Beauty and

Chapter Beauty and 153

Chapter 153 – Bailey

The wedding celebrations were well underway, and everybody seemed to be enjoying themselves. Plenty of party cheer. And I have to say, I enjoyed spending time with Harley ands mate, Dana. They seemed extremely happy together, and I couldn’t deny, it was obvious to me, I would never have lived up to her, when you see them together. He may have said I was his perfect girl back when we were seeing each other, but seeing them together, and it is clear for all to see they are a perfect match. Fate did them good. Harley was destined to be with her, and the way their personalities bounce off one another only confirms that.

They seemed like they had known each other a lifetime in the way they interacted, and he was immensely kind and caring to her. The soft and tender gazes he gave her told me just how much he had fallen for the she-wolf fate had chosen for him, and that was more than enough to tell me that we were never meant to be. I think I had known that soon after I had arrived in Autumn Valley, in all honesty.

We chatted and joked, reminiscing over our time in school, and then our time when we were a couple, and Harley found it funny just to tease me or try to embarrass me. He was such a dick, but he made us laugh. I hadn’t realized just how much I had missed him.

“It was so funny!” Harley exclaimed, after telling everyone another of our tales from when we used to hang out, and I saw his mate look at him with affection. “I don’t think Bai has ever gone that red so quickly!”


I shook my head at him, rolling my eyes, while he laughed loudly, so proud of himself for making the others laugh once again. I saw Marc looking between Harley and me with interest. His eyes a little narrowed, like he was puzzled. Before his eyes rested upon Harley’s mate.

“Does it not bother you he was so close with Bailey? Her hero, in fact, from what I heard?” Marc looked at Dana in curiosity. Marc and my sister had come to join us after Morgan had decided her feet could take no more dancing, though it was likely to do with the crazy high shoes she had decided to wear today, rather than the amount of dancing she was doing. So, she had been sitting upon Marc’s knee, like the spoiled little mate she was evidently going to be, with a content expression upon her face. But, now I could not hold back the awkward expression on my own face at the suggestion Marc was making – I suddenly felt very awkward. Yeah, Harley and I had a past, but nothing serious had ever actually gone on between us. Other than us almost agreeing to be chosen mates, but we saw sense….

Dana smiled sweetly, first at Marc, then at me, before finally resting her gaze on Harley with adoring eyes. “Why would it bother me? We were fated mates. He hadn’t met me then, so it wasn’t like he was being unfaithful. He had a girlfriend. He treated her well? I’d rather that than him being a dick. And they are still good friends? It only shows what a good guy he is, in my mind. As for being a hero, that is what makes him a good guy, right? I can only hope our little ones take after their Dad in that regard.” And I noticed her hand settle softly on her belly as she smiled lovingly at Harley. She didn’t see our past relationship or friendship as a threat, and was evidently secure in their relationship, making me smile, as I watched her gently stroke her belly.


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“Aww, are you guys expecting?!” I asked, the realization

suddenly hitting me at her gesture, wondering suddenly if she was pregnant.

Harley grinned from ear to ear. “Well, we have yet to get it confirmed by the doctor, but we think so.” He said happily. The excitement in them both was plain to see.

“Awww! You guys! Congratulations.” I said, feeling nothing but happiness for the two of them, and happy that things worked out so well for Harley after everything he went through because of me.

“Aww, you guys are the sweetest.” Morgan said with a grin. “Like perfect mates. Made for each other.”

“You too, it would seem, Morgan.” Harley said with a smile. “Being mates with a warrior is just the best, right?” he teased, and Morgan giggled.

“Well, I have no complaints so far.” She grinned, and I smiled. With how Marc treated her, I had no doubt she would have no complaints whatsoever, bless her.

“We will all have to arrange a catch up soon.” Dana said, looking at us enthusiastically. “You guys are always welcome to come and visit, you know? Harley has always spoken so highly of you, Bailey, and I know you will have to come see the little one once they arrive.”

Harley looked across at me with a raise of his brows, and a smile. “That is good to know. You guys will make amazing parents, I am sure. Such exciting news for you! I bet your families are excited too, right?” I asked.


Dana chuckled. “Well, as Harl said, we have yet to have it confirmed, so we have not quite got around to telling them.” She said with a grin, and I laughed.

“Well, I am sure they will be excited when you do tell them. New babies are always exciting for families, right?” I suggested, and I couldn’t help but notice the affectionate smile Marc had upon his face as he looked at Morgan. Aww, was the former apparent womanizer, suddenly deciding settling down sounded good after finding his fated mate?

“It sounds like things worked out well for you at your new place, sweet cheeks.” Harley said to me with a wink. “Work sounds perfect. And now your sister finding her mate there too. You think you will come back here?”

Morgan almost snorted, trying to hold back a laugh, making everyone look at her, and making me glare. “I hope not, Dad said he would see what he could do.” I said with a sad smile, only hoping he stuck to his words.

“Hmm, talking of that, my two princesses, should we not head back to the house and get things sorted for heading off, while we still have a chance?” Marc suggested, and I grinned at the way he asked.

I nodded. “That could be good before others start to leave.” I


“Ah, a quick getaway?” Harley asked, and I nodded. “Let us walk with you.”

So the five of us began the walk back to our house, chatting like old friends. So that Marc, Morgan and I could pack the car up, and make our unnoticed escape back to pack. I reached into my





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bag, to check my phone, yet again, hoping once again that Asher may have messaged, but there was nothing. Just the multiple daily messages from Eden that were a regular thing. My heart fell. I knew I could message him, but I kind of hoped he would reach out to me, especially after Morgan had said he was angry. But, still, we would be on our way home soon, and then we could talk properly..

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