Beauty and

Chapter Beauty and 164

Chapter 164-Miles

288 Vouchers

Chapter 164 – Miles

It doesn’t take long to find rogues when you are roaming through free land. They tend to stay away from the packlands of Alphas if they can help it, because they would be attacked and punished for t**g. Punishment for rogues was never humane… though I have to say, I quite enjoyed it. I also quite enjoyed hunting the weaker rogues down. They were always good to take my anger out on, and rarely had much strength to fight back. Always gave me quite the thrill…

And after running from my pack, I was soon on free land, and immediately picked up the overwhelming scent of rogues. There was no denying that stench. A werewolf has an individual scent, one that can identify them… usually pleasant, especially to its mate. But a rogue, their stench was nothing but h**ly sickening. Foul. A combination of death and rotting garbage. I certainly did not choose to spend time with them if I had any option, but today I found myself with no choice. My father had left me with no choice when he had ordered my pack members not to follow my orders…

I followed the stench, and it wasn’t hard. I found a small camp within the deeper reaches of the forest, which told me this had to be a cluster of rogues. And the moment I stepped into their camp, they were all upon me… but the moment I shifted back into my human form, they withdrew. Evidently uncertain why I would shift when they were still in wolf form and could attack. And while the need to urgent, I knew I must gain their trust and assistance. In order to do that, I had to resist the urge to attack them all.

into them was strong, and it was



Chapter 164 – Miles

288 Vouchers

I found myself naked and surrounded by a group of angry wolves, but thankfully none were attacking. All watching me curiously. I took a deep breath hoping they might listen to what I was about to offer. The bag Jet had been carrying in his mouth was on the floor, so I bent down to pick it up, and pulled my wallet out, taking out some money and dropped it on the floor in front of me.

Figuring I would lead with that, as money talked for most

rogues, I looked up. “See that?” I questioned, looking them all in the eye confidently, one by one. “There is more where that came from. But, I need your help.”

A number of the wolves turned to look at one another, before they were suddenly shifting into their filthy and grimy human forms; the very thought, let alone the sight of them, made my skin crawl. One man, tall and dark, moved forward, eyeing me suspiciously.

“You are Alpha, no?” he asked.

I shrugged. “Soon, yes. But right now, my father is Alpha and has ordered my pack not to help me. My fated mate has escaped me. I need your help to bring her back.” explained.

Their faces looked at me in confusion. “But fated mate not run from their mate. They want to be together.” A young woman said from behind the man. I noted their speaking skills were basic, making me question if these rogues had been born as rogues, rather than having been kicked from a pack.

I nodded. “You would think, but she will not come back to me. She wants to be a teacher instead of being my Luna. I need her to come back to me.”


Chapter 164 – Miles

288 Vouchers

I know my words are excluding much of the truth. But, in my mind, they do not need to know the full details, because then they may never help, or they may demand more money. Right now, I need their help for as little as possible. And I had not expected them to ask so many d**n questions!

“But why she not want you?” the man who had stepped forward asked. “She not just leave for no reason, no?”

I frowned. “You want the money or not?” I demanded, getting increasingly tired of their questions already. If they weren’t willing to help, it would not take me long to find some rogues that would.

I saw the man’s eyes drift to the cash on the floor, a hungry look within hs eyes. “What we need to do?”

“Bring her back to me. However you need.” I ordered.

“Kill people around her?” he looked at me through narrowed


“You do what needs to be done to bring my mate back to me. I do not care for those around her. She is going to ^itumn Valley Pack. I know that much, as that is her current home where she works. But at present she is traveling there.” I explained.

“Is she to be hurt?” another man behind asked, a dark look upon his face, and I growled, surprising even myself. The thought of him liking the idea of harming Bailey had not sat well with me. Nor with Jet.

“No, I will deal with her when she is home. She will be punished for going against me.” I said coldly.



Chapter 164-Miles

288 ¡Vouchers

“Then I not think we help.” The woman said haughtily. “There must be reason she not want to be with him. And now he say he punish her for running. He sound like bad man.”

“Laila, shut up.” The lead man hissed. “This is money for us. It help us. If we not help another group will. The girl will be back with him soon because he will find way. And she will be punished because is what he want. So we will help.”

I smirked at the woman who had tried to defend Bailey. Tried to stand up for her, evidently seeing through me to the evil monster I was beneath my human skin. “Good. First, I must get a hire car. Head toward her pack. Do you have more contacts further away?” I question knowing many rogues do have contacts to help them survive.

The man nodded. “A few.”

“Would they be willing to help?” I asked, hoping they may be able to be enrolled on this mission too. I needed to get as many on this task as I could. That way it was more likely to be a success, because the moment Bailey stepped foot back into that pack at Autumn Valley, it was going to prove a whole lot harder to bring her home. They would be protecting her. And they were a strong pack.

“I am sure they be convinced for money.” He nodded. “You say there is more?”

I nodded. I could withdraw more cash for them along the way if they proved helpful. “You have a phone or way to contact him, or you, for that matter, so I can reach you?”

He rummaged around on the floor, digging slightly, pulling out a very old-model cell phone. “We charge when we go to town.





Chapter 164-Miles

1288 Vouchers

Right now is dead.”

I rolled my eyes. Of course. Not like they had electric supply here. But at least they had a phone, even if it was an ancient one that I think looked like it had been released before I was even born! But it still meant I had a way to contact them, but they needed it constantly charged. I may have to find them a cheap motel to stay in…

“Can we get food first?” the woman who had argued with me demanded. “At least be gentleman and feed us, it been ages since had decent meal, and we need energy to do this for you.”

I looked at them all. They did look rather skinny. Under-fed. Evidently not the best at hunting… no wonder they needed my money! But, what she said was correct, they needed energy to complete the task effectively. Besides, I would need to find somewhere to hire a car. They may be able to help me find somewhere if they already knew the area. I nodded.

“Fine. Let us do that. You can help with finding somewhere to hire a car. Then we grab food. Reach out to your contacts. I will arrange a motel for you so that the phone stays charged, then I can always be in touch. A nd then you will begin looking for this mate of mine when we have a plan. Understand?” I ordered.

“Understood.” They all spoke calmly, like they regularly made deals with the devil.

“Good, let us go and get Bailey back where she belongs.”


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