Behind The Alpha Series Book 6 Oliver

Chapter 38

(Chapter song ‘Drums Of Odin' by Paradox Interactive)


Glancing to my passenger seat, I feel it. It’s like a darkness darker than what some consider I am. If I had to visualize it, it’s like a black smoke rising from inside the bag and filling the cab.

Ezra's right. It is fucking creepy.

Maybe it’s this damn desert heat. I hate it out here. It plays with the mind and I’ve been stuck with his head for three days now, but he refused to meet me so I have to meet him.

The white hot sun turns the red desert sand a shade of light rust and the black top shimmers in the heat. Not even a cloud wants to float through here.

Side eying out my windows, the sparse, wide open land is depressing as hell. Even the cacti look like they’re crying.

The mountains are just a dream on the horizon. A million miles away if you had to walk it.

I click my GPS and watch the dot of my truck getting closer to the coordinates he gave me.

The desert wind blows a thin sheet of dust across the highway as I slow down and pull over.

I look to the bag. “This better not be a mistake.”

Grabbing the pack, I get out and throw the strap over my shoulder.

The sun beams down on my head as I adjust my sun glasses. I walk a few steps and watch the mirage in front of me. After a few minutes, I see a dust cloud rise and at the base is a black rider.

I light a cigar and hold it in my teeth. Smoke blows in the wind as I puff it out. His white hair becomes more noticeable flying around his shoulders and the roar of his Harley starts to be heard.

Preparing myself, I pull the bag off my shoulder and hang it at my side.

The smell of his exhaust and the rumble of the bike gets louder.

I remember how big he is now. His full form grows as he starts to slow down and stop in front of my truck.

He takes off his helmet and shakes out his long platinum hair. His neutral face is still scary looking, even though he’s a hell of a lot younger than me and his giant chest threatens to shred his black tank top. He looks up at the sun, squints and smirks.

He rolls his eyes to me and heads my way.

I put my cigar in my forefinger and thumb, take a big drag and blow out a cloud. Putting it in my lips, I open my pack and pull out the black skull.

He stops a distance away. “I’m surprised you called.”

“I’m surprised too.” I turn to the sun. “It’s a bright one today. Didn’t think you’d actually show.”

He nods. “I only come out in it for friends.” His monotone voice still penetrates my chest even out here in the middle of fucking nowhere.

“Figured you like the night life.” I bounce my brow with a smirk.

He motions his chin to the skull. “Where'd you find it?”

I shake my head. “Not important, but something told me you should be the one to have it. Whatever this is, I don’t think the rogues should have it so…”

I toss it to him and he catches it. He bounces it in his hand, turning it to face him. He brushes off the smooth cap.

“Why do you want that thing? What’s it to you?”

He turns and heads to his bike. Stuffing the skull in his saddle bag, he throws a leg over the seat as I approach.

I stand with my thumbs hooked on my pockets. “Ya gonna tell me?”

He rights his helmet in his hands. “It's mine.” He puts his helmet on and starts the bike.

“You collect skulls? What’s so special about that one?” I say as I cock my head to him.

He salutes me and turns the bike. Hitting the throttle his bike roars back toward the shimmering horizon and I’m left with a million questions.

Adam doesn’t seem the type to collect things.

I stick my cigar back in my mouth. “It’s mine.” I mutter. “Weird.” I give my head a shake.

Whatever. It’s not my problem and it’s out of my hair. The rogues can chase Adam for a while. If they can’t sniff out the skull in my lab, then that’s a way better plan for me. The last thing I need is attention brought to Eden. The lab and it’s resources need to be kept a secret. It’s my protection against the Alliance should things turn sour.

I walk back to my truck and open the door. Tossing the bag in first, I give the sun one last look. I squint as I scan the highway to see Adam’s back disappear.

“I hate the desert.” I grumble as I get in, start the truck and kick up dirt as I turn around.

I stick my arm out with two fingers and leave this God forsaken place.


This past month has been so crazy, to just sit with my Ezra and my studio has been a long time coming.

Sure, meeting Ezra turned my entire life upside down, but she made it so much better.

Playing by Alliance rules pissed me off, but with Ezra and the Dires, the games changed now. Now, I can set the rules. I have a power in my hands that I can wield any way I want.

Though Ezra taught me to hold that power with compassion. I will say that.

Dealing with someone who has this unique view and not able to express it, it’s eye opening when you’re on the outside.

We tend to not get people like Ezra. And at times, she didn’t get us. All it took was love, understanding and patience. All things I didn’t think I had. Holding Ezra and protecting her from the world and herself, that is something I think some have a duty to do. There’s certain people in the world that can take the thoughts and words and make them make sense. Like a talent. They connect and hold space. I may be a mean bastard, but when it came to Ezra, I was drawn to that. I loved being able to figure out what she needed. Even when she lashed out and hurt. I did it because I knew, inside the prison of the Rogue Sickness, there was a gorgeous woman in there that had more love in her than I did. It was never her fault she suffered as much as she did. Truthfully, it’s not any shifters fault we’re born with this infliction.

