Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Heat Chapter 17

{Allie’s P.O.V.}

Over the next few days, my flirting with Brandon became easier, we always made sure that either Jessica or Simba was nearby. Simba knew the plan, but his presence was for show and to trick Jessica into thinking Simba was spying us. Every so often, we did flirt in front of Sin and Mikey, but not too much. We needed to get Mikey to question Brandon, but not enough to cause a scene. Mikey’s loyalty to Dorian is what we were counting on, but we did not want him to lose his temper. At least, not yet.

We needed to move things slowly, and take it gradually, Jessica needed to believe that I was being unfaithful to Dorian with his Beta and that I was doing it behind his back, but was being reckless enough to get caught. I never told Dorian the things I did with Brandon, and Brandon always made sure to have his mind link blocked from Dorian. This was Dorian’s idea.

After about two weeks of small flirting, I decided to be a little more confident, and purposely asked Brandon to escort me to the backyard with Jessica being in hearing distance. He agreed and I linked arms with him. Since he was the Beta, no one questioned him being with me all the time since it was his job to protect me as well as Simba, but we needed Jessica to see us flirt, which she did and that is what we needed.

“She is watching,” he whispered to me and low as he could. I nodded and slowly lowered my hand to his and interlocked our fingers. He tensed a little, and I rubbed his arm with my other hand to reassure him it would be okay. We walked over to one of the big pine trees in the far corner farthest away from the house.

“Let Simba know,” I whispered in his ear. He nodded and bent his head down to my neck to hide the fact that he was mind linking Brandon and made it seem like he was kissing my neck.

“He’s around the corner and says that Jessica is watching us from behind the pillar,”

“Good, and I am sorry Brandon, I know that this uncomfortable for you,”

“It is getting better, and the boss promised he won’t kill me,”

“I will make sure he doesn’t, I enjoy having you around,” I tell him.

“Luna, are you ready to put on a show?” I nodded. He positioned us at an angle to where we would be in full sight of Jessica.

“I am going to pretend you’re Dorian, Brandon, so this is going to be real,” he nodded. I wrapped my arms around his neck and looked deep into his eyes. I gave him a small nod and he put his hands on my h**s and pressed himself against me.

“I’m sorry Luna,”

“It’s okay, do what you need to do to make this real,” he placed his hand under my legs and left me up against the tree, I instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist. He pressed up against me more, but thankfully, I felt nothing- emotionally or physically. He pressed harder and licked my l*p. I smiled trying to contain my laughter. It was so awkward, but I knew he was trying. Poor Brandon was saving himself for his destined mate and doing anything physical like this made him uncomfortable.

He buried his face into my neck, which meant he was mind linking Simba. He was there for a minute, but then I felt him k**s my neck and lick it. I grabbed his shoulder because it caught me off guard.

“Brandon, what the…”

“Shhh, Luna, I needed you to be caught off guard. From afar, it would look like you were aroused,” I nodded my head. He lifted his head to look at me.

“This isn’t your first k**s, right?” I asked him

“No, don’t worry, Allie,” I sighed in relief. I grabbed his face and kissed him. He hesitated for a second before reciprocating. I imagined Dorian because I honestly hated myself at that moment. Brandon was not a bad kisser though. Whoever his mate was would be lucky. He pulled away and I licked his bottom l*p in return.

“We should go now, Simba says that Jessica is gone,” he said to me. He let me down gently and he left first leaving me at the tree. I needed to go to see Dorian. Everything may have been an act, but I still felt guilty. I fixed my clothes and went back into the house. As I made my way through the living area, Dorian was actually coming down the stairs. I saw him and got excited, but then I saw Jessica come around the other corner. What better way to f**k with her head?

“Hi, baby!” I yelled and skipped to Dorian. I jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly.

“Hey gorgeous, what have you been up to?”

“Brandon took me for a walk in the backyard because I wanted some fresh air, and Simba was nowhere to be found,” I said to him. I looked down and realized he was a dress shirt and black slack and dress shoes. I had to admit, he looked sexy as hell all like this. “Wait, why are you dressed up?”

