Behind The Alpha Series Book 6 Oliver

Chapter 39

(Chapter song ‘Du Hast’ by Rammstein)


‘Stay in formation. Do not attack until Oliver signals'

Our army stalks the trees, silent as cats, our wolves are itching for the fight. This payback was a long time coming, the fact that Oliver gave us the strength is something I will never be able to return in kind. Having my mind back is a blessing. It’s also a curse because I can see my memories clearly now. Everything Frankie and I went through will haunt me forever.

The trunks thin and the light of the full moon lights up the two story farmhouse I once called home.

The property is covered in rogues, Lycans and Dires.

With Michael and Cornell out of the picture, the hunt is for the Shaman and Lefu.

‘Ollie? Do you see them?’

‘No. They must be in the house. You, Frankie and three others, come with me and all the others take down the lycans and Dires. Try and sway the rogues and Dires to our side.’ He links.

His black wolf runs along the trees and meets up with us.

‘Ready?’ He looks up and down the line as our wolves impatiently chomp at the bit for bone.

We all start to rise up in a collective growl. Our retractable claws dig into the ground.

His wolf arches a brow. ‘DINNER'S SERVED!’ He howls into the air.

As if there was an actual dinner bell, we rear up, snap and bite before our paws dig into the forest dirt. The tree tops shake as our bodies thunder through them, hitting the trunks on the way by. The ground shakes. Chunks of grass fly up as we hit the property.

The tree line explodes with Dire and the rogues are completely caught off guard. Lycans run on two legs like an unstoppable wall that we will tear down. Their claws spread and they let out dark, demonic calls from hell.

I sprint across the grass, raise my fur and clash with a lycan. My wolf rears up and my head is above his. His eyes glow and he takes a swipe at me. I block with my teeth, clamp down and his blood explodes in my mouth as I twist my head and rip his arm off at the elbow.

He stumbles back and I go for the stomach. My large canines sink into his gut and I tear out his intestines. He screams in agony and falls. Foster grabs his head and rips it off.

He's jumped by three rogues and they roll off to the side. I grab one by the back and crush his spine. He howls and yelps as he tries to get away. With a sick growl, I throw him into the forest.

Frankie jumps a lycan and rips his throat out. He jumps on the one Radar is fighting and they both tear off an arm. The lycan screams and flops like a fish before they end him by crushing his ribcage and eating his heart.

I catch a rogue flying at me in the corner of my eye. I raise my fur and he lands on me. The spikes in my fur stick into his soft underbelly. He hollers out as he falls to the ground. I raise my tail and bring it down on his head. It crushes his skull, destroying his brain.

I scan for Oliver. He’s in a wrestling match with a rogue.

I see several rogues shift and run into the house. They come out a few seconds later. The leaders are there.

I run through the fight and head for the porch. Just I leap to the door, the front of the house explodes and I’m thrown back to the grass.

I get up and an elephant is in the middle of the fight, throwing wolves and stomping on heads. The pain from my brothers and sisters fills me with rage.

Getting to my feet, my fur stands on end and I run through the rolling balls of fur. I lunge with claws out. As I fly toward the elephants head, two more of my men lunge from the fight on other side. The three of us hit the elephant and dig our claws in. Our razor sharp teeth break its tough hide. He rears up and trumpets. His trunk swings wildly trying to knock us off, but all he’s doing is helping us shred his skin more.

Our bodies slam against his as he thrashes under our attack. He shifts to bird and falls out of our grasp.


Frankie eyes the bird and runs. He jumps into the air, jaws open, the bird screeches and shifts, falling to the ground. His tiger paws land in the blood soaked grass.

As Frankie catches up to him, he's surrounded by lycan and rogues. Our Dires surround them. The standoff to get to the shifter results in a bloodbath as they all collide and pound on each other.

‘EZ! THE HOUSE!’ I look behind me and Oliver’s shifted. He runs to the now destroyed porch and jumps up into the house. Three of our soldiers jump in behind him.

I leave Frankie to the shape shifter and run to the house. I see explosions and fear creeps through me.


I skid to a stop in the small hallway. I shift and my eyes widen. “The hooded man.”

His hood is down. His spiked black hair and dark eyes may not be much, but they’re what consumed my nightmares. He has a fresh set if scars across his face. It looks like either Artemis or Lefu don’t like what’s going down now.

Oliver pulls his gun and fires at him. The Shaman throws a vial and the explodes in a blinding light. I can’t see a thing, but I hear glass shatter. As our sight comes back, the Shaman smashes through the back window.

Oliver leaps through it and we smash through the back wall after him.

He turns and tosses two vials which explode in front of Oliver. He flies backwards and skids across the grass.

‘OLLIE!’ I link as I catch up to him.

“I’m fine. Get him!” He points as he slowly gets to his feet.

With a snarl, I bark loud and we all break into a hi-speed run after the man who destroyed our lives.

More Dires run from around the house, entering the dark like monsters in a fog, their jaws snap and their barks rattles bones. The sound is like a rock slide as they run the man down.

He throws vial after vile. Winds, lightning and rising earth throw us in all directions, but like waves crashing, more from behind the fallen, leap over them. Their heads lined up like white caps of fury and hunger.

