Dafeng's Night Squad

Chapter 35

The Meeting in the Study

‘The mastermind behind the missing tax money is Assistant Minister Zhou.’ Xu Pingzhi slammed his hand down and broke the tea saucer. His eyes were filled with anger as he stood up and his mouth opened to let loose a string of curse words but something got stuck in his throat.

Xu Xinnian’s handsome face was stern as he looked at his impotent father. “Is the news reliable?”

Xu Qian nodded. “The news came from one of the main investigators, Chu Caiwei of the Imperial Astronomer.”

He repeated what Chu Caiwei told him.

Xu Xinnian lifted his teacup, then placed it down without drinking. “If that’s true, then today’s incident was premeditated. Zhou Li was out for revenge.”

‘A good brain. Truly a man who passed the imperial examinations.’

Xu Qian was pleased to know that this discussion would not be fruitless.

If it was only Xu Pingzhi, Xu Qian would not bother calling a meeting.

His uncle’s solution would be simple. ‘If we’re brothers, come with me and we’ll get revenge.’

As a martial artist, physical violence was Xu Pingzhi’s proficiency. Plotting and strategy were not part of a martial artist’s skill set.

Xu Qian threw out a probing question. “What do you think we should do?”

Xu Xinnian studied his cousin. With a frown, he answered in an exasperated tone, “Strike first and gain the upper hand. The slower party will suffer.”

Xu Qian was impressed by Xu Xinnian’s bloodthirsty and decisive strategy.

At that, the man of the house decided he could no longer stay silent. He chided his son, “Keep your preposterous thoughts to yourself. Just because you’re a graduate of the imperial provincial examination, you think you can oppose the Assistant Minister of Revenue? Even if you’re the top-scoring


, the man is beyond us.”

Just as Xu Pingzhi finished his lecture, his nephew announced his stance. “I think Brother is right. The person we offended is not Zhou Li but Zhou Xianping. Although Zhou Li won’t trouble us again, what’s to keep the assistant minister from harassing us?

“Not only did we ruin his masterplan, we even injured his heir. There’s no way he’ll let the case rest. Plus, the Xu family is nothing in his eyes. Why would he let us go scot-free?”

Xu Pingzhi was not convinced. “No, we will not be able to take on Assistant Minister Zhou. Ningyan, you have the Imperial Astronomers on your side. Xu Xinnian is a student of the White Deer Academy. With these two connections, we just have to lay low and stick to our place in society. They shouldn’t bother us then.”

Was that really possible?

Xu Qian reminded his uncle, “Perhaps you didn’t know but the Imperial Astronomers do not interfere with matters of the courts.”

Xu Xinnian followed up with his own opinion. “During the missing tax silvers case, I was also a student of the White Deer Academy. Brother was released today because Zhou Li lacked the intelligence and skills to set up a proper trap. If Assistant Minister Zhou decided to drop another death penalty case on our heads, do you think the Imperial Astronomers and the White Deer Academy will go against the law and save us?”

Xu Pingzhi’s position as the leader of the family was threatened. With his eyebrows knitted together, he said, “But what can we do? He’s the Assistant Minister of Revenue, a third-ranked official…”

‘I don’t know. I’m just a normal guy who crossed over to this world.’ Xu Qian turned to his handsome brother. “Any suggestions?”

Xu Xinnian was silent. Some time passed and when Xu Pingzhi looked like he was ready to explode, Xu Xinnian said, “Something doesn’t add up. When the tax silvers went missing, the Emperor was understandably furious. It made sense for the punishment to be severe.”

“Didn’t the two suspects commit suicide?” Xu Pingzhi asked.

Xu Xinnian ignored his father and continued speaking, “I can think of two possibilities. Either Assistant Minister Zhou has someone of power backing him or the Emperor is aware of some subtle balance to maintain the peace.

“You said the Revenue Advisor wrote to impeach Assistant Minister Zhou but what about the other assistant minister? Or the minister?”

Xu Qian wondered for a moment. “Assistant Minister Zhou’s enemies are moving against him?”

Xu Xinnian took control of the conversation. “My mentor once said, the Emperor’s ultimate goal is always balance. If the Emperor did not punish Assistant Minister Zhou, there must be some political undercurrent within the courts.”

“Then, what do we do?” Xu Pingzhi asked.

Xu Qian rubbed his chin and said, “The Emperor might be able to act discretely during normal times but inspections are coming. If we can find evidence of wrongdoing, there is a high chance he can be eliminated. The inspections are part of traditions so the Emperor can’t dismiss the verdict as he pleases. The

dragon-slaying technique

the Confucians can employ has its core in customs. Every enemy of Assistant Minister Zhou’s will be on the prowl.”