It's weird that I, of all people, would find Empathy for a rogue. For any rogue. But seeing the human behind the broken mind tells me nobody deserves this. If I do cure the rogue problem in its entirety, I think I’d like to expand the experiments to see if I can remove the Rogue Sickness completely from all of us so we can come and go and not have to rely on assholes to keep us alive.

But that’s another story.

My story. Mated to the most wonderful Luna in the world. Dire or rogue, she’s so goddamn special, I couldn’t express it into words. She expanded my world and didn’t look back. She doesn’t care that I’m hard and cold at times and I don’t care that she’s what people would consider broken. She’s mine. She always will be mine.

My Queen. My muse.

With the sound of Vivaldi playing in the background, I run my knife smoothly over the hip and ass of the sculpture I’m making. These little sculptures are my break when I’m stuck on the marble ones.

It’s not long before I notice her.

I glance over my shoulder. “What do you want?” I mutter as I smooth the lines with my finger.

“I’m going for a run.” She says quietly from the doorway.

I sit up, grab a rag and turn. As I wipe my fingers off, I raise an eye to her. “No.” I say sharply.

I crook a finger to her. “Come here.”

She steps in and looks around.

I point to a chair in the middle of the floor. “Sit.” She looks at me. “Please.” I tilt my head to her.

She walks over to the chair and sits.

I grab a sketch pad, pencil and stool. I stroll over, drop the stool and sit on it.

“Bring your hair to the front, over your shoulder.” I order.

She does as instructed.

I eye her as I open the pad. “Your other shoulder.”

Again, she scoops her hair to her other shoulder and I lick my bottom lip at the sight of her long, soft neck.

I reach out with my pencil hand and put two fingers under her chin. I place her head. “Don’t…move.”

I put the pencil to paper and start to sketch. Glancing every few seconds to make sure I grab the important details.

“What are you doing?” She asks.

“Don’t move.” I remind. “Relax your lips.” She does. “Good. Just like that.”

She starts to smile.

“Ez…” I say with playful annoyance.

“Sorry.” She gets back into position.

As my pencil floats around the page, I can’t help but admire her beauty. “I love your cheekbones. Your entire bone structure is breathtaking.” I whisper.

“Stop it.” She giggles.

“It’s true. Made from angels.” I smile.

“Now, I know you’re lying.” She smirks.

I drop my pad. “Why would I lie about that?”

She sits forward and places her hands on my cheeks. “Because you’re the nicest man on the planet.” Her eyes sparkle in my studio lighting and I’m caught in her gaze.

“An artist will never lie about the beauty that fills his artwork. It would be insulting. You, my sensual Luna, have a beauty that I’m setting in stone.” I place a finger under her chin and lift her lips to mine.

I kiss her so softly, her love fills all of me.

I break the kiss and go back to my table. I set pad aside and go back to the sculpture in front of me. She sits and watches me work.

I glance up. “Enjoy your run.”

She stands and walks by me. I hesitate then sit up.

I wait as I chew my cheek and hold back my smile. A few seconds later, her arms wrap around my neck and her lips plant on my cheek.

I hug her arms. “You almost forgot again.”

“Almost. I’m getting better.” She smiles and kisses me. “I love you.”

I cup her cheek. “I love you too, baby bird. Have fun. No hunting.” I warn.

“No hunting. See you at dinner.” She runs out of the room.

I huff a laugh and look to the sheet off to the side. I stand up and walk over to it. Grabbing the sheet, I pull it off the 7 foot statue and it billows to the floor around her feet.

Ezra’s face looks out to the studio. Her body is half covered in a thin sheer fabric made of white marble. Her eyes hold the light her real eyes do. At her feet is her Dire in all its glory. It’s howling head rising out of the stone block. I run my fingers along Ezra’s thigh then her beasts long canine. I pet her head and smile. “Beauty set in stone.”

I slide my hands into my pockets, back up and take her in. This is the true representative of my house and everyone will see my Luna. Everyone will feel her softness and her strength just as I do everyday.

I saunter out to have a shower and get ready for a night spent with the greatest gift the fates could ever give me.

Fate trusted me to pause. To look deep within myself and her. To see the girl in the beast. Even though she’s now one with her beast, I will always see the girl. Always see to love and care. Nothing will ever change her in my heart. Rogue or not, I’m her protector and she mine. Together, we’re taking the lycans down. I’m facing Lefu and I’m making sure Ezra’s name is on that blade. His blood will feel her revenge and then I’ll let her complete that any way she feels. I will stand proud as she sends Lefu back to hell where he came from.

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