“GET BACK!! He shouts and throws a line of bottles. A wall of dirt and rock shoots into the air.

He gets to the trees and jumps to the branches. The dires dig their claws into the bark and climb the trees with ease. Some tear off branches and throw them at him to knock him down.

The trunks are covered in climbing wolves as the Shaman jumps from tree to trees. More wait on the ground for him to fall. His magic flies and water floods the area, making the ones on the ground have to swim in the rapid waters crashing through the forest.

He was about to throw more, when a Dire leapt out of the water and grabbed his robe. The two fall into the flowing water and wash out into the clearing.

He's grabbed by two wolves and dragged into the middle of the grass.

“Let go of me, you filthy mutations! I created you!” He kicks and screams

His robe is torn off and shredded. Vials of position fall everywhere.

Oliver picks up a bottle and throws it on him. The Shaman burns like he’s on fire. “Welcome to hell, you dick!” He growls and throws another and another.

The Shamans screams were sickening as he thrashed on the ground.

Oliver straddled him and grabs his acid burned shirt. “I’m gonna fucking enjoy this.” He snarls and lands several punches to his face. He grabs his arm and snaps it over his knee. The Shaman screams in agony.

Rogues run from around the house to save their leader.

‘I don’t fucking think so.’ I give three quick yips and a mass of dires hit them before they can even get close.

From the trees, more lycans run onto the property to join the fight. The air fills with their demonic growls.

Glass and contents of the house smash and the place erupts in flames. Lycans, dires and rogues jump out of all the exits. Some covered in fire. They hit the ground and roll themselves out.

The Dires on the Shamans side, stop and see their leader subdued. Their heads lower and their lips turn to a snarl. They turn on the rogues and lycans and tear them apart.

“NO! YOU'RE MINE!” He yells.

The grass is bloody in a second.

Oliver turns back to the Shaman and lands a kick to his gut. He lands several more to his face. Broken and bloody, the Shaman is begging him for death as he cries.

“Deaths too good for you.” He growls. He looks to a group of dires. “Get him out of here.” He demands.

Just as they go to pick him up, a large explosion blows in the middle of us. Bodies and dirt fly in all directions.


I’m shifted beside Oliver and my eyes widen.

Out of the flaming hole in the wall, a large, dark skinned man with blonde hair steps a large boot onto the grass.

“I have been silent up until now. I have sat back and watched how WEAK this world has become. How weak my creations are.” He strides to us with an attitude full of superiority and cockiness.

“Lefu.” I mutter quietly.

“Just the man I want to see.” Oliver growls. He reaches into his pack and pulls out the blade. “Let’s go.”

We scramble to our feet and I shift.

Like time sped back up, the battle sprung back to life with shredding growls and bloodshed.

Lefu was fighting Dires with lightning speed. His strength and power was being throw at all of us and he is unmatched. I feel my brothers and sisters start to sway.

‘DO NOT BE FOOLED! HE’S THE DESTROYER! HE’S NOT THE LEADER!’ I warn them to break the temptation to switch sides for more power.

We all stalk him like our next meal. Rogues are being destroyed in the background as we drool for Lefus blood.

His eyes narrow and his hands fill with red lightning. “Try it and I will make sure you remain extinct.” He growls.

“Ok. I’ll bite.” Oliver rushes in with the blade, flips it and raises it above his head. When he gets in his space, Lefu grabs Oliver’s wrist and throat. Oliver chokes as Lefu pulls him in. “You have my blade. Thank you for delivering it to me. Now, you die.”

‘NO YOU DON’T, FUCKER!’ I run at them and Lefu drops Oliver’s neck. He throws a magic ball my way. It hits me in the chest and I fly back into the fight.

“EZRA!” Oliver yells. He swings and lands a solid punch and Lefu stumbles back.

I destroy a lycan and run back to Oliver.

Lefu swings and Oliver leans back. Oliver tries to slice his chest and Lefu kicks him in the gut. Oliver lands on his back, but gets right back up. The look on his face says he’s even more angry.

Lefu throws magic and the ground explodes around Oliver as he runs at Lefu. He jumps into the air with a loud growl. He raises the blade above his head as he threatens to bring it down on Lefus head. Lefu prepares to block when a loud screech came from the air.

A giant eagle fell from the sky, grabbed Oliver’s hands and flew across the property. Oliver kicks and struggles. They land and Oliver rolls several feet away.

The eagle shifts and a naked man with a dark evil face, lifts the blade to his eyes. “It’s mine. It’s all mine.” He grins. His eyes look crazy.

“NOOOO!” Lefu growls darkly as Artemis turns the blade onto him self and raises it.

“Cleo…” He whines and sinks the blade into his stomach to the hilt. His face fills with shock then his body lit up with all the different colors in the blade.

The wind picked up and the colors shot into the air out of cracks in his skin. His body shook as he pulled a necklace off. “CLEO! COME TO ME!!” He throws the bottle on the ground and it smashes.

He became so bright, we had to shield our eyes, though I couldn’t help but watch.