Xu Xinnian was surprised to hear the words—dragon-slaying technique—come from his uncultured cousin’s mouth. ‘Is this still the same man I know?’

Xu Qian thought, ‘I think I watched too many period dramas.’

He had also spent a lot of his time perusing history books in his past life—they were a wealth of information.

The books taught him one thing about humankind—humans never learned from their history.

At first, Xu Qian had snubbed his nose at such a conclusion but it made good sense.

Teachers and parents often encouraged young kids to study and work hard but few ever took their words seriously.

People only realized the truth behind their elders’ words after they had grown up and been kicked around by society.

After the failed business, Xu Qian had advised his younger cousin who did not like studying to prioritize his studies, lest he end up regretting like Xu Qian.

It felt like a déjà vu.

Xu Xinnian lifted his chin and asked, “What does Brother think we should do?”

‘Competitive little brat. I don’t think I’ll enjoy an arrogant female lead. I’m more partial to a 36D, flirty madame,’ Xu Qian thought. With a straight face, Xu Qian said, “Why did Assistant Minister Zhou plan the fake silver case? It can’t be corruption as there are easier ways to enrich one’s coffers. Why risk being caught during the inspections?

“Unless he urgently needed the silvers to cover up something bigger. Something that could be dug up during the inspections!” Xu Qian’s logical reasoning was working overtime.

A grin was forming on Xu Xinnian’s face. “And?”

‘We should find out the real reason behind Assistant Minister Zhou’s plan. Once we know the truth, the assistant minister will have no choice but to confess to his crimes…’ was what Xu Qian wanted to say but Xu Xinnian’s amused expression made him hesitate.

Instead, Xu Pingzhi slapped his thigh and called out in excitement, “We’ll expose him! Then he’ll have nowhere to hide.”

The man was ecstatic to have a brilliant idea for once.

‘I’m not dumb!’ Xu Pingzhi thought.

Xu Xinnian sighed. “Father, do you think an Armed Guard will be allowed access to the courts to investigate an assistant minister? Or read the Ministry of Revenue’s case scrolls?”

Xu Pingzhi’s expression was solemn.

Xu Qian stepped in with a knowing voice. “Of course not.”


‘Appreciate you taking the hit, uncle.’

Displeased that he was unable to trounce Xu Qian in an intellectual battle, Xu Xinnian carried on asking, “Then what does Brother suggest we do?”

Xu Qian traced his finger along the grooves of the table. “We are not the main force acting against Assistant Minister Zhou but we can be the last straw that breaks the camel’s back. Pit the two parties against each other.”

He did not have a clear picture of the specifics.

‘Impressive,’ the praise echoed in Xu Xinnian’s mind. “If we take one step back and look, we don’t have to go after Assistant Minister Zhou. As a third-ranked official, he would have many tricks up his sleeves. But he has a weakness.” contemporary romance

Xu Qian’s eyes lit up and he punched out. “Zhou Li!”

“Exactly. Compared to his father, Zhou Li is a small fry. If the evidence for impeachment was insufficient, let’s make up more charges. Zhou Xianping’s political enemies will wield the knife as we dig the hole.” There was a glimmer of hostility in Xu Xinnian’s bright eyes.

“With the inspections coming, if Zhou Li does anything too outrageous and offends the gods and the people, Zhou Xianping will have to answer for his son’s crimes. The Emperor might have let him off the hooks once, but a second time is not guaranteed.”

Xu Xinnian paused then said with a frown, “It is a viable plan but they are not stupid. Fabricating a criminal charge might not work.”

The back-and-forth between the two men made Xu Pingzhi realize his usefulness in the discussion had reached an end—there was nothing he could contribute.

His son’s analysis cleared things up in his mind. The more he thought about the plan, the more plausible it seemed. He hit the table and exclaimed, “Cijiu is a genius!”


‘And your nephew isn’t?’ Xu Qian side-eyed his uncle, then took a swipe at Xu Xinnian.

“People say the scholars’ idle chatter can bring down the nation. Seems like you’re not an exception.”

Xu Xinnian smirked and fired back. “Please teach me your ways.”

Xu Qian was not perturbed. “I don’t have any solid plans but I can share my line of thought.”

“Quick! Share!” Xu Pingzhi exclaimed.

  • A successful candidate of the highest level in imperial examinations.
  • A difficult but impractical skill.
  • done.co

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