“Sorry, Allie, I have to go to the firm. I have an important business meeting that I cannot miss. Mikey, Sin and Simba will be going with me,”

“Sin?! Why is she going? She’s not even into tech!” I was flabbergasted but then Dorian gave me a stern look. I realized that he was trying to get them out of the house.

“Brandon will stay with you, do not go anywhere without him,” his tone was suggestive, and I understood what he wanted. I was hesitant because I have been dying to see the office. I ended up pouting because I was jealous of Sin at that moment.

“Dorian, how long before you have to leave?”

“About 15 minutes, why?” I smiled and whispered in his ear.

“Make me c*m before you go,” He immediately turned around and took me upstairs. I saw the look on Jessica’s face. It was pure disgust and hatred. I had just finished making out with Brandon and immediately turned around to have fun with Dorian. Ha! f*****g with her head was sheer joy.

After Dorian worked his magic with his fingers, he kissed me goodbye and left with the others. I put my shorts back on and went down to the kitchen, where I found Brandon sitting at the table with his lunch.


“Hey,” he said with his mouth full

“You did good,” I said gave him a love tap. He froze a minute and then wrapped his around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I was about to hit him harder but then saw Jessica enter the kitchen. It dawned on me that he could sense her before she even came in. I played my part and put my arm on his shoulder and took a chip off his plate. I kept my focus on Brandon, while he watched her. I saw him smirk in her direction. A few seconds later, he relaxed and pushed me away slightly.

“That was a close call,” he said taking a bite of his sandwich.

“I saw that smirk, what was that for?”

“Oh, that? After Dorian dumped her, she wanted to get back him by trying to sleep with me. But that didn’t work out in her favor because I am obviously saving myself,”

“Uh-huh,” I said still confused

“Jessica is jealous of you. You are Dorian’s mate, and I told her no,”

“Oh, I get it. Both guys she wants don’t want her, but both of those guys are now with me,”


“Is that why Dorian chose you for this part?” he nodded and took the final bite of his sandwich.

“Let’s sell this even more,” he said

“How?” without a word, he put his plate in the sink and gestured me to follow him. I got up followed him, and out of nowhere he shouted at me,

“Allie! I told you no! I am not taking you out of the f*****g house!” I smiled and shook my head

“Come on!! Dorian is gone and will be out for a few hours! I just need fresh air!” I shouted back and followed him out of the kitchen. Luckily, there weren’t a lot of people, but the one person we needed was there.

“Why must you insist on breaking the rules?”

“I wouldn’t have to if Dorian didn’t coddle me like a f*****g child! I am a grown woman and am basically being held captive by my so-called mate,” I crossed my arms and pouted.

“f**k! Fine! I’ll take you. How do you feel about motorcycles?”

“Oh my gosh! I have always wanted to ride one!” This was not an act.

“Go change,” I smiled and kissed him on the cheek and ran upstairs to change. I ran into the closet and decided to dress a little sexy but comfortable.

I pulled out a dark blue low-cut tank, put on a pair of denim shorts, and my combat boots. By the time I came back downstairs, Brandon was ready to go.

“Here, put this on,” he said handing me a jacket.

“It’s over 100 outside, why the hell would I wear this,”

“Because I don’t need you flying off the back of my bike when we are going 80 to 90 miles per hour on the road,” I made an O shape with my mouth and put it on. He led me to the garage where all the bikes were. He got on a crimson red model Ducati and I squealed in excitement. He got on and helped me get on the back seat. He started up the bike and gave me a helmet. I put it on, and he opened the garage via remote.

“Oh my gosh, I am so excited! Thank you, Brandon!”

“Hang on tight!” I wrapped my arms around his waist and held on for dear life. He shifted into gear and pulled out of the garage. We took off from the house and sped down the road. I expected him to take me towards the city, but he went off in the opposite direction.

“Where are we going?!” I yelled through the helmet,

“Safehouse! We are being followed!” I was so confused, and look back slightly, but do not see anything.

