hate that you have to go,” I mumble fighting my sleep again

“I know, I will be close by watching over you,”

“How are Mikey and Sin doing?”

“They are angry and hurt, they both think you and Brandon betrayed them,”

“Do you think they will forgive us?”

“They will, in time,” I nod and let out a yawn. “Go to sleep, I will hold you for as long as I can,” I nod again and drift into dreamland.

{Dorian’s P.O.V.}

I waited for Allie to fall asleep and just stayed with her for about an hour. I hated to leave her, but I had to.

I slowly lift my arm out from under her and turned off the lamp. I quietly leave the room and see that Brandon is still in the living room playing on his phone.

“I am heading out man,” I tell him

“Run safe,” he waves without looking

“Go to sleep Brandon,”

“I will sleep when you are gone,”

“I need you on your A-game, Brandon,”

“Chill boss, my source says that they are still planning. When they move out, you will know,”

“So, I have been wondering, who is this source you claim to have?”

“Someone is who more scared of us and they are of Devin. Also, this fucker is afraid Devin will kill him once he gets Allie, so he would rather take his chances with us,”

“You trust him?”

“Trust him? f**k no! But if you ask me if he knows what would happen if he double-crossed us, then f**k yes,”

“Alright, I am heading out then,” he waved me off and he never once lifted his head to look at me.

As Bandit got us back to packhouse just before dawn, I see that Mitch it out waiting for us.

Where were you, boss? You have been gone for hours.

I needed to cool my head! My mate ran off with my Beta and our best friend. Why wouldn’t I be gone for hours!?

I know, it sucks, but …

What do you know Mikey? You have Sin. Your mate chose you. Mine didn’t.

I shift back and walk to the pile of spare shorts and go inside. I did feel bad for lying to him right now, but it had to be this way, for Allie’s sake. I got back into the house and went up to my room. I closed the door and flicked on the lights. I jumped when I saw a naked Jessica in my bed.

“Hi, baby,” she said as she sat up

“What the f**k are you doing on my bed, let alone in my f*****g room? You know the rules!”

“Are you seriously going to turn me down? I mean, look at me, I am ready to worship you Alpha,” she f*****g disgusted me. I could smell her arousal and I wanted to vomit.

“Get the f**k out, before I throw you out,”

“Why? Your mate is gone, and that only leaves me,”

“Just because Allie is gone, does not mean I will go back to you, now get the f**k out!”

“Just admit it, Dorian, I was right about her. She was worthless and didn’t deserve you. She made that clear when she made out with Brandon,”

“How do you know what Brandon and Allie were up to?”

“Their flirting was pretty f*****g obvious. They tried to be sneaky, but they were too careless,”

“You knew about them, yet you kept it to yourself?”

“I needed the leverage, but since she and Beta Brandon are gone, that only leaves me. Baby, I can pleasure you like no one else can. I mean, everyone knows that you have not f****d her, she still smells like the disgusting human she is,” I lost control after she called Allie disgusting. I grabbed her by the throat and pushed her against the wall.

“Call my mate disgusting one more time, and I will tear you limb from limb,” my eyes blackened and Bandit was trying to take control. “Allie may have left me, but that does not mean in any way, shape, or form I would ever get back together with you. You are not my mate. And if you haven’t noticed, your naked body does nothing for my d**k,” she looked down and saw me softer than ever.

“I can’t believe you still love her!” she shouted through my strangling her

“I will love her until the end of time. Allie is my mate, and she will always be my mate. Allie doesn’t understand the concept of rejection between mates. Now get the f**k out!” I dropped her and she coughed for air. She looked at me with tears in her eyes, but I didn’t care. She stood and scurried out of my room.

Mikey, get an omega in here to gather all the sheets and blankets from my bed. Tell them to burn it. I am going out to buy new ones.


f*****g Jessica was naked in my bed.

I will get right on that

I jumped in the shower and stood in under the hot water. I missed Allie and I was just with her a few hours ago. I hated this part of the plan, but I had to trust Brandon. I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. I came back into the room and found that all the sheets and blanket were gone, and my bed was baren. I figured I would leave it like that and pick up new sheets on the way home from the office.

Since I had no reason to stay at the packhouse, I figured going to work was the best way to relax and my mind off of things. I got dressed and headed out of the door. On my way down the stairs, I ran into Sin. Her eyes were puffy, and it looked like she had not slept for the last 24 hours.

“Dorian, have you heard from them at all?”

“No, I have not,” she dropped her head and started to sob. I hugged her.

“Please forgive her,”


“Please forgive Allie when you find them. I know she loves you, and this is not like her! I don’t believe that she is cheating on you with Brandon, I think she is just scared and turned to a neutral party for help,”

“Look Sin, I know she was your best friend…”

“IS! Allie IS my best friend! She may have left me right now, but she will be back, and she will beg you to forgive her! I know her! I know her better than anyone here! She would never do this; it is not like her!” Sin was hysterical. She wasn’t mad at Allie but worried about her.

“Sin, come on that’s enough!” Mikey shouted coming up the stairs. Sin still sobbing. “Dorian, I’m sorry about this,”

“Don’t be, I know she is only worried and hurt,” I kissed Sin on top of her head and left. I was relieved that Sin cared about Allie so much. She would forgive her; I knew she would. I was more concerned with Mikey forgiving Brandon and me.

When I got to the office, things were pretty steady, and everyone looked to be busy. I made my way through the main lobby and everyone greeted me. I got a few stares from both supernatural and human females. Though some were beautiful, none could ever compare to my Allie. I would mind link Brandon here and there to check in on Allie. She spent the day cooking, cleaning, and reading. He said that Allie actually knew how to cook which got me excited. She complained that I didn’t stop the fridge with the ranch dressing. I had to laugh at that. I almost started to believe she only wanted to be in my house to eat my food.

The day pretty much went by quickly since all I had to work on was paperwork and contract signing. I ended my day and went home.

{Unknown P.O.V.}

I sat behind the bar and just shook my head. There were a dozen rogue werewolves, Jessica, and Devin in my bar. Devin had recruited rogues for his mission to get to Allie at the Desert Moon safehouse. Apparently, each and every single one was either part of the pack and were banished or had some personal issues with them. This was starting to get out of hand, and I knew that just by hosting their meetings, the Alpha would kill me too.

Once Jessica told Devin she new where Allie was hiding with the Beta, Devin recruited all these rogues and started to plan an attack to kill the Beta, kidnap, and torture Allie. I no longer wanted to be on the receiving end of their revenge. Even if Allie did cheat on the Alpha, she was still his mate and Brandon was still the Beta until they were banished or executed. No one crossed Dorian Shaw. I texted Brandon to let him know and that I would be a personal spy if the pack promised to spare my life. He agreed.

“Everyone got it?” Devin asked his band of rogues and they all nodded

“Allie is mine!” Jessica shouted

“We take her alive! I have unfinished business with her. It will start with me claiming that sweet p***y of hers,” Devin said as he licked his lips.

“Why are guys so into her? She’s not even pretty!”

“Speak for yourself!” Shouted a rogue. “I saw her picture, and I’d f**k her too!”

“Are you f*****g kidding me!? First Devin, then Dorian, followed by Brandon, and now you! Does this b***h have some kind of spell on men!?” Jessica was fuming. You could smell the jealousy. I did not blame any of the guys though, even I thought was Allie was smoking hot. That’s why I hired her at Kane Beach Club.

“Jake! Stop staring off into space and get us more drinks,” shouted Devin. I grabbed a bottle and poured some shots for everyone.

“We attack the night of the new moon,” Devin said. The new moon was two days away. Once everyone left, I texted Brandon.

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