From the ground a white ball of light slowly rises to Artemis’ face as he struggles to stay together. His face softens. “Cleo.”

The ball spins faster and faster then shoots up into the stars. Artemis watches it as it disappears.

“CLEO!!” Artemis holds his hands up to the sky. “COME BACK!!” He cries.

His glowing body falls to its knees and he doubles over, shaking his head.

The light pulses and the waves gets bigger with each labored breath he takes. “No…I won’t.” He grits to the grass.

“I WON'T!!!” He yells as the light explodes out of him. The ground shakes violently and cracks underneath him.


I squint in the light and wind. He rises to his feet and the light dies down. His hand with blade shakes.

“You idiot! I’ll kill you!” Lefu storms him and Artemis raised his hand.

Artemis readies the blade and rushes Lefu. The two clash in a fury of anger, throwing blows and dodging the black blade.

“He’s mine.” Oliver snarls and runs to his feet.

“OLIVER, NO!” I shift and follow.

Oliver leaps and lands on Artemis. The two fall to ground and struggle for the blade.

“Let go!” Artemis growls.

“Make me, bitch!” Oliver growls back. He throws punches and Artemis tries to block them.

Lefu goes into for the attack, but I intercept. I raise my fur and stab him in the chest. He screams and stumbles back. I lunge at him and grab his throat.

Sounds of wolves growling and howling rise. Shouts of men fill the air as everyone goes on the attack at the treeline like a school of hungry fish.

Something whistles through the air and lands. It bounces and rolls between the four us. I look curiously at the small ball with the flashing red light.

“MOVE!” Oliver screams.

We all break apart and the ball explodes. The shockwave pushes to the grass. I raise my head as hundreds of soldiers on flying boots breach the trees.

“Ezra.” Frankie helps me up.

“Frankie…It’s the Alphas.” I pant. “RETREAT! RETREAT!” I call out to my army.

“What? No!” Oliver yells back.

I was about to run to him when a hover board flew over head with two men on it.

I grab his hand. “WE HAVE TO GO NOW!!”

One of the men does a backflip off the board lands and swings a large spiked, metal ball on a pole. He hits Artemis, who’s sent flying.

“NO! YOU FUCKING IDIOT!” Oliver yells.

Knives fly and hit around Lefu. Two stick in him as the board flies by.

The blonde alpha throws his ball at Lefu who runs out of the way.

Oliver grabs him just as he’s about to retrieve it. “Who the fuck do you think you are? This is my goddamn fight.”

He rips Oliver’s hands off. “Didn’t see your name on it, bitch.” He snarls back.


I hide behind Oliver. I watch my people disappear into the night and tell them to get to safety. The lycan army runs off in the opposite direction with the surviving rogues. The Alphas army chases after them.

Artemis shifts to his eagle and flies away. The Shaman disappears and Lefu runs into a blur and is gone.

Oliver spins around and gets in Jaxs face. “Look what you did you, little puke!”

Jaxs shoves him back. “BACK OFF, ASSHOLE!”

“Whoa!!” The leader steps in between them. He looks at Oliver. “You’re Falcon.”

“Yeah, so?” Oliver says.

“Finn, just kick this guys ass.” Jax sneers.

“How about I shred yours?!” Oliver pushes on Finn.

“No!” Finn pushes him back. “What are you doing here?”

“I was killing Lefu until this pansy ass douche got In my way.” Oliver throws a finger at Jax.

“Pansy ass?! I’ll give you pansy ass!” Jax growls.

The two try to fight, but the other Alphas pull them apart.

“ENOUGH!” Finn bellows.

“Oliver, we’ll find another way.” I eye all the men.

“I will ask again. What is going on?” Finn crosses his arms.

Those that stayed behind, join us and stand behind Oliver’s back.

“Uh…Finn? What are those?” A large man points from behind Finn.

“Dire Wolves.” I inform as I cross my arms.

“They’re mine.” Oliver says low.

“What the fuck is a Dire wolf?” Jax asks.

“Look it up, princess.” Oliver grits.

“I’m about two insults away from shoving my mace up your ass, princess.” Jax gets his back up.

“Try it, Cinderella.” Oliver smirks.

“One.” Jax raises his clenched jaw.


“Oliver. Let’s just go. We need a new plan.” I pull on his arm as he stares the Alphas down.

“Yeah, ok. Since the fairy wrecked the fun.” Oliver grumbles.

“Oh, that’s it, mother fucker.” Jaxs pushes on Finn and I shift.

I get in between them and Oliver. I tower over them as I growl darkly and get in their faces. Drool pours from my bared teeth.

Oliver eyes them both. “I just need to say go.” He warns.

Finn backs away with wide eyes, pushing the others back. “Jax, shut the fuck up.”

“Uh…yeah…OK.” He says quietly as he eyes me.

Oliver leaps onto my back. “Next time, there won’t be taking if you get in my way. Move.”

The Alphas army parts and I turn around. I run, the others join me and we disappear into the trees as the house collapses and burns to the ground.

Losing the blade is devastating, but at least we have our lives. We were not prepared for Artemis turning the blade on himself. I can only hope we can still beat him because from the looks of it, we will have to get through him to get to Lefu.

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