“Are you sure!? I don’t see anyone!”

“Trust me! We made a scene at the packhouse, and I know Jessica won’t pass it up to follow us!” I nodded. The ride was so amazing. I wanted to take off the helmet and let my hair flow with the wind, but Brandon wouldn’t allow it. After about two hours, we ended up a small two-story home just outside of Duck Water. Brandon pulled into the driveway and turned off the bike.

“That was so much fun! Thank you!” I jumped and gave him a huge hug. He smiled and led me into the house. It was decorated like the packhouse, it was just smaller. It had a small backyard with fake grass and a patio with lawn chairs. It was very cozy and felt like home.

“So, the plan is working,” he said to me while hanging up his helmet and jacket

“How do you know?”

“Mikey mind linked me and was cussing me out the entire ride here. Apparently, rumor has spread that we ran away with each other,”

“Oh, s**t! What about Sin?”

“She is freaking out because she thinks you left her alone,”

“I feel horrible lying to them,” I pouted

“We all agreed on this, and plus this makes it more real to other people,”

“Is Simba doing his part?” I asked

“Yeah, Simba has told Dorian that he has caught us flirting and that we kissed earlier. Dorian obviously knows that it is an act, but hearing that we kissed sent him into a rage that only a pissed Alpha can do,”

“I hope he doesn’t hurt anyone; I would feel horrible if any innocents were injured because of me,”

“Nah, Dorian is going crazy, but has enough control not to physically injure anyone, except for me,”

“What is going to happen now?” I ask hugging my legs on the couch. He didn’t answer. I look at him and see his eyes glazed over. I chewed on my cheek and waited a bit.

“Sorry about that,”

“Who were you talking to?”

“Simba, he said that Jessica was not in the house when they got there. If she is predictable as we think she is, she went to tell Devin where we are,” I nodded and just leaned back.

“What about us?”

“Sorry, but we have to play this out. It may take a few days, and we have to make it seem like we ran away together,”

“And Dorian?”

“Oh, he will be coming by later tonight. Everyone knows that Dorian goes out for a run when he is pissed. He will show up in wolf form. Because Bandit is solid back, and there is little to no streetlights on the road we took, he can get here in about 30 minutes and be completely concealed by the darkness of night,”

“What about you?”

“I will stay here even when he comes, all of the rooms are soundproofed, so you guy can do whatever,” he raised his brows and winked.

“Oh my gosh, stop!” we laughed. “Are there groceries in the fridge?”

“Yup, Dorian had it stocked a few days ago,”

“Okay, I will make us something to eat,” I jumped up and went into the kitchen.

Hopefully, this plan works.

{Unknown P.O.V.}

Devin and I were sitting around enjoying a beer as he goes over his plan of grabbing Allie when she is vulnerable, and as if on cue, Jessica came bursting through the door.

“You are not going to believe this s**t!” She was fuming but was happy at the same time.

“What’s got you so worked up?” I asked her

“Allie! That f*****g slut is not only the mate to Dorian, but she is cheating on him with the Beta, Brandon!”

“What?” Devin and I ask in unison. Damn, that b***h had it made. An Alpha and a Beta.

“Yeah, the last few weeks, I have caught them flirting, sneaking in hand touching, and earlier today, I caught them making out in the backyard!” she sat down, and I poured her a shot. She took it in one go. “Then, after Dorian left for work with the Gamma, his mate and one of the guards, Allie ran away with Brandon by forcing him to take her out of the house,” she smiled at the last part.

“Are you telling me that it is only her and the Beta?” Devin sat up excited

“Yup. I followed the w***e and the Beta, and they are at this small house that’s about two hours from here. I heard that the Alpha is f*****g pissed and wants them dead,”

“Does he know where they are?”

“Nope,” she said while taking another and shot leaning forward. “But I do, and I’ll take you,”

“We need a plan of attack first,” Devin said. He and Jessica got to work.

I just hope I was not caught in the crossfire when all this goes down.

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