Beauty and

Chapter Beauty and 163

Chapter 163 – Miles

288 Vouchers

Chapter 163 – Miles

I was ready to rip that f**er’s head from his body when he mentioned that Ellis would be securing his position as Alpha if I did not get my a** into gear and go to help my Dad. My Dad was the **ing Alpha, he had forever dictated to us how powerful that made him. Forever had lectured us on how in control that made him, how strong… so if he was all of those things, surely he should be able to clean up a little mess of mine?! It couldn’t be that difficult!

As for Ellis securing his position as Alpha, that was a f**g joke. He was too weak. Too empathetic. He was not Alpha

material and never had been. Mum and Dad had forever focused their attention on me growing up, with me being their eldest child and their heir. Pushing me to train harder. To prove myself. And it meant I was the one that was capable. Ruthless. Dominant. I was idolized in the pack. I was the one that should be taking that Alpha role. Ellis was a poor second. He would never be me.

But, as much as my anger lingered, and the hate for my brother ached within me, I had to stay focused. I had my mind set upon a mission right now, and being distracted by Thing 1 and Thing 2 could not happen. They were determined to stay with me and take me with them back to the packhouse, likely at the request of my Dad or my Uncle. But, it could not happen. Going back to the packhouse would end in disaster. A delay I simply did not need. I needed to leave the pack. I needed to go and find Bailey. She was my priority right now. Not the mess the cheap little w**e I had selected as a wife had caused…



Chapter 163-Miles

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And as for the mention of the Werewolf Council, I could not risk them being involved. That was another reason returning to the packhouse could not happen. My temper would cause me to lash out if I went there to deal with Kaia and her family. Seeing her face hurt. Reminded me of all the hopes I had held for the future we could have had together. How naïve I had been! She had fed me false hopes all along, and I had been crazy enough to fall for them. Seeing her now would mean the pain she caused turned to anger. And that would cause chaos. Destruction.

Therefore, my Dad, my uncle and potentially even my brother needed to fix this for me. They were the only ones who could deal with it in a sensible way. Without further blood being shed. Because I know if it was left to me, I would not be able to guarantee I did not harm somebody else. And, then there would be no avoiding the Werewolf Council being summoned. I can not have the Werewolf Council here. They would find too much on me… seeing I was not capable of being an Alpha. Potentially even lock me up… at least this way, I still stood a chance.

‘Stay focused. We are stronger than them all.’ Jet growled deeply at me, not appreciating me waivering at th fear of the Werewolf Council. Bringing me back to my focus. I needed her. I needed Bailey with me to bring me strength. Maybe even calm


“I will come. But first, I need to go and put some clothes on. Give me a minute.” I suggested to Jordan, hoping he would see that what I said made sense. It wasn’t like I could go to the packhouse naked and deal with this, and then face the pack members with my bits hanging out…

Jordan nodded. “Be quick then.” Good, he seemed to have



Chapter 163-Miles

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listened, and I quickly rushed toward the family home. Rushing to my room, picking up a small bag, I stuffed in some loose shorts and a t-shirt. Before picking up my wallet from the desk, having assumed I wouldn’t need it today. Oh, how wrong I was! How naive I had been to assume this day would go to plan… that I could ever have a happy ever after with that she-wolf. She had never been worthy of me… maybe fate had known all along what I needed.

I punched the wall hard with my fist at the thought of Kaia and the pain she had caused me. My entire body was trembling with anger. The mess her actions had found us in was not what I had expected of my wedding night. I knew that much… she was calculated and had known all along what she was doing. I would find a way to make her pay. But right now, I needed to find the girl I had rejected and finally make her my mate! Finally, gain the strength that a fated mate can bring…

Then I ran down the stairs once more, still naked, but instead of making my way through the front door, back to the street to meet Jordan and Ellis, I cut through the kitchen to the large patio doors, gently sliding them open, and rushing out to the far end of the garden. Holding the bag tightly in my grip, I climbed over the fence, and rushed into the treeline, before allowing Jet to push forward… seems my brother and my friend were not so smart after all… I don’t think either one had assumed I would attempt to escape out of the back door!

‘Warriors.’ I sent out a general mindlink. ‘I require a hunt, but it is now out of pack, for Bailey West. She will be brought back and returned to me immediately. No harm is to be done to her. I need her home. As soon as possible.’

My body twisted and contorted as hair emerged across the


Chapter 163-Miles

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altering body as the seamless transition from human body to werewolf occurred, before I became one with Jet, and he gripped the bag now within his mouth as he set off at a sprint. We would run a distance before shifting once more and hiring a car… I would bring Bailey back to me, one way or another.

‘We cannot follow your orders Miles.’ Jason, one of our pack warriors, responded to my mind link. ‘Alpha orders.’

I felt myself jerk in shock. My own father had put a stop to my ability to order those below me in rank in what to do?! He had a **ng nerve! He had to have known what I would have planned… Even he was trying to protect Bailey now? Despite knowing, she was my fated mate and no other mate would bring the same effects she would…

‘Bren, Liam, Owen’ I mindlinked three warriors I was good friends with, knowing I could always rely upon their help. They had never let me down yet. ‘I need your help.’

‘If this is to do with looking for Bailey Miles, we can’t.’ Owen responded.


‘Are you kidding me?’ I roared at them through the link. They were some of my closest friends. Had been since school. Trained together. Drunk together. Always been there for another. And the one time I needed them more than ever, they refused me help?

‘Alpha orders Miles! You know we can’t go against that.’ Liam argued now.

.needed them, yet they were willing to abandon me… leaving me struggling – what sort of friends does that? After all I have done for them! They would not have their positions in the


Chapter 163 – Miles

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warrior squads that they did if it was not for me and my contacts!

‘I need your help!’ I yelled through the link, all the while Jet was running so hard he was aching. He knows now we are on our own. We need to make this work, or we will be losing her for good.

‘We can’t help you. You know how the Alpha order works, Miles. But, that isn’t to say you can’t find help outside of the pack, if you catch my drift.’ Bren said with a hint of darkness to his tone. One I easily picked up on. He was right… I didn’t have to be entirely alone. I was an upcoming Alpha… I had influence. I had money… and rogues would do anything for money…

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