Beauty and

Chapter Beauty and 152

Chapter 152-Kaia

My body trembled in fear as I saw the shift begin to happen… I knew it the moment the color of his eyes changed We were in trouble. Bones twisting, dislocating into position… they had a plan… him and his wolf. Miles was going to attack… I think he planned to hurt Jacob… maybe even me… terror rushed through me. Jacob and I would stand no chance against him…

‘Daddy!’ I mindlinked my Dad, so glad I had yet to break the pack link yet, with not having Miles formally mark me, I was still officially a part of my own pack, and still able to communicate through the pack link. ‘Help! Miles is shifting. I think he is going. to attack me, or Jacob. In the packhouse. Help!’

I tried to pull Jacob back, though he too had already moved toward Miles the moment he had growled at us, in an attempt to defend me. As sweet as that may be, it was not the right thing to do when he would not stand a chance against a f***g Alpha! Not just any Alpha either, but a f***g crazed one… he stood no chance unless we got back up. I felt tears filling my eyes as I prayed that help came, if not, I knew that in going for Miles, Jacob was in theory signing his own death warrant…

I heard that familiar snapping and twisting of bones, a sound I had never been so terrified of hearing. As the pair of them altered into their wolf forms… Miles that of an Alpha and Jacob that of a warrior. Both strong and skilled… and both ready to attack… as they flew at one another… neither one holding back. Both seeking their revenge.

“No!” I screamed at the top of my voice, hoping I would draw



some attention from those outside if I did. But there was nothing. Nobody seemed to be coming to help, as the two wolves in front of me growled and anarled at one another aggressively. Wrestling one another to the ground. Paws were swiping across one another’s bodies as blood was spraying everywhere, already beginning to stain the walls. Both wolves were snapping aggressively, showing their domina e. Both determined to take the other down…

“Miles, stop!” I screamed again. “This is not his fault. It is mine. Just deal with me. Not him.” I sobbed, and the unfamiliar wolf turned to look at me curiously, giving the tanned warrior wolf of Jacob an advantage momentarily. He flew for his neck, jaws opened, and teeth bared, hoping to go for the kill, but Miles’s wolf was too quick to react and moved in his counteraction. Pulling back, slashing along the flank of Jacob’s wolf with his claws, causing him to whimper, bringing him to the ground. And, I felt myself crying out, in sympathy. Jacob was bleeding. heavily, when they had both already been covered in a number of deep bites and g**s from their fight. I knew now, this was not going to end well. We needed help!

I was scared for both of them. I did not want a fight. Not over me. This would be to the death if I did not stop them! “Miles!” I tried again, in the desperate hope he would be distracted as he had before, but this time his wolf did not even pause in his attack on Jacob’s wolf. He continued the constant assault. Both wolves were fierce in their attack, as they bit and scratched in a bid to bring the other wolf down. I knew I could shift to help, but I knew my own wolf was of no challenge to Miles. Not to mention I feared they might then kill me too…

Suddenly there were footsteps along the corridor as my Dad’s voice called out. “Kaia?” he sounded panicked. “Are you okay?”



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“Daddy, help!” I screamed. “They’re going to kill each other.”

And as I spoke, Miles’s wolf flew for Jacob’s, the cut along his flank was already making him weaker, and Miles now had him pinned to the floor. Jacob’s wolf fought back valiantly, but the power of Miles’s Alpha wolf was beginning to overpower him, and as my Dad and Alpha Marshall came rushing around the corner, Miles’s wolf sank his teeth into the neck of Jacob. Blood spilled heavily out along the carpet, as Miles’s wolf ragged his head side to side angrily, taking his fury out on the wolf in front of him, despite the fact this was all because of me…

The neck of Jacob’s wolf had to be broken, as his body lay limply on the ground, blood now pooling around his head and body, while myself, my Dad, and Miles’s Dad looked on in horror. I was screaming, and had been since the moment I realized what was happening, but it felt so dazed… almost like the sound came from somebody else… all so much of a blur.

I don’t think I was wanting to register what was happening. I was losing Jacob. My Dad ran toward me, his arms wrapping around me. Shaking me gently to try to bring me around from this nightmarish daze. “Kaia, are you okay? What happened?” he questioned, but my mind was gone. It didn’t seem to want to function properly.

I think he killed Jacob. The man I had agreed to marry… the monster that had laid inside of him… had killed Jacob. He killed the man I loved…

Alpha-Marshall moved across the hallway to meet us. “Is she okay? What the hell caused Miles to flip like that?” he demanded. “Who is the wolf?” he asked, his eyes were

narrowed, his face filled with confusion at what had occurred on


Chapter 1** Kala

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a day that was meant to be one of celebration.

I could see my Dad’s eyes upon me, narrowing slightly, as his brows were raised in question, and I nodded to confirm what he was asking. He knew Jacob, of course he did. He was one of our pack warriors, and my Dad knew he was a former boyfriend of mine.

“It is Jacob, one of our pack warriors. Family friend. Perhaps your son got the wrong idea when he saw him with Kaia? Any newly married man is likely to be defensive over his wife, right?” he suggested, trying to imply this was all a misunderstanding, and that was before I had even explained anything. That was my Daddy, always trying to fix things for me…

“Got the wrong f**g idea?” Miles growled, as he stood naked over the blood-stained, limp body of Jacob’s wolf, clearly having shifted back to his human form. “Oh yeah, that is right. Blame me when I walked in on my new wife almost f**ing the guy on our wedding day, after hearing that she was f*g him last night. But absolutely, it was me getting the wrong idea.”

Both my Dad and the Dad of Miles quickly turned their gazes to mine. Anger was written across both of their faces. They knew this was my fault.

“Excuse me?! Care to explain?” Alpha Marshall’s voice boomed.

‘What the f**k Kaia, is that true? They are going to want to kill us!’ My Dad mindlinked at almost the same time as the Alpha had spoken. ‘Talk about f***g things up you**d b**h!’

My eyes darted between the two angry Alphas in front of me, with an angry upcoming Alpha standing naked behind them, a sly smirk upon his face, knowing he had just killed the man I


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wanted. I knew right now I was f**ed. I couldn’t help but wish Miles had killed me too…

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