Dafeng's Night Squad

Chapter 36


Xu Qian began with his forte. “Do you know the process of solving a case?

“Observe the scene, collect clues, then make daring theories and meticulously comb for evidence. Unravel the mystery piece by piece and obtain the truth.”

The flickering candlelight illuminated Xu Pingzhi’s dumbfounded expression.

Xu Xinnian was in deep thought.

Xu Qian carried on his lecture. “Don’t think about how to trick Zhou Li. Instead, focus on observing him and have an ear out for any news. Then, with sufficient information, we can hatch a bold plan and hammer out the details and possibilities.”

The steps were systematic and clearly defined. Xu Xinnian believed his brother’s way of thinking was apt for the situation.

‘Who knew Ningyan was also a resourceful and reliable child…’ Xu Pingzhi gained some respect for his nephew. Previously, he had thought him too stubborn and unyielding to live a long life.

Seeing that no one objected to his plans, Xu Qian said, “Cijiu, you’re a successful imperial examination candidate and have access to the scholars. Gather information on the court politics and anything and everything about Zhou Li. Be thorough.

“Uncle, the Zhou manor is within the Inner Wall. The Armed Guards have nightly patrols so you’ll be in a position to surveil the manor. Send someone you trust.

“I want to know everything about Zhou Li. Where he went, what he did, and whom he spoke to.”

The father and son nodded, then realizing a missing piece, they asked, “And you?”

Xu Qian gave them a secretive smile. “I’ll be making a backup plan, just in case. Cijiu, let’s have a talk later, there are some questions I have for you. I’ll stay over at your place tonight.”

Drip, drip…

The sound of water droplets echoed through the silent room.

“Brother, are you asleep?”



“Brother, asleep yet?”



“Brother, you’re cutting into my space.”

Xu Qian flinched. Then, he heard Xu Xinnian continue. “Keep your elbows.”

“Okay, okay…”

The mood was awkward as the sounds of their breathing filled the room. Xu Qian asked, “Can’t sleep?”

“Yeah. I’m not used to the sleeping arrangement,” Xu Xinnian replied.

‘Me too.’ Xu Qian said, “When was the last time we had a sleepover?”

Xu Xinnian took a moment to recall the past. “When I was ten. Ever since you started learning martial arts, the relationship between you and Mother was strained. We drifted apart then.”

‘Here I thought you would deny we ever shared a bed… We can still do this now but I’ll never get to have a sleepover with Lingyue.’ The host’s childhood memory surfaced in his mind.

Xu Qian sighed. “I don’t blame your mother. An Armed Guard doesn’t earn a lot. Uncle’s annual take-home pay is a little more than 200 silver taels. To spend half of it on me while the rest of you share the remaining half, your mother is right to be angry.”

Xu Xinnian diverted the topic. “The Xu family might be done for if we can’t get through this debacle.”

If Assistant Minister Zhou was not toppled, the Xu family would face repercussions after the inspections.

“I’ll arrange for something. If the worst comes to worst, we’ll have to leave Jingzhao City. Uncle and I can find labor jobs which will be plenty throughout the lands, but your ten years of study will go to waste,” Xu Qian said sympathetically.

Xu Xinnian took a deep breath. “Rank and wealth are but mortal constructs. As a true scholar who studies the scriptures and walks the sage’s path, these are nothing to me.”

Xu Qian agreed wholeheartedly and said, “If Xu Xinnian wasn’t born, Dafeng would’ve been in eternal darkness!”

The thin thread of friendship was severed with that cheeky line. Xu Xinnian huffed and puffed and curled into a ball, taking away the blanket the brothers were sharing.

“Hey, Cijiu, share the blanket. It’s winter season and while I’m at maximum refinement, I’m not immune to the cold.”

Xu Xinnian stayed in the curled-up position and tightened his grip on the blanket. He pretended to be asleep and ignored Xu Qian.

In Xu Lingyue’s chamber, the dying embers of the burning coal gave rise to plumes of carbon dioxide smoke.

A slit in the windows was opened for ventilation.

The eyebrows on Xu Lingyue’s fair face were knitted together. Then, her eyes opened suddenly. She spent some time staring at the curtains that covered the bed before sitting up.

She stretched and the thick blanket fell away. Her white undergarments were stretched to reveal a growing girl’s figure.

There was an elegant curve to her neck. Her messy hair framed her exquisite countenance.

Xu Lingyue covered her pink lips as she yawned cutely.

The maidservant who slept across the room woke up and quickly got dressed.

“The room is a little stuffy. Please open the windows,” Xu Lingyue instructed as she rubbed her forehead.

