Beauty and

Chapter Beauty and 155

Chapter 155 – Donovan

This whole party was so over the top, all for the biggest pain in our a**. The upcoming Alpha, or potentially if he played his cards right. The way he was going that could still be in question. He may be doing all that was asked of him, but I still did not trust that f**r.

Seeing my girls enjoying themselves meant the world to me. One mated, and having had a little chat with Bailey, maybe the other one too if she played her cards right. Though, how that miserable Beta had managed to charm her, I had no clue. I am surprised he knew how to smile, let alone sweet talk a lady. But, listening to Morgan, he was doing a good job, and he was quite taken with Bailey. I was not going to complain about that, anything had to be better than Miles f**g Davenport. But, a decent and honest Beta? Hell, yeah, I would not argue with that.

“The girls look happy, don’t they?” My wife, Brianna, asked me, as she sat herself down alongside me. “Morgan hasn’t stopped smiling since she arrived.”

I chuckled. “Think we were like that once upon a time, Bre-Bre.” I winked at her affectionately. “The joy of the matebond, right?”

“Hmmm.” She smiled back at me just as sweetly. “Until you have been together so long, even their breathing gets on your nerves?” she teased and I laughed.

“Ah we don’t tell them that bit.” I warned her. “It’s all sunshine and unicorn ****ts right now, let them keep thinking that.”




Chapter 155-Donovan

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“Unicorn f**ts?” she exclaims with a smile. “You couldn’t just say rainbows?”

I chuckled. “Where would the fun be in that?” I shrugged.

Brianna rested her head softly upon my shoulder, as we watched the party in front of us, many familiar faces enjoying themselves, and just as many unfamiliar faces. Though, now Miles was married to the daughter of the Alpha of this pack, no doubt the two packs would be mixing more often, and we would be getting to know them better. I placed a soft kiss on top of my mate’s head, when I was shocked by a sudden mindlink.

‘Don, need you now. In the office. **t is going down. Bring shorts for Miles.’ Marshall was suddenly mind linking me, and I was on my feet instantly, wondering what the hell was going on. But, I knew I needed to get there fast. My Alpha needed back-


“Sorry, doll, I am needed in the office. Be back as soon as I can.” I blew my mate a kiss as I rushed away, only wondering what I might find. Already confused about why things would be kicking off at a celebration. Though, Miles’s name was mentioned, so anything was f*ng **ossible with that fool…

I sped through the corridors, with a quick stop in the laundry room on the way. As I turned down one of the corridors I was faced with a dead wolf, his neck shredded to pieces… causing me to halt my running. I was used to seeing blood… part of the job, unfortunately… especially with the battles we had endured over the years… but this wolf was in a bad way. Dead without a doubt. His head was almost severed from his body…

Was this at the hands of Miles? Or more likely his wolf, Jet?

S**t… no wonder things were going to **t, but the question is


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Chapter 155-Donovan

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why? There was blood pooling over the carpet and blood splattered up the walls. I know my Alpha needed me, but at the same time I could not leave the corridor like this for some other innocent bystander to discover. Especially the younger pack members. It could traumatize them.

‘Zac, Sam and Dean?’ I mindlinked three of our older warriors. ‘Need you in the corridor of the packhouse, on clean-up. But also need you to keep this quiet, please.’

‘Got it.’ Zac confirmed almost immediately.

‘On my way.’ Dean agreed soon after, and with that I didn’t wait for the third response before I continued on my way, knowing I could trust those guys to deal with it. And I was soon at the Alpha office door, barging my way in, to find a hell of a scene. The first thing I saw, and most certainly did not want to see, was a naked Miles, so I flung the shorts I had grabbed from the laundry room straight at him, allowing him to cover himself up. Not that he seemed to care in the slightest, he was on display to the whole room. About right for the egotistical sick little f**r.

I can only assume he had shifted. But the angry faces of the others, and the bloodstained wedding dress of Kaia only confused me. Though with the scene outside, I guess it made sense… Miles had likely killed that poor guy out there. But why?

“What the hell has happened?” I asked, taking them all in, not gaining anything from any of them as I tried to read their faces. “I have warriors cleaning up the mess on the corridor.” I added, so they were aware the mess they had so openly left on our packhouse corridor for others to come across was dealt with.

“We want him returning to our pack.” Alpha Aaron demanded. “He is one of ours.”




Chapter 1a Donavan

I nodded at his request, that was more than reasonable. “No problem. Right, what is happening? Can this be fixed? As there is a whole lot of people out there waiting for the bride and groom.” I asked, wondering why things seemed to be falling apart, and in all honesty beginning to worry about the whole sorry mess. Not to mention the safety of my girls… No… a quick realization makes me aware of what I need to do.

‘Bai, get yourself gone as quickly as you can. Things are happening in the packhouse, and don’t know how it will turn out. I am worried Miles may come looking for you.’ I mindlinked her, as quickly as I could. The girls needed to leave before the whole place was potentially shut down.

‘What is happening Dad, are you safe?’ she begged.

But, I was unable to reply just yet, hoping she had listened to my request, as Alpha Aaron looked at me in something that could be shock or anger. Hard to say with a face that ugly and contorted in emotion. “You think this can be fixed? That f**r is dangerous. You assured me he was better. Or else I would never have agreed to my daughter marrying him.”

I struggled to hold back the smirk. Seems Miles has f**d up again. Why does that not surprise me? He was one big mistake after another. Would have been better for his Mum to f**king swallow him the night he was conceived… saved the pack a whole host of drama. He had killed that guy from their pack, I could only assume? He was dangerous. One big f**k up. But, we still needed to try to resolve it. Our pack did not need a f**king war right now!

“Can it not be fixed? Surely, there is a way to repair what went wrong? Miles was due to have a mate, wasn’t he? Kaia could




Chapter 155 Donovan

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still be that girl. Yes, it may take some work, but it could happen.” I suggested, hoping they may be able to come to some sort of arrangement, after all our pack had given theirs a substantial payout to allow this wedding to happen. Money talked, I mean, it evidently had for them to agree to the wedding in the first place. Hopefully it could again…

“What, him killing the man I loved can be fixed?!” Kaia suddenly sobbed. “I don’t want to be that girl!” she added, throwing her head into her hands, in a dramatic movement, causing Miles to fly toward her in anger. No. He can’t hurt her too… Not a f**king Alpha’s daughter! Marshall and I go to hold him back, gripping him hard as he fights us to let go of him…

But suddenly, his fighting slowed a little, and he leaned toward me. His eyes focused on me, a darkness to them that filled me with fear.

“I want Bailey.” he demanded, and I knew at that moment what he planned. I had seen him watching her today and I hadn’t liked it. But I had disregarded it, hoping the wedding and his new. mate would distract him. “Get rid of Kaia, she was never good enough for me. Bring Bailey to me. She will be my mate.” he said angrily.

Over my dead body that would be happening. ‘Get out as quick as you can Bai!’ I urged her through the mindlink, not caring now if this f**k*r killed me in the process. I needed my girls to get away safely. ‘Miles wants you, and he has demanded you be brought to him. Escape now. Do no hang around. Go!’ I warned her, only hoping they were already making their escape.

Chapter 154 Bailey

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