
Chapter Dating 32

Chapter 32

As I straddled Liam, our eyes locked, the air between us was so heavy with desire. I could barely think. This was why I had wanted to stay away. It seemed like every time I came close to Liam, my mind and my heart did crazy things and kept finding itself pulling closer to him.

My heart pounded in my chest as I leaned in closer, my lips barely an inch from his. “You want to start by practicing how my characters kiss each other?” I whispered. I could feel the full size of Liam beneath me, and I knew that if we kept going, Liam and I would be doing much more than kissing by the end of this night

I moved my lips even closer to Liam, the boldness in me taking over. But just as I was about to kiss him, the bedroom door started to jiggle behind me. I jumped

“What the Liam muttered, the expression on his face shifted from hunger to irritation. He looked like he was thinking of all the ways he would mangle whoever was coming through the door just now.

The door swung open, and in walked a tall, muscular guy, Plastered arross his face was a cheeky grin as he caught sight of me straddling Liam, the straps of my shirt halfway down my ann. “Whoa. sorry to interrupt,” he said, holding up his hands in mock surrender.

“What the fuck, Blain!” Liam growled.

Blain chuckled, his arms still up in surrender, “I said I was sorry, dude. I swear, I didn’t know you had company. You should have texted me. Preferably a picture since she’s kind of hot.”

1 scrambled off Liam’s lap, my face burning with embarrassment. “I uh.. was just leaving Jesus Christ. This was such a nightmare. I could only limagine the types of pictures Liam and his buddies sent to each other of the girls they were with.

Liam picked up baseball and before I even knew what was happening, he threw the ball right at Blain’s middle. Blain doubled over with a loud oof “Shun the hell up, asshole, Liam said. He held my arm and turned me back around, “I would never and have never shared pictures of the girls I’ve been with, with anybody, I swear. Liam’s eyes were sincere as he gazed into mine. I scanned his face and I realized that he was telling the truth.

“I was just kidding. Liam’s right, no picture sharing happens, I swear,” Blain said.

I nodded and found a way to slide off Liam’s lap. Even if they never shared pictures, I still needed to keep what little dignity I had intact, “Okay” Blain grinned as Liam flipped him off for good measure, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “No need to rush out on my account Ella. As L roommate, I can unequivocally say that you are the first girl that Liar has ever brought back to the dorm. Big milestone, buddy”


Liam shot Blain a glare, “Thanks for the commentary, asshole. Really helpful.

Noah’s grin widened. He plopped down on his bead and brought his arms up so that his head could rest easily on them. “Anytime buddy. But senously, Elia, it’s nice to meet you. Liam does not shut up about you. Sometimes I wish I could strangle him to death so I don’t have to hear one more, Ella this, Ella that”

I glanced at Liam, my eyes wide with surprise, Liam stared back as he rubbed the back of his neck, looking slightly sheepish. I smiled, then turned back to Hain, “Uh, nice to miret you too, Blain.

Blain gave me a mock salute. “I was going to kick it with you guys but you know what, I think I’ll see what trouble I can get into. I’ll leave you two lovebirds to it. Just try not to break the bed, okay?” With that, Blain hopped out of bed and sauntered out of the room, closing the door behind him.

I rumed to liam, my mortification not yet subsiding. I could not believe what just happened. To be honest, if I could ask the ground to swallow me whole and it could magically happen, I totally would, “He seems. nice,”

Liam sighed, running a hand through his thick hair “Yeah, he’s a handful. But he’s a solid dude. He’s one of my closest friends, actually,” Liam glanced at the door as if Blain was still there. He shook his head and sindled at a memory only he was aware of, “Anyway, don’t mind him. Are you okay?

I nodded, still feeling the heat in my checks. “Yeah, just… embarrassed. But I guess nobody ever died from embarrassment,” I said, and then, “Tou also a little surprised. Blain said l’in the first girl you’ve brought here?”

Liam shrugerd, looking me directly in the eye. He didn’t break eye contact as he said, Yeah, you are. I don’t really being girls this room. I don’t know, it just feels.. like a spare I want to keep sepurate from most people,”

back to my room To

I felt a strange mix of emotions welling up in me–pride, confusion, and curiosity. I had always imagined a sea of alte–wolves coming in and out of Liam’s dorm. But, I guess I had made a totally wrong assumption, “Why me then!

Liam’s eyes softened as he looked at me. He brought his hand up to my cheek, “Because you’re different, Ella. You matter to the

My heart cracked open t

then and the butterflies in

my belly went wild.

12:30 PM c d

Chapter 132

Before I could respond, not that I even knew what to say, Liam’s phone buzzed. He glanced at it and then back at me, a hint of nervousness in his eyes? Hey, so, I was wondering if you wanted to come watch the other friendly match coming up this week, the one against Arthur Winslow and his team!”

to come!” I said, surprised.

“L. you really want me to

Liam nodded, “Yeah, I want to dedicate my victory to you.”

My heart skipped a beat. “What? Why!”

  1. I want everyone to see

Liam intertwined his fingers in mine, “Because you are a huge part of my life now and I want you there, cherring me on. I w you and know that you’re mine.”

The sincerity in Liam’s eyes made my breath catch. I couldn’t believe the words he’d just said to me, I’d love to be there,” I said softly.

Liam’s smiled, and it was everything. “You’re the best.

A knock on the door interrupted us again. “Liam, you in there?” Blain’s voice called out.

Liam groaned. “What now. Blain?”

The door opened slightly, and Blain peeked in. “Sorry to interrupt again, but you might want to check this out” He handed Liam a piece of paper, his expression suddenly serious.

Liam’s brow furrowed as he read it, his eyes darkening with every second.

“What is it?” I asked, my stomach knotting with anxiety:

Liam looked up, his eyes filled with rage. “It’s a warning. From my birth family. They know about us.”

My blood ran cold. “What do you mean? How do they even know about us?”

“They’ve always kept tabs on me even though they refused to reveal who they are. The fact that they sent this letter makes m

me know they mean

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