The maidservant hurried to please.

The blanket was thrown aside. Xu Lingyue walked over to the window and inhaled a breath of fresh air.

As the daughter of a martial artist, Xu Lingyue was not a finicky lady. Back when her father did martial arts training with Xu Qian, Xu Lingyue and Xu Xinnian would join in for fun.

The siblings made a pact to train and grow stronger together.

However, as time passed, her mother forbade the siblings from joining Xu Qian in his martial arts training. By then, their father had decided Xu Qian would study the blade while Xu Xinnian would study the books.


A scholar practicing martial arts was regarded as neglecting his studies.

A daughter practicing martial arts would find trouble attracting suitors as no man appreciated a muscular lady.

As Xu Lingyue was enjoying the fresh air, a man passed by her window. He was dressed in the black uniform of a constable—the collar and cuffs were patterned red.

Xu Lingyue and Xu Qian exchanged a second-long glance.

Then, a warm smile graced Xu Qian’s face.

Xu Lingyue let out a yelp and shut the window.

‘My sister is all grown up!’ Xu Qian thought cheerfully.

‘Although I was not the hand that raised her, I still watched her grow up into a lady. She was just a little button then. Honestly, she was appropriately covered, there was no need for such a huge reaction.’

In her private chamber, Xu Lingyue was hunched down as a red blush spread across her face.

The maidservant advised the young lady. “You should change your habit. Open the windows after you’ve washed and tidied up. Lucky it’s just your brother. What if a stranger saw you?”

Xu Lingyue shuddered at the thought. “Stop it.”


The path outside her window was rarely taken. Xu Xinnian never took this path and her parents’ chamber was not nearby. Opening her windows in the morning was a fairly safe thing to do.

‘Why was he in the inner courtyard?’ Xu Lingyue wondered as she stared into the mirror.

The maidservant brushed her hair and helped with her makeup. Once that was done, the maidservant browsed through the jewelry box. “My lady, you’re short on presentable hair accessories.”

Xu Lingyue answered with a sigh. When the Xu family was jailed, all their possessions were taken away. The household expenses—including supporting more than a dozen servants—were eating away at their coffers.

They could not afford jewelry.

“Treasure House has some nice offerings. I went in to browse yesterday and didn’t want to leave. The hairpins would look lovely on you! Comparable!” the maidservant said.

“I think you mean compatible.” A flash of longing crossed Xu Lingyue’s eyes.

“But it costs so much. Ten silver taels for one piece. Maybe if we solved the riddle in the shop, the owner promised to give a discount to anyone who solves the riddle.”

Xu Lingyue was barely paying attention. “Lan’er, do you think Big Brother has changed recently?”

Lan’er thought for a moment. Then, she said with a smile, “He’s gentler and funnier than before. And he’s more knowledgeable now. Previously, he always had an angry face and was never this good toward you and your brother. He only smiled when talking to your father.”

Xu Lingyue was satisfied with the answer as a smile bloomed on her face. “It wasn’t his fault. Mother never treated him well.”

The thought of their improving sibling relationship put her in a happy mood.

‘Brother used to be aloof and grumpy all the time. Now, he’s full of surprises.’

Xu Qian arrived at Xu Lingyin’s room. The youngest daughter was nowhere near adulthood so he did not bother to knock when entering. He found the child squatting on the ground, intensely brushing her teeth with the hog bristle toothbrush.

Her concentration was fully on the task at hand.

The maidservant was tidying up her bed.

Xu Lingyin looked up and attempted to speak with the suds in her mouth, “Wh- yo- he…”

“Why are you brushing your teeth yourself?” Xu Qian asked as he glanced at the maidservant.

“Father said a boy has to be independent to learn martial arts.”

“You know that you’re a girl, right?” Xu Qian questioned.

Innocently, the little bean replied, “Yes.”

‘No, you don’t.’ Xu Qian asked, “Do you know the difference between a boy and a girl?” contemporary romance

“No. What’s the difference?” Xu Lingyin said truthfully.

‘Well, a biology lesson would not make things clearer for her…’ Xu Qian recalled the nine years of formal education and came up with a simple conclusion that would elegantly explain the sexes.

“Simply put, uh… Boys grow up to be troublemakers while girls grow up to be crybabies.”

Xu Lingyin widened her eyes as she digested the words. “No wonder Mother calls me a troublemaker.”

She danced around the room, shouting, “I’m a troublemaker! A troublemaker!”

Xu Qian silently excused himself from the room and wisely decided to skip the family breakfast.


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