Beauty and

Chapter Beauty and 156

Chapter 156 – Bailey

“Are you hoping for a little boy?” Morgan asked Dana kindly. “Another little warrior?”

Harley grinned at Dana before looking to Morgan. “A girl could be a warrior too in our pack, Morgan. But, in all seriousness, if we have it confirmed there is a little one growing in that belly, we will just be excited to have our baby. It doesn’t matter if it is a boy, or a girl.”

I found myself smiling at them once again. They were perfect for one another, and I couldn’t be happier for them. I had loved spending time with them. Marc and Morgan enjoyed it too. We had chatted animatedly between the five of us as we escaped the hecticness of the party, moving closer toward my parent’s home. Morgan seemed even more confident with Marc by her side. Not that she ever lacked confidence that I had noticed before. But the way she spoke now… the way she held herself. It was just so more self-assured than ever. Her eyes met mine, perhaps having felt me watching her, as I slid my phone back into my bag. She raised her brow at me, questioningly.

“You okay?” she whispered, and I nodded.

Morgan edged her way closer to me, leaving Marc and Harley chatting, with Dana walking alongside them. “Now the truth? Were you hoping a certain mean and moody Beta might have called? Or messaged?” she asked with a sly smile, and I couldn’t help the scowl from forming. I knew I was expecting too much. I asked for space. Pushed him away because of how he had reacted. I knew that, so expecting a call or a message was





selfish. Childish even. But a small bit of hope remained within me. I don’t think I was able to control that.

“Not funny.”

She giggled. “I will take that as a yes, Bai.” She playfully poked me in my side, before looking at me intently. “And I assume the woeful face and slouched shoulders is because the grumpy bas**d has yet to check in with you?”

I glared across at her again, and this time Akira grumbled. ‘She has turned into a c**k*y little f**r since finding a man. Send him back. She might gain a little compassion then.’

‘She definitely is more confident.’ I agreed with my wolf, but ignored my sister. Yet she continued to smirk at me. It was a knowing smirk too… like she knew something I didn’t. I didn’t like it.

“What if I told you a secret?” she winked, and I glanced at her questioningly as she continued. “I am guessing you might like to know that a certain temperamental Beta may have been in regular contact with my mate to check you have been okay?”

I looked at Morgan in shock. Asher had been contacting Marc all this time to check if I was okay? Why not just check in with me?

“Really?!” I uttered, shaking my head in disbelief.

“He knew you wanted space, but he wanted to know you were okay. That you were safe. Marc didn’t say anything until I noticed he got a message. Can you not see Asher is crazy for you? He might not be here, and he might not have reached out to you, but he still has been thinking of you.” she whispered


Thepler 164 Haly

softly, just as à confused and hectic mindlink came through unexpectedly from my Dad,

‘Bai, get yourself gone as quickly as you can. Things are happening in the packhouse, and I don’t know how it will turn out. I am worried Miles may come looking for you, my heart felt like it stopped as the words from his mindlink registered, Everything seemed good when we left….

‘What is happening Dad, are you safe?’ I quickly responded, needing to know he was okay. If he was being called to help, he would be at risk, wouldn’t he?


here was no response, and I felt tears p**kling at my eyes, my palms became sweaty, “Bai? Are you okay? You look like you have seen a ghost.” Morgan asked, placing her arm upon mine, and it brought the attention of the others.

I slowly shook my head. “Dad just mindlinked, saying something was kicking off at the packhouse. He didn’t know what yet, but he said we needed to get out of the pack quickly. He was

worried Miles might come looking for me.” I stuttered, my voice trembling as I did.

Harley’s eyes darkened at my words, while Marc’s fists clenched in anger. “Right, to the house now. We need to get those things in the car and get gone. I cannot have you girls put at risk. Not on my watch.” Marc’s voice was full of authority right now, and he sounded determined. Yet, all I am feeling is fear. I should never have come. I know that now. I had thought I was doing the right thing, thinking Miles was happy to be settling down with his new bride, but it seemed something was amiss. Even if we were yet to know exactly what that was…

The five of us ran the remaining short distance to my parents’


Chapter 156-Bailey

238 Wouchers

home. Flinging the door open, Morgan, Marc and I dashed inside to grab our things. I rushed around throwing the remaining things into the bags.

“We will stand and guard the door.” Harley urged us. “Just go.”

My heart was pounding in my chest as Akira was rippling beneath my skin. Desperate to get out and run… run away from here, despite it being her home. But I know to be safe I need to stay with Marc and Morgan. We needed to escape. This was not the right thing. This was wrong. All so wrong. I was terrified right now as I grabbed the remainder of my things.

‘Get out as quick as you can Bai!’ My Dad urged me through the mindink, and I can sense his fear through the link alone, and that only adds to my own. ‘Miles wants you and he has demanded you be brought to him. Escape now.”

Miles wanted me?! My Dad’s guess had been right. And he was demanding me be brought to him? This was not how thing were meant to be. No. That cannot happen. I ran down the stairs from my room. “We need to go, and quickly. Dad linked again, Miles is demanding I be brought to him. It is probably only a matter of time until someone comes to get me.”

‘Dad?’ I mindlink, desperate for confirmation of what has happened, and what is going on now. I wanted to know if we were still okay for time. But there was nothing. Nothing but silence. And that simply terrified me. My mind was working overtime with the possibilities of what could be happening at the packhouse or what Miles may be doing in his bid to get to


A heard a snarl from the front door in response to my words, making my heart pound as I looked up, only to see Harley



standing there. “No, that won’t happen Bai, we will all protect you. Morgan, come on!” he yelled, pressing my sister to hurry,

“Just getting the last few things.” She responds.

“They can f**ing wait. If needs be, your Mum and Dad can send them. What is more important, them or your lives?” he roared,

Marc came running down the stairs, bags in hand, giving Harley a dirty look as he made his way through the front door, likely not appreciating the way he had just spoken to his mate. But, Harley had been right. This delay could be the thing that cost us. We didn’t know where Miles was, or what his plans were. Why was he needing me when he had just married his chosen mate? None of this made sense. He had been asking me to let the past be in the past. Allow us to move on. This did not feel like moving on. This felt so much worse…

Morgan rushed to the truck with bags in hand to ensure we were ready to go. Marc loaded them into the trunk, as he looked to me with a nervous glance. “You okay?” he questioned,

Okay? My heart felt like it was going to beat right out of my chest with fear. And I felt hot and dizzy from it too. I shrugged. Marc nodded.

“Get yourselves in the truck now. I’ll finish loading this up, and we will go.” He told me, and Morgan grabbed my hand, pulling me to the truck.

Harley and Dana came to stand by the car. “This was not quite the goodbye I expected, but give me a call okay?” he grinned at me. “Just get yourselves gone.”


Chapter 16 Bailey


I turned to get into the car and there was a sudden deep, threatening growl from the end of the street, causing us all to look up. My heart dropped. Miles,

“Get in the car.” Marc ordered.

“All of you get in the car. Leave. I will deal with him.” Harley ordered, and Marc looked at him in disbelief, but Dana pushed us toward the car, nodding.

“Go, we got this.” She urged, and we quickly clambered into the car as the growling began to get